05131933145 May 13th. 1933. members H.M. session t the f o Byrd and 4.S. er The Board of County Coiomissioners met in call session with the follow ng present: J.B. Ennis, Chairman, E.L.Attprney present. Barker. Also, I• R Nilliams, County It is ordered that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLUTION: County, on the 30th. day of April, 1932, issued a series WHEREAS, Harnett obligations that had been theretofore issued of rendebl notes renewing certain oblig 1, 1931, for the necessary for the said County, andd °being in ar to pation a 0there ftr one ncol ected- in anticipation of taxes thereafter to be aollee.e od the erie t notes of + Lecturer July 30, 1932 and terminating which series of notes consisted nth beginning Te sting ing on the 30th. day ed twenty of said notes, aggregating 30th. 1934; and there are still unmaiJGu 30th. 1933 to Leo. 30th.1934; WHEREAS, me each month from May $40,000.00 mSturing 42,000.00 rovlsioa, to -wit: and and to pay WHEREAS, each of said notes contains the following P *Harnett County reserves the right to redeem this note before maturetq any part of the principal or interest thereof before such principal or interest be- NOW the Board ofrPommissioners of Harnett County comes due' IT RESOLVED 'by one and intention to exercise its option NON said Boar declares its pure 1, 1xer. and haropt of the sold Bosrd hereby as the ids on July s1, 19 and od herey of binds and lig of the usalturar penes if said series all of said series of notes matur- ing and obligates the l onBthrt any pay any of them ing on or fter it 0th. 1n that day pay any per cent of the or value_ ing on or after 'May 30th. 1933, provided the holders of said notes or any to surrender the same to the 'trounty at ninety PByrd the above Resolution was thereof*, motion of Mr. O'Quinn and seconded by adopted by the following vote: Eis,Cooke,Byrd,O'Qui and Barker. Voting in favor of Resolntion:None Voting against Resolution: It is ordered that the following RESOLUTION: Resolution be adopted: Home; and whereas *Whereas, Calvin L.gorrell is now an inmate of the County the mental condition of said C.L.Sorrell is such that the Superintendent of the County Home can not oontral htt: Carolina requires of Harnett County the sum X00 each month the State of North of X25.00 each month the said C.B.Sorrell is confin�enda the State the Hospital for the insane at haleigh, N.C. crib Nov sane eta* a h, N.C. be that equ ste Superintendent said C.L.andrthl for the insane at "sleigh, N.C. be requested yo re-admit said C.L.Sorrall and _ the County of Harnett pay on the first of each month h0 fsrlong ass id said C.Z. is an inmate of the State Hospital, the sum of N.C. bernett to be Sorrell to the said State Hospital at Raleigh, The Commissioners reserve the right estatesoftCeL.$orrellf re- imbursed out of any funds coming Byrd and barker. Voting for above Resolution: Ennis, 0 , Quinn, Y Not voting: It is now ordered that the Board of Commissioner adjourn sine i oars 0 omm se er to +oar ' . if 146 The following jurors were ordered on April 25th. 1933: 1 J.O.Dean 2 L.D.Byrd 3 R.L.Taylor 4 Parley Wood 5 G.F.Norris 6 J.L.Holder Buckhorn Stewart Creek Duke Grove Averasboro Anderson Creek By order of Judge J.Paul Frizzeile Special Venire for the trial of Degree Murder: 1 W.L.Avery 2 John D.Holland Grove 3 J.H.Colville Averasboro 4 N.V.Ste Duke 5 C.C.Surlesnson Black River 6 C•M.Byrd Averasboro 7 E.M.Byrd n Stewarts Creek 8 John A.Monroe Averasboro 9 A•H.Wilbon Anderson Creek 10 Ben C.Clayton Averasboro 11 N.A.Darroch Grove 12 R.D.Ennis U.L.River 13 W.H.Tanner Grove 14 D.B.Williams Averasboro 15 A.L.Turlin ton Averasboro 16 A.R.6'ester Grove 17 D.L.o'Quinn U.L.River 18 F.B,Barefoot U.L.River 19 E.E.Matthews Averasboro 20 W.H.Gilbert Blake River 21 W.C.Davis U.L.River 22 Charlie Hair U okhornr 23 Ben C.Dennin Bverasbo 24 Alex Gregory Averasboro 25 J.R.Mason Grove 25 E.J.Pipkin U.L.River 27 B.F.Johnson Blacki iv 28 W.H.Prince Blake River 29 Geo. V.Holder Buckhove 30 R.E.Wheeler U.L.River 31 WG.Murchison atewerts 32 Henry P.Johnson Stewarts Creek 33 .B.O.Spenee Averasboro 34 Eddie Williford Hectors R River 35 W.A.Gregory Grave River 36 J.E.Brown Grove 37 J.F.Btephens U.L.River 38 D.C.Ezzell Stewarts Stewarts Creek drawn for Jury Trial in Recorder's court 7 A.H.EAnnedy 8 O.L.Duncan 9 D.P.M Donald 10 Joe R.3ohnson 11 W.L.Coleman 12 F.G.Stone the following jurors Johnnie Lee and Paul Holmes 39 H,A.Parker 40 M.J.Butler, 41 N.E.Barnes 42 R.M.Betts 43 W.C.Womack 44 C.G.Harrington 45 W.E.Turnage 46 Jas. R,Btewart 47 T.O.Beasley 48 Joe T.Jackson 50 Uzzellr0er 51 J.D.FiSk Quinn 52 C.G.Golville 53 R.C.Spence 54 N.MOA.Holder 55 J.D.Cutts 56 L,L.Stewart 57 W.G. MCLamb 58 Seth Lee 59 A.E.Norris 60 B.P.Blanchard 61 0.0.McDonald 62 G.D.Campbell 63 J.S.Barker 64 R.P,Byrd 65 L.E.Byrd 66 G.A.Altman; 67 Carl B.Warren 68 C.A.Meyean 69 Jas. H.House 70 Lewis M•Jeffreys 72 R.F.McLamb 73 M.D.Byrd 74 J.T.Woodell 75 Dougald McRae Grove Averasboro Johnsonville Hectors Creek Stewarts Creek Grove were drawn as As charged with First Jr. Averasboro U,L.River Grove Hectors Creek U.L.River Barbecue Duke Averasboro Grove Averasboro Neills Creek Duke Grove Duke Dallas Creek U.L.River - Hollis Creek Dellis Creek Averasboro Grove Averasboro Hectors Creek Barbecue Buckhorn Hectors Creek Stewarts Creek Grove Averasboro Averasboro Lillington Black River Averasboro Hectors Creek Grove U.L.River U.L.River Anderson Creek By order of judge J.Paul Frizzelle the following Special Venire for the trial of Joe Ham charged with First Degreeg Murder: 1 J.C.Pleasant 2 Jas. A.Johnson 3 Joe Collins 4 D.W.Parker 5 J.A.ihittenton 6 William Byrd 7 A.C.Barnes 8 A.W.Stewart 9 W.H.Dean 10 W.E.Nichols 11 J. W. Wilkins 12 W.H.Holder 13 Coleman Black 14 J.H.Stephenson 15 W.M.Perry 16 G.R.Holland 17 T.F.Champion 18 V.C.Melvin L9 A.C.Parker :0 J.A.Miller Black River Grove U,L.River Averasboro Grove U.L.River Averasboro U.L.River Hectors Creek Grove Black River U.L.River U.L.River Duke Averasboro U.L.River Buckhorn Duke Averasboro Duke 21 Lawrence Gregory 22 �?.A.Butler, Sr. 23 R.H.Adams 24 J.R,Jackson 25 A,C.Tew 26 W.R.Miller 27 C.M.Allen 28 Thomas J,Barnes 29 D.A.Darroch 30 L.H.Wood 31 D.R.Btitt 32 G.D.Campbell 33 P.L,Campbell 34 S.D.Abernathey 35 F.A,Burns 35 W.J.O'Quinn 37 W.T.Dewar 38 Joe OtQuinn 39 T.B.Young 40 H,P.Young Averasboro Anderson Creek Grove Averasboro Averasboro Averasboro Stewarts Creek Grove Johnsonville Averasboro Black River Hectors Creek Black River Buckhorn Buckhorn Stewarts Buckhorn U.L.River Grove Grove Creek 7 r 147 re drawn as a rder of Judge J.Paul By o Special Venire for the 1 R.J.Pleasant 2 Sam McNeill 3 John B.Lee 4 G.E.Johnsoa 5 R.A.Lu0as 6 g.G.Mason 7 T.S.Mouldin 8 G.A.Byrd 9 A.A.MoLaurin 10 J.H.Patterson 11 S.lt.stepanswon 12 g.D.Sarn 13 D.F.Bo en 14 M.G.Blanohard 15 M.J.McNe111 16 Leon Byrd 17 R.H.Striokland 18 D.A.Wicker 19 J.V.Johnson 20 B.J.Morrison 21 A.C.Johnson 22 H.B.Taylor 23 D.O.Tutor 24 J.M.gelly 25 Geo. M.Floyd 26 B.A.Parrish 27 T.H.Barnea 28 W.H.Hobby 29 A.B.MoLamb 30 M.J.Thomas 31 Hal Johnson 32 W.D.Turnag° 33 H.C.Jernigan 54 C.y.Taylor 35 L.P.Burles 36 A.J.surles 37 M.D.Dupree 38 W.W.Wood jurors we es Murders trial grizzela the r ngocharged with First Dear trial of Asa D.gerria8 Black 111ver Duke Averasboro Stewarts Creek Duke Duke Black River Stewarts Creek Duke 13.L.River Black River Duke Grove Bockhorn U.L.River Stewarts Creek Averasboro Lillington Duke Duke Stewarts Greek Averasboro Buokhorn Grove Averasboro Grove Grove Bockhorn Averasboro U.L.River Bockhorn Averasboro Averasboro Duke Averasboro Averasboro Grove Anderson Creek 39 W.D.BaMington 40 B.W.Thomas 41 Gaston McPhail 42 G.M.Long 43 B.g.striokland 44 J,P.Gregory 45 Lee Byrd 46 Z.J Womack 47 Claud B.Johnson 48 A.C.Dnuglass 49 C.A.Gilohrist 50 J,H•Willis 51 D.W.Cox 52 A.T.Ausley 53 J.G.Gilbert 54 Lewis Bast 55 L.W.parker 58 D.F.Gower 57 Daniel McCormick 58 A.P .giyiball 59 F.J.Howell 60 J.B.Byrd 61 R.V.Simpson 82 C.H.Johnson 63 A.Mefay 64 W.H.MeDonald 65 Burt Clayton s 66 R.C.Neigh o 67 0.D.Sherman 68 P.H.DeRnnnih orth 69 John 70 Edwin Bain 71 DnuCan Holder 72 L.A.Tart 73 W.A.Puryear 74 J.M.Lucas 75 g.C.Batohelor L.River U.L.River U.L.River Neill* Creek Duke Black River Duke U.L,River Duke Barbecue U.L.River Black River U.LLRiver Bockhorn Bockhorn Averasboro Averasboro Duke Creek Anderson Barbecue Bockhorn Stewarts Creek U.L.River Neill* Creek Johnsonville Anderson Creek Grove Averasboro Rectors Creek Duke Bockhorn Averasboro U.L.River Averasboro Rectors Creek Averasboro Barbecue BY order of Judge J.paul Frizzelle the following jurors were drawn as an the trial of Asa o charged with First wing additional Special Venire for gees urder: 1 R.S.Byrd 2 F.N.MoLamb 3 L.C.Ooats 4 H,C.Wooten 5 W.E.Mason 6 J.L.Wioker 7 J,C.Smith 8 R.L.Champion 9 J.A.MoLeod 10 L.B.Johnson 11 J.C.Taylor 12 Flynn Holder 13 J.W.McLeod 14 W.A.Holder 15 J.J.Zyatt Grove Averasboro Averasboro Averasboro U.L.River Duke Bockhorn Bus ld►orn Lillington Duke Averasboro U.L.River U.L.River Anderson Creek Averasboro 16 J.D.Black 17 J.J.Turaag° 18 F.L.Cotton 19 I .M.Hobbs 20 J.D.Gregory 21 W.L.Norton 22 L.B.Jaoktsa 23 V.D.Stanoil 24 H.N.Dupree 25 S.C.Jones 26 J.B.Penny 27 L.'W.Turner 28 W.E.Beasley 29 W.D.Aberaathy 30 B.Y.Weaver U.L.River Duke Bettors Creek Stewarts Creek Black River U.L.River Averasboro Duke Black River Averasboro Bockhorn Duke Grove Buoihorn Averasboro