062219816 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Meeting June 22, 1981 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, June 22, 1981, at 7:30 p.m. in the Assembly Room, County Office Building, Lillington, North Carolina, with the fol- lowing members present: M. H'..Brock, Lloyd G, Stewart, Bill Shaw, Rudy Collins, and Chairman Jesse Alphin presiding. H. D. Carson, Jr., Clerk to the Board and Vanessa W. Young, Assistant'CIerk..to the Board, and Edward H. McCormick, County Attorney, were also present. CALLED TO ORDER Chairman Jesse Alphin called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m., PRAYER Commissioner Rudy Collins led the evening prayer. MINUTES APPROVED The minutes from the Harnett County Board of Commissioners meeting of June 1, 1981, were approved as read. Chairman Jesse Alphin called the public hearing on Harnett County's proposed budget for the F. Y. 1981 -82 to order at 7:35 p.m. He informed those present that the purpose of this meeting was to give the public an opportunity to speak pro or con on the proposed bud.- get. Chairman Alphin requested that each person who spoke on the budget identify himself. Burr Webster appeared before the Board and expressed his appre- ciation to the Commissioners for their wise stewardship in the handling of the taxpayer's money. Mr. Webster commended the Board in foreseeing the need of the new school facilities, aCounty Airport, and the Metro Water System in order for Harnett County to be competitive with other counties in attracting industry. J. D. Norris appeared before the Board and thanked the Commissioners for supporting the meals on wheels program. Walter J. Hawley appeared before the Board and informed the Commissioners that he felt the current tax values were fair and expressed his appreciation to each of the commissioners for their leadership. Fletcher Hubbard appeared before the Board and commended the Board on holding the line in the F.Y. 1981 -82 budget. Alton Gray, Superintendent of Schools, appeared before the Board and expressed his feelings concerning the budget that had been__ approved by the Commissioners. Mr. Gray stated that the Board of Commissioners cut the Board of Education's:-request by $373,000, a decrease which he felt would cause the: Board of Education to have severe problems in the coming year. Mr. Gray said that the people are being asked by the County, the state, and the nation to bite the bullet. He continued to state the Board of Education had ac- cepted the cuts made by the Commissioners, they had redone their budget, and can operate next year. He said that it was tight, that the Board of Education had nothing tb play with, and he hopes that the citizens of the County understand this. Mr. Gray stated that he felt the Board of Commissioners were doing a find job and thanks them for the support they have given the Board of Education. Anthony Carreau appeared before the Board and informed those presentl that he had chosen to move to Harnett County; and since he had re- located to the County,he had not been able to obtain a goad job. He stated that if he could not find a job within nine days, he woulc have to move from Harnett County. Mr. Carreau asked that if anyone could help him, to please talk with him after the hearing. Chairman Jesse Alphin asked that any others present who wished, to speak' the budget to feel free to do so at this time. No one else appeared to speak on the budget, Chairman Jesse Alphin expressed his appreciation for comments and the citizens' input into the budget. Mr. Alphin stated that he appreciated Mr. Gray's remarks very much because the Board of Education took the largest cuts. Mr. Alphin thanked the Board of Education and all the county departments for their cooperation in preparing this budget. Chairman Jesse Alphin declared the pliblic::hearing :on.the- proposed blidget for the F. Y. 1981 -82 closed at 8:05 p.m. Chairman Jesse Alphin called the public hearing on the Revenue Sharing Budget for the F. Y. 1981 -82 to order at 8:06 p.m. and asked that anyone present who wished to speak on the Revenue Sharing budget to feel free to do so at this time. Mr. M. H. Brock, County Manager, stated that the County anticipated receiving $950,000 in Revenue Sharing for the F. Y. 1981 -82. Mr. Brock explained that this money will be contributed to the County General Fund and will fund the programs that have already been budgeted. No one else appeared to speak on the Revenue Sharing Budget. Chairman Jesse Alphin declared the public hearing on the Revenue Sharing Budget closed at 8:07 p.m. Commissioner Brock made a motion that the Board adopt the following budget ordinance. Commissioner Stewart seconded the motion and it carried. BUDGET ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County, North Carolina: Section 1. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the General Fund for the operation of the county government and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1981, and ending June 30, 1982, in accordance with the Chart of accounts heretofore established for this county: Governing Body 72,608. Administration 60,889. Election 35,486. Finance 50,776. Tax Department 184,011. Register of Deeds 86,400. Public Buildings 174,128. Sheriff's Department 862,294. Emergency Management 36,214. Fire Department 35,634. Inspections 82,631. Central Maintenance 27,660. Contingency Fund 40,000. Department of Human Resources 535,224. Sanitation Landfill 298,802. Health 416,127. Family Planning 97,977. Maternal & Child Health 70,039. W I C Program 48,887. Tuberculosis Control 23,446. Title III, Chronic Disease 19,197. Chronic Disease - State 7,421. Coroner 11,300. Agricultural Extension & Home Agents 95,188. Veterans' Service Office 15,320. Social Services 1,232,510. Public Assistance 899,896. Parks & Recreation 101,732. Industrial Development Commission 56,576. Library 112,329. Ambulance Service 214,680. Airport 662,848. Communications Center 109,004. Non - Departmental 351,700. Special Appropriations 4,454,206. Industrial Training Center 33,566. Section 2. The appropriations to the Board of Education shall be made from any funds which are dedicated to the use of the Schools from general county reve- nues to the extent necessary. All projects using county money shall be approved by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners. Section 3. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the General Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1981, and ending June 30, 1982: Current Year's Property Tax 5,495,000. Prior Years Taxes 140,000. Animal Taxes 9,000. Tax Penalties & Interest 52,000. Licenses 2,500. Intergovernmental Revenue 2,646,218. Other Revenues 3,050,358. Fund Balance Appropriated 235,630. Less Refunds & Releases 14,000. 11,616,706. Section 4. The following amountt are hereby appropriated in the Revalua- tion Fund for the purposes consistent with : :thecrevaluing of property in Harnett County beginning July I, 1981, and ending June 30, 1982: Revaluation Fund 15,000. Section 5. It is estimated that the folio-Ming revenues will be available in the Revaluation Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1981, and ending June 30, 1982: Contribution from General Fund 15,000. Section 6. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Revenue Sharing Fund for purposes consistent with Federal Law and Regulations for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1981, and ending June 30, 1982: Contribution to General Fund 950,000. Section 7. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Revenue Sharing Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1981, and ending June 30, 1982: Interest on Investments Revenue Sharing Grants 25,000. 925,000. 950,000. Section 8. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Debt Service Fund for the payment of principal and interest on the outstanding debt o the county, and the expenses relating thereto for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1981, and ending June 30, 1982: Bond Principal 100,000. Bond Interest 250. Bond Service Charge 200. 100,450. Section 9. It is estimated that the following revenues will be available in the Debt Service Fund for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1981, and ending June 30, 1982: Contribution from General Fund 100,450. Section 10. There is hereby levied a tax at the rate of Eighty Nine Cents ($.89) per one hundred dollars ($100) valuation of property listed for taxes as of January 1, 1981, for the purpose of raising-the revenue listed as "Current Years Property Taxes" in the General Fund in Section 3 of this ordinance. This rate of tax is based on an estimated total Valuation of property for the purpose of taxation $650,000,000. and an estimated collection rate of 95 percent. The estimated rate of collection is based on the prior years collec- tions of approximately 95 pereent. Section 11. The Budget Officer is hereby authorized to transfer appropria- tions within a fund as contained herein under the following conditions: a. He may transfer amounts up to $500,00 between objects of expenditures within department with an official report on Such transfer at the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners. b. He -may not transfer between departments of the same fund. c. He may not transfer any amount between funds nor from any contingency appropriation within any fund. Section 12. There is hereby levied a tax at the rate of five cents (50) per one hundred dollars ($100) valuation of property listed for taxes as of January 1, 1981, located within the Special Averasboro School District for the raising of revenue for said Special School District. This rate of tax is based on an estimated total valuation of property for the purposes of taxation of $13,000,000. and an estimated collection rate of approximately 95 percent. There is appropriated to the Special Averasboro School District the sum of $86,000. for use by the Special School District in such manner and for such expenditures as is permitted by law from the proceeds of this tax and any Other revenues otherwise accruing to said Special School District. Section 13. There is hereby levied the following tax rated per hundred dollars ($100) valuation of property listed for taxes as of January 1, 1981, located within the Special Fire District, for the raising of revenues for said Special Fire Districts, as follows: Anderson Creek Fire District Angier Black River Emergency Ambulance & Rescue, Inc. Black River Fire District Buies Creek Fire District Erwin Fire District Flat Branch Fire District Flatwoods Fire District Grove Fire District Northern Harnett Fire District Spout Springs Fire District Summerville Fire District Fourteen cents 140 Thirteen cents 130 Ten cents 100 Ten cents 100 Seven cents 70 Fourteen cents 140 Fifteen cents 150 Seven cents 7Q Three cents 30 Thirteen cents 130 Twelve cents 120 There being no further business, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners duly adjourned at 8:09 p.m. ecreta