0106194728 JANUARY 6, 1947 The Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday Jan. 6th, 1947, at 10 :00 AM with Angus A Cameron, R L Fate and L R Byrd, Ferd Jackson, J B Ennis was ab- sent on account of illness. Also present was Herbert D Carson Jr., Auditor and Inez Harrington, Clerk to the Board. The Board released J E Womble of $8.16 penalty for late listing of property in Upper Little River Township for Year 1946. ghe Report of Howard Godwin, C.3.C. Annual Statement, was approved and ordered filed. The report of Inez Harrington, Re,Tister of Deeds was approved and ordered filed. The report of W D Harrington, Tax Collector, was approved and ordered filed. Be it resolved that that property acquired by Harnett County in the Town of Dunn at a, Tax foreclosure sale under Judgement No A -880 be sold to Harry King Jr.fi for the total sum of $201.05 cash, Description of the lot is found in Map Map Book #1 Page 41 and formerly belonged to Charles M Driver. The Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute the Deed to Harry King Jr., and the Clerk of the Board will attest to same. Upon recommendation made, and it appe of Constable of Barbecue Township 41r Vance unty Commissioners appointed as Constable Carolina, to serve until the first Monday in the sum of $1000. to be approved by the assuming his official duties. aring that there is a vacancy In the office Cameron was by unanimous vote of the Co- of Barbecue Township, Harnett County, North in December 1948, he to give surety bond County Commissioners and to qualify before NORTH CAROLINA R E S O L U T I O N HARNETT COUNTY THAT WHEREAS, the Boa: of Commissioners of Harnett County have followed with much interest the proposed plans of the North Carolina Medical Care Association, and are of the opinion that the adoption and execution of said plans would be high- ly beneficial to the people of Harnett County an] the citizenship of North Carolina generally: THEREFORE, be it resolved, by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County that Hon. Ai"l.ison L. Overby, Representative, and Hon. L M Chaffin, Senator, represent ±hgv Harnett County in the General Assembly of 1947, be, and that they hereby are urged to use their best endeavors on behalf of their constituency to have enacted into law such legislation as wil3. _ive immediate effect to the carrying out of the said pro- posed and recommended plans of the North Carolina Medical Cre Association, together with such other plansas will enable our people to have adequate medical care. Bond for John Broadus Buchanan, Constable of Upper .Little Little Township, in the amount of $1000.00 was approved and ordered copied on Minutes and filed with the C.S.C. PUBLIC OFFICIAL'S BOND THE FIDELITY AND CASUALTY COMPANY OF NEW YORK "AMERICA FORE" INSURANCE AND INDEMNITY CROUP A STOCK COMPANY THE PIONEER BONDING COMPANY OF THE UNITED STATES KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: THAT John Broadus Buchanan of Mamara State of North Carolina hereinafter cal- led the Principal, and THE FIDELITY AND CASULTY COIa1PANY OF NEW YORK:, hereinafter cal led the SURETY, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York, with its home office in the City of New York, in the said State, are held and firmly bound Into Board of Commissioners Harnett County of State of North Carolina hereinaf- ter called the OBLIGZE, in the sum of One Thousand and 00/100 ($1,000,00) Dollars; for the payment whereof to the Obligee the principal binds himself, his heirs, exec- utors, administrators, and assigns, and the Surety Ands itself, its successors and assigns, jointly and severally firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed, and dated this 3rd day of December, 1946. WHEREAS, the above named principal has Jeen duly appointed ar elected to the office of Constable of Upper Little River Township of the County of Harnett, State of North Carolina, for the term of office beginning on December 2, 1946, and ending on First Monday in December, 1948. NON, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THE FOREGOING OBLIGATICN IS SUCH, thS t if the Principal shall faithfully perform such duties as may be imposed on him by I�svv and' shall honestly account for all money that may come into his own hands' in hisf1:iial NO. 2154214 28' Raymond Porter Walter Johnson A C Parker L Fred Johnson James Carley McLamb Thero Barefoot T L Parrish Wade Norris K W Bradley Jack Gregory E B Powell Everette McDonald Harvey Thomas Lamon L Holt Alex Thomas L C Holder R G Lee C T McGugan J A Matthews John H Davis Lilli :_gton #3 Lillington Dunn Lillington Coats #1 Dunn Lillington #1 Dunn Fuquay Broadway #1 Coats Lillington #2 Lillington #3 Jonesboro #2 Lillington #3 Lillington #3 Coats #1 Dunn Fuqua;; #1 Erwin Upper Little River Lillington Averasboro Lillington Grove Averasboro Neillts Creek Averasboro Hector's Creek Upper Little River Grove Upper Little River Upper Little River Barbecue Upper Little River Upper Little River Grove Averasboro Hector's Creek Duke The Board approved license for Beer and wine for Willie David Franklin, Lilling- ton R #1 at "Franklin Grocery" on Highway No 40 between Buies Creek and Coats, Beer license were approved for Joan Anderson Hodges, Jr., Dunn N C• #3 at Jack Stewart's place on the Erwin Dunn Highway 2 miles out of Erwin. Beer license were approved for Douglass Thigpen of Dunn, N.C. at Doug's Tourist Court Highway #301, South of Dunn. Be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County that Hon A L Overby, Member of the House of Representatives and Hon L M Chaffin, Member of the Senate from our District, be and they are hereby requested to sponser legislation whereby the -cost of taking of the Farm census may be paid for by the State, or that the Harnett County list taken for taxation may be relieved of the duty Mb take said census. The following road petition was approved and ordered forwarded to the State high way and Public Works commission. 1. That a road beginning at "Old River road" at a point near maintained. The distance between Oscar Ryals store on U S 421 and intersecting the the residence of E H Lasater be located built and these two points is approximately-one mile. M J Jackson wasreleased $5.23 penalty for late listing in Grove Township. Thelma Steven and M J JackLon were released of $1.00 penalty for late listing in Grove Township. There being no further business to come bei'ore the Board the meeting recessed to reconvene at the Call of Chairman. TIT FOLLOvWING CHECKS d:LIL ISSURED DURING THE MONTH OF JANUARY, 1947. 7674. Joseph McKoy 7675 Albert J Moore 7676 Carolina Power & Light Co. 7677 Department of Conservation 7678 B F Miller 7679 Mrs Martha R McKay 7680 M D Lanier 7681 M I? Lanier 7682, Oth Wood 7683 L Pate 7684- .W H Easterling Sr. 7685 L B McLean 7686- W E Salmon 7687 A H Ivey 7688 A L Johnsen 7689 Alton A Cobb 7690 R H Butler 76-91 Vance Cameron 7692. B E Sturgill 7693 Void 7694 E L Jackson 7695 C H Avery 7696 J A Darroch 7697 Inez Harrington 7698 C B Allred 7699 K C Matthews 7700 Lovely McCoy 7701 Bud Lee salary Salary Bills and Development Fire control December allowance Rent Postage Postage Part salary County Commissioner 6 days Sawing wood Travel expense etc. Postage etc. Stills,etc Stills,etc Stills, Stills Stills Stills Void Stills Stills Stills Postage Coroner Services Fees Work Work 25.00 21.00 98.90 126.63 10.00'- 8.50 10.00 12.00 50.00 43.20 22.50 55.83 35.86 86.68 39.40 20.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 Void 30.00 25.00 15.00 32.50 24.00 32.00 65.00 60.00 7702 7703 7704 7705 7706 7707 7708- 7709 7710 7711 7712 7713 7714 7715 7716 7717 7718 77.9 7720 7721 7722 7723 7724 7725 7726 7727 7728 7729 7730 7731 7732 7733 7734 7735 7736 7737 7738 7739 7740 7741 7742 7743 7744 7745 7746 7747 7748 7749 7750 7751 7752 7753 7754 7755 7756 7757 7758 7759 7760 7761 7762 7763 7764 7765 7766 7767 7768 7769 7770 7771 7772 7773 7774 7775 7776 7777 7778 7779 7780 7781 7782 7783 • Sally Ann Shine H E Moore Louise McLauchlin Howard. Godwin Howard Godwin Jas A Taylor $ sons W D Harrington Pope Printing Co National Used Car Marke Betsy Ross Letter Shop Layton Supply Co ,J J Barnes. Town of Lillington Lillington Ice & Coal C Lillington Furniture Co James H Anderson Lillington Radio & Auto Machine & Welding Co Gray & Creech, Inc. L P Watson Sinclair Refining Co Fitchett Drug Co Raleigh Supply Office C Commercial Printing Co. Kelly's Drug Store Overnite Transportation Carolira Hardware „Co, I A L Young Helms Motor Express Electric Motor & Repair Purdie Brothers Inc. Modern Laundry & Cleane Johnson & Bryan Co F A Bradsher Warwick Hotel Capital Printing Co. Carolina Tel & Tel Co Fitchett Drug-Co Progressive Store #5 Atkins Brothers Colonial Stores Inc. Turnage's Market Bethune Brothers E W Williams Barnes Grocery A R Byrd F L Altman° J M Johnsai Harnett County Hospital Dr H A Eldridge Highsmith Hospital Duke Hospital H M Smith McLean & O'Quin The North Carolina Sana The Eastern North Carol Christian Community Bur Dr J F Martin Byrd Brothers Brogden Produce Co Thomas & Howard Co Atkins Brothers C V Parker Womble Company Void E M Blanchard Wood's Grocery Champion Milling Co Womble's Food Store Orkin Esterminating Co Superior Seed & Feed Co. Stewart's Garage WH Lee City Market J E Womble & Sons McLean & O'Quinn Storr Engraving Co T R Rosser Observor Printing House The Personal Book Shop Inc. Mrs S RMcKay Doris Baggett ':Mork Shoeing mule Le_;al work Postage Fees Bond Refund Printing t Report Inc. Printing Mdse Flor. Tubes Water o Ice Mdse Inv. Supply Co. Inv. Order No 22051 Projector, etc. Inv. 2 rolls adhesive Inv. D P C Book etc. Mdse. Express Charges Inv. Painting jail Bill No C Inv. Mdse. Laundry etc Mdse. Oil Telegrams Inv. Bill Prescriptions Welfare food orders Welfare orders Welfare food order Welfare food order Welfare food order Welfare food order Welfare food order Welfare food order Welfare food order Welfare food order Hospitalization Services Hospitalization Hospitalization Glasses Ambulance torium Hospitalization ina Sanatorium Hospitalization ial Society Services Services 400 # corn meal. Produce Inv. Mdse. Mdse. Mdse. Void Grand Jury Meat etc. Feeds Mdse. Services Sprayer Etc. Welding Shoe repairing Mdse. Mdse. Mdse Supplie s Refund Inv. Inv. Salary Renton Typewriter 0 Co nc. Co rs 3 pet cocks Invoice D 15.00 4.00 6.00 12.60 63.03 37.50 3.00 96.00 18.75 10.00 55.71 7.50 36.90 10.00 47.98 438.34 2.31 238.18 7.90 494.33 15.98 1.00 6.48 119.52 70.25 1.50 134.13 169.17 2.02 36.75 19.29 56.48 125.31 5.25 2.01 7.30 2.80 3.25 13.00 6.70 6.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 18.00 20.00 10.00 18.74 296.25 2.00 20.00 12.00 14.10 5.00 208.00 16.85 30.00 5.30 20.00 70.45 31.98 23.90 47.50 113.75 Void 8.00 25.25 316.55 35.57 10.00 8.70 6.50 6.55 15.59 54.10 40.65 77.37 .28 45.04 60.55 125.00 6.00 7784 Harnett County Board of Education 7785 rachine & Welding Co 7786 Lafayette Drug Co 7787 H D Carson Jr. 7788 Obeervor Printing House 7789 W H Matthews 7790 Walker V 'Worth 7791 W D Harrington 7792 Joseph McKoy 7793 Albert J Moore 7794 Observor Printing House 7795 Alfred Williams & Co 7796 C H Robertson 7797 L B McLean 7798 State Laboratory of Hygiene 7799 James H Anderson 7800 Joseph McCoy 7801 Albert J Moore 7802 Burroughs Adding Machine Co 7003 Betty Allred 7804 First Citizens Bank & Trust Co 7005 W D Harsington 7806 W D Harrington 7807 Carolina Tel & Tel Co 7808 Carolina Power & Light Co 7809 Sinclair Refining Co 7810 M D Lanier 7811 Dunn Family Laundry 8712 Charles C Ray 8713 Dept. of Conservation & Development 8714 State Commission for the Blind 8715 JBoEnnis 7816 H C Strickland 7817 Berles C Johnson 7818 Ilah Mae Marsh 7819 'Mrs Frances Byrd Johnson 7820 W D Harrington 7821 Iva J Sloan 7822 Alice Patterson 7823 Henry C Stewart 7824 W E Salmon 7825 Louise McLaujalin 7826 H D Carson Jr 7827 Mrs Inez Harrington 7828 Edna Kelly 7829 Irma H Gossett 7830 Doris Baggett 7831 K C Matthews 7832 E C Byrd 7833 C R Ammons 7834 T D O'Quinn 7835 Kathryn B Talley 7836 Alene Outlaw 7837 Rachel Herring 7838 Lorraine Vail 7859 Howard Godwin 7840 D P Ray Jr 7841 Helen Bradley 7842 F H Taylor 7843 M 0 Lee 7844 L B McLean •7845 Bonnie B Strickland 7846 %. Hilda G New 7847 Mrs Myrtle S Bradley 7848 Mrs Velma S Edwards 789 Mrs Bertha H Felton 7850 Miss Gertrude Parker 7851 1r W B Hunter 7852 M Irene Lassiter 7853 Mabel Alston 7854 Mrs Ruby Hood 7855 M H Canady 7856 Edith Wood 7857 Edith Jernigan 7858 Joseph McKoy 7859 Albert J Moore 7860 Miss Wilma Williams 7861 Mildred Bradsher 7862 Mrs Naomi Hawley 7863 Mrs Marjorie G Richey 7864 Mrs Ruth Cash Maynard 7865 Ferd D Jackson 7866 R B O'Quinn 7867 L C Dupree Jr Expense Inv. Mdse Part salary Order No 1349 'jerk Court Reporting Juror tickets Salary Salary 22 abstract binders 1 # 3487 cabinet tax withheld part salary Supplies Inv. Salary Salary Inv. Salary Principal, interest etc. 16830.77 Dog Tickets 111.25 Jury tickets 41.86 bills 96.55 Bills 76.27 Inv. 6.70 Postage 17.32 Statement 12.84 Refund 2.18 County's part in fire control 136.39 County's part 306.40 25.00 y 200.00 0 252.20 111.40 65.70 ✓ 414.35 153.20 99.10 200.00 383.69 50.00 175.10 317.97 120.00 90.00 82.50 90.00 150.00 160.00 125.00 65.00 27.00 117.50 80.30 373.40 174.10 111.40 182.00 161.10 10.20 90.06 82.50 97.80 96.00 82.50 96.00 443.04 207.53 214.82 197.18 267.79 62.00 94.80 25.00 21.00 205.45 91.20 83.20 181.90 166.05 4.60 4.00 2.21 $ 7.50 58.93 29.56 75.00 153.09 6.00 81.50 675.64 25.00 21.00 83.55 42.75 1842.70 20.00 19.00 13.82 25.00 21.00 43.42 82.50 Salary Jan Salary Salary Salary Work for Tax Supervisor Salary Salary S -lary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary S Lary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Sa1ar t Salary Salary Salary Bal Jan Salary Salary : alary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary - Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Welfare Board Meeting Welfare Board Meeting RefUne X200 7868 L K Boston Travel 55.00 7869 Ida P Hinnant Travel 25.00 7870 Neil B McKay c/o William H McKay Refund 4.30 1