02261947r 0 291. The Harnett oanty ?oard o CommiGSiOr-rs ;et in Special ,essicn called by Vice - Chairman Angus A Cameron at the Courthouse in Iiliin -ton at 10.00 O'Clock Ail ..ednes- day, Februarf 2u, 1947, < "resent ,Jere Vice-C! Angus A Camcron, and commissioners L P, Byru and _', L ?ate, Commissioners Ford D Jackson was absent on account of temporary illness,. It appearirg that the Commissioners shoulc, con„iaer c�_tain ma yews of uusiness tine s'Igning of vouchers a-c, and Lhat a Chairma, shoulc: be appointed to succeed the late J B Ennis, Commissione ; Pate nominated Commissioner bonnie ':c yrd as Chairman, and Commissioner Angus A Camcron sccondec c, _e norain. -tion. J.'hcreu: on Corn issioner 3yrc em- declined dho nomination and _-;;.pressed his appreciation tc the members of the Board. The nomination was '_1thd2aarn L,u tine re.,uest of Cos° issioner _Cyrd. Commissioner i. it Byrd then no:ainated Commis.:ioner < >n-us Camcron as Chairman, and he nomination was b, Commiss r ioner R L ate, r1aereu_on Commission._r Angus tiao has heretofore served as Vice Chairman, r;as unanimously elected as Chairman of the ward of Commissioners of Harnect Coun .uy. 1U GLUTIc ? Tae following resolution was offered by Commissioner Byrd, seconded by Commissioner Pate, and unanimously ado ;>ted• ,hereas vie are grieved at the untimely c.eath of _r J B Ennis, Chairman of this 31oard, vr'_ricn death occured on February 24, 19-,7; `TO'3, TH ,r'I'0_L, � Tl 'as'SCI:VLD: 1. That we pay tribute to sine aiLaful anu lrise iead:= ship o' I r. Ennis, vt.o has ser- ved as a member of thi Doard Con,inucusly _nce iCDO, havin-; been ;na rman since 18b2 constituting, we believe, a long:;r r•ioa o1 Continuous so vice on tine Barnett County Board of Commissionor_ t,°.an any other _-crson -ince the organizat_on of this county. 2. That durin-_ this time the County Is financial affairs ha,e boon so administered unu-r T,-Ir. Ennis? able Lead,_,ohi., a uo i,.al.c a record of zihich i.ie aro all justly rouu. That we ex_,resa sympathy. J . Ynnis anu tine ot:rer 'cacm bars of his fac.ii,, our pro ound 4. h Thy this resolution be spread upon lire minutes, anu a coal furnished be the fam- ily and likewise to the public press. Upon motion of Commission R L Byrd seconded by Commissioner Angus A Cameron, Comm- issioner R L Pate was duly elected as `dice Chairman of the Board of Harnett County Commissioners. The Board recessed. Be it resolved that the property acquired at a Tax Foreclosure Sale under Judg- ment No A -1135 be sold to 'dVill Kelly, Aberdeen, N.C. R02, Box 162, for the sum of $92. 49 Cash and the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized to execute deed to Will Kelly and the Clerk to the Board will attest same. NORTH CARO:yINA February 3, 1947 HAENETT COUNTY ODTD FOR CONSTABLE. Ij The Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday February 3, 1947, at BARBECUE TOWNSHIP 10:00 A M with Angus A Cameron, Vice Chairman R L Pate', L R Byrd and Ferd D Jackson, KNO "d ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, VANCE CAMERON, as principal, and R A J B Ennis was absent on Account of illness. Also present ware County Attorney, Clerk CAMERON and H C CAMERON, as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North, to the Board and Auditor. in the,sum of One Thousand Dollars, to the true and faithful payment whereof we bind The report of Inez Harrington, Register of Deeds was approved and ordered filed. ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, • jointly and severally, firmly by The report of Howard Godwin, Clerk of Superior Court was approved and ordered these presents: filed. Signed and Sealed this 2nd day of December, 1946. The report of IN D Harrington, Tax Collector, was approved and ordered filed. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such, that whereas, the above bounden Vance It is ordered that Beer and thine license be granted to Roy B Coleman, 91, Bunn - Cameron has been duly elected a Constable for Barbecue Township, in and for the County . level, N.C. at Two Way Service Stataan. of Harnett, for a term of two gears, from and after the 2nd day of December, 1946; Now it is ordered that Beer license be granted to George H Earnshaw, Jr., 195 -N 13th therefore, if the said Vance Cameron shall diligently endeavor to collect all claims St, Erwin, N.C., at Georges Place, 1 mile east of Erwin. put into his hands for collection, and shall faithfully pay over all sums thereon re- It is ordered °that.Beer License be granted to Edward d'd Stone Lillington N C at ceived, either with or without suit, unto the persons to whom the same may be du - -e, and Eddie +s Place, R.#3, Lillington on C.C.C. Road. shall from time to time, and at all times,during his continuance of office, faithfully Bond in the amount of $1000.00 for Vance Cameron, Constable for Barbecue Township discharge his duties as constable according to law, then the above obligation is void; was approved and ordered filed with the C.S.C. otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Be it resolved that the property acquired at a Tax Foreclosure Sale under Judg- ment No A -1135 be sold to 'dVill Kelly, Aberdeen, N.C. R02, Box 162, for the sum of $92. 49 Cash and the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized to execute deed to Will Kelly and the Clerk to the Board will attest same. NORTH CARO:yINA HAENETT COUNTY ODTD FOR CONSTABLE. BARBECUE TOWNSHIP KNO "d ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, VANCE CAMERON, as principal, and R A CAMERON and H C CAMERON, as sureties, are held and firmly bound unto the State of North, in the,sum of One Thousand Dollars, to the true and faithful payment whereof we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators, • jointly and severally, firmly by these presents: Signed and Sealed this 2nd day of December, 1946. THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such, that whereas, the above bounden Vance Cameron has been duly elected a Constable for Barbecue Township, in and for the County . of Harnett, for a term of two gears, from and after the 2nd day of December, 1946; Now therefore, if the said Vance Cameron shall diligently endeavor to collect all claims put into his hands for collection, and shall faithfully pay over all sums thereon re- ceived, either with or without suit, unto the persons to whom the same may be du - -e, and shall from time to time, and at all times,during his continuance of office, faithfully discharge his duties as constable according to law, then the above obligation is void; otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Be it resolved that the property acquired at a Tax Foreclosure Sale under Judg- ment No A -1135 be sold to 'dVill Kelly, Aberdeen, N.C. R02, Box 162, for the sum of $92. 49 Cash and the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized to execute deed to Will Kelly and the Clerk to the Board will attest same. Vance Cameron (SEA1) H C Cameron (SEAL) R A Cameron- (SEAL) NORTH CAROLIivA HARNETT COUNTY, Vance Cameron, principal, and R A Cameron and H C Cameron:, sureties, each being first duly sworn, do each say: That he is a resident of and free holder in this State, and is worth the sum of $1000.09 over and above all his debts and liabilities and ex- clusive of property exempt from execution. Vance Cameron (SAL). H C Cameron (SEAS:) R A Cameron (SEAL) NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY I,.G L. Cameron, do hereby certify that Vance Cameeron, R A Cameron, and H C Cam- eron personally appeared be_'ore me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing bond for the purposes therein expressed. Witness my hand and official seal, this 1 day of February, 1947. G L Cameron Justice of the Peace Be it resolved that the property acquired at a Tax Foreclosure Sale under Judg- ment No A -1135 be sold to 'dVill Kelly, Aberdeen, N.C. R02, Box 162, for the sum of $92. 49 Cash and the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners is hereby authorized to execute deed to Will Kelly and the Clerk to the Board will attest same. 29 3. It appearing to the Board of Commissioners of Ha-,nett County that the County of Harnett is the owner of some acreage in the Toxin of Lillington in a revine North of the railroad tracts of Ilorfolk Soutaern Railway Company and ;est of Hi�hway 15dA, con- sisting of four to five acres of land, from :iaich the County derives no benefit and which is not needed for tiie use of the County of Harnett, and that the same should be sold. It is thereupon resolved that authority -- d direc ion be obtained from the Gen- eral F_ssembly of orth Carolina permittin- the County of ?arnett to dispose of the said acreage either at cublic or urivate sale, and that the 3ep2esentative from the County of Harnett and the Senator from the 12th enatorial Dis rict be requested to sponser legislation to this end. dM Be it resolved that that property acquired uy Harnett County and the Toti^m of is authorized to en a_e the Dunn at a Tax Foreclosure Sale under Jud -ment No A -956 be sold to "ev. A P Iviurphy and wife Florida Turn; for the sum of ';;125.00 Cash and described as one lot 25 x referred to, if, it should a .�e 100 lying on the Southeast side of South :!ilson St. Dunn IT C joining the North line of the Colored -.i 'nodist Cinurch lot, and the Chairman of the 'o_-rd of Commissioners be made accurately describing, t,.e is hereby authorized to ekecute Deed and the Clerk to the 3oard :rill attest same. It is ordered that Clyde D Lambcrt'a, T�lrwin, N.C., D_ku Townsnip, be relieved of by quit -claim deed. Pole Taxes permately on account of Disability. It is ordered that Eugene R Gre Tory, Dunn T' C `3, Duke 1'ocroship, be released of :S �' _ A. , T C, -i3 T- d:' 0' ^' role Taxes on account of Physical Disability. Auditor H D Carson Jr., eras a,;:ointed ',ssisLant u_cinasing Agent for the County. Dunn "It appearin, that Harnett ::ounty has no electrical Inspector i..ith authority to make inspection of electrical siring• and s(.rvice in connection with publicly owned Anier buildings and other buildings patronized by the i-Dublic, such as hotels, theatres, etc. and that a pro ,-ram sponsored by the State of forth Oarolina necessitates the appoint- Chalyueate ;prin-;s ment of a competent p_rson to perform the duties mentioned; It is ORDRED that Irir..3.H. Sellers, of Lillington, North Carolina, oe and he here Lillington, �3 by is ao!ointed as county-wide Llectrical Inspector for Harnett County, wi-di authority and direction to perform the duties :Aiich >. -re or may ue prescribed in furtherance Broadway !l of safety in Harnett County." It appearing to the Board of Commissioners of Ha-,nett County that the County of Harnett is the owner of some acreage in the Toxin of Lillington in a revine North of the railroad tracts of Ilorfolk Soutaern Railway Company and ;est of Hi�hway 15dA, con- sisting of four to five acres of land, from :iaich the County derives no benefit and which is not needed for tiie use of the County of Harnett, and that the same should be sold. It is thereupon resolved that authority -- d direc ion be obtained from the Gen- eral F_ssembly of orth Carolina permittin- the County of ?arnett to dispose of the said acreage either at cublic or urivate sale, and that the 3ep2esentative from the County of Harnett and the Senator from the 12th enatorial Dis rict be requested to sponser legislation to this end. dM The County Attorne is authorized to en a_e the »vices o "' the County Surveyor to locate the roparty referred to, if, it should a .�e r to him, that a better sale o_" said property mint be made accurately describing, t,.e same, rat'aer titian conveyin the same to a purchaser by quit -claim deed. THE `'OLL6:o'IF<" JL 2C :S �' _ A. , T C, -i3 T- d:' 0' ^' _'OLTRT GI I l .1J. ''rBRU1. — ,`'4, 194 E B Culbeth Dunn Averasboro J s Sanders Anier Black River Eli Knight Chalyueate ;prin-;s Hector's Crack Gordan ?Iolder Lillington, �3 Upper Little River Duncan, Cameron Broadway !l Upper Little River J R Dean Fuquay ;;grin a Buck..orn L C Privitt Fu.:uay Sprinr;s , -;11 Hector',- meek B A Woodall Fu...uay S grin s !2 _ Black River Charles a ,Storey D.nn Averasboro i:Tatt Royals Erwin Duke C L Parer Erwin ul Stewart's Creek Teroy I,sorrison Lillington ='''3 Upper Little River Rex Johnson Lillington :;El Neill's Creek L ,;';Villiams Irwin 3tewart's Creek E B Cameron hipling Hector's Creek Valton Cox Jonesboro -"2 Farbecue Leon ?_cP?eill "road °,:ay 71 Barbecue C . 'Iowa_rd cue�boro of P,arbecue Thomas Harrington oral iay y'1 3 °.rbecue lector T ;7ason I Illinr ton 4,13 Upper Little River George Brown ngier 2 Neill's Creek Archie Harrington Br•ead-.,,ay ¢¢1 Barbecue Lloyd G Johnson Llllington A'l Neill's Creek J A Lockamon Erwin _nuke J E Jackson Dunn Averas uoro Harvey Bass Dunn Averasboro P." D Johnson Lillin, -ton Neill's Creek Robert A Drau hon Dunn Dv rasboro ^J H Capps Junn :'3 .vera Moro (, G Nordan ,n;ier °2 lack River 3 P Ingrc:m me 's U >;. r Little River "cKa. Rosser Broadway ;'1 urbocue Grayson _?i s Irwin Duke Collins Fuquay r2 Hector's (,reek J C Croocl Lillington Lillington Perry r.c"arland Broad. ay ;'1 3aru::cue 2. That the public -road leading southward from Highway No 55 at a point near the. home of J Preston Gardner, about 1 -2 miles south of Angier, via the farms and homes of Everett Nordan, Mack Gardner, Preston Butts, Talmage H Gardner, Arthur Jones, Hugh Green and Alton Johnson, into the Highway No 421, at the old home place of -the late Dr. Jg)m-z�es Archibald Campbell (about l mile west of Buies Creek) a' distance of approx- imately 7 miles, be based and all weather sur- faced, that it may be passable at all seasons. 3. That certain road, situated in the county aforesaid, and reaching from above Leaflet Church on McDougall toad about F mile to Iiudson Ford near the home of Henry Page and others. 4.For the construction of a hard - surfaced Farm to Market Road from Buckhorn ;school to Duncan, said road being located in Buckhorn To ^mship, This is a'distance of about three 710 miles. 5. That certain roads situated in the county aforesaid and reaching from Bullard Rd. near D T Adcock to Highway #421 at J P O'C,uinn's. 6. Byrd's Service Station U S 421 to Coats U S 55 3 miles. 7. To surface that portion of the state highiway feading from the Johnsonville Road from a point in the town of Lillington and leading to and by Shawtown School to Highway+ no 210. S. To have improvements made on the 3/4 miles of Road described below and further shown by drawing attached, Beginning at the C:rsie Johnson Farm on Turlington n Roads and Stephens Store Road and leading North ending at R E Barbours. 9. That certain road, situated in the County aforesaid and -reaching from A R Brad ley farm to Tiny Weathers Farm, Length of said road .4 of 1 mile,. The Board recessed to reconvene at Call of Chairman. 7 n THE POLLOWIt_G JURORS VIERZ DRAWN FOR THE TERM OF CRIMINAL COURT BEGINNING MARCH 17; 194 N C Barefoot Dunn - Averasboro Otis Pataeron Patterson U.,per Little River L J Page Lillington #3 Upper Little River V, B Williams Angier Black River Everette C Warren Dunn Averasboro I E Hawley Dunn Averasboro Dee Collins Lillington #3 Upper Little River W T Hart Angier #2 Black River Erie W Dean Fuquay ; #2 Hector's Creek Jasper C Byrd Bunnlevel #1 Stewart's''Oreek L R Adams Angier Black River L B Fairclotb Coats Black River P C Taylor Broadway #1 Upper Little River Marvin Hartley Dunn Averasboro George 1A Holmes Dunn Averasboro 'iV'arren Barefoot Manchester Anderson Creek Ernest Lee Duns? Averasboro R M Dowd Dunn Averasboro R J Pleasant Angier #2 Black River Cosly Jackson Dunn #2 Averasboro John G Beasley Bunnlevel L 1 Anderson Creek I3arold Brown Lillington 773 Anderson Creek M L Gilbert Manchester Anderson Creek R S Marling Angier Black River F P Lloyd Erwin Duke Jessie Stewart Buies Creek Neill's Creek Jas. Thurman Jernigan Dunn Averasboro Purvis Clayton Angier #2 Black River W B Tutor Fuquay Buckhorn Silas S Crane Erwin Duke Norman Coats Dunn Averasboro M MCA Holder Broadwayif"l Tapper Little River E V Overby Angier Black River Daywood Langdon Angier #2 Black River Ira B Lee Dunn Averasboro The following Road petitions were approved and ordered forwarded to the .State Highway and Public Works Commission, 1, That certain road in Upper Little River Township reaching from D `dV O'Quinn's farm on Boone Trail Road to L C Pa.tterson's Farm on Leaflet Church Road, approximate - ly one and one half miles. 2. That the public -road leading southward from Highway No 55 at a point near the. home of J Preston Gardner, about 1 -2 miles south of Angier, via the farms and homes of Everett Nordan, Mack Gardner, Preston Butts, Talmage H Gardner, Arthur Jones, Hugh Green and Alton Johnson, into the Highway No 421, at the old home place of -the late Dr. Jg)m-z�es Archibald Campbell (about l mile west of Buies Creek) a' distance of approx- imately 7 miles, be based and all weather sur- faced, that it may be passable at all seasons. 3. That certain road, situated in the county aforesaid, and reaching from above Leaflet Church on McDougall toad about F mile to Iiudson Ford near the home of Henry Page and others. 4.For the construction of a hard - surfaced Farm to Market Road from Buckhorn ;school to Duncan, said road being located in Buckhorn To ^mship, This is a'distance of about three 710 miles. 5. That certain roads situated in the county aforesaid and reaching from Bullard Rd. near D T Adcock to Highway #421 at J P O'C,uinn's. 6. Byrd's Service Station U S 421 to Coats U S 55 3 miles. 7. To surface that portion of the state highiway feading from the Johnsonville Road from a point in the town of Lillington and leading to and by Shawtown School to Highway+ no 210. S. To have improvements made on the 3/4 miles of Road described below and further shown by drawing attached, Beginning at the C:rsie Johnson Farm on Turlington n Roads and Stephens Store Road and leading North ending at R E Barbours. 9. That certain road, situated in the County aforesaid and -reaching from A R Brad ley farm to Tiny Weathers Farm, Length of said road .4 of 1 mile,. The Board recessed to reconvene at Call of Chairman. 7 n