05071979320 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING, MAY 7, 1979 CALL TO ORDER PRAYER RESOLUTION: OLDER ICANS WEEK DON DUPREE, DOT SHERIFF'S REPORT IRING RANGE The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular ses- sion on Monday, May 7, 1979, in the Commissioners Room, County Office Building, Lillington, North Carolina, with the following members present; M. H. Brock, Lloyd G. Stewart, Bill Shaw, and Chairman Jesse Alphin presiding. Edward H. McCormick County Attorney, was also present. H. D. Carson, Jr., Clerk to the Board was absent. Chairman Jesse Alphin called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. Commissioner Brock led the morning prayer. AMER- May Marshbanks appeared before the Board and presented the following resolution proclaiming the week of May 20, through 27, 1979, OLDER AMERICANS WEEK IN HARNETT COUNTY. Commissioner Collins made a motion that the Board adopt the following resol- ution proclaiming OLDER AMERICANS WEEK IN HARNETT COUNTY. Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and the issue carried. WHEREAS, Older Adults in Harnett County have made an invaluable contribution to our County; and WHEREAS, the happiness and welfare of our older adults are influenced by our actions and policies; and WHEREAS, nationally and in North Carolina the month of May has been desig- nated a special time for focusing attention on the importance of our older adults and their needs • NOW, THEREFORE, WE, The Harnett County Board of Commissioners, do hereby proclaim the week of may 20, through May 27, 1979, OLDER AMERICANS WEEK IN HARNETT COUNTY and commend this observance to all our citizens. Don Dupree, District Engineer with the North Carolina Depart- ment of Transportation, appeared before the Board to discuss road matters and situations in Harnett County. Mr. Dupree informed the Board that beginning May 5, 1979, the Department of Transportation Maintenance Sections will be operating on a four -day, forty -hour workweek. Commissioner Brock made a motion that it be and is hereby recorded that the Harnett Count Board of Commissioners object to the maintenance crews in Harn- ett County operating on a four -day workweek and that a letter be submitted to Thomas Bradshaw, Secretary with the North Carolina Department of Transportation, so stating. Commis- sioner Shaw seconded the motion and the issue carried. The Board stated that it would not object to a four -day workweek if it was operated on a floating schedule; whereby, if the weather was bad on Monday and Tuesday and the equipment could not be utilized, then the maintenance crews would be off these two days and would work on Friday and Saturday. If the Depart- ment of Transportation would adopt this schedule, the heavy equipment would be servicing the soil roads in the county at least four days out of a week. Sheriff Rosser appeared before the Board and presented assreport on the activities of his department for the month of April, 197 Sheriff Rosser appeared before the Board and informed the Commissioners that the North Carolina Prison Department has purchased some land in Harnett County on which they plan to construct a firing range. The Prison Department offered a pro- posal to the County Sheriff's department whereby the State woul maintain the firing site if the County would clear the land and construct a berm. M. H. Brock, County Manger, explained to the Board that the County could use old tires out of the landfill to construct the berm, which would be great savings to the County. It costs the County 15 cents a tire to have it shredded. Also, the landfill personnel and equipment could be used to clear the site. Commissioner Collins made a motion that the County Manager and the Sheriff be authorized to enter into an agreement with the N. C. Prison Department in accord- ance with the following conditions: 1. The State purchase and maintain the site for the firing range. 2. The Landfill equipment and personnel be used to clear the site. 3. Tires from the County landfills be used to construct the berm. 321.\ LIBRARY BUDGET AMENDMENT Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion, and the issue carried with a unanimous vote. Mrs. Margaret Randall, Harnett County Librarian, appeared before the Board and requested that the library budget be amended by $9,203, which is the amount of federal and state funds the library has received for various projects. Following a discussion Commissioner Brock made a motion that the following budget amendments be approved: Code 40 -140, Books in the amount of $4,903.00; Code 40 -147, Audivisual, in the amount of $3,000.00; Code 40 -141, Periodicals, in the amount of $500.00, and Code 40- 102, Travel, in the amount of $800.00. Commissioner Stewart seconded the motion and the issue carried. TAX ATTORNEY Marshall Woodall, Tax Attorney, appeared before the Board and REPORT presented the following report for the pleasure of the Board: RESOLUTION: MILDRED T. Beck TAX SUITS COLLECTED: DISMISSAL OR CANCELLATIONS FILED: Anderson Creek Township: Toby McNeill 74 CVD 1632 Averasboro Township: Viola Carter Brewington Mary G. Robinson Isaac Wilson Jan McKay 78 CVD 0342 75 CVD 0594 75 CVD 0584 77 CVD 0878 Barbecue Township: R. Wade Pulley heirs 71 CVD 0702 Duke Township: Minnie McNeill Billy Matthews Leroy Holliday Grove Township: Leamon R. Avery Curtis Ryals 78 CVD 0771 77 CVD 03I1 77 CVD 0419 78 CVD 0871 77 CVD 0489 912.17 90.00 303.74 259.67 308.00 257.83 40.00 44.20 100.00 226.31 20.00 305.99 601.09 486.64 40.00 90.00 90.00 778.67 40.00 415.00 30.00 Neill's Creek Township: M. D. Wimberly, Jr. 77 CVD 0580 302.76 75.00 Buckhorn Township: James A. Smith H. B. Lynch heirs 78 CVD 0662 565.53 77 CVD 0773 479.13 $6,202.53 40.00 40.00 $739.20 EXPENSES Sheriff of Charleston County, South Carolina 16.00 $755.20 Commissioner Collins made a motion that the Board adopt the fol- lowing resolution authorizing the Chairman and Clerk to the Board of Commissioners to execute a deed of conveyance conveying a tract of land to Mildred Tripp Beck for the sume of $204.01. Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and the issue carried unanimously. THE COUNTY OF HARNETT, acting through its Tax Supervisor and Tax Attorney, caused that certain tract of parcel of land containing 0.6 acre situate in Averasboro Township, Harnett County, North Carolina, and formerly owned by Moses Tripp, Sr., to be the subject matter of a tax foreclosure suit which resulted in a judgment against one of the owners at said tract of land to wit: Moses Trip, Jr.; and WHEREAS, the County of Harnett acting through its Tax Attorney accepted to a deed from Moses Tripp, Jr., to the County of Harnett conveying said tract of land in exchange for the marking of the judgment for taxes against said Moses Tripp, Jr., paid and cancelled of record; and WHEREAS, Mildred Tripp Beck is also an owner of said tract of land and has tendered payment of all outstanding County taxes and costs of Court incurred by the County of Harnett in its foreclosure suit against the lands in exchange for a deed of conveyance of the interest of Moses Tripp, Jr., in and to said tract of land that in exhange for said payment the County of Harnett has agreed to execute a deed of conveyance conveying such interest in and to said tract of land to Mildred Tripp Beck; and WHEREAS, It has been made to appear to the Board of Commissioners that the X22 PURCHASE OF LAND FOR AIRPORT -- FLORENCE RYALS AMENDMENT TO SUBDIVISION ORDI- NANCE PUD interest of Moses Tripp, Jr., in and to said tract of land is no greater than a one -ninth undivided interest and further that siad tract of land consist of 0.6 tract acre of unimproved real estate which does no adjoin a public roadway but that the same is landlocked and further that the one -ninth undivided interest now owned by the County of Harnett is not greater than the sum of $204.01 which is the amount of money tendered by said Mildred Tripp Beck in payment of skid taxes and Court costs incurred by the County of Harnett in its tax foreclosure suit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman and the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners be and they are hereby authorized to execute in the name of the County of Harnett a deed of conveyance conveying such interest and title which the County of Harnett holds in and to the aforementioned described tract of land unto Mildred Tripp Beck upon payment by her of the sum of '$204.01. This Seventh Day of May, 1979. Commissioner Brock moved for the adoption of the following resolu- tion relating to the purchase of 1.73 acre tract of land from Florence Ryals for the County Airport. Commissioner Stewart seconded the motion and the issue carried unanimously. RESOLVED that the County of Harnett purchase a certain 1.73 acre tract of land from Florence Ryals, widow and that the Chairman of the Board and the Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to pay for the same by issuing a check in the amount of $3,027.50 to Florence Ryals upon receiving a good and marketable title by Warranty Deed from her, free of all liens and encumbrances but subject to a certain gas line easement; that the County Manager, M. H. Brock, be and he is hereby authorized to execute "Data for Farm Reconsititution Form" - ASCS 155 to the effect that no crop allotments will be received by the County of Harnett in connection with this purchase. Commissioner Shaw made a motion that the County Manager and the Planning Director be authorized to begin the procedures to amend the Harnett County Subdivision Ordinance to include provisions on planned unit residential development and that a public hearing be held concerning this matter on May 21, 1979. APPOINTMENT OF A written request was distributed from the Clerk of Superior Court MACK REID HUDSON to the Board asking them to appoint an individual to the jury com- TO JURY COMMISSION mission. Following the discussion, Commissioner Brock made a motto that Mack Reid Hudson be reappointed to the jury commission. Com- missioner Stewart seconded the motion and the issue carried. AUTHORIZATION OF CLERK OF SUPERIOR COURT TO EMPLOY PERSON FOR TEN WEEKS TAX COLLECTOR REPORT TAX SUPERVISOR REFUNDS EXPENDITURE REPORT A written request was distributed to the Board from the Clerk of Superior Court asking the Commissioners to authorize her to employ one person to work for approximately ten weeks to provide clerical assistance during the preparation of the jury list. Commissioner Shaw made a motion that Georgia Lee Brown, Clerk of Superior Court, be and she is hereby authorized to employ one person to work for approximately ten weeks at the rate of $3.50 per hour to help with the preparation of the jury list. Commissioner Stewart seconded the motion and the issue carried unanimously. Earl Jones, Tax Collector, appeared before the Board and presented a report on the activities of his department for the month of April and his plans for the month of May, 1979. Thomas Allen, Tax Supervisor, appeared before the Board and pre- sented a report on the progress of the tax revaluation program. Thomas Alien, Tax Supervisor, appeared before the Board and requested refunds for the following: 1. Albert Fallin & Betty Main, Rt. 2, Cameron, NC 28326, Johnsonvill Township, refund on 3 acres which were double liste in the amount of $15.12. 2 John E. McDougald Heirs, Lillington Township, Flatwoods, were charged on a valuation of $86,490 in the amount of $129.74 for 1978 and should have been charged on a valuation of $8,649 in the amount of $12.97. The amount of the refund is $116.17. Commissioner Stewart made a motion that the foregoing refunds be approved. C\ omniissioner Collins seconded the motion and the issue carried. M. H. Brock, Count Manager, filed the expenditure report for the month of April, 1979, with the Board. 323 AMENDMENT TO AFDC FUND Commissioner Brock made a motion that Code 76 -100, AFDC Fund, be amended in the amount of $36,937, which is the amount of the equalizing check received from the State. Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and the issue carried with a unanimous vote. COUNTY MANAGER AUTHOR- Commissioner Collins made a motion that M. H. Brock, County IZED TO SIGN CHECKS Manager, be and he is hereby authorized to sign contracts in FOR MANPOWER behalf of Harnett County Department of Human Resources- Manpower Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and the issue carried unanimously. LILLINGTON GARDEN CLUB M. H. Brock, County Manager, informed the Board that the MARIE REHDER GERDES Lillington Garden Club was selected as the first place winners AWARD RECIPIENT of the Marie Rehder Gerdes Civic Beautification Award at the May 2, 1979, N. C. State Garden Club Convention held in Winston Salen, for its beautification of the grounds at the county courthouse. The Club spent much of their knowledge of Gardening, time and energy, planting various flowers, trees, and shrubs and landscaping the courthouse grounds during the past year. The Board highly commended the club on the beauti- ful grounds at the courthouse square and congratulated them on being the recipents of the Marie Rehder Gerdes Beautification Award. The Board stated that no club could be more deserving of this award and recognition for the club members have devoted many hours of hard work and efforts to this project. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners meeting of .a 7, 1979, duly adjourned at 12 noon. Alp airman Hollie F nson, Secretary / H. D. Carson, Jt , Clerk SPECIAL MEETING, HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, MAY 14, 1979 CALL TO ORDER PRAYER RESOLUTION: RACHEL BLANCHARD TIME RECLASSIFICATION AND PAY PLAN SCHEDULE The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in special ses- sion on Monday, May 14, 1979, at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of discussing the proposed reclassification and pay plan for Harnett County employees. The following members were present: M. H. Brock, Lloyd G. Stewart, Rudy Collins, and Chairman Jesse Alphin presiding. H. D. Carson, Jr., Clerk to the Board, and Edward H. McCormick, County Attorney, were absent. Chairman Jesse Alphin called the meeting to order at 7:30 Commissioner Collins led the morning prayer. p.m. Commissioner Brock made a motion that the Board adopt the fol- lowing resolution certifying the time for Rachel W. Blanchard. Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and the issue carried. BE IT RESOLVED by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners that in reexamining and rechecking the records of Rachel W. Blanchard for years of service, it has been found that she is entitled to three months service of which does not appear on her original record. THEREFORE, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners hereby certifies that Rachel W. Blanchard is entitled to service time for the months of June, July, and August, 1949. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners also agrees to assume the cost for these three months based upon her present annual salary of $12,636. Lloyd G. Stewart, Chairman of the Harnett County Personnel Committee informed the Board that the personnel committee had conducted several work sessions in which they analyzed and studied the proposed reclassification and pay plan for Harnett County, and the Committee hereby respectfully submits the following recommendations for the Board's consideration: (1) The Board adopt the new reclassification and pay plan for