06201980437 ADJOURNMENT Chairman Jesse Alphin informed those presenet that the Board of Commissioners would consider the remarks they had heard tonight during the public hearing and would make a decision concerning the redefining of the Northern Harnett Rescue District at the next meeting. There being no further business, the Harnett County Board of Commission- ers meeting of June 16, 1980, duly adjourned at 9 p.m. Tq \ Sec a _ar 1 ary 1� 1; I .� rman Clerk HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING, JUNE 20, 1980 CALL TO ORDER PRAYER PUBLIC HEARING GENERAL BUDGET The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Friday, June 20, 1980, in the Commissioners Room, County Office Build- ing, Lillington, North Carolina, as was duly advertised, with the following members present: Lloyd G. Stewart, Rudy Collins, M. H. Brock, and Chairman Jesse Alphin presiding. Commissioner Bill Shaw and H. D. Carson, Jr., Clerk to the Board, were absent. Edward H. McCormick, County Attorney, was present. Chairman Jesse Alphin called the meeting to order at 10 a.m. and informed those present that the major purpose of this meeting was to consider the general county budget and revenue sharing budget for the F.Y. 1980 -81. Robert Anderson led the morning prayer. At 10 a.m., Chairman Jesse Alphin declared the public hearing on the general county budget for the F.Y. 1980 -81 open and invited anyone present who wished to comment on the proposed budget to feel free to do so. Robert Anderson, a citizen from the Johnsonville area appeared before the commissioners to speak on a few issues concerning the proposed budget. Mr. Anderson informed the Commissioners that on Thursday afternoon he had spent approximately 2 1/2 hours with the County Manager studying the budget. Mr. Anderson expressed his appreciation to Mr. Brock for taking the time from his busy schedule to help him better comprehend the role of the budget, and he also complimented the board on a "job well done' in preparing the 1980 -81 budget for Harnett County. Mr. Anderson continued to state that while reviewing the budget, he came across the following issues which concerned him and which he would like for the Board to resolve: 1. Mr. Anderson questioned who was responsible for cutting back the teacher's supplement from $110 to $82.50. He explained that the news media had quoted Mr. Gray as stating that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners were responsible for this action. 2. Mr. Anderson also stated that he had read in the news media that although the tax levy had decreased that the tax values had not been reduced. He, therefore, requested that the Board of Commissioners consider the persons on fixed incomes when they set the tax levy. Mr. Alphin expressed his appreciation to Mr. Anderson for coming before the Board and expressing his views on the proposed budget. Mr. Alphin also complimented Mr. Anderson on taking the time to review the budget and to get a better understanding of the role it portrays in the development of the County. M. H. Brock addressed Mr. Anderson's questions concerning the teacher's supplement. Mr. Brock explained that on May 14, 1980, the Board of Education presented their proposed budget for the F.Y. 1980 -81 to the Commissioners. The Commissioners reviewed the school budget and noti- fied Mr. Gray that the County would appropriate $2,171,151 to school current expense, $252,450 to school capital outlay plus an additional $1,000,000 for the capital reserve fund for the F.Y. 1980 -81 which was an increase of $220,327 over last year's budget. However, the 4 PUBLIC HEARING REVENUE SHARING OPEN CLOSED BOARD OF EDUCATION HIGH SCHOOL ATHLE- TICS AND VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS BUDGET ORDINANCE Board of Commissioners did leave it up to the Board of Education's own discretion as to which line item they wished to allocate these funds, with one exception- -the Harnett County Board of Commissioners did request the .Board of Education to maintain funds in the amount of $26,041 for ,the High Schools Athletics Program. The Commissione continued to explain that the Board of Education must have felt that an increase in the teachers supplement was one of its lower priorities thereby cutting it to $75 plus 10% = $82.50 per teacher. The Commissioners explained to Mr. Anderson that they always remember the persons on fixed income when_they consider the tax leaey; unfortunately, no matter what levy they set it will always be difficult for the persons on fixed income. The the for Board again expressed their appreciation to Mr. Anderson interest he had shown in Harnett County and its proposed the F.Y. 1980 -81. for budget Dot Goetz, Children's Librarian with the Harnett County Library appeared before the Board and expressed her thanks to the Board of Commissioners for considering the continuation of the LSCA pro- gram for the FY 1980 -81. After everyone present had an opportunity to speak on the budget, Mr. Alphin declared the budget hearing closed at 10:40 a.m. At 10:41 a.m., Mr. Alphin declared the public hearing on the revenue sharing budget for the FY 1980 -81 open and invited anyone present who wished to speak on the budget to feel free to do so at this time. No one appeared before the Board to speak on the revenue sharing budget for the F.Y. 1980 -81, therefore, Chairman Jesse Alphin declared the public hearing on the revenue sharing budget closed at 10:45 a.m. The Board of Commissioners reconvened into regular session. Commissioner Collins made a motion that the Board of Education, maintain the funds appropriated for the high school athletics and vocational programs in their budget for the F.Y. 1980 -81 and that these funds be used solely for the purpose indicated, Commissioner Stewart seconded the motion and the issue carried. Upon motion of Commissioner Brock, seconded by Commissioner Collins, the following budget ordinance for the FY 1980 -81 was unanimously adopted: BUDGET ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County, North Carolina: Section 1. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the General Fund for the operation of the county government and its activities for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1980, and ending June 30, 1981, in accordance with the chart of accounts heretofore established for this county: Governing Body Administration Elections Finance Tax Listing Tax Collections Register of Deeds Public Buildings Sheriff's Department Emergency Management Fire Department Inspections Central Maintenance Contingency Fund Human Resources Sanitation Landfill Health Family Planning Maternal & Child Health WIC Tuberculosis Control Title III, Chronic Disease Chronic Disease - State Coroner Agric. Extension 50,480. 57,356. 34,200. 59,132. 108,880. 68,541. 79,691. 194,696. 796,124. 33,290. 31,000. 77,708. 38,648. 50,000. 1,123,685. 312,720. 382,074. 84,201. 71,511. 44,949. 21,370. 18,951. 7,421. 12,300. 92,014.