032012reconmHARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Reconvened Meeting March 20, 2012 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners reconvened on Tuesday, March 20, 2012, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Staff present: Timothy B. McNeill, Chairman Beatrice B. Hill, Vice Chairman Dan B. Andrews, Commissioner Gary House, Commissioner Jim Burgin, Commissioner Scott Sauer, County Manager Tony Wilder, Deputy County Manager Dwight Snow, County Attorney Sylvia Blinson, Finance Officer Margaret Regina Wheeler, Clerk to the Board Chairman McNeill reconvened the meeting at 9:00 am. Regarding the proposed employee health clinic, Commissioners Burgin and House stated they were hearing concerns from employees regarding confidentiality of medical records. John Rouse, Director of the Harnett County Public Health Department, and Mr. Sauer assured those present that the clinic would be HIPAA Compliant and Harnett County Administration or staff', other than the clinic employees, would not have any access to any patient files or records. Commissioner Burgin made a motion for Harnett County to establish an Employee Health Clinic. The motion also stated that the employee health clinic could be set -up and administered by the Harnett County Public Health Department only after verifying with First Choice and others of who could provide such services cheapest. Commissioners all agreed that services provided must be dedicated services to employees. Commissioner House seconded the motion and questioned if representatives from First Choice could join them at their next work session. Mr. Rouse asked for some time to meet with First Choice, Harnett Health System and others and report back to the Board. It was unanimously approved that Harnett County would provide an employee health clinic for employees. Commissioners received additional information and options from Blue Cross & Blue Shield (BCBS) and CIGNA representatives. Commissioners voiced concerns regarding the out of pocket expenses for employees. The group heard from employee Jay Sikes regarding his recent emergency appendectomy and his experience with our current insurance plan and carrier. Mr. Sikes said his main issue was the March 20, 2012 Reconvened Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 1 of 3 confusion trying to figure out how much he actually owed which he said he was still unsure of. Department heads present all agreed the need to know what you are financially responsible for at the time of service and requested a seamless process in whatever plan or carrier chosen. They asked commissioners to please provide a good plan for employees noting the lowest maximum out of pocket amount is very important. Commissioner Burgin requested clarification regarding the CIGNA Healthcare Funding Option of the "Shared Returns — Fully Insured arrangement provides the security of a fully insured plan and rates based on your past claims experience and /or demographics, along with the opportunity to participate in the overall claim experience of your plan ". CIGNA representatives explained if the county's total claims in a given year are lower than anticipated when rates are set, the county benefits from the favorable experience. Also, if claims come in higher than expected, the county would benefit from having paid the fixed premiums during the year — no outstanding liability. It was noted that 25 county employees have currently reached the maximum. Commissioner Burgin moved that the County go with BCBS with the HSA option funded at $1,500; allocating $750 in July of 2012 and $750 in January of 2013, which he believes would equate to the equivalent of a 3.7% COLA for employees. Commissioner Burgin noted this option would allow employees to keep whatever money they don't spend. He also said he believed the $1500 amount would reduce individual deductible and mentioned the advantage of the enhanced drug list offered by BCBS. Commissioner House seconded the motion. Chailinan McNeill questioned where the additional $500 per employee would come from. Mrs. Melinda Bethune with Harnett County Resources reported it remained Harnett County Human Resource's overall recommendation to go with CIGNA with the HRA option. Vice Chaimian Hill suggested offering both companies to employees allowing them to choose who to enroll with. Dal Snipes with Snipes Insurance announced he would withdraw his company's fees noting his belief that it would allow staff to support going with BCBS which he felt was for the betterment of employees. Commissioner Burgin altered his original motion that the County go with BCBS with the HSA option funded at $1000 in July of 2012 and allowing employees to earn an extra $500 based on changes of actions which would be at the discretion of the Board. Commissioner House seconded the motion which failed 3 to 2. Chairman McNeill stated he was not comfortable with an HSA for employees at this time. Commissioner Andrews moved that the county go with CIGNA and the HRA option. Vice Chaimian Hill seconded the motion. Commissioner Burgin asked if CIGNA could offer the enhanced list of free drugs that BCBS could and lower deductibles. CIGNA representatives agreed to adjust benefits based on needs which included looking at the pharmacy plan. March 20, 2012 Reconvened Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 2 of 3 Chaiiman McNeill questioned how changes to the plan would change the cost. Mrs. Trinity Faucett, Human Resource Director, reminded the group that she and Mr. Rouse were also working on offering a list of drugs free of charge through the employee health clinic. Chairman McNeill said the preventive drug list is a key element for employees. He said CIGNA would need to make changes to the medical deductibles and rates. Chaiiman McNeill said at the end of the day commissioners are picking a carrier but also have to be able to fund the employee health clinic which he did not want to do at the expense of the employees. Commissioner Andrews called to question. Chairman McNeill moved to table the motion requesting both companies come back with modifications on March 27, 2012. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Commissioner Burgin moved that the board go in to closed session to discuss certain personnel matters. This motion was made pursuant to N.C. General Statute Section 143- 318.11(a)(6). Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Vice Chairman Hill moved that the Board come out of closed session. Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Commission Burgin noted he and Commissioner House would still like to hold a public meeting regarding the upcoming budget and asked if they could hold that meeting in the Board of Commissioners Meeting Room. At 11:26 am Commissioner Andrews moved to adjourn the meeting. Vice Chairman Hill seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 010 (41II 1'� +4 cNeill, Chairman eeler, Clerk March 20, 2012 Reconvened Meeting Minutes Harnett County Board of Commissioners Page 3 of 3