06031985HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING, JUNE 3, 1985 v 1 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday, June 3, 1985, in the Commissioners Room, County Office Building, Lillington, North Carolina, with the following members present: M. H. Brock, Bill Shaw, Rudy Collins, Lloyd G. Stewart, and Chairman Jesse Alphin presiding. Vanessa W. Young, Clerk to the Board; Bob Jones, representing the County Attorney's Office, and Hollie J. Wade, Recording Secretary, were also present. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Jesse Alphin called the meeting to order at 9:17 a.m. PRAYER Kenneth Autry led the morning prayer. MINUTES APPROVED The minutes from the Harnett County Board of Commissioners meeting of May 20, 1985, were approved as read. DOT Kenneth Autry with the North Carolina Department of Transportation appeared before the Board to discuss road matters and situations in Harnett County. HIGHWAY 210 Commissioner Shaw expressed his concern to Mr. Autry concerning N.C. 210. He explaine that another fatal accident occurred on this Highway on Friday. He mentioned to Mr. Autry that at the site where two or maybe even three of the fatal accidents had occurr &d,there is a pipe that runs under 210. He stated that it could be that some- thing about the way this pipe is placed under the road may cause the vehicles to go airborne at this particular point. He emphasized that it was only a thought but would appreciate the Department of Transportation checking into this possibility. HEALTH DEPT. Henry Thompson, Director of Health, appeared before the Board and stated that he had three matters which he would like to bring before the Commissioners for consideration: Request for Soil 1. Scientist for Environmental Health Request for Fee on Septic Tank Inspections He explained that in submitting to the Board his budget for the F.Y. 1985 -86, he had included a "B" Budget which involves the addition of a fourth person to work in the Environmental Health Section. Since 1979, the need for this additional staff member has been documented. Three sanitarians are presently employed with this office but because of the rapid growth the County is experiencing and the demands this places on the Environmental Section for septic tank inspections for mobile home parks and subdivision plats plus their required responsibilities the current staff is not sufficient to maintain the workload that exists in this off- ice. Mr. Thompson stated that the Health Department would like to add a Soil Scientist to this staff. He explained that there is a more accurate method of assessing the soil capabilities rather than the soil bearings and the perk test; and a Soil Scientist is trained to provide a more exacting soil studies and could possibly provide alternate systems of sewage disposal. Through the use of an alternate system it may enable some of the lots which are currently being disap- proved by the Health Department to be developed. 2. Mr. Thompson also stated that he has long felt that a fee should be charged for septic tank inspections. He stated that he would like to see a fee attached to a lot evaluation of $25 per lot. He stated that he was not dead set that it needs to go this way rather than charge a basic fee of $30 for a septic tank permit, but felt that a fee does need to be assessed for these services. He stated that he has not presented this request to the Board of Health. Request for Two 3. The third item Mr. Thompson brought before the Board was a request for the reclas- Reclassifications sification of two positions in the Health Department. He explained that State Personnel has studied these positions and has allocated funds for these reclas- sifications; therefore, no additional county funds are required. The first reclassification would be to change the Health Educator I, Salary Range 63, to a Health Educator II, Salary Range 67. The second position would be to reclassify the Clerk II in Family Planning, Salary Range 56, to a Clerk IV, Salary Range 59. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - -DON WOMBLE Following a discussion, Chairman Alphin stated that the Board would take the request concerning the reclassification of the two positions under advisement. The Commissioners requested that Mr. Thompson present his suggestions concerning the assessing of fees for septic tank inspections to the Board of Health and bring their recommendation back to the Commissioners. The Commissioners stated that they are very much aware that a problem does exist in the Environmental Health Section which needs to be resolved in order to provide more efficient services to the citizens of the County. They stated that they have received numerous complaints from the residents of the County relating to the adequate services not being provided from this office. The Board then recognized Don Womble, Sanitarian from the Environmental Health Office for his comments. Mr. Womble stated that he does realize that over the period of the last year that the Commissioners have received several complaints concerning the Environmental Health Section. He presented to the Board statistics illustrating the additional demand for services that in the past few years have been placed on this office due in part to the rapid growth the county is experiencing plus additional requirements placed on them by the General Assembly. For example, he stated that between April, 1984, and April, 198 there were approximately 5,000 contacts made with the public in the sewage program alone. In the water program, there was a total of 877 contacts made. He explained further that the North Carolina General Statutes requires that 675 annual inspections UNIVISION REPORT ofestabiishnientunder surveillance be made.under the Environmental Health Section . and this does not- includeseasonal 'activities -like Migrant Camps, Mass Gatherings,. etc. .Following Mr.':Womble's presentation of this anformation and other statistical' data, the Board asked him what he :felt was needed .zn order to provide the required Mr. Womble stated that it would take two men to truly correct the problem but felt ifrthe County could employ a Soil Scientist that this would enable the Environmental Health Section to provide the appropnate services. Mr. Womble ex -.... plained that a Sanitarian can do the job but that a Soil Scientist has the training • evaluate the lots much quicker. A discussion followed Mr.- Womble's presentation. ME Thompson expressed his appreciation to the Board for their consideration of. these requests and Lor the time they have given him and his staff this morning. r. Terry Kile and Mr. Ned Waite -representingUnivision appeared before the Board to -givea progress report to the Comnnssioners on the installation of cable in the County. Mr. Kile informed the Board that he represented High Industries, Inc., out of, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This Company has served as the financial backers of Univision and have a great 'deal oE interest in the future development of this project inHarnettCounty,as well as the ongoing projects inOnslow and Duplin Counties He explained that High Industries has not been the partner in control, they ahve only been providing the financing. But now, they are looking at a.-change, in ownership of Univision whereby they will have control in its -- management. He ex plained that this transition inownership - hasnot yet been approved by FCC. Accord- .into their attorney they should hear something in a couple of weeks, at which time he would be abie to more fully address their future plans in the development of Univision:: in Harnett County. He stated that their company had more or less over the past. several months put a hault on Univision's construction of cable in the county until the transactions concerning the changes in ownership were finalized. Follow- ing Mr. Kite's - comments, the Commissioners asked several questions of Mr. Kile and expressedtheir concern that Univ.zsion so far had only provided services to the . municipalities in:.the.County and the urban areas and had not done any construction in the rural areas of the County. According to the county's franchise with Univision, they were suppose to-have cable in the municipalities within a year and into: the rural areas of the County within 24 months lls of yet, there has not been any construction-Of any type into.the rural areas and it appears to the citizens in these areas that theyare not going to receive cable It was stated that when the County exercised -this franchise, Univision had agreed to provide services into these . areas and that was one factor that the Commiss.zoners considered when awarding the franchise:to.Univision. The Commissioners asked Mr. Rile if it was their intention to honor this franchise. It was also pointed out by the Board that Univision needs to study the population in the rural areasofHarnett County and decide if they can • cannot provide -cable to these areas and have a series of public meetings in the: communities to inform the residents -ofthe County as to what .. their potential pattern of construction entails. Then the citizens would know one way or the other if they -going to receive cable and can make theirplansaccordingly -- either -wait for the cable to serve their area or go ahead and purchase a satellite. . Mr. Rile explained that some promises ' made. in the franchise were not feasible for a large city much less -.a rural county, but they aregoing- totryand live up to the terms of the con -.... tract. He stated that he Lelt that a series of meetings with the citizens in the- rural areas .of the County was a good idea -and was needed. He- explained that he woulc like to meeti'withthe Commissioners on a one-on-one basis and ride over their respec- tive areas to see -what the population densityisandto - determine if it would be feasible to provide cable an that partacular area - He felt he could better answer some of the questions -of the Commissioners after having a chance to see the outlay of.the county. Mr. Kile asked that Mr. Waite get with each -of the Commissioners to ride over their districts. - The Board asked that--- Mr..Kile come back to the mid -month ineetang an June to gave an update on the transition in ownership and to also report on the proposed rural areas .. they plan to serve Baily Wellons with Wellons Realty- appeared before. the Board and stated that representatives from his firm plan to meet with the Univision representativesthis - morning. He explained that they are developing a subdivision inHarnettCountyand -inthe past it has been their policy to lay cable at the same time they put in their other utiliitiesso they will not have to go back.and tear up the streets. Mr. Wellons stated that his company: is capable of providing cablevisaon to the residents in this proposed - subdivision but that Harnett County has awarded the franchise to Univision; - therefore, they cannot provide this service to their resydents He explained further that if they did not get a,. favorable response from Univision: today, they would Come, back to the Board and re- guest . that..Wellonsbe allowed to provide cablevision in their subdivisions. - REPORT ON NAMING Ervin Dobson, Director of Planning, appeared before the Board and presented a report SECONDARY. ROADS _. on the - information .. he had compiled concerning the naming of-secondary-roads in Her nett County. He explained that he had met with representatives from three or four counties concerning this project including Wake, Wilson, and Lee and had been told by these representatives that they would rather tackle zoning than the naming of the roads in the County. That thisi:is a large-undertaking for any county.. The County would need to hire-additional manpower in order to handle this project, Mr. Dobson explained. He stated that the list provided by DOT is not accurate, and the only May to get the correct name of the rural roads is to take the DOT list, the post office list,. and the. Register of Deeds list' and compare these. Then hold public meetings an the communities. to get inputfrom the residents as to what they say the name of the roads are and'determine.fromthis informataon and the process of elimin- ation what the name should. be _Then after determining the names of the - roads,. you 1 will have to put up signs and identify the roads. Then the biggest job follows this procedure which is the maintenance of the signs. Mr. Dobson stated that the cost of this project would run approximately $60 for the purchase of each sign and $20 per sign for installation. If the County should have 500 signs, then the project would cost about $50,000 for the signs and then the maintenance cost. He explained that the Governor's Highway Safety Program has a program that would participate at the rate of 70/30, but that he had contacted the GHSP and was informed that they do not have any funds available for this year or next fiscal year for the road naming pro- jects. Mr. Dobson estimated that it would take approximately three years to complete this project. He stated that he had gathered this information for the Board's consi- deration and needed some direction as to what step they wished for him to take next. The Board thanked Mr. Dobson for this report and stated that for the present time, they would accept this information for study. SUBDIVISION PLATS Mr. Dobson presented to the Board the following subdivision plats for their consider- ation: 1. R. O. Byrd Subdivision, located on SR 2011 and SR 2007 in Grove Township, six lots. Commissioner Brock made a motion that this subdivision plat be approved; Commissioner Collins seconded the motion and it carried with a unanimous vote. 2. Sierra Villa, thirteen lot addition, in the Anderson Creek area. Commissioner Shaw made a motion that this subdivision plat be approved; Commissioner Collins seconded the motion and it carried with a unanimous vote. 3. Buffkin - Williams Subdivision - -This subdivision had been brought before the Com- missioners at an earlier date and had only allowed for a 30 foot right -of -way. The Commissioners had sent it back requesting a 50 foot right -of -way. Mr. Dobson stated that the owner had changed the right -of -way to 50 feet, and he submitted the plat for the Board's consideration. Commissioner Brock made a motion that the Board approve the Buffkin - Williams Subdivision; Commissioner Stewart seconded the motion and it carried with a unanimous vote. 4. Ray Smith Subdivision, located on N.C. 87 and 27 in Western Harnett County. Commissioner Stewart made a motion that this subdivision plat be approved; Com- missioner Shaw seconded the motion and it carried with a unanimous vote. 5. Joseph Kent Revels Subdivision, in Buckhorn Township. Commissioner Collins made a motion that this plat be approved; Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and it carried with a unanimous vote. 6. Carley McLamb Subdivision, located on SR 1440, southwest of Angier. Commissioner Collins made a motion that this plat be approved; Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and it carried with a unanimous vote. 7. Johnnie Strickland, located in Grove Township. Commissioner Brock made a motion that this subdivision plat be approved; Commissioner Collins seconded the motion and it carried with a unanimous vote. 8. Collins Subdivision Plat, North of Angier. Commissioner Shaw made a motion that the foregoing plat be approved; Commissioner Stewart seconded the motion and it passed upon the following vote: Ayes: Brock, Shaw, Stewart, and Alphin Noes: None Absent: None Abstained: Collins 9. William Schuman Subdivision Plat, located in Stewarts Creek Township. Commis- sioner Shaw made a motion that the foregoing plat be approved; Commissioner Collins seconded the motion and it carried with a unanimous vote. 10. "Sandy River Run" Subdivision Plat, located South of Lillington on SR 2034. Commissioner Shaw made a motion that this subdivision plat be approved; Commis- sioner Collins seconded the motion and it carried with a unanimous vote. SUBDIVISION ORDIN. Mr. Dobson also presented to the Board for their consideration the proposed Minor AMENDMENT RE: Subdivision Standards which is an amendment to the County's subdivision ordinance MINOR SUBDIVISIONS whereby any subdivision plat which consists of five lots or less could be approved by the Planning Director and would not have to go before the Planning Board and the Board of Commissioners. This would result in the owners of minor subdivision plats not being held up four to six weeks which is the time it takes now to process a sub- division plat. Casey Fowler, Chairman of the Planning Board, appeared before the Board and expressed their support of the Minor Subdivision Standards and requested that the Board consider the adoption of these standards. Marshall Woodall, represent-I ing the Bar Association, appeared before the Board and stated that the Bar supports the Minor Subdivision Standards. M. H. Brock, County Manager, reported that the Board would need to hold a public hearing prior to the adoption of this amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance. Chairman Alphin stated that the Board would accept these Standards for study. M. H. Brock, County Manager presented to the Board for their consideration proposals from Oscar N. Harris & Associates to provide auditing services to the County of Harnett for the fiscal year 1984 -85 on an hourly rate for the following: 1) Audit of Harnett County not to exceed $8,750; 2) Audit of N.E. Metropolitan Water District not to exceed $4,000; and 3) Audit of Buies Creek -Coats Water and Sewer District, not to exceed $4,800. Commissioner Shaw made a motion that the foregoing proposals for the three audits from Oscar N. Harris & Associates be 582 approved; Commissioner Collins seconded the motion and it carried with a unanimous vote. BUDGET AMENDMENTS- Commissioner Brock made a motion that the following budget amendments be approved; Commissioner Shaw seconded the motion and it carried with a unanaimous vote: LAND REPORT. Surveyor for Dunn- Erwin Expansion Lease - Purchase of Four Containers COMMISSIONER SHAW. EXCUSED REPORT ON F.Y. 1985 -86 BUDGET 1 Youth Services Budget, Code 7730 -024, be increased by $250, to reflect CBA funds received in this amount. 2. Public Buildings, Code 10 -5000 -002, Salaries & Wages, Decrease by $1,200 and Code 10-5000-074, Capital Outlay -- Equipment, Increase by $1,200. This transfer of funds will be to purchase.a lawnmower. 3. Harnett,County Department of Public Utilities, Sewer Fund - -Code 32- 8300 -34, Chemicals, Increase by $1,500 and Code 32- 8300 -202 Capital Reserve, Decrease by $1,500 4. _Harnett County Public Utilities Department, Water Fund-‘-Code 30-8100-156, Debt Service Payment, Increase in the amount of $212,650, to make debt service paymen 5. . Harnett County Public Utilities Department, Water Fund - -Code 30 -8100 -157, Contri bution to General;Fund, Increase in, the amount of $50,000,'to help the General Fund on the lease payment. Commissioner Shaw ,reported,that at the last Board meeting two proposals were sub- mitted to the Commissioners for their consideration to have the boundaries of the proposed expansion to the Dunn - Erwin Landfill surveyed. At that meeting, Commission Stewart requested that Mr. Shaw and Mr. Brock obtain some additional surveys. They contacted Artis Spence and Mickey Bennett to see if they would like to bid on this project. Mr. Bennett replied that he was too busy at the present time to bid on the project. Artis Spence,submitted,a proposal of $2,300. Commissioner Shaw reported that Mr. Spence's bid was approximately $2,000 lower than the other bids received and that the County had instructed him to proceed with this work. Commissioner Shaw also reported to the Board that the County has lease- purchased four additional 40 cubicyard containers for the landfill program. Commissioner Shaw asked to be excused from the meeting at 11:40 a.m. due to other business he needed to attend to. M. H. Brock, County Manager, reported to the Board that the Public Hearing on the County's proposed budget for the F.Y. , 1985 -86 would be held on June 17, 1985, at 7 :00 p.m, during the regular meeting of the Board and the public hearing on the Revenue Sharing Budget would be held at 7:30 p.m, on the same evening. NEW LAW ENFORCEMENT Mr. Brock also reported that the bids had been advertised for the construction of th CENTER PRE -BID new Enforcement Center and that the persons who are interested in bidding this CONFERENCE SCHED. project have had a lot of questions concerning the bid package. Therefore, the Architect as well as himself felt that it was necessary to hold a pre -bid conference This conference has been scheduled for Friday, June 7, 1985, at 1:30 p.m. to be held in the Commissioners_Room. TAX DEPT. REPORT SHERIFF'S DEPT. REPORT Thomas. Allen, Tax Administrator, appeared before the Board and reported on the acti- vities of the Tax Supervisor's and Tax Collections' offices for the month of May, 1985, and their plans for June, 1985. Larry. Knott, Chief of Administrations, presented a report to the Board on the activi ties of the Sheriff's Department for the month of May. TAX ATTORNEY'S E.Marsha2l.WOodall,,Tax Attorney, presented the following tax attorney's report for REPORT the Board's information: -'" -NAME SUIT NO. AMT. COLLECTED ATT. FEE Averasboro Township Ann & Jerome Pope Glenda O. Davis Little River Township Joseph Gaines SD #3406 Additional Charges for Services rendered to Tax Collector's Office 84 -CVD 875 695.41 84 CVD 716 1067.73 DATE TAX ACCOUNT EXPLANATION 55.00 55.00 550,26 25.00 135.00 TIME - CHARGE 11 -28 -84 McLamb Oil Tel. call to Ken Hardison; Preparation of response to Motion .5 22.50 1 TAX SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE RE: ST. JOHN TERRACE EXECUTIVE SESSION • REGULAR MEETING CALLED BACK INTO SESSION FACTION ON ST, JOHN TERRACE ADJOURNMENT DATE TAX ACCOUNT EXPLANATION TIME CHARGE 11 -84 1 -5 -85 1 -7 -85 1 -6 -85 5 -14 -85 5 -14 -85 5 -15 -85 5 -29 -85 Ambulance Service St. John's Terrance Research; Tel. discussion with Ken Hardison; Tel. Call to Henry Willis; Tel. Call to Ocie Murray; Prep - paration of response to Motion 1.9 Tel. Calls - Ken Hardison & Henry Willis Tel. call to Holt Attendance Bankruptcy Hearing Review of Case with Holt Felmet Conf. with Jack Brock & John Phelps Tel. Call from Bill Conley; Tel. call from Tom Tel. calls - Tom, Guy Brooks, Henry Willis Conf. with Tom Allen; Tel. Calls State Tax office and Taxpayers Att. Grand Total 85.50 .6 27.00 3.0 135.00 .5 22.50 2.0 N/A .4 18.00 .4 18.00 1.0 45.00 373.50 $508.50 Mr. Woodall also presented to the Board the following memorandum report concerning St. John Terrace: In 1978 the non - taxable entity who owned St. John Terrace Apartments in Dunn, North Carolina, sold the apartments to a limited partnership, who does not qualify as tax exempt. In June 1984, the fact of sale came to the tax supervisor's atten- tion and as a result, a tax discovery was made for the current year (1984) and the immediate five (5) proceeding years (1979- 1983). The Taxable Valuation for said property was established as $637,300.00. Taxpayer has appealed that valuation to the State Board (since County Board upheld valuation). I have consulted with the taxpayer's attorney who has made an offer of settle- ment which is shown in the following schedule: County Valuation Tax Year Proposed Tax Levy 1984 637,300.00 1983 637,300.00 1982 637,300.00 1981 637,300.00 1980 637,300.00 1979 TOTALS - Offered Valuation Offered Penalty Proposed Tax 5,990.62 599.06 5,990.62 1,198.12 5,990.62 1,797.19 5,990.62 2,396.25 6,054.35 3,027.18 3,436.36 2,061.82 $33,453.19 $11,079.62 573,570.00 573,570.00 573,570.00 573,570.00 573,570.00 5,391.55 5,391.55 5,391.55 5,391.55 5,448.91 3,092.73 $30,107.84 Offer involves proposal to entirely waive penalty and establish a deferred payment schedule for delinquent taxes (1979 -1984) of 25% of amount due, paid immediately and balance payable over three year period on monthly basis and timely payment of 1985 taxes and subsequently levied taxes. (The offered valuation is 10% less than value set by County; Taxpayer maintains value should be $336,300.00). Request - First: Give your thoughts of what County's position should be (we have no established policy - matters are handled on case basis). Second: Authorize Tax Attorney to negotiate settlement with consultation of County Manager and Tax Collector. Commissioner Collins made a motion that the Board adjourn into executive session to discuss the St. John Terrace matter; Commissioner Stewart seconded the motion and it carried with a unanimous vote. Chairman Jesse Alphin called the regular meeting of the Board back into session at 12:15 p.m. Chairman Alphin reported that the Commissioners during executive session author- ized the Tax Attorney and the Tax Supervisor to negotiate with Saint John Terrace concerning the tax discovery. Commissioner Brock made a motion that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners meeting of June 3, 1985, duly adjourn at 12.20 p.m.; Commissioner Stewart seconded the motion nd it carried with a unanim us vote. Chairman /"'L''y7- 4'.''"' Clerk 7 &u, - Secretary ithaLc `� ��