05311985SPECIAL MEETING OF THE HPJRNETT COUNTY BOARD.. OF COMMISSIONERS, MAY 31, 1985 CALL TO ORDER PRAYER The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met -in special session on Friday, May 31, 1985, in the Commissioners Room, County Office - Building, :Lillington, .North Carolina; for the purpose of the presentation of the proposed County's General and Revenue Sharing Budgets for the F.Y. 1985-86 as had been duly advertised. ..Commissioners ' present were: Rudy Collins, M. H. Brock, and Chairman Jesse Alphin presiding. ., Others present were Vanessa W.Young, Clerk to the - Board ;:and HollieJ. Wade, Recording Secretary. Commissioners Lloyd G Stewart and Bill Shaw were absent. '. BUDGET MESSAGE Chairman. Jesse Alphin called the meeting to order at 10:24 a.m. Commissioner M.- H.:Brock led the morning prayer. Chairman Alphin inforrned those present that there had been a death in Commissioner!.. Stewart's farinly, and he would not be able to attend the meeting this morning..' Chairman Alphin explained that the purpose of the meeting this morning was for the presentation by the Budget Officer of the proposed budgets for the County General- Fund and Revenue Sharing Fund for' the F. Y.1985- 86.Mr..-Alphinexplained further, that the Board would not act on the budget today. After the presentation, it would lay open for public inspection in-the Clerk to the Board's office for ten days, and then a public hearing would be held At some time after the public hearing and C.. before July 1, 1985, the Board would adopt the budget at a Commissioners meeting. Following this explanation, Chairman Alphin recognized Mr. Brock, Budget Officer,.,. for the presentation of the proposed budget for the F.Y.1985 -86.. M. H. Brock, Budget Officer, presented and explained:in full the following Budget. Message, which is a detailed summary of thecounty's - proposed budget for the F:Y. 1985 -85: TO: The Harnett. County Board of Commissioners-' Jesse Alphin, Chairman Lloyd G. Stewart, Vice Chairman Commissioners Bill.. Shaw, Rudy Collins, and M. H. Brock In accordance with the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control Act, Article- 3, G.S. 159.11, the proposed budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1985, is presented herewith for your consideration: The -law specifies that the budget ordin- ance be adopted/by July 1, 1985. At the request of the Board of` Commissioners, the budget hearing has been set for June 17, 1985, at 7 :00 p.m. in the Commissioners.. Room, County Office Building, Lillington, North Carolina:: This date will be pub- lished as required -;by law. The Budget is the same format that was used for the F.Y. 1984 -85. Under this method, all taxes are levied for the General Fund; and the General Fund contributes to other funds and to the Board of Education for the funding of the schools in Harnett County. This budget was prepared in keeping with the policies, goals, and needs of the communities of the County, as determined by the Board of Comrnissioners and Budget':' Officer. The major changes in the F.Y. 1985786 budget are as follows: Non - Departmental The Non - Departmental Budget, Code 10 -8600, has-been reduced by $442,000.' These funds have been reappropriated 122 the various departmental budgets in the line items titled FICA Tax,. Group Insurance, Retirement, Workman's. Compensation, Insurance and Bonds, and State and County Sales Tax. This will reflect an increaseineach -ofthe departmental budgets. Revenues: A. B. C. D. Code 10- 3010 -000 -- Increase of $230,3 Code 10 -3010 -011 - as F.Y. 1984 -85. Code 10-3290-000 - Increase of $50,00 Code 10-3390-000 - F.Y. 1984-85. Code 10- 3450 -000 - of $525,000. Code 10- 3480 - 001— Social- Services Administration - $1,212,458 appropriated.- Increase of $21,031. Code 10-3970-001 - Revenue Sharing - $330,000 appropriated - Decrease of $870,000. Ad Valorem 50. Frio Taxes - $6,510,350 appropriated - Taxes - $170,000 appropriated - Same Interest on Investments'- $250,000 appropriated 0, Intangibles Tax. - $225,000- appropriated - same as N. C. Sales Tax - $2,000,000 appropriated- Increas H. Code 10- 3990 -000 - Fund Balance - $276,573 appropriated - Increase of $42,537. 3. Board of Education Appropriations A. Code 10- 8700 -107 - School Current Expense - $3,000,000 appropriated - Increase of $134,552, which is a 4.5% increase. B. Code 10- 8700 -108 - School Capital Outlay - $242,000 appropriated - Increase of $10,636, which is a 4.5% increase. (Note: $381,750 was appropriated in the F.Y. 1984 -85 budget for furniture. Also the Board of Education will receive 40% of the one -half cent sales tax which will be approximately $400,000) C. Code 10- 8700 -112 - Capital Reserve - $250,000 appropriated - Decrease of $750,000. 4. Contingency Appropriations A. Code 10- 8880 -160 - Contingency Fund - $45,000 appropriated - Same as F.Y. 1984 -85. This appropriation could fund several projects if neede such as, planning needs, water lines, repairs to buildings, and others 5. Special Appropriations A. B. Code 10- 8700 -101 $5,000. This is ized. Code 10- 8700 -154 Decrease of $50,0 - Rescue Squads - $45,000 appropriated - Increased of for Bunnlevel Rescue, which has recnetly been organ- - Law Enforcement Center - $200,000 appropriated - 00. The Special Appropriations Budget for the F.Y. 1985 -86 has decreased by $712,618. This decrease is due to the Capital Reserve Fund being cut by $750,000. 6. Salaries: The budget for F.Y. 1985 -86 has included a 5% cost -of- living increase for all County employees. This increase amounts to $173,388 in County Funds. No new positions have been added in the budget. Requests have been submitted for three new positions in the Sheriff's Department and one in the Health Department. One -half position in the Library has been added. The following reclassifications have been requested in the budget: Two in the Ambulance Service, Four in the Health Department, Four in Social Services; Seven in Public Utilities. No merit increases have been proposed. 7. Hospitalization: The Budget Officer has recommended that the County participate in the hospital insurance benefits for County employees at the rate of $67.54 per month for the individual coverage for the F.Y. 1985 -86, which is a $1.00 per month increase. This increase will cover a new poli- cy for the F.Y. 1985 -86 which will allow County employees who retire to remain in the Group. The retired employees will pay 100% of the cost to remain in the Group. This will be retroactive for three years. 8. Longevity Pay is included in the proposed salaries - 1.5 percent to 4.5 percent. 9. Public Assistance $4,353. 10. Special ABC Fund F.Y. 1984 -85. - Code 10 -7710 - $1,307,612 appropriated - Decrease of - Code 10- 7900 -092 - $25,000 appropriated - Same as 11. Revenue Sharing Fund - $250,000 appropriated - Decrease of $750,000 - Total Amount Contributed to the General Fund. The public hearing on Revenue Sharing will be held June 17, 1985, at 7:30 p.m. In addition to the General County Taxes, the proposed budget includes special district taxes for the fire and rescue districts and the special school district. All special districts have submitted balanced budgets and letters of request for their tax levy. The Finance Officer is hereby directed to turn over all funds collected for the fire and rescue districts and the school dis- trict to the respective district regardless of the amount of appropriation. The Total Budget includes the County General Budget and all Special Dis- tricts. A. County General Budget $13,506,242 B. Special Districts 581,625 TOTAL $14,087,867 This Budget is based on a Tax Valuation of $770,000,000, a $27,230,973 increase over the F.Y. 1984 -85 budget in property values. 588 In order to.generate revenues for the budget based on $770,000,000, it will be necessary to adopt a tax,'rate of$'.89per hundred dollar ($100) valuation This tax rate is the same as last year, there is no increase in the tax rate. In.-summary/the Budget has decreased in the amount of $830,210. The most signi- ficant changes in the Budget are as follows: A. Revenues 1. Taxes - on'new property values have increased by $230.,350 2. Interest on Investments has increased by $50,000. 3.- N. C. Sales Tax has increased by $525,000. 4. Revenue Sharing has decreased by $870,000. B. Expenditures 1. Sheriff's Department has increased by $267,071. 2. Airport has decreased by $272,900... 3. Industrial Development Commission has decreased by $288,324. 4 Special Appropriations has deareased by $647,618 5. Salaries have increased by $1.73,388. Thereare no. new Federal or State Grants inclucled in the proposed budget at this time Attached to the back of theCounty Budget is a copy of the Public UtiJ..zties Budget. Since Harnett County Public Utilities is an enterprise fund, it has to be separated from the County's General Fund. This Budget has been prepared by the Department Heads, the Finance Offlcer, and the Budget Officer.` It is the privilege of the Board of Commissioners' to alter any budgets or Cline items. -Presented this - -the 31st Day of May, Nineteen Hundred and Eighty -five. • s /M. H. Brock M. H. 'Brock Budget Officer DECREASE IN Mr. Brock explained during the budget message that 111 the anitcipated revenues, REVENUE SHARING Code 10- 3970 -001, . Revenue Sharing decreased by $870,000.- This decrease is due to the fact that the County anticipates that Washington will eliminate the Revenue Sharing Act this year, and The County plans to receive only one entitlement in October which will be approximately' $300,000.' In the past several years, the County has received approximately $1,000,000 as revenues through the Revenue. Sharing Act.: Chairman Alphin thanked Mr. Brock for his presentation of stated that the Board would accept the Budget as proposed ADJOURNMENT- There being no further -- business, the Harnett County Board meeting of May 31, 1985, duly adjourned at.10:46a.m. /chai an \ ■ N C92-C-C Secre ary. Clerk' trPir the proposed budget and for review. of '. Commissioners special