02061933122 February 6th. 1933: The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members present: J.B. Innis, Chairman,E.L.Cooke, J.S. Barker,H M.OtQ;uinn and J. Daniel Byrd. It is ordered that the 412..50 per month allowed Asa D. Herring, as Sol. Farm Agent be discontinued as of Feb. 1st. 1933. The appointment of A.Y. Tutor as Registrar of Vital Statistics for Buckhorn Town- ship having not been approved by the State Board of Health it is hereby ordered that J.G. Brown be recommended for that position. The appointment of W.A. Lenart as Registrar of vital Statistics for Johnsonville Township being vacant on account of the resignation of Mr: Stewart it is ordered that J.T. Smith be recommended for this position. It is ordered that J.L. Wilborn be relieved of the payment of taxes on a valuation of 4800.00 for the year 1932 on account of an error in listing solvent credits which he did not own at that time:. It is ordered by the Board that the bond of J.W. Mc*.rtan, Constable of Averasboro Township be accepted and ordered recorded on the Minute Docket: KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that we, J.W. McArtan, as principal, L.B. Jackson and J.N. Creel, as sureties are firmly bound unto the State of North Carolina in the sum of One Thousand ip liars, Witness our hands and "sea]ls this the 2nd, day of January, 1933. The condition of this obligation is as follows: That whereas J.W. McArtan was elected constable for Averasboro Township,Harnett County for a term of two years beginning the first Monday in December, 1932. Now therefore if the said J.W. Mertan shall faithfully discharge his duties as such constable for the said term and shall diligently endeavor to collect all claims put into his hands for'collection and shall pay over all sums so collected by virtue of his office, either with or without suit, unto the persons to whom the same may be due., then this obligation to be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. This Monday, January 2nd. 1933. J.W. McSrtan L.B. Jackson J.N. Creel,Jr. ( SEAL). (SEAL) (SEAL) NORTH CAROLINA: HARNETT COUNTY: L.B. Jackson and J.N. Creel each having been duly sworn doth say each for himself that he is a resident and ;freeholder of the (bounty of Harnett, State of North Carolina; that each is worth the sum of 41000.00 over and above all debts and obligations and exemptions allowed by law. L.B. Jackson Sworn to and subscribed fore me this the 6th. day of January, 1933. as to L.B. Jackson and not to J.N.Creel Jesse B. Lee N.P. (N.P.;SEAL) My Commission expires Approved Feb. 6th. 1933. Rill members voting for except Barger who voted present. RESOLUTION: This cause coming on to be heard upon petetion of Nacy Fitts Wiggins and John Richard Wiggins, heirs of R.W. Wiggins, deceased for relief and adjustment of taxes; and it appearing that lands of R.W. Wiggins estate in Grove Township appear on tax records of County for years 1920 to 1932, inclusive as 200 acres when by actual survey by county Surveyor 1932 said estate owns by 15b acres; and it appearing that said lands were erroneously listed as acreage and valuation with taxes erro- neously calculated; and it appearing by appraisal of H.A. Turlington, Tax Super- visor, that a fair and reasonable tax value of said lands for 1931 and 1932 of said 155 acres is 43625.00 and two lots in Boats is 4200.00; and that 44000.00 is a fair tax assessment valuation of said 155 acres for years 1926 to 1930, inclu- sive; and whereas taxes have been paid on said lands as 2.00 acres for years 1920 t lax 1928, inclusive and 1930; and whereas taxes for years 1929 and 1931 and 1932 are unpaid with foreclosure suit for 1929 taxes filed after petition filed for relief. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the lands of R.W.Wiggins Estate: in Grove Township for years 1931 and 1932 be valued at 43625.00 for 155 acres and 4200.00 for two lots in goats and that taxes be calculated by Auditor upon said valuation and that the said 155 acres be valued at 44000.00 for years 1926 to 1930, incl.- sive and taxes calculated at said valuations for said years. And _further be it resolved that credit be given on 1929 and 1931 unpaid taxes for the following payment of 447.13 in 1926, and 449.01 in 1927 and 441.14 in 1922 123 and 06.65 in 1930 or total of ,.188.93, all on account of said error in acreage end valuation. And farther that the 2 lots in Goats be after listed for 1931 at $200.00 with tax thereon of $3.20; and that taxes for 1929 on 155 acres and 2 lots in Coats be fixed at 4104.92 and for 1931 at 462.93 or total of $167.85 and that taxes for year 1932 be fixed at $61.26; and that after discharging 1929 and 1931 taxes there remains sum of $12.88 as and for credit on 1932 taxes. And further that 1929 tax foreclosure suit be dismissed at the cost of County and County Auditor is direoted and authorised to issue proper credits and reoeipts in accordance with this RESOLUTION. This Feb. 6th. 1933. Board of County Commissioners Approved: I.R.Williams, Co.atty. By J.B.Ennis, Chairman REPORT OF GRAND JURY: NORTH CAROLINA: HARNETT COUNTY. SUPERIOR COURT JANUARY TERM 1933. We, the Grand Jury for the January Term 1933 of Harnett Superior Court, do respectfully make the following as our report and Recommendations. 1. We have carefully considered all bills sent us by the solicitor and have made returns on same. We have considered all matters brought to our attention and have carefully given all our attention. 2. We have inspected the several offices in the Courthouse and found all in good condition, and that the officers are doing their duty. We found the 3onviot Cele in excellent condition and that the prisoners therein well cared for. We found the -Jail well kep$ and that the repair work recommended by former Grand Jury is being done now. We found everything at the (Satiety Home in good shape. The inmates in the Home'appeared to be happy and well oared for. 3. We inspected the State Highway Camp in this Bounty and found it in good oonditi8'n. 4. • committee inspected the /ail at Dunn and found it in good condition, On account of the crowded oondition in the Recorder's Court room now being used in Susan we recommend that the Recorder's Iourt be held in the Auditorium up stairs in the same building. 5. We recommend that the barn at the Scanty Home be repainted. We recommend that an additional bus be put on td accomodate children attending Buies Creek Sohool to eliminate the crowded conditions, for the present time. We recommend that ill administrators who have not filed their report as required by law, be requested to do ao before next term of court. We also recommend that additional oover and mattresses be furnished for the Jail. We roommend that that to 4ourt furnish the Grand Jury with witnesses as promptly as possible in order to save delay in acting. We wish to thank the Court and all officers for the courtesies and kindness a shown us in our deliberations. Respectfully submitted, this January 13, 1933. ' John Green, Attest: C.L. Wilson, Foreman, Grand Jury. Secretary Grand Jury It is ordered that the report of Geo. L' Cannaday, Collector of Privilege Taxes be accepted and ordered filed. It is ordered that the report of Dr. A.W. yeede, County Health Officer be accepted and ordered filed. It is ordered that the report of K.C. Matthews, Jailor, showing operating expense of the Jail for the month of January be accepted and filed. It is ordered that the report of Geo. L, Cannaday, Tax Collector, be accepted and filed. It is ordered that the report of Mrs. T.R. Brown, Supt. of the County Home be accepted and ordered filed. It is ordered that the report of L.M. Chaffin, C.S.C. be accepted and ordered filed and that cheeks in the amounts of $79.45 and (14.25, respectively, be turned over to the County Auditor. It is ordered that the valuation of the property of O.E.Dixon in Black River Town- ship be reduoed frpe $1470.00 to $1200.00 for the year 1932 and subsequent years on account of error in assessment. It is ordered that the appeal of Mrs. Butler for $50.00 reduction in Fire Works tax be refused on account of previous levy. ' It is ordered that when one -half of 1929 taxes have been paid and one -half of all costs in connection therewith have been paid that no foreclosure bem made until October 1st. 1933. Mrs. C.C. $urleshaving in apt tine appealed from the 1931 appraisal and the Repot' of the Committee ordered to investigate the matter having been filed this day it 'is considered and ordered that the value of said lees in Averasboro Township be fixed at 41500.00 It is ordered that C.C.Surles be relieved of taxes on two male dogs as the Dlard finds that he only owned 1 dog at the time of listing in 1932. It is- ordered that Mr. I.R.Williams, county Attorney, be instructed to consult the State Treasurer in regard to notes to be issued by the County to the Agents to whom are due insurance premiums on School Buildings in the dou.nty. It is requested that the d -unty +gent, J.0. Anthony, render as much aid as possible to the County Council of Rei.eif in providing gardens air the un- employed. 1929 It is ordered that the clerical error of 41000.00 on the 192B /and 1930 taxes of Ars. Beatrice Gardner, Black River Township be released and the Auditor is .ordered to make the above correction. Resolved whereas the taxes due on those 32.4 acres deseribed in Book 211 at page 150 listed in the name of Mollie Wood, Upper Little River Township have been paid; And whereas prior to payment of said taxes, J- O.West, Gommssioner executed a deed to County of Harnett: Nov therefore be it resolved that county of Harnett release said lands by a apuit-elei; deed to Mrs. Mollie Wood and the Chairman execute said deed in the name of County of Harnett and that Clerk attest the same. It is ordered that the 17* acres of Mrs. Attie R. Kelly (Cox} in U.L.R. Township be reduced by 4330.00 on acct. of error in revaluation, there being no house on this property for the years 1931 and 1932. RESOLVED: That J.Robert Young, Representative, be requested to draw and introduce a bill placing the Clerk of The Superior Court and his deputies and the Register of Deeds and his deputies on salaries to be fixed by the Board of County Commissioners and said change from fee basis to salary basis be made when the Commissioners deem wise. Further, that said Representative J.R.Young, draw and introduce a bill allowing the Board of County Commissioners to reduce the Salary of Recorder of Harnett County to not less than 41900.00 per annum. Also, that statute pertaining to Jailor of Harnett County, be abolished and pay of Jailor be left to discretion of Board of County Commissioners, The above resolution was moved by H.M.O'Quinn and seconded by E.L.Cooke. It is ordered that W.Alvin Stone of Grove Township be relieved of poll tax for the year 1932 on account of physi©al disability. It is ordered that the case of Mr. S.W.Weeks, of Dunn, N.C. Averadboro Township, be referred to Miss McQueen for investigation, /It is ordered that petition for road in Hector's Creek Township be approved and referred to Mr. Fowler for investigation. It is ordered that G.D.Woodley be refunded all moneys and interest invested in the lands sold by the County of Harnett for taxes to said Woodley and the County Auditor is hereby authorized to calculate these amounts and make payment to Mr. Woodley as soonsas possible. It is now ordered that the Board adjourn. C9sG Clerk to B and 7 4 E).____f_nz..o0, airman 125