031619815 Harnett County Board of Commissioners Meeting, March 16, 1981 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, March 16, 1981, in the Commissioners Room, County Office Building, Lillington, North Carolina, with the following members present: Lloyd G. Stewart, M. H. Brock, Bill Shaw, Rudy Collins, and Chairman Jesse Alphin presiding. H. D. Carson, Jr., Clerk to the Board, and Edward H. McCormick, County Attorney, were also present. CALLED TO ORDER Chairman Jesse Alphin called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. PRAYER Commissioner Bill Shaw led the evening prayer. MINUTES READ The minutes from the Harnett County Board of Commissioners meet ing of March 2, 1981, were read. Commissioner Brock made a motion that minutes concerning the award of the non - directional radio beacon contract be corrected as follows: the contract for the non - directional radio beacon be awarded to Rockwell Radio and Electric, Rockwell, North Carolina, in the amount of $23,200 contingent upon the purchase of a land site. Commis - sionerShaw seconded the motion and it carried. BUDGET AMENDMENT - LIBRARY RESIDENTS ON SR 1132 Margaret Randall, Harnett County Librarian, appeared before the Board and requested an amendment to the Library Budget reflect- ing the receipt of additional funds from the federal government for Outreach Enrichment and State funds received for state aid. Commissioner Shaw made a motion that Code 10- 630 -25, Books, be amended by $3,336. Commissioner Collins seconded the motion and it carried. Mr. Bill King, appeared before the Board as spokesperson for the residents on SR 1132 and expressed his concern that this road had not been paved. He continued to state that it was his understanding that funds had been appropriated from 1980 allo- cation to pave SR 1132. Don Dupree, District Engineer, explained to the group present that funds had been allocated in the 1980 -81 Secondary Improvement Program for Harnett County to survey and obtain right -of -way signatures on SR 1132. Mr. Dupree explained that DOT has surveyed this road but they did not feel it was feasible to obtain right -of -way signatures until money was allocated to pave this road. The Commissioners informed the group that SR 1132 was Priority No.33on the 1980 -81 Harnett County Secondary Improvement Program and assured the group that the Board would remain firm on this commitment. TAX ATTORNEY'S REPORT The following tax attorney's report was filed with the Board: NAMES SUIT NO. AMOUNT COLL. ATTORNEY FEES Averasboro Township: Milton E. & Kathleen Barefoot 80 CVD 0755 Barbecue Township: Ray Cameron no suit filed 126.68 Black River Township: R. V. Matthews heirs 78 CVD 0735 Duke Township: Eva D. Norris heirs 78 CVD 0783 New suits started: J.B.S.T. Associates, Inc. 81 CVD 0155 Charles Ray Fisher 81 CVD 0187 Suvolia Knight 81 CVD 0188 Eva Mae P. Sills 81 CVD 0167 $ 757.78 $ 40.00 25.00 200.10 40.00 394.85 40.00 Total 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 $ 40.00 $185.00 EXPENDITURE REPORT M. H. Brock, County Manager, filed a copy of the expenditure report for the month ending February 28, 1981, with the Board. ACTIVITY BUSES At the Harnett County Board of Commissioners meeting of March 2 1981, the Board authorized the Educational Committee to study a request from the Board of Education to participate in the pur- chasing of two activity buses. It was the recommendation of the Educational Committee that the County provide 50% parti- cipation for the purchase of 2 fifteen passenger Dodge activity vans. Commissioner Collins made a motion that the County allocate $5,000 out of the Contingency fund, Code 10- 559 -57, to purchase 2 fifteen passenger Dodge activity vans for the Board of Education. Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and it POLICY REGARDING BOARD OF M. H. Brock, County Manager, presented to the Board for COMMISSIONERS MEETINGS their review a draft of a policy entitled "The Procedures for Consideration of Business and Other Matters before the Board of Commissioners ". ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners duly adjourned at 8:30 p.m. hairman Clerk