06191933151 Jane lfti. 1933. The Board of Casty Commissioners net is Sall sissies with the following members pressat: J.B. Luis, Shaine*, H.Y. W aisa, J.S• Barker all J. Deaisl Byrd. Absent: E.L. Cooke. I.R.Willians, toasty tttorasy, was prsssat. It is ordered that tke following sokstals be adopted by the Canty of Harnett for the collsotioa of Schedule B. taxes in said toasty: *sotiea • w • • n • • • • • 108 fall State Tax Levy 107 r w • • 116 •• • w • 116 • • • • 118 w w • 1 121 • • • w 124 • • • • 126 • • • • 129 • * • • 130 • 1 0 * 1,21 • • • • 189 $12.60 ^far tesidests 12.60 for nos- residents 146 all State tax levy 146 1 a • • 147 66.00.for duplicate liosnse 160 S12.60 for residents 412.60 for aoa- residents 163 $ab.sso.1 1 to 1 Ore fparth State tax Sab.seo.2 610.00 tax • • 3 *10.00 tax • w 4 620.00 tax 169 Fall State tax levy It is ordered that D.Y. Matthews, latsSsoa tresk Township, be released of the payaeat of taxes ea 60 sores of land at a valaatioa of 6760.00 0a aesoaat of being doable listed. It is ordered that each psraoa sendigrattag be required to list each log by July let. 1938 and seek psrsos failiag to list shall reported to the Solioitor of the Recorder's •oart for prosseatiea. It is ordered that the toasty Laditer prepare immediately abstracts for all lards rot properly listed for 1933 is ardor that the Chairmaa of the Board of cosaisaioasra may list the sane as required by law; and it is farther ordered that the penalties prescribed by law be added to the tax as said aalistet laats,snd alas ESO and 100 of taxes on all personal property listed late to the County Auditor. It is ordered that the Board of Coamissieasrs of Harastt gouty go on record as requesting the Gevsraor of North Carollaa to connate the sorters of Johnnie Les, convicted of murder, is life imprisoaaest. !t is ordered that Mrs. Addis Godwin, Averasbors Township, be retaa 12.00 dog tax oa a000ast of error is listing two gals dogs as female logs. RESOLUTION: BE IT RESOLYSD: That Margaret Campbell 9 sores is Upper little river tows - ship, Barrett toasty, be released of all toasty tames for years 1927 to 1932,iaolasive sad all prior ears apes the payment of the following anoints: 1927 - 66.60; 1628- 40.91; 1929- 47.38; 1930- 66.30; 1931 - 0.26 art 1932- 44.27; and open the pay - at of said amounts the Aaditer and toasty Attorssy are aathorissl to execute and sliver proper receipts is fall settlement of said taxes for nail years eat dis- iss all Harnett 0oaaty Tax snits as to said leads at cost of gouty and Commis- losers hereby authorize and direct •hairmas sad Secretary of Boart of teomissiossrs e execute and deliver to Walter Ins Johasoa a quitclaim dead to said leads epos ayasrt to Aaditor of the snouts provided for is this Resolatie.,. Harnett Gouty Board of toasty Coamissionsrs. ppreved: By J.B.Sanis, Chairmaa County Attorney Ladner It is ordered that 6200.00 be appropriated for the par ,•f king addi- boas to the Chapter Horse to iaolads water works, this apprepria io a Skim be included a the 1933 -34 badget. It is ordered that J.S.MeLaaa,•ouaty Auditor eat A.Y. Fowler be appointed a' ommittss to parohass material sad supervise the ermine* at Ire addition. is now ordered that the siafd do adjoara. Clark Chairaaa