08041947339 August 4, 1947 The Board of Commissioners net in regular session on Monday August 4, 1947 with all menbers present also present were H. C. Strickland County Attorney, Herbert Carson, Auditor and Inez Harrington, Clerk to Board. The report of W. E. Harrington, Tax Collector was presented approved and ordered filed. The monthly report of Inez Harrington, Register of Deeds, was presented approved and order filed. The report of L. B. McLean, Veteran Service Officer, was presented approved and ordered filed. The report of Howard Godwin, C.S.C. was presented approved and ordered filed. Commissioner R L Pate, purchasing agent, was authorized and directed by the Board to enplpy the services of a competent surveyor to run and establish the township line between Averasboro and Duke Township, Harnett County, and to report on his survey to the Board of County Commissioners. At 12 o'clock noon, August 4, 1947 pursuant to advertisement duly made, the Boarch of County Commissioners, offered fm sale for cash to the highest bidder about 10.5 acres of land in Lillington, on the West side of Highway No, 15 -A bordering on Norfolk southers Railway tracks, Mr Walter Lee Johnson bid off the land ns the highest bidder for the interest of theCounty of Harnett in said land at and for the price of $3200.00 deedto be made in accordance with his instructions, The bid was accepted and the Chairman was authorized to execute deed in behalf of the County of Harnett, and the Cierk to the Board was authorized to attest the same and affix the corporate seal thereto, upon receiving the purchase price, to- wit; $3200. The following beer licenses were approved; (1) Mrs. J; A. Nondan - Angier, N. C. at Norden's Station (2) William M. Watkins, Box 159 Angier, N. C., A & B. Cafe (3) H. M. W'arrei, Dunn, N. C. #4, H. M. Yarren's Service Station (4) Norwood R. Young, Angier, N. C. #,1, Youn.7's Smoke Shop (5) Junius E. Williams, D ^nnkN.C. #3, J.E.Williams' Grocery (6) Fraik Thornton Jr. Frahk Grill, Dunn,N.C. NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY PETITION FUR SPECIAL ELECTION DUNN SCHOOL DISTRICT TO THE BOARD OF EDUCATION OF FARNETT COUNTY Your Petitioners respectfully show; 1. That the Dunn School District is a duly created and legally existing school district of Harnett County with a school population of more that 1,000, and that the undersigned committee of said school district is the regularly appointed and legally actingcommitee of said district. 2. That your petitioners are the committee of said Dunn School District and at least 25 qualified noters who have resided at least 12 months within said district. 3. That is is the desire of your petitioners that the Board of Education of Harnett County, the State Board of Education approving, request an election to be called by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County in the Dunn School District to ascretain the will of the voters in said district as to whether there shall be levied in said district a local annunl tax not to exceed fifteen cents (15 )i) on the one hundreed dollars, ($106.00) valuation of all property, (all of said tax to be for the sole use of said district), in order to operate schools of a higher standard than that provided by the State support, or to employ additional thenchers, and or personal. 4. That the boundaries of the Dunn School District aye as follows; Beginning at the Johnston County line back of Bethsady Church; then with Church property to the Nei;••ors Church road; then with said road to W. M. Pleasant's line, with said line to the Nath McLamb line to the J. H. Barefb of line, to the Fair Grounds road crossing said road with his line to the P. B. Johnson Estate line with said line to Black River the crossing Black River w'th Ray Neighbors' line to John Sorrel 1's line to the old Smithfield- Averasboro Road; then crossing said road with the John Sorrell's line south to the Carro Sorrell Bennett line to the J.L. Hodges, line to the road leading from Turlin -ton's crossroads, to Dunn, then down said road to the W; H. Lucas line to Black River; then South -with the meanderings of Buck River to the 7r. C.B. Codrington line; then West with his line the Bessie Jackson line, t_e Jesse Tart line, the Jesse Lockamy line, the David Stephenson line, the Carl Hatilton line, the holt Hamilton line, the Hugh Prince line Jr Turtle Branch, with said branch and Bumper Creek to the Cape Fear River, then as said river meanders to the 74 to the Cumberland County line; then with the Cumberland, Sampson and Johnston County lines to the beginning. Respectfully submitted Dr. C.L.Corbert L.L. Coats Ralph Wade T. B. Williams J. H. Hodges Committee Dunn School District Other petitiohers who are qualified voters and who have resided at least 12 months within the Dunn School District are; H. Paul Strickland J. L. Hatcher Wm. W. Carroll, Tr. Mrs. B.C. Pridgen Mrs. George H. Britton 01 M. Bain J. M. Purdie J.R. Johnson W. B. Poole C . Wr. Byrd Paul C. Hood C.D.Bain L. Busbee Pope L. E. Ezzell N. W. Wilghaman Harry H. Saudlin George F. Blalock G. L. Hooper Mack M. Jernigan Harry Fleishman Jr R.L.Cromartie, Jr. J. E. Jackson J. Shepard Bryan J.A.McLeod C.R.Butler D.C.Wilson R.L.Cromartie H.D.Hood S.D.Whittenton . Paul C. Strick M. F; Hodges C. 0. Warren m Emett C. Aldr l.R.Williams NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY ENDORSEMENT OF BOARD OF EDUCATION OF RARNETT COUNTY. TO THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF HARNETT COUNTY. The Board of Education of Harnett County in a meeting on the 4th day of August, 1947, after carefully examining the above petition, finds that it is in compliance with the provisions of the school law and is in every way sufficient, and further that the proposed election will, In the judgement of the said Board of Education, improve the school opportunities in the said Dunn School Dtstrict if the same is approved by the voters. Now, therefor4, the Board of Education of Harnett County approves the petitions and hereby respecfully presents it to the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County with the request that an, election be called for the purposes set out in said petitior. Attestedl C.Reid Ross, Sec. Board of Education of Harnett County. Sidney G. Thomas Chairman of Board of Education of Harnett County. NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY ORDER CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION DUNN SCHOOL DISTRICT. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County has this day received a petition from the Dunn School District duly exeuuted by the Public School Committee of said district andmore that 25 qualified voters who have resided in said district for 12 months, also duly endoresed and presentes by the Board of Education of Harnettt County with a request that said election be called in the said Dunn School District for the purposed set out in said petition, now therefore, be it; ORDERED that a special electibn be held in the Dunn School District on Tues. October 14, 1947, to determine the will of the voters in said district as to the levying of a special tax as requested in said petition and for the purposes Est out in said petition. IT IS FURTHER ORDERER, that a new registration for said election in said district sha 1 be had; that atonma. F/udoid is hereby appointed registrar, and 0. 107 and E•O•q are hereby appointed pollholders for said &'election; that `>yiunsctrJ w- ece4Th shall be the votingplace. I'T IS FURTHER ORDERED that the regiseration books shall b e kept open for at least 20 days and shall not close until after the first publication of the notice of new registration and special election; and said registration books shall be opened on Monday, Septem,er 15, 1947, and close on Saturday October, 4, 1947; that Saturday, October 11, 1947 shalibe challenge day; that at election those gavoring the levying of said special tax shall Rote a ballot on which ahsll be written, or printed, the words "For Local Tax" and those who 4A re opposed shall vote a ballott on which shall be written or ptInte , the work Against Local tax ", that noticeof said election shall be given by publishing a notice of new registration and special election in t}}e Dunn Dispatch in the issued of Sept. 8, 15, and 22, 1947, and thwta 1d: notice of election shall contain the metes and bounds of said Dunn School District as they now exist and are set out in the petition reguesting said alection. and dge 341 1 1 r, BE IT FURTHER R?SOLVES that all resolutions, ordinances and orders in conflict with the provision hereof be and the same are hereby repealed. This the 4th day of August, 1947, Angus A. Cameron,Chairman of Board of Commied loner s of Harnett County. NOTICE OF NEW REGISTRATION AND SPECIAL ELECTION IN T_HE DUNN SCHOOL DIS_'RICT. Notice is hereby given that s epecial election, and a new registration for the same, has been ordered to be held in the Dunn School District, Harnett County, North Carolina, on Tuesday October 14, 1947, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said'school district, for their approval, or disapproval, the question of levying a local annual tax, not to exceed fifteen cents (15V) on the one hundred dollars ($100.00) valuation of all taxable property in said district, for the sole use of said district, in order to operate schools of a higher standard that that now provided by the State support, or to employ additional teachers and or personnel. The boundaries of the Dunn School District are as follows; Beginning at. the Johnston County line back of Bethsady Church; then with church property to toe Neighbor's Church road; then with said road to W. M. Pleasany's line, with said line to the Nath McLamb line to the J. H., Barefoot line, to the Fair Grounds road crossing said road with his line to the P.B. Johnson Estate line with said line to Black River; then crossing Black River with Ray Neighbors' line to JohnSorrell's line to the old Smithfield - Averasoboro Road; then crossing said road with the John Sorrell line south to the Cerro Sorrell Bennett, line to t J.L. Hodges, line to the road leading from Turlington's Crossroads, to Dunn; then downsaidroad to the W.H.Lucas, line to Black Rimer; thence south with the meadnerings of black River to the Dr. C.B. Codrington line; then West with his line the Bessie Jackson line, the Jesse Tart line, the ,Jesse Lockamy line, the David Stephenson line, the Carl Hamilton line, the Holt Hamilton line, the Hugh Prince line to Turtle Branch, wit said braoch and Bumper Creek to tit Cape Fear Fiver, then as said r iver meanders to the Cumberland County line; then with the Cumberland, Sampson and Johnston County lines to the Beginning, The polls for said election will open at the hour of 6;30 o'Cloc A.M. and will close at the hour-of 6;30 P. M. Eastern Standard Tine. has been appointed registrar and 429y 6,10-ary, and 5.22 9 have been appointed poolholders for s61d election. »a_s 4,ra,# ��,.f;t ; in Dunn, ' "as been designated as voting p ],ace. At sali election t ose favoring the levying of the proposed special tax shall vote a ballott on which shall be written or printed, the Lords "For local tax ", and those who are opposed shall note a ballott on which shal 1 be written or ptinbd. "Against local tax ". The registrar will keep the registration book open from 9 o'clock A.M. Until 6 o'clock P.M. on each day except Sundays and holidays for 20 day beginningon Monday September 15, 1947, and edning on Saturday October 4, 1947, being the second Saturday before said election. On each Saturday during the registration period. the registration books will be kept open for registration 6f voters at the muarenin Dunn, Saturaay October 11, 1947, shall be challenge day. In all other matters not her - -in specified said special election shall be conducted under laws and rules governing general election in North Carolina. This the 4th day of August 1947, By order of t }e Board of Commissioners of Harnett County Inez Harrington Clerk to Board. It appearing to E. Byrd, tendered on Hospital at Dunn his and it further appear have recommended to t of Erwin, N.C. #1 be to fill t!-e unexpired It is thereupon as a member of the Bo accepted by the Board Mrs. J. R. Byrd Harnett County Commis Hospital at Dunn to f his term of office to the Board of Harnett County Commissioners that Honorable Lonnie July 15, 1937, to the Board of Trustees of Harnett County resignation as a menber of that Board, and that it was accepted ing that the members of the Harnett County Hospital Board he Board of Harnett County Commissioners that Mr. J.R.Byrd appointed as a member of the Harnett 0ounty Hospital Board, term of Honorable Lonnie R. Byrd, on said Board. ordered that the resignation of Honorable Lonnie R. Byrd, and of Trustees of Harnett County Hospital be and the same is of Commissioners of Harnett County. by a unanious vote of all of the members of the Board of sioners is hereby appointed as a Trustee of Harnett County ill the unexpired term of Honorable Lonnie R. Byrd, resigned, expire June 8, 1950. That a certified copy of these excerpts of the Minutes be transmitted to the Secretary of Harnett County Hospital 34? NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY AUTHORIZATION OF TRANSFER OF FUNDS BY BOARD OC EDUCATION AND REQUEST 3F APPROVAL OF SAME BY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. • At its regular meeting my Monday, August 4th, 1947 the board of Educatio n authorized the transfer of funds as noted herein from the Special Building Fund (Same being the Capital Reserve Fund), to the Current Capital Outlay Budget for the purpose of building teacherages at Boon Trail School and the Coats School. The projects listed in transfer from Special Building Fund are provided for in the approved $750,000.00 Bond Issue or have been completed; Lint of Transfers - Dunn Vocationl Building -2 $ 142.70 Shaw Town School 9.909.86 Benhaven Gymnasuim 6,500.00 Anderson Creek Home Economics 8,532.33 H.C.T. Vocational and lumch Roo, 2,994.35 Bus Shelter 5,000.00 Johnsonville Class Room 1,900.00 McLeants Chapel Class Room 900.00 Anderson Creek Lumeh Room and Gym 2,393.28 Boone Trail Teacheragw 9,500.00 Lillington Gymnasuim 3,300.00 Dunn Elem, School Lumeh Room and Lib. 4,486.02 Layayette Gymnanuim - 952.71 BuiestsCreek Building 5,500.00 LaFayette Agr. Blgs. 2,500.00 Coats and Bone Trail Teabh. 9,306.00 Total 73,817.25 Sidney G. Thomas, Chairman of Board of Education C.Reid Ross, Secretary Board of- Education Angus A.Cameron Chairman of Commissioners NORTH CAF) LING HARNETT COUNTY RESOLUTION WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the Board of Commissioners by the veterans of Harnett County, that many graves of deceased veterans in cemeteries outside of the corporate limits of towns within Harnett County y,are unkept and in a condition of negligence not in keepingwith the inherent . pride of.its citizenery; AND WHEREAS, it is the expressed desire of the.citizens of the County cf Harnett State of North Carolina, that the graves of such deceased veterans be kept in such condition that will show to the generation now reaching manhood that Harnett County has not forgotten the unselfish services rendered by these deceased veterans. BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, in the State of North Carolina, that Honoragle J. Bbyard- Clerk, Congressman from this Dista'tict. and Seanto^s William B. Umstead and Clyde R. Hoey, be and they are hereby requested to i and sponsor through the Congress of the United'States legislation to. the end that an appropriation be made for -the purpose.of maintaining the graves of deceased veterans of the two world wars.in proper condition. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVES, that c copy of these resolutions be transmitted to all menbers of the North Carolina, delegation in the Congress of the United States. Angus A.Cameron, llChairman to Board of Commissioners Sttest; Inez harrin�.n Clerk to Board Zd orse 343 THE FOLLOWING JURORS S. G. Thomas Odis M. Roberts Felton Bass J. L. Tyndall L.C.Rosser Carl Webb `,am Byrd Ernest Dean Paul H. Phelps Mrs. E. D. Alphin James F. Danis Ruth ';. Aycock B.E.Dean Fletcher Flowers James C. ":green D.M.Wichmr Gecr ge McNeill, Jr, Monroe M. Tart Jere R. Goodman J. Ray Johnson 'W. T. Peede J. C. Pleasant Richard W. Smith Paul L. Pollard Rupert Strickland John M. Wood Lewis Weedings Charlie Lee Nox John Raiford Arnold Leon Strickland J.A.Wilkins R.P.Dewar W.'P.Sauls J.S. Bryant Cecil Jernigan R.W.Lee THE FOLLOWING JURORS L. L. Moore Martha Snipes James Bryant W.H. Avery R.D. Hodges Mrs. 011ie Lucas J. F. Wheeler Paul H. Tart Vernon West Mrs. R. B. Snipes Charlie J. Coats Roy L. Smith G.R.Da'man Elbert T. Clayton Willard Tyndal R. Kneece Turlington C.B. Marcom Clinny Laws F. P. Blalock J. P. Lockamy Mrs. H. D. Strickland A.F.Page Arthur C. Knight Snav Hill Blalock Jr. Wesley Edward King E.C. Womack James H. Withers L.V. Pegram Albert Baker Mrs. LucilleSJohnson Ray Spivey Luther Rya is D.G. Wilson Mrs. Mamie Morgan Glenn Godwin Hortense J. Alphin dQE E DRAWN FOR THE TERM OF COURT Broadway, #1 Dunn Dunn #1 Erwin Broadwwy, #1 Dunn #2 Erwin, #1 Angier #2 Lillington Dunn Lillington Dunn Fuquay Springs, Angier #2 Angier Jonesboro, #2 Broad *ay #1 Dunn #4 Dunn Lillington Angier Angier #2 Dunn Coats Dunn #3 Erwin Coats #1 Jonesboro #2 Lillington #3 Broadway 1, Fuquay #2 Fuguy #1 Fuquay Springs #2 Dunn #2 Dunn Angier PERE DRAN FOR PHE PERM OF COURT Erwin Dunn #3 Dunn #2 Dunn Dunn #3 Erwin, #1 Fuquay #1 Angier #1 Dunn Dunn Angier #1 Jnhesboro #1 Dunn Angier #2 Dunn Erwin #1 Angi. er #2 Jonesboro #1, Angier #2 Dunn #1 Dunn Angier #1 Lillington #3 Fuquay #2 Erwin Jonesboro #1 Broadway #1 Fuquay Springs #1 Erwin Lillington Johesboro #1 Dunn #3 Jonesboro #1 Angier Dutin Dunn BEGINNING SEPTEMBER L, 1947 Upper Little River Averasboro Averasboro Duke Barbecue Averasboro Stewarts Creek Black River Lillington Averasboro Lillington Averasboro Buckhorn Black River Black River Barbecue Barbecue Aver asboro Averasboro Lillington Black River Ble ck River Averasboro Grove Grove Duke Grove Barbecue Lillington Barbecue Neills Creek Buckhorn Black River Averasboro Averasboro Black River BEJINNING SEPTEMBER 15, 194 Duke Ave' asboro Averasboro Averasboro Averasboro Averasboro Buchorn Black River Ave: asboro Black River Black Riber Barbecue Averasboro Big ck River Ave rasboro Grove Black Riber Barbecue Black River Averasboro Averasboro Black River Upper Little Riven Black River Duke Barbecue Barbecue Buckhorn Duke Lillington Barbecue Grove Barbecue Bla ck River Averasboro Averasboro r3-44 The Board recessed to reconvene and oontinue the transaction of business upon call of the Chairman of which due notice will be given.