0416194513f The Board of Equalization and Review net in regular session on Monday March 26, 1945 With all members present and presided over by J. B. Ennis Chairman. The Oaths were administered to each member. R. E. Taylthr appeared for The Standard Oil Company and was iven a release of $2400 on lot on Broad St. Amd Fayetteville St. in the town of Dunn. This does not include any reduction on the buildings making a value fur lots only at 6000 dollars Motion was ma de and seconded te accept a of R. W. Kinlaw in Averasboro Township. 5100 cljeck in full payment of all taxes An adjustment was made for Lacy Oldham, Sanford, N. C. as follows, Reduced 77acres timber land @ $18 per acre, to waste land @ $6 per acre. This property is in U. L. R. Township. The Board recessed to meet again at 9:30 April 9, 1945. The Board of Commissioners met in a call session on Monday March 26th with all members present and h. C. Strickland County Attorney, Inez Harrington, Clerk to the Board were also present. Miss Wilma Williams, Supt. of Welfare appeared before the Board and presented the Welfare budget which was adopted. The Board ordered that the salary of Mrs. Troy Godwin be raised to $115.00 to be- come affective March 1, 1945. The Board approved a petition for a road in Neill's Creek Township and ordered the same forwarded to the State Highway and Public Works Commission (1) To improve and hard surface that short link of read leading from the Bus Station in the business section of Buies Creek west to the junction of U. S. # 421. The Board recessed to reconvene at the call of the Chairman. x138. 'The Board of Equalization and Review was called to order by Mr. Ennis, Chairman March 16, 1945 at 11 o'clock. Mr. Paul Strickland appeared before the Board and asked for a deduction din a lot in Dunn -owned by Mrs. T. A. .Core, it was referred .to commitee of Revaluation. Motion was made and carried to reduce four acres cleared land to waste land and -value to correspond amount of reduction 8320 in Averasboro Township for Mrs. Maggie Eliza- beth Stewart. Mr. W. B. -Bruce was given a reduction on 810 acres school house site of making, the value for listing at $10.00. 40.00 Mrs. Godwin was instructed to try and settle with Mr. R. W. Kinlaw, Averasboro Township f_or actual taxes to the amount of $147.83. - Releaseing all penalties and land sales from 1933 - 1938. 'Allis was caused by the hold up by action of Town Board of Dunn. A letter and .plot was presented froth the Standard Oil Co. asking for a reduction on - their lots on Broad St. in Dunn and the bulk plant in Lillington. The value of the`,„o lot on W. Broad St. remains the same . The lot on E. Broad St. was reduced from $3940. to 83100 because there had been no Revaluation. The'bulk plant in Lillington was reduced from $"p835 to 8335. This reduction was caused by the removal of all pere° sonal property except one storage tank. The Board recessed to meet again Iviarch 26, 1945 10 A. I The Board of County Commissioners met in a call session on March 16, 1945 with all members present, also County Attorney and Clerk to the Board. Beer license were granted to Mabel Janet Hamm, Dunn, N. C. to operate at unite Way Club on the road leading North from .Dunn. D. B. McCrary and L. E. Whitfield from the State Highway and Public Works Commission appeared before the Board and presented a resolution recommending a system of second- ary Federal Aid Roadss. North Carolina County of harnett Recommended System of Secondary Federal Aid Roads Whereas, the Federal .Public Roads Administration has, requested the North Carolina State Highway Commission to recommedd a Secondary Federal Aid System of road upon which Secondary Federal Aid highway funds maybe expanded as they are made available by congress for the improvement of secondary roads. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County that it hereby approves the recommendation of a Secondary Federal Aid System of roads of said countyas submitted by Commissioner D. B. McCrary and Division Engineer L. E. Whitfield on the 16th day of March 1945. CERTIFICATE The Foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the county of Harnett at a meeting on thel9th day of March 1945, and appears on the minutes of said Commission. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 16th day od'march 1945. Inez narrington Clerk, Board <of Commissioners County of Harnett The Board'recessedto reconvene at the call of the Chairman 139 1 1 1 1 the Board of Equalization and Review ;et April 9, 194b, with the Chairman Mr. Ennis presiding and all members present. Mr. Dick Collier was released from listing a lot in Lillington because he had the deed made to the Catholic Church of Raleigh. The report of the Revalution Commitee on Mr. C. A. Dewar's property in Buckhorn was accepted. B. F. Parker asked for a reduction of taxes on Z. 0. Parker Est. Mr. Strickland presented the case to read as follows Z. 0. Parker Est be released to the parties who may make payment of said sum $94.40 during the month of April 1945. Tax receipts for the years 1968, 1969, 1940 and 1941 to be released upon payment. the Board recessed to reconvene on April 16 The Board of Equalization and Review met April 16, 1945. The meeting called to order by Mr. Cameron. The Commitee was instructed to make a work sheet on F. 0. Glover and make a total of listing at $2000 agreement oetween Mr. Byrd and Mr. Glover. Reduce 20 acre timber land valued O y$25 to waste @ 0.0 for Leonard Ogburn Lillington Township. Release Mr. H. T.Spears of y$425 for a house and smoke house on 230 acre tract burned in Lillington Township. The Commitee recommended to reduce 1. A.Core lot of Geo. P. Mcr.ay ESt. from $2100 to $1850 The Board Adjourned !fo