03241941 (2)2 284 March 24, 1941 The Board of Equalization and Review was called to order by Chairman J.B.Ennis, with all members present. The following citizens appeared Mrs. Hir-Baggett Mrs, Blanche Parker Mr..JHnghC-Lockamy H.Paul Strickland, agt. for Jno.T.Lee estate Hugh McCormick, agt. for A.A.McCormick heirs and for Luola McCormick end abkad for adjustments Lillington Township Lillington Township Averasboro Township Averasboro. Township Barbecue Township And all of the above were received for consideration. The Board then recessed until Monday, on their propertyj: 44arch 31st. 1941 at 9:30 A.M. H.S.Freeman, Clerk. March 31, 1941. The Board of Equalization and Review met in a recessed meeting on Monday,' March 31, 1941 with Chairman J.B.Ennis, Commissioners L.R.Byrd, R.L.Pate, Ferd D.Jackson and Angus A.Cameron present. Tax Supervisor H.S.Freeman, was also present. The following citizens appeared before the Board and asked that their property be reduced in value: J.L.Sorrell, Grove and Averasboro Townships L.B.Fope, Averasboro Township There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was recessed until Monday, April 7, 1941, following adjournment of the Board of County Commissioners. H.S.Freeman, Clerk.