03171947:301 1 1 1 1 Appearing before the Board of Commissioners were L L Whitfield, Dr, Jordan and Mr Brame of the State Highway and Fublic 'Works Commission and discussed the road problems in the County. The Board of Commissioners will sit as a Board of Equalization as required by law on "larch 17 and continue to street as-Eu7Board of •Equalization at the pleasure of of the Board. The Board recessed to reconvene on tharch 17, 1947 at 10:00 A M. Minutes of Meeting of "arnett County Board of Eo_zalization and Review, Monday, March 17, 1947 Members al of the Board of "arnett County Commissioners met as the County Board of Equalization and Review at the Courthouse in Millington, North Carolina, Monday, March 17, 1947 it being the initial sitting of the Board. Present were Chairman Angus A Cameron, and commission ers L R Byrd, R L rate, L A Tart, and Tax Supervisa r Berles C Johnson, who served as Secretary to the Board. Commissioner Ferd D Jackson w as absent on account of illness, but he was represented by proxy, by Mr L R Byrd, The following business was transacted: A few minor complaints were presented, due to the fact that the ones involved did not understand just how their values were arrived at. The Board recessed as an Equalization Board until March 24, 1947 at which time they will meet for their decond meeting as a Board of Equalization and Review. The Beard of Commissioners of `arnett County met Monday March 17, 1947. At the conclusion of the sitting of the Harnett County Board of Equalization and Rewiew for the day, the members of the Edgard of Commissioners of "arnett County convened rresdnt were Chairman Angus A Cameron, and Commissioners L H Byrd, L A Tart and R L Pate, Commissioner Ferd Jacks '-n was represented by proxy directed to +'ir L R Bvrd. The Commissioners by unanimous vote requested Senator L M Chaffin and Representati A L Overby to prepare and sponsor thronh the Legislature legislation providing for a revaluation of all real property in Barnett County for purposes of taxation, the new valuation of properties to become effective either as of " anuary 1, 1948, or as of `January 1, 1949, as the Commissioners may later determine. The Board ordered that C H Avery be gtven $40.00 for patrolinr= street during school hours in Erwin. The Board of Education has authorized the transfer of $500.00 from Code 694 -1 to Code 682 -1 within the Capital Outlay current budget. The Board of Education requests that the Board of County Commissioners make this transfer on their copy of the approved shhool Budget for the c1irrent year. Upon bhnsideration of the foregoing request, IT IS ORDERED that within the Capital out -lay funds of the Barnett County Board of Education, the transfer of$500 from Code 684 -1 to Code 682 -1 be made. The Board recessed to reconvene March 24, 1947 at 10:00 to sit as a Board of Equalization and Review. Minutes of Meeting of Barnett County Board d' Equalization and Review, FJonday March 24, 1987. The members of the Board of "arnett County Commissioners met as the Comfy -- Board of Equalization and Review at the Courthouse in Ltllington, `'orth Carolina, Monday iv'iarch 24, 1947 it being the initial sitting of the Board. Preserht were Chairman Angus A Gamer n, and commissioners L R Byrd, R L Fate, FerdlD `Jackson, L A Tart, and Tax Supervisor Berles C Johnson, who served as Secretary to the Board. The following business was transacted; The Board of County Commissioners convened as a Board of County Commissioners after the Board had adjourned as a Hoard of Equalization and Review. It was ordered that the lands belonging to the 7ounty of " arnett on the west side of 15A and south of Cape Fear River up the the County Garage property be surveyed before the first i :onday in April. It *as further ordered that Berles Johnson contact a surveyor to survey said land. It was further ordered that L D Forbes of Creek Township be exempt from poll tax for the year 1946 due to physical disability . Fdllowtng the recess taken by the Board of Equalization and Review on Monday 'arch 24, 1947 the members of the Board of Commissioners of "arnett County convened. Present were Chairman Angus A Cameron, and Commissioners L R Byrd, R L Pate, L A Tart and F D Jackson. Pursuant to the authority granted by Senate Rill No 244, duly ratified by the General Assembly of North Carolina, by unanimous vote of all County. Commissioners, e 3O2 Messers Charlie Thornton and A F Fowler, two citizens of Harnett County, who were determined to be taxpayers and disinterested in the subject matter, were appointed to appraise approximately 4 acres owned by the County of Harnett and situated North of the Norfolk Southern Railroad tracts and West of State Highway No 15 -A in the Town of Lillington; and they were requested to report the appraised value in moneyo' of the property to the Board of Commissioners of 4'arnett County not later than the morning of Monday April 7, 1947. The County Attorney was directed to cause to be given proper notice to the effect that on Monday, April 7, 1947, 12 o'clock Noon, the County Commissioners would receive bids from any prospective purchasers for the land mentioned in the preceeding paragraph and would offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the subject property either by public out cry or by sealed bids as in their disereation might appear better, reserving the right to reject any or all bids. Commissioner Ferd D 'Jackson was re- appointed as a member of the "arnett County Welfare Board. There being no further business to come before the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County, the meeting was recessed to reconvene upon notice to be duly given. MINUTES OF MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW HELD MONDAY, MARCH j$1.0 1947. The Board of Commissioners of Harnett ()aunty assembled in their room at the Courthouse in Lillington at 10 A M Monday March 31, 1947 for their final sitting as a Board of Equalization and Review for the year 1947. Members present were: Chairman Angus A Cameron, and Commissioners L R Byrd, R L Rate, L A Tart and F D Jackson. Tax Supervisor Berles C Johnson acted as Clerk. The following budiness was transacted: There seemed to be very few complaints as was true on the two prthor meetings. It was not necessary to make any adjustments. Mr Venable Baggett brought to the attention of the Board the necessity of a revaluation or an equalization of some of the property in Western part of the County. After he realized that plans were under way for a revaluation he was very much pleased end felt sure that such property would be equalized. The Board was closed in order as a Board of Equalization and Review for theyear 1947. 303 THE FOLLOVIN': CHECKS IJERE ISSUED DURING THE MONTH OF MARCi-I 1947 8084 Floyd McLean 8085 Void 8086 Albert J Moore 8087 Angus A Cameron 8088 L B McLean 8089 W D Harrington 8090 W D Harrington 8091 Mrs L P Smith 8092 Berles C Johnson 6093 Louise McLauchlin 8094 W E Salmon 8095 D K Stewart 8096 Wade Stewart 8097 E L Jackson 8098 C H Avery, 8099 R H Butler 8100 H A Wells 8101 B E Sturgill 8102 A H Ivey 8103 Inez Harrington 8104 C B Allred 8105 K C Matthews 8106 Lovely McCoy 8107 Mary Sessom 8108- Bud Lee 8109 Rachel Herring 8110 Howard Godwin 8111 Howard Godwin 8112 Pope Printing Co 8113 Betsy Ross Letter Shop 8114- Capital Printing Co 8115 Alfred Williams & Co 8116 Overnite Transportation Inc. 8117 Machine & '~Welding Co 8118 Layton Supply Co 8119 Town of Lillington 8120 Mitchell Printing Co 8121 Commercial Printing Co 8122 Modern Laundry & Cleaners 8123' KellY's Drug Store 8124' Lafayette Drug Store 8125 Void 8126 Atkins Brothers 8127 F A Bradsher 8128 Champion Milling Co 8129 Lillington Furniture Co. 8130 John Johnson 8131 Steinberg & Co 8132 Carolina Power Light Co 8133 Brogden Produce Co 8134 Woods Grocery 8135 Womble Company 8136 Womble's Food Store 8137 Lillington Roller Mills Inc. 8138 14lomas & Howard Co 8139 City Market 8140 Colonial Frozen Food Lockers 8141 J S Lucas 8142 J E Womble & sons 8143 Orkin Exterminating Co 8144 Johnson & Bryan Co 8145 Progressive Stores # 5 8146 Colonial Stores #'2i2 8147 Turnage's Market 8148 Mrs Marvin West 8149 Vernon West 8150 Kelly'snDrug Store 8151 Hood's Drug Store 8152 Butler & Lee Drugs & Jewelry Inc. Prescriptions 8153 Fitchett Drug Co Prescriptions 8154 Treatment 8155 Ambulance Services 8156 Hospitalization 8157 Welfare Relief Order 8158 Welfare Relief Order' 8159 Welfare Relief Order 8160 Welfare Relief Order 8161 Clothing 8162 Glasses 8163 Hospitalization 8164 Void 8165 orium Hospitalization 8166 Joslin Treatment Salary Void Salary County Commissioner Travel Jurors Tickets, Dog Tickets Court Reporting Refund Services Postage, etc. Still Still Stills Stills Stills Still etc conveying prisoner Conveying prisoner Postage Coroner Services Laundry etc. Work ':`fork ':fork Home Demonstration supplies Postage Fees Printing Printing Supplies Supplies Inv. Inv. Supplies Bill Printing Printing Laundry Mdse. Mdse. Void Mdse. Oil Feeds Mdse. Plumbing Mdse. Bill Inv. Grinding etc. Shoe s Mdse. Meal Mdse, Mdse: Imv. Slabs Mdse. Services Mdse. Welfare Food Orders Welfare Fo..d Orders Welfare Food Orders Welfare Food Orders Welfare Food Orders Welfare Relief Orders Rx 74665 etc. Dr C B Codrington Payton Funeral Hone Duke Hospital B Fleishman & Son Louis Baer Dry Goods Co Belk's Department Store Womble Company Geo. E Prince & Son State Commission for the Blind The North Carolina Sanatorium Void The Eastern North Carolina Sanat Lea & Felbiger $ 22.60 Void 21.00 23.40 52.08 745.52 100.50 101.00 3.00 54.65 31.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 6.68 12.78 38.50 106.00 17.20 65.00 60.00 65.00 8.71 7.59 15.94- 198.00 20.00 5.27 139.50 .75 70.33 223.76 28.85 51.82 30.15 32.43 51.60 14.90 Void 9.25 8.31 526.23 22.50 35.50 39.42 24.15 79.75 10.20 5.50 2.9.21 18.00 48.05 6.17 33.99 39.00 27.92 5.00 84.92 12.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 6.00 5.75 2.50 3.75 5.65 26.00 9.90 460.12 16.30 5.96 6.75 7.70 11.94 2.19 114.10 Void 15.41 10.00 304 8167 The MacMillan Company 8168 J B Lippincott Co 8169 Sinclair Refining Co 8170 Dr C B Godrington 8171 Dr L R Doffermyre'-, 8172 Dr Charles Byrd 8173 Storr Engraving Co 8174 Raleigh Office Supply Co. 8175 Robertson Stamp Works 8176 Sterns Engraving Co. 8177 - State Laboratory of Hygiene 8178 W D Harrington 479 Harvey Brown 8180 M D Lanier 8181 L L.Lucas 8182 Mrs S R McKay 8183 firs Doris Edwards 8184 MisseMa io icIMiddleton 8185 Void 8186 Standard Book Co 8187 J B Lippincott 8188 Doris Baggett 8189 Jas.A Taylor & Sons 8190 Floyd McLean 8191 Alfred & Williams & Co 8192 General Foundry & Machine Co 8193 Upchurch Printing Co 8194 Raleigh ,Sff'ide Supply Co Inv. Book Inv. Clinics T B Clinic T B Clinic Inv. supplies Inv. Inv. Supplies Refund Cleaning Postage Refund Salary Salary Work Void Order No 1219 Books Rent Bookmobile Salary 1 record book Inv. Subpoenas Ca? bon Paper 8195 Carolinas' Farm Equipment Dealers' Ass'n Inv. 8196 Purdie Brothers Inc 8197 Purdie Brothers Inc. 8198 The - Personal Book Shop Inc. 8199 Sinclair Refining Co 8200 Void 8201 E R Squibb & Sons 8202 M D Lanier 8203 4.aleigh Office supply Co 8204 Floyd McLean 8205 L B Meiegn 8206 M D Lanier 8207 N C State Commmssion for the Blind 8208 Bonnie B Strickland 8209 R L Pate 821Q Mrs Mack Cameron 8211 Storr Engraving Co 8212 James H Anderson 8213 Observor Printing House 8214 Pope Printing Ho 8215 Raleigh Office Supply Co 8216 Owen G Dunn. Co 8217 E :M.Blanchard 8218 Carrie Speight Alston 8219 First Citizens Bank & Trust Co 8220 Dr L R Doffermyre 8221 Purdie Equipment Co 8222 W D- C:Harrington 8223 Pope Printing Do':.::"c 8224 Carolina Poser & Light Co 8225 Carolina Tel & Tel Co 8226 L B- McLean 8227 Betty Allred 8228 Irma H Gossett 8229 Floyd McLean 8230 L R Btrd 8231 Mrs Faye Barnes 8232 Miss Lottie Patterson 8233 Mrs Virginia Johnson 8234 Angus A Cameron 8235 H C Strickland 8236 Berles C Johnson 8237 Ilah Mae Marsh 8238 '+ D- Harrington 8239 Iva J Sloan 8240 Alice Patterson 8241 Henry C Stewart 8242 W E Salmon 8243 Louise McLauchlin 8244 H D Carson Jr 8245 Mrs Inez Harrington 8246 Edna Kelly 8247 Doris Baggett 8248 K 0 Matthews 8249 E C Byrd 8260 ,Miss Wilma Williams Inv. Inv. Inv. Inv. Void Inv. Postage %upplies Salary Payment of salary Postal cards County's part Salary Commissioner List Taker Pencils etc. Inv. Ribbons Envalpp'es Inv. Inv. Officer grand jury Court Reporting Interest, etc. Fluoroscopic Clinic Inv. Juror Tickets T'az Listing Countys Bill Bill Bal March salary Salary Salary Salary Commissioner Work Work Work Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary 4.90 6.00 8.75 40.00 15.00 15.00 8.70 31.18 1.00 3.19 11150 4.51 1.12 12.00 5.72 111.40 42.50 12.00 Void 56.82 13.85 1.50 51.90 _ 26.80 3.60 4.87- 14.10 34.36 3.15 55.51 34.60 61.80 9.35 Void 5.42 30.00 5.89 26.80 15.00 10,00 327.48 51.00 64.80 10.00 6.20 10.20 12.12 4.50 2.46 38.35 8.00 76.95 155.00 15.00 16.77 570.82 28.80 68.87 103.40 125.20 82.50 90.00 26.80 41.40 53.40 80.10 99.30 25.00 200.00 252.20 111.40 414.35 153.20 99.10 200.00 334..41 50.00 250.10 256.53 120.00 82.50 90.00 150.00 224.42 305 1 1 8251 Mildred ?rad.saer Salary 91.20 8252 Naomi n Hawley Salary 03.20 8253 Marjorie 0 Ric'aoy Eslary 109.72 8251 Ruth 0 Maynard Salary 15 _.54 8255 Ford 2 Jackaon Ralfare Go:rd Meetine 4.00 8256 1 2 : T Juinn i.... c ul ',or.rd Meeting 4.00 8257. C ,i Matrons 1 .. ry 160.00 825,. I' 2 O'Ouinn Galary 125.00 8259 Kathryn t T alley Salary 65.00 0260 Alene Outlaw a1c.ry 70.30 8251 Rachel Herring Salary 117.50 8262 Lorraine Vail 7slery 80.30 8263 Dr N1 2 Hunter Salary 443.50 0264 M Irene Lassiter Salary 215.80 8265 Eabel Alston S lary 209.85 5265 P1:12.9 MT Ruby Hood Salary 201.24 8267 2 1i Canady Salary 234.75 8268 Edith Hood • :salary 111.40 8269 Edith Jernigan Salary • 94.80 2270 Howard Godwin SEl ry 373.40 8271 D P •2a7 Jr Salary 174.10 8272 Helen Bradley Salary 111.:0 0273 " H Taylor Salary 182.00 8274 lei 0 Lee Salary 151.10 8275 Mfs Oilua 8 Oneade S<lcry 82.50 0276 Mrs Elizabeth 2 Latuaeus Work 21.90 277 Mrs Myrtle S Bradley Salary 97.80 8278 Mrs Velma 3 Edwards Salary 84.00 8279 Mrs Burtba- _r Felton Salary 64.10 2280 Milts Gertrude Parker Galtry 06.00 8251 Selkie Daportmcnt Store Relicf order 7.62 8282 -_lfrcd 2illiam; E Co S,eed . ao..ine 61.20 8253 Reox Chemical Co :Lnv. 4.90 2204 Obeorvor rintln c.nae Order e 22 etc. 32.32 P2 "5 E D Lanier 2ostaee 1:2.00 8286 L 2 :o: ton Travel 55.00 8227 Ida P ITinnant Travel 25.00 .288 2 0 Lanier cards 10.00 8289 Dept. of Conservation E Devaioomen Count;' art 612.03 2290 Floyd Mclean Salary 26.80 fl06 30) 8312 H. D. Carson, Jr. 8313 Floyd McLean 8314 W. D. Harrington 8315 A. F. Fowler 8316 C. H. Thornton 8317" .L B. McLean 8318 Fred D.Jackson 8319 A. A. Cameron 8320 W.E.Salmon 8321 R. H. Butter 8322 Wade Stewart 8323 E.L.Jackson 8324 B. E. Sturgill 8325 A.L.Johnson 8326 K. C. Matthews 8327 A.H.Ivey 8328 Inez Harrington 8329 Louise McLauchlin 8330 C.B.Allred 8331 Mrs. Sherman 8332 Mrs. Sherman 8333 Aster McLean 8334 Richard Massie 8335 Sally Ann Shine 8336 Mary Sessom 8337 Lovely McCoy 8338 Bud Lee 8339 Rachel Herring 8340, Howard Godwin 8341 Howard Godwin 8342 Betsy Ross Letter Shop 8343 Howard Godwin 8344 Raleigh Office Supply Co 8345 Purdie Brothers Inc. 8346 Lillington Furniture Co, 8347 Johnson & Bryan Co, 8348 Modern Laundry & Cleaners 8349 Layton Supply Co, 8350 Town of Lillington 8351 Void 8352 Lafayette Drug Co, 8353. Pope Printing Co, 8354 Harnett County News 8355 City Market 8356 E.C.Byrd 8357 Orkin Exterminating Co, 8358 Farmers Cooperative Echange Inc 8359 J.E.Womble & Sons 8360 O'Quinn and O'Quinn 8361 Superior Seed and Feed Co, 8362 Atkins Brothers 8363 Womble's Food Store 8364 Womble Company 8365 Steinberg & Co 8366 Wood'sGrocery 8367 C.V. Parker 8368 ,Champion Milling Co 8369 Harold Supply Corp 8370 Brogden Produce Co, 8371 Thomas& Howard Co, 8372 James H. Anderson, Co, 8373 Machine & •gelding Co, 8374 H.C. Board of Education 8375 .Overnite Transportation Co 8376 R.M. - Turlington 8377 Commerical Printing Co, 8378 Mitchell Printing Co 8379 E.B. Culbreth 8380 Warwick Hotel 8381 R. M. Turlin' ton 8382 K. C. Matthews 8383 State Laboratory of Hygiene 8384 Inez Harrington, R.D. 8385 Capital Printing Co, 8386 Observer PrintingCo, 8387 Edwards & Broughton Co 8388 Kelly's Drug Store 8389 F.A. Bradsher 8390 Progressive Stores #5 8391 City Market 8392 Vernon .:est 8392 A.R.Byrd 8393 George R. S ruders Part payment on salary $ 50.00 Salary 26.80 Jurors Tickets 273.91 Work as Appraisal 199.00 Work as appraisal 236.75 Travel & Expense 55.60 8 days as Commissioner 52.80 3 days Review 23.40 Postage 55.40 Stills 20.00 Stills 15.00 Stills 15.00 Stills 35.00 Stills & Prisoner 22.20 Stills & Prisoner 36.20 Stills ' Prisoner 13.04 March Postage 40.00 Typing for Reg. Deeds 25.60 Corner Services 47.00 Work at County Home 9.00 Work at County Home 4.00 Work at County Home 4.00 Work at County Home 4.00 Work at County Home 5.00 Work at County Home 60.00 Work at County Home 65.00 Work at County Home 65.00 Home Dem. Supplies 18.09 Fees in court cases 458.36 March Postage 12.60 Printing for Clerk ofCourt 10.00 Fees in court cases 37.36 Supply for Auditor &Reg. Deeds 31.20 Invoice 65.25 Supplies for Court House 37.33 Mdse for county Jail& court house 77.32 Laundry for Jail and hourthouse 39.83 Mdse for courthouse &Jail 51.93 Water for County 35.30 Void Mdse for Printing Printing Mdse for Reftnd f Service Invoice Mdee for Mdse for Mdse for Mdse for Mdse for Mdse for Invoice Grinding & Seasoning C.H. fowls for County Home Invoice Folio Invoice Invoice Invoice Invoice Hauling Coal for Courthouse Invoice BuiE7ing witness stand Printing for Reg of Deeds Printing for Reg of Deeds Policy for Jell Hotel Rooms for 4 wks Repairing County Jail Turn -Key Fees & Laundry Supplies for Health Dept Re- imbursement of Records Invoice Order for Clerk of Court 28 Criminal J.P. Dockets Mdse for County Jail and C.H. Oil far Welfare Dept Welfare Food Orders "elfare Hood Orders Welfare Food Orders Welfare Food Orders Welfare Hood Orders County Home etc for courthouse for county County Home or Freight & Canning for March County County County County Bounty County Home Home Hone Home Home Home 19.92 139.20 105.95 16.49 8.53 5.00 37.0C 52.66 30.00 7.70 24:41 32.54 17.39 18.00 8.05 8.20 250.55 18.00 54.70 66.51 15.64 26.86 4.00 .75 216.81 105.80 83.88 8.40 64.00 1,045.89 35.60 5.00 34.72 1.15 30.23 75.90 38.08 5.50 18.00 8.00 12.00 16.00 6.00 8395 F.L. Altman 8396 Marvin West 8397 L. M. Johnson 8398 Colonial Stores Inc. 8399 Farmers Supply Co, 8400 "M" System Stores 8401 Void 8402 Harnett County Hospital 8403 Joseph J. Combs 8404 Dr. J. P. Bowen 8405 Lee County Hospital 8406 Yadkin Hospital Inc. 8407 Duke Hospital 8408 R.L. Pittman Hospital 8409 Duke Hospttal 8410 The Spot Store 8411 Balks Dept Store 8412 H. M. Smith 8413 Christian Community Burial Soc 8414 The N.C. Sanatorium, 8415 The Eastern N.C.Sanatorium 8416 C.H. Avery 8417 Carrie Speight Alston 8418 Mrs. Martha R. McKay 8419 .Howard Godwin. S.C.S. 8420 Storr Engraving Co, 8421 Floyd McLean 8422 M. D. Lanier 8423 L. B. McLean 8424 Turnagefs Market 8425 W.D.Harrington 8426 John °Joh>lsbnscn 8427 Floyd McLean 8428 Mrs. 0. B. Shelly 8429 Dr. L. R. Doffermyre 8430 Iris Fuller 8431 First - Citizens Bank & Tr.Co 8432 Ilah Mae Marsh 8433 M.D.Lanier, 8434 VOID 8435 VOID 8436 VOID 8437 James H. Anderson 8438 W. H. King 8439 Purdie Equipment Co, 8440 Carolina Power & Light Co, 8441 Dept of Conservation ' Devp 8442 Winchester Surgical Supply Co 8443 M.D.Lanier 8444 Mrs. Vtginia Johnson 8445 Mrs, Faye Barnes 8446 Miss 'tittle Patterson 8447 Angus A. Cameron 8448 H. C. Strickland 8449 Berles C. Johnson 8450 W.D. Harrington 8451 Iva J. Sloan 8452 Alice Patterson 8453 Henry C. Stewart 8454' W.E.Salmon 8455 Louise McLauchlin 8456 H.D.Carson, Jr. 8457` Mrs. Inez Harrington 8458 Edna Kelly 8459 Doris Haggett 8460 BettyAllred 8461` Irma H. Gossett 8462 K. C. Matthews 8463 E.C.Byrd 8464 C.R.Ammons 8465 T.D. O'I,uinn 8466 Kathryn B. Talley 8467° Alene Outlaw 8468 Rachell Herring 8469` Lorraine Vail 8470` Dr. W.B. Hunder 8471 M. Irene Lassiter 8472 ` VOID 8473 Mabel Alston 8474 Ruby J. Hood 8475 M. H. Canady 8476 Edith Wood 8477 Edith Jernigan2 8478 Howard Godwin 8479 D.P.Ray.Jr. 8480 Helen Bradley Welfare Food Orders Welfare Food Orders Welfare Food Orders Welfare Food Orders Welfare Food Orders Welfare Food Orders Hospitalization, Welfare Dept. Statement by Welfare Dept Tonsillectomy for Welface Dept Hospitalization, Welfare Dept 19 99 n t9 t9 Welfare Relief 'Order Welfare Relief Order Statement for Welfare Dept .Casket by Welfare Dept Hospitalization by Welfare Dept 11 It 19 Patroling Schools Court Reporting March rent on Vets office Fee in Court Cases Supplies Salary Exp Part payment on Salary Welfare Food Order Juror Ticle t:s Plumbing at County Home Salary +, Work on Tax Books Fi &oroscopic Clinic List of Motor Vehicles owners Township Road Fund April Salary Postal Cards n a tt 11 91 " Invoices Clinitest Tablets Invoice Light Bill Fire Control Invoice Postage Health Dept Work on Tax Books Work on Tax Books Work on Tax Books April Salary April Salary April Salary and Travel April Salary & Travel April Salary April Salary Ataril Salary & Travel April Salary & Travel April Salary April Salary and Travel April Salary April Salary April Salary April Salary April Salary April Salary Min1 Salary & Travel April Salary & Travel April Salary &Travel April Salary April Salary April Salary & Travel April Salary &Travel April Salary & Travel April Salary & Travel April Salary April Salary April Sal ary April Salary April Salary April Salary April Salary April Salary & Travel & Exp & Travel & Travel $ 22.00 18.00 21.72 10.00 6.00 58.00 710.00 5.00 12.50 15.00 205.25 10.00 44.00 35.00 10.00 17.09 14.10 35.00 172.27 17.13 40.00 143.85 8.50 426.36 68.84 26..80'.. X10,;00 ` -15.00 12.00 317/93 10.00 26.80 53.20 15.00 41.56 125.00 111.40 10.00 29.83 4.46 13.22 65.64 128.79 7.35 12.00 126.00 126.00 50.70 25.00 200.00 277.20 414.35 153.20 99/10 200.00 334.41 99.10 230.70 256.53 120.00 82.50 82.50 90.00 90.00 150.00 160.00 125.00 65.00 70.30 117.50 .80.30 450.96 201.44 209.84 198.40 258.94 11.40 94.80 373.40 174.10 11.40 311 8481 F. H. Taylor 8482 M.O.Lee 8483 Mrs. Myrtle S. Bradley 8484 Mrs. Velma S. Edwards 8485 Mrs. Bertha H. Felton 8486 Gertrude Parker 8487 L.B. McLean 8488 Hilda N. Sneade 8489 Alethea McLean 8490 Wilma Williams 8491 Marjorie G. Richey 8492 Ruth Cash Maynard 8493 Mildred Bradsher 8494 Naomi F. Hawley 8495 Ferd D. Jackson 8496 R.B.Ottuinn 8497 Floyd McLean 8498 L.K.Boston 8499 Ida P. Hinnant April Salary April Salary April Salary April Salary April Salary April Salary April Salary April Salary April Salary April Salary April Salary April Salary April Salary April Salary Welfare Board Welfare Board Salary April Travel April Travel & Travel & Travel & Travel Meeting Meeting $182.00 161.10 103.00 105.60 82.50 102.20 125.20 82.50 90.00 256.94 196.36 173.20 91.20 83.20 4.60 4.00 26.80 55.00 25.00 r12