062609ssmHarnett County Board of Commissioners Minutes of Special Session June 26, 2009 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Friday, June 26, 2009, in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Administrative Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Staff present: Timothy B. McNeill, Chairman Beatrice B. Hill, Vice- Chaiiman Dan B. Andrews, Commissioner Gary House, Commissioner Jim Burgin, Commissioner Scott Sauer, County Manager Dwight W. Snow, County Attorney Sylvia Blinson, Finance Officer Trinity Faucett, Human Resources Director Gina Daniel, Acting Clerk Chairman McNeill reconvened the meeting at 10:00 am. Vice Chairman Hill moved that the Board go into closed session to receive a status report concerning a personnel matter. This motion was made pursuant to NC G.S. 143- 318.11(a)(6). Commissioner Andrews seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Commissioner Andrews moved to come out of closed session. Vice Chairman Hill seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Commissioner Andrews moved to approve the appointment of Tony Wilder as Tax Administrator, for a four year term, as part of his responsibilities as Deputy County Manager effective July 1, 2009. Vice Chaiiiiian Hill seconded the motion. The motion passes 3 to 2 with Commissioners Burgin and House opposing. The Oath of Office for Tony Wilder as Tax Administrator was postponed as Mr. Wilder was not present at the meeting. Commissioner Andrews moved to approve the interim budget ordinance as presented. Vice Chairman Hill seconded the motion. Commissioner Burgin said specifically requested that any proposed interim budget ordinance be shown with the corresponding prior year information and said he didn't know how the proposed interim budget compares to a two month prior year budget. He also asked if there were any new positions in the new interim budget. Mr. Sauer responded the interim budget was prepared to reflect expenditures to carry the county through the first 60 days of the fiscal year. He said the new positions in this budget are the County Harnett County Board of Commissioners June 26, 2009 Special Session Minutes Page 1 of 9 Engineer position and Staff Attorney position which are to be funded primarily through indirect cost accounting through Public Utilities. Mr. Sauer noted this could be a two week budget or a six week budget but they wouldn't know until the state adopted their budget. Commissioner House said the Board has been through very little of the proposed budget and had not discussed a county engineer and another attorney. Commissioner Burgin moved to amend the motion that they pass an interim budget ordinance using the expense from the two prior months without any changes in employees or any other expenses. Commissioner House seconded the motion. Chairman McNeill clarified the amendment as basically a continuing budget without any new employees. The amendment passes 3 to 2. The original motion, as amended, passed unanimously. (Interim Budget Ordinance - Attachment 1) Commissioners received a report on Workers Compensation claims and the funding program for the current year. Commissioners considered budget amendments and the Western Harnett Library Project Ordinance. Commissioner Andrews moved to approve the budget amendments and ordinance as presented. Vice Chairman Hill seconded the motion which passes unanimously. Budget amendments: 424 Sheriff's Office Code 110 -5120 - 420.12 -00 110 -5120- 420.60 -36 110 -5120- 420.43 -16 110 -5120- 420.52 -54 110 -5120- 420.58 -01 110 -5120- 420.58 -14 110 -5120- 420.60 -30 110 -5120- 420.60 -53 110 -5120- 420.60 -57 110 -5120- 420.60 -46 110 -5120- 420.60 -47 110- 0000 - 336.19 -00 110- 0000 - 356.50 -00 110- 0000 - 356.51 -01 Salaries & Wages 10,000 decrease Uniforms 1,000 decrease Maintenance & Repair Equipment 1,000 decrease Insurance & Bonds 700 decrease Training & Meetings 200 decrease Travel & Admin 200 decrease Laundry & Dry Cleaning 200 decrease Dues & Subscriptions 100 decrease Miscellaneous Expense 300 decrease Jail Medical 17,270 increase Food & Provisions 17,270 increase Jail Fees — Federal 1,800 increase Inmates Confined — SSA 1,600 increase Inmates Confined — Backlog 17,440 increase 457 Highland Elementary Gym Capital Proiect "CP0908" Code 322 - 8300 - 480.45 -22 Issuance Cost 322 - 8300 - 480.55 -12 Printing & Binding 322 - 8300 - 480.45 -70 Interest During Construction 322 - 8300 - 480.45 -80 Contingency 322 - 0000 - 314.50 -00 Sales Tax Refund 53 increase 5,747 increase 15,917 increase 15,917 decrease 5,800 increase Harnett County Board of Commissioners June 26, 2009 Special Session Minutes Page 2 of 9 458 Water Treatment Plant Expansion Proiect "CP0705" Code 569- 9100 - 431.45 -70 Interest During Construction 569- 0000 - 314.50 -00 Sales Tax 459 Boone Trail Elementary School Capital Proiect "CP0905" Code 318 - 8300 - 480.45 -70 Interest During Construction 318- 8300 - 480.45 -80 Contingency 460 Johnsonville Elementary School Capital Proiect "CP0907" Code 321- 8300 - 480.45 -70 Interest During Construction 321 - 8300 - 480 -45 -80 Contingency 461 Harnett Central Hiah School Capital Proiect "CP0906" Code 320 - 8300 - 480.45 -70 Interest During Construction 320 - 8300 - 480.45 -80 Contingency 462 Buffalo Lakes Road Wastewater Extension Project "PU0802" Code 571- 9100- 431.45 -80 Contingency 571- 9100 - 431.45 -33 Materials & Supplies 571- 0000 - 314.50 -00 Sales Tax 463 Interfund Transfer Code 110 - 4100 - 410.30 -04 110- 0000 - 399.00 -00 464 Public Assistance Code 110 - 7710 - 441.84 -35 110- 7999 - 441.31 -80 110- 7710- 441.89 -35 110- 0000 - 399.00 -00 110- 0000 - 331.77 -10 110-0000-330.77-06 Professional Services Fund Balance Appropriated World Changers Lee County Links Special Fund Balance Appropriated Hillcrest Youth Links Special 467 Harnett/Fuquav Wastewater Project "PU12B" Code 551 -9100- 431.45 -70 Interest During Construction 551- 9100 - 431.45 -20 Legal & Administration 551 -9100- 431.45 -74 Capital Outlay 531- 0000 - 389.50 -00 Interfund Transfer — HCDPU 468 Public Utilities (531) Code 531- 9000 - 431.90 -59 Interfund Transfer — Harnett /Fuquay Wastewater Project 531- 9000 - 399.00 -00 Fund Balance Appropriated 170,000 increase 170,000 increase 226,806 increase 226,806 decrease 43,770 increase 43,770 decrease 111,414 increase 111,414 decrease 1,050 increase 25,977 increase 27,027 increase 116,094 increase 116,094 increase 15,276 decrease 938 decrease 2,183 increase 15,631 decrease 583 decrease 2,183 increase 104,000 increase 5,312 decrease 1,050 decrease 97,638 increase 97,638 increase 97,638 increase Harnett County Board of Commissioners June 26, 2009 Special Session Minutes Page 3 of 9 473 Cops 2002 Schools Capital Proiect "CP0202" Code 311- 8300 - 410.45 -80 Contingency 311- 8300 - 410.90 -10 Interfund Transfer - General Fund 477 Emergency Management Grant Code 110 -5302- 420.35 -05 Citizens Corp Program 110- 0000 - 331.53 -09 Citizens Corp Program 488 Solid Waste Code 580- 6600 - 461.30 -04 580- 6600 - 461.43 -16 580 -6600- 461.60 -33 580- 6600 - 461.60 -39 580- 0000 - 311.91 -00 580- 0000 - 350.00 -00 580- 0000 - 354.58 -01 580- 0000 - 378.00 -00 580- 0000 - 389.43 -17 580- 0000 - 341.10 -00 580- 0000 - 341.13 -00 580- 0000 - 361.10 -00 Professional Services Maintenance & Repair Equipment Materials & Supplies Other Materials Ad Valorem - Charged Off Taxes Returned Checks Processing Fee Landfill Property Lease Residual Equity Transfer Solid Waste Transfer Project Landfill Tipping Fees Recycling Goods Interest on Investments 490 Workforce Development /Job Link Code 110- 7404 - 465.12 -00 Salaries & Wages Part-time 110- 7404 - 465.32 -72 Supportive Services 110 - 7404 - 465.32 -73 Vouchers 110- 7404 - 465.33 -45 Contracted Services 110- 7404 - 465.22 -00 FICA Tax Expense 110- 7404 - 465.60 -33 Materials & Supplies 110- 0000 - 331.74 -04 WIA Grant Funds 491 Special Districts Code 242 -8001 - 420.82 -10 242 - 8004 - 420.82 -10 242 - 8005- 420.82 -10 242 - 8007 - 420.82 -20 242 - 8007 - 420.82 -10 242 - 8007 - 420.82 -20 242 - 8008 - 420.82 -10 242 - 8009 - 420.82 -10 242 - 8009 - 420.82 -20 242 - 8013 - 420.82 -10 242 - 8013 - 420.82 -20 242 - 8014 - 420.82 -10 242 -8014- 420.82 -20 Special School District Averasboro Fire Benhaven Fire Benhaven Fire Black River Fire Black River Fire Boone Trail Fire Buies Creek Fire Buies Creek Fire Erwin Fire Erwin Fire Flat Branch Fire Flat Branch Fire 9,652 decrease 9,652 increase 6,000 decrease 6,000 decrease 8,000 increase 8,000 decrease 200 increase 200 decrease 369 increase 273 increase 199 increase 22,855 increase 56,435 increase 45,131 decrease 10,000 decrease 25,000 decrease 1,600 increase 700 increase 25,975 increase 100 increase 50 increase 1,225 increase 30,000 increase 7,000 increase 57,000 decrease 1,000 increase 1,000 decrease 20,000 increase 1,400 increase 6,000 increase 6,384 decrease 1,000 increase 1,627 increase 250 decrease 750 increase 250 decrease Harnett County Board of Commissioners June 26, 2009 Special Session Minutes Page 4 of 9 242 -8015- 420.82 -10 242- 8016- 420.82 -10 242 - 8017- 420.82 -10 242 -8019- 420.82 -10 242 - 8019 - 420.82 -20 242 - 8020 - 420.82 -10 242 - 8020 - 420.82 -20 242 - 8020- 420.82 -30 242 -8022- 420.82 -10 242 -8043- 420.82 -10 242 - 8023- 420.82 -20 242- 8024 - 420.82 -30 242 - 0000 - 311.10 -00 242- 0000 - 311.10 -20 Flatwoods Fire Grove Fire Northwest Harnett Fire Spout Springs Fire Summerville Fire Summerville Fire Summerville Fire Summerville Fire Crains Creek Fire Bunnlevel Fire Bunnlevel Fire Banner Fire Ad Valorem Tax - Current Ad Valorem Tax - Delinquent 492 IT Code 110- 4900 - 410.12 -00 Salaries & Wages Part -time 110- 4900 - 410.30 -04 Professional Services 493 Public Utilities (5311 Code 531- 9000 - 431.23 -01 Supplemental Retirement 531- 9000 - 431.74 -74 Capital Outlay 494 Human Resources Code 110 - 4250- 410.30 -04 Professional Services 110- 4250 - 410.74 -74 Capital Outlay 495 Various Code 110- 4400 - 410.25 -10 110- 8703 - 470.35 -04 110- 4100- 410.30 -40 110 -0000- 347.54 -02 110- 0000 - 313.30 -00 Finance - Unemployment Benefits Capital Reserve Governing Body - Professional Services EMS Medicaid Cost Settlement Sales Tax 496 Governing Body Code 110- 4100 - 410.11 -01 Salaries & Wages 110- 4100- 410.21 -00 Group Insurance 497 Sheriff- Campbell Deputies Code 110 - 5101 - 420.11 -00 Salaries & Wages 110 -5101- 420.22 -00 FICA Tax Expense 110 -5101- 420.23 -02 LEO Retirement 110 -5101- 420.23 -05 LEO Supplemental Retirement 110 -5101- 420.33 -45 Contracted Services 110 -5101- 420.60 -31 Gas, Oil & Automotive Supplies 2,000 increase 6,000 increase 10,000 increase 5,250 increase 5,050 decrease 2,500 increase 425 decrease 6 decrease 840 increase 6,000 increase 1,008 decrease 6 increase 5,583 increase 5,583 decrease 700 increase 700 decrease 3,030 decrease 3,030 increase 3,030 decrease 3,030 increase 18,733 increase 28,733 decrease 10,000 increase 246,991 increase 246,991 decrease 5,000 increase 5,000 decrease 5,386 increase 586 increase 644 increase 32 increase 3,210 decrease 3,438 decrease Harnett County Board of Commissioners June 26, 2009 Special Session Minutes Page 5 of 9 498 Sheriff Code 110 -5100- 420.11 -00 110- 8800 - 490.32 -16 110- 0000 - 356.51 -06 499 Debt Service Reserve Code 210- 8702 - 490.90 -10 210- 0000 - 361.10 -00 Salaries & Wages Contingency Reimbursement — Campbell Games Interfund Transfer — General Fund Interest on Investments 41,000 increase 10,318 decrease 30,682 increase 22,400 increase 22,400 increase Commissioner Burgin discussed the Board having recently passed a procedural change stating they could not bring up any items to vote on unless they were discussed at a work session. Commissioner Burgin noted the Rules and Procedures for the Harnett County Board of Commissioners states that a procedure change must be voted on by a 2/3 majority which is 4 votes. Mr. Snow did confiiin that Rule 31 does require 2/3 vote to amend procedural rules and the recent procedural change would be annulled due to the 3 to 2 vote. Mr. Sauer delivered budget strategy updates: - General Fund — estimate tax levy as amended to reflect adjustments for appeals - General Fund — progress on expenditure reduction & cost containment - Early retirement strategy — authorization to proceed with determining voluntary participation - Continue monitoring NC General Assembly Mr. Sauer requested guidance regarding the Early Retirement Incentive Program. Mrs. Faucett previously provided options for the program which included 1) Incentive Payment Based on Length of Service; 2) Flat Lump Sum and retiree health insurance based on length of service; and 3) Percent of Salary Bonus and retiree health insurance based on length of service. Mrs. Faucett reported 140 county employees could currently retire but all would not be interested in this program. It was the consensus of the Board to not vote on this today but discuss in detail at an upcoming work session in July. The following budget amendments were reviewed in detail and considered for approval: 511 Governing Body Code 110- 4100 - 410.30 -04 Professional Services 110 - 8800 - 490.32 -16 Contingency 25,000 increase 25,000 decrease Explanation: To move funds to cover professional services for the remainder of the year. These services include the county attorney, Board of Equalization meetings, audit fees and bank fees charged on debt. Commissioner Andrews moved to approve this budget amendment. Vice Chaiiuian Hill seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Harnett County Board of Commissioners June 26, 2009 Special Session Minutes Page 6 of 9 514 Airport Runway & Parallel Extension Capital Proiect "CP0603" Code 377 -8306- 465.45 -01 Construction 377 - 8306 - 465.45 -80 Contingency 377 - 0000 - 314.50 -00 Sales Tax 3,703 decrease 3,450 increase 253 decrease Explanation: To move funds to budget change orders previously approved by the Board. Commissioner Houses moved to approve this budget amendment. Commissioner Burgin seconded the motion which passed unanimously. 515 E911 Code 240 - 5900 - 420.11 -00 240 -5900- 420.21 -00 240 -5900- 420.22 -00 240 -5900- 420.23 -00 240 -5900- 420.23 -01 240 -5900- 420.26 -08 240 -5900- 420.30 -22 240 -5900- 420.33 -45 240-5900-420.41-11 240 -5900- 420.41 -13 240 -5900- 420.43 -16 240 -5900- 420.44 -21 240 -5900- 420.52 -54 240 -5900- 420.54 -26 240 -5900- 420.55 -12 240 -5900- 420.58 -01 240 -5900- 420.58 -14 240 -5900- 420.60 -31 240 -5900- 420.60 -33 240 -5900- 420.60 -53 240 -5900- 420.60 -61 240 -5900- 420.64 -24 240 -5900- 420.90 -10 240 - 0000 - 322.24 -10 240 - 0000 - 347.12 -00 240-0000-351.00-00 240 - 0000 - 399.00 -00 Salaries & Wages Group Insurance Expense FICA Tax Expense Regular Retirement Supplemental Retirement Worker's Compensation Indirect Cost Contracted Services Telephone & Postage Utilities Maintenance & Repair Equipment Building & Equipment Rent Insurance & Bonds Advertising Printing & Binding Training & Meetings Travel Admin Gas, Oil & Auto Supplies Materials & Supplies Dues & Subscriptions Materials - Road Signs Property Tax Interfund Transfer - General Fund Radio User Fee Road Sign Sales Miscellaneous Revenue Fund Balance - Appropriated 150,491 decrease 24,267 decrease 11,513 decrease 7,359 decrease 3,010 decrease 2,257 decrease 119,935 decrease 106,718 decrease 84,009 decrease 10,700 decrease 11,165 decrease 32,367 decrease 4,500 decrease 1,000 decrease 3,500 decrease 165 decrease 1,750 increase 500 decrease 3,000 decrease 420 decrease 17,500 decrease 4,000 decrease 311,126 increase 215,000 decrease 10,000 decrease 500 decrease 60,000 decrease Explanation: To reduce the budget for the Emergency Telephone System Fund to reflect only eligible expenditures. As a result of new regulations from the NC 911 Board, non - eligible expenditures can no longer be paid from E911 funds and must be separated. 517 E911 - Radio System Code 110 -5901- 420.33 -45 110 -5901- 420.41 -11 Contracted Services Telephone & Postage 91,136 increase 69,466 increase Harnett County Board of Commissioners June 26, 2009 Special Session Minutes Page 7 of 9 110 -5901- 420.41 -13 110 -5901 - 420.43 -16 110 -5901 - 420.44 -21 110 -5901- 420.52 -54 110 -5901 - 420.64 -27 110- 0000 - 322.24 -10 Utilities 10,700 increase Maintenance & Repair 1 1,165 increase Building & Equipment Rent 30,201 increase Insurance & Bonds 4,500 increase Property Tax 2,000 increase Radio User Fees 219,168 increase Explanation: To setup the budget for the Emergency Telephone System Fund to reflect only eligible expenditures. As a result of new regulations from the NC 911 Board, non - eligible expenditures can no longer be paid from E911 funds and must be separated. 516 E911 Code 110 -5900 - 420.11 -00 110- 5900 - 420.21 -00 110 -5900- 420.22 -00 110 -5900- 420.23 -00 110 -5900- 420.23 -01 110 -5900- 420.26 -08 110- 4900 - 420.33 -45 110 -5900- 420.41 -11 110 -5900- 420.44 -21 110 -5900- 420.54 -26 110 -5900- 420.58 -01 110 -5900- 420.58 -14 110 -5900- 420.60 -31 110 -5900- 420.60 -33 110 -5900- 420.60 -53 110 -5900- 420.60 -61 110 -5900- 420.64 -27 110- 0000 - 347.12 -00 110 - 0000 - 351.31 -17 110- 0000 - 389.42 -00 Salaries & Wages 150,491 increase Group Insurance Expense 24,267 increase FICA Tax Expense 1 1,513 increase Regular Retirement 7,359 increase Supplemental Retirement 3,010 increase Worker's Compensation 2,257 increase Contracted Services 15,582 increase Telephone & Postage 14,543 increase Building & Equipment Rent 2,166 increase Advertising 1,000 increase Training & Meetings 165 increase Travel Admin 1,750 increase Gas, Oil & Auto Supplies 500 increase Materials & Supplies 3,000 increase Dues & Subscriptions 420 increase Road Signs 17,500 increase Property Tax 2,000 increase Road Sign Sales 10,000 increase Miscellaneous Revenue 570 increase Interfund Transfer — E911 246,953 increase Explanation: To setup the budget for the Emergency Telephone System Fund to reflect only eligible expenditures. As a result of new regulations from the NC 911 Board, non - eligible expenditures can no longer be paid from E911 funds and must be separated. Mrs. Blinson clarified these budget amendments were to get the budgets straight in the county books but involved no additional County dollars. Commissioner Burgin moved to approve these budget amendments. Commissioner House seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Commissioner Burgin moved to pass a resolution asking to rescind the 2009 tax reappraisal reinstatement for the 2003 schedule of values and adopt the next reappraisal date for Harnett County to be effective January 1, 2011. Commissioner House seconded the motion which failed 3 to 2. Harnett County Board of Commissioners June 26, 2009 Special Session Minutes Page 8 of 9 Commissioner Burgin moved that commissioners not receive any compensation for any meetings or travel until "we get this budget squared away ". Commissioner House seconded the motion which failed 3 to 2. Commissioner Andrews moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Hill and the meeting was adjourned. 06l/ Timothy B. McNei et Regina eeler, Clerk Harnett County Board of Commissioners June 26, 2009 Special Session Minutes Page 9 of 9 ATTACHMENT 1 INTERIM BUDGET ORDINANCE County of Harnett BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County, North Carolina, that pursuant to G.S. 159 -16: Section 1: The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the General Fund for the operation of the county government and its activities for the months of July and August, 2009 in accordance with the chart of accounts heretofore established for this County: Governing Body $ 46,346 Administration 65,746 Legal Services 29,409 Human Resources 56,856 Board of Elections 68,786 Finance 17,277 Retirees 29,572 Clerk of Court - Facilities Fees 14,689 Tax 315,666 General Services 82,789 Transportation 178,395 Public Buildings 529,470 Register of Deeds 114,554 Information Technology 186,570 GIS 82,683 Sheriff 1,242,106 Sheriff - Campbell Deputies 62,182 Sheriff - Harnett Criminal Justice Partnership 17,310 Child Support Enforcement 11,504 Sheriff - Communications 184,329 Sheriff -Jail 521,539 Emergency Services 115,594 Emergency Medical Service 1,062,144 Emergency Medical Service Transport 242,801 Animal Control 69,026 Medical Examiner 6,667 Public Safety Appropriations 12,562 Emergency Telephone System 42,419 Emergency Telephone System - Radio 36,528 Harnett Regional Jetport 27,790 Soil & Water 32,846 Environmental Protection Appropriations $ 667 Forestry Program 18,846 Economic & Physical Development Appropriations 212,620 Industrial Development 285,168 Planning & Inspections 265,452 Cooperative Extension 80,974 Cooperative Extension - CCR &R 9,949 After School Programs CCR &R - United Way 482 After School Program Support Our Students 11,888 Cooperative Extension - Parents As Teachers 43,312 Cooperative Extension - Teens As Parents 16,471 Cooperative Extension - Adolescent Parenting 7,856 Cooperative Extension - Incredible Years 7,101 Cooperative Extension - Raising A Reader 7,900 Cooperative Extension - Quality Enhancement 39,054 Job Link - Workforce Investment Act 69,856 Aging 11,841 Aging - Family Caregiver Support 9,576 Aging - RSVP 17,676 Aging - Community Alternatives Program 58,233 Aging - Volunteer Center 6,057 Aging - Nutrition for Elderly 67,032 Health 1,153,887 Mental Health 34,280 Social Services 1,428,433 Social Services - Public Assistance 2,113,800 Veteran's Services 30,045 Youth Services - Restitution 21,489 Human Services Appropriations 35,100 Library 173,397 Cultural & Recreational Appropriations 32,833 Parks & Recreations 96,655 Education 3,561,518 Debt Service Contingency 16,135 Total Appropriation $ 15,451,738 2 Revenues Other Taxes & Licenses $173,333 Permits & Fees 410,644 Grants 3,599,306 Intergovernmental 84,031 Sales & Services 1,472,025 Miscellaneous Revenue 152,159 Contributioins & Donations $20,586 Program Revenues 20,583 Reimbursement 145,477 Interfund Transfer 50,000 Fund Balance Appropriated 9,323,594 $15,451,738 Section 2. The following amounts are hereby appropriated for the funds listed for the months of July and August, 2009 in accordance with the chart of accounts heretofore established for this County: Automation & Enhancement Fund: Expenditures $ 17,185 Revenues $ 17,185 Concealed Weapon Permit Fund: Expenditures Revenues $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Abandoned Manufactured Mobile Home Fund: Expenditures $ 14,422 Revenues $ 14,422 Emergency Response Planning Fund: Expenditures Revenues 3 $ 13,420 $ 13,420 Section 3. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Water and Sewer Fund for the operation of the County's water and sewer system for the months of July and August, 2009 in accordance with the chart of accounts heretofore established for this County: Public Utilities Fund: Adminsitration /CSR /Meter Services Water Treatment Wastewater Treatment Distribution Collections Revenues $ 1,972,132 $ 710,168 $ 372,816 $ 459,470 $ 398,384 $ 3,912,970 Section 4. The following amounts are hereby appropriated in the Solid Waste Fund for the operation of the County's landfill services months of July and August, 2009 in accordance with the chart of accounts heretofore established for this County: Solid Waste Fund: Expenditures Revenues $ 720,200 $ 720,200 Section 5. The fees approved for Fiscal Year 2008 — 2009 will remain in effect during the months of July and August, 2009 with the exception of fees charged for the Health Department and the Public Utilities and Solid Waste Enterprise Funds as set forth in Exhibit A. Section 6. The Board of Commissioners has authorized the Fiscal Year 2009 — 2010 Salary Grade Table effective July 1, 2009, as set forth in Attachment B. Section 7. The Board of Commissioners has authorized the following number of positions by department and has authorized reclassifications to become effective July 1, 2009. Governing Body Legal Services Board of Elections Tax Transportation Register of Deeds GIS Campbell Deputies Child Support Enforcement Jail Emergency Medical Service Animal Control Soil & Water Planning & Inspections 5 3 4 22 5 10 7 5 1 55 37 8.20 3 21.50 4 Administration Human Resources Finance General Services Public Buildings Information Technology Sheriff Lee - Harnett CJPP Communications Emergency Services Emergency Medical Transport Emergency Telephone System Industrial Development Cooperative Extension 3 5 13.50 5.50 15 10.50 113 1 18 8.40 18.60 3.50 4 13 Child Care Resource & Referral 1.53 Parents As Teachers 5 Family Home Care Licensure .80 Teens As Parents 2 Adolescent Parenting Program 1 Raising A Reader .67 Quality Enhancement .80 Workforce Development /Sob Link2.80 Family Caregiver Support 1 Retired Senior Volunteer Program 1.4 CAP DA 5 Volunteer Center .60 Nutrition for Elderly 1 Health 84 Social Services 151 Veteran's Services 3 Restitution 1.50 Library 13 Parks & Recreation 4 Abandoned Manufactured Home .5 HCDPU — Admin /CSR/ Meter 28.40 HCDPU — Water Treatment 12.40 HCDPU - Wastewater 17.40 HCDPU — Distribution 16.90 HCDPU - Collections 15.15 Solid Waste 14.50 Section 8 The Budget Officer is hereby authorized to transfer appropriations as contained herein under the following conditions: a. He /she may transfer amounts between line item appropriations within a department without limitation and without a report being required. These changes should not result in increases in recurring obligations such as salaries. b. He /she may transfer amounts up to $1,000 between departments within the same fund. He /she must make an official report on such transfers at the next regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners. Section 9. The Budget Officer may make cash advances between funds (for periods not to exceed 60 days) with the approval of the Board of Commissioners. Section 10. Copies of this Interim Budget Ordinance shall be furnished to the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners and to the Budget Officer and Finance Officer to be kept on file by them for their direction in the disbursement of funds. Adopted this 26th day of June, 2009 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF CO Timothy B. eill, Chairman MISSIONERS Margar t Regina Da Scott T. Sauer, County Manager /Budget Officer 5 el, Acting Clerk to the`Board Harriett COUNTY TYPE OF FEE Miscellaneous Fees Camp /sport/college physicals Flu shot Hepatitis A Vaccine Hepatitis B Vaccine (Hi -Risk) MMR - Adult Pneumonia shot PPD /TB Skin Test Meningitis HPV Vaccine (3 dose) Varicella iAdult Health Physicals Blood sugars Child Health Services Child Service Coordination Cholesterol Test Chronic Disease /Diabetes Family Planning HARNETT COUNTY HEALTH FEE SCHEDULE 2007 - 2008 $ 30.00 30.00 25.00 30.00 45.00 45.00 15.00 100.00 450.00 85.00 Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid 2008 - 2009 $ 30.00 30.00 25.00 30.00 45.00 48.00 15.00 100.00 450.00 85.00 Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Attachment A 2009 - 2010 REQUESTED $ 30.00 33.00 25.00 30.00 45.00 53.00 15.00 100.00 450.00 85.00 Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Sliding Fee, Ins.' Medicaid Medicaid Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid 2009 - 2010 APPROVED 1 Harnett COUNTY TYPE OF FEE Maternal Care Coordination Pregnancy Test Prenatal Program Services STD Control /Treatment TB Control Treatment TB Skin Test Home Health Charges Skilled nursing, per visit Home health aide, per visit Physical therapy, per visit Speech therapy, per visit Occupational therapy, per visit HARNETT COUNTY HEALTH FEE SCHEDULE 2007 - 2008 Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Insurance, Medicaid Medicaid Self -Pay, Insurance, Medicaid 100.00 47.00 110.00 110.00 110.00 2008 - 2009 Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins Medicaid Sliding Fee, Ins Medicaid Insurance, Medicaid Medicaid Self -Pay, Insurance, Medicaid 100.00 47.00 110.00 110.00 110.00 2009 - 2010 2009 - 2010 REQUESTED APPROVED Medicaid . Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid . Sliding Fee, Ins. Medicaid Insurance, Medicaid Medicaid Self -Pay, Insurance, Medicaid 115.00 55.00 120.00 125.00 120.00 2 Harnett COUNTY TYPE OF FEE Environmental Health Fees Water samples Improvement / Septic Tank Permit Return Trip Fee ( if not properly marked) Existing tanks Swimming pool permits Tattoo Artist Permits Plan Review for Food & Lodging Pool Plan Review Well Fees NC Division of Public Health - Women & Children's Health Section (based on Federal Poverty level) Medicaid Reimbursement Schedule HARNETT COUNTY HEALTH FEE SCHEDULE 2009 -2010 2009 -2010 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 REQUESTED APPROVED 30.00 250.00 25.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 200.00 300.00 250.00 Sliding Fee Scale 30.00 250.00 25.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 200.00 300.00 250.00 30.00 250.00 25.00 100.00 100.00 500.00 200.00 300.00 250.00 Sliding Fee Sliding Fee Scale Scale Based on Based on Based on Current Current Current Medicaid Rates Medicaid Rates Medicaid Rates 3 Harnett C O U N T Y TYPE OF FEE All Water Districts Flat Rate Water, Residential 1st 2,000 gallons Per Thousand Water, Residential Flat Rate Water, Commercial, 1st 2,000 gallons (flat) Per Thousand Water, Commercial (per 1,000 over 2,000) Bulk Rate (per 1,000) Institutional Rate Commercial, per month (50,000 gallon minimum /month) All Sewer Districts Flat Rate Sewer, Residential, no gallons Per Thousand Sewer, Residential Flat Sewer, One person household Flat Sewer, Two + person household Flat Rate Sewer, Commercial, no gallons Per Thousand Sewer, Commercial Institutional Rate, Minimum Per Thousand Sewer, Institutional Sewer Bulk Rate (per 1,000) Water Tap On Fee, 3/4" Service (includes Capacity Use Fee) Water Tap On Fee, 1" Service (includes Capacity Use Fee) HARNETT COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES FEE SCHEDULE 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 16.50 $ 3.75 21.00 3.35/1,000 1.85/1,000 Same as residential 1 6.50 + $3.00 15.00 3.25/1,000 24.00 28.50 33.00 3.95/1,000 210.00 3.80/1,000 800.00 (total $1,500) 1,150.00 (total $1,850) 17.00 4.30 21.00 4.30/1,000 1.95/1,000 Same as residential 17.00 + $3.50 15.00 4.00/1,000 30.00 35.00 34.00 4.00/1,000 210.00 4.00/1,000 1.40/1,000 800.00 (total $1,600) 1,150.00 (total $1,950) 2009 - 2010 REQUESTED $ 17.50 4.55 22.00 4.55/1,000 2.00/1,000 Same as residential 17.50 + $3.75 15.00 4.30/1,000 32.00 37.00 4.30/1,000 210.00 4.30/1,000 1.40/1,000 800.00 (total $1,700) 1,150.00 (total $2,050) 2009 - 2010 APPROVED 1 Harnett COUNTY TYPE OF FEE HARNETT COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES FEE SCHEDULE Water Tap On Fee, 1 1/2" Service (includes Capacity Use Fee) Water Tap On Fee, 2" Service (includes Capacity Use Fee) Meter Fees 3/4" Sprinkler Tap Water Tap, New District - Construction Water Capacity Use Fee, per lot Water Capacity Fees - Commercial Late or delinquent fee All Sewer Districts Sewer Tap on Fee, Residential, All Districts (does not include Sewer Capacity Use Fee) Sewer Capacity Use Reserve Fee, All districts Sewer Tap, Gravity Tank, Bunnlevel Sewer Tap, Step Tank, Riverside Sewer Tap on Fee, Commercial Sewer Tap Fees: All Residential Bunnlevel Riverside Commercial 2007 - 2008 1,650.00 (total $2,350) 2,500.00 (total $3,200) 70.00 300.00 100.00 700.00 2008 - 2009 1,650.00 (total $2,450) 2,500.00 (total $3,300) 70.00 300.00 200.00 800.00 2009 - 2010 REQUESTED 1,650.00 (total $2,550) 2,500.00 (total $3,400) 70.00 300.00 200.00 900.00 2009 - 2010 APPROVED Based on Capacity Use / Residentia equivalent; see Assistant Director 10.00 10.00 10.00 950 (total $1,750) 800.00 2,200 (total $3,000) 2,500 (total $3,300) 950 950 (total $1,850) (total $1,950) 900.00 1,000.00 2,200 2,200 (total $3,100) (total $3,200) 2,500 2,500 (total $3,400) (total $3,500) Based on Ca pacity Use /Residential equivalent; see Assistant Director 1,750.00 1,850.00 ( 1,950.00 3,100.00 3,200.00 3,000.00 3,300.00 I 3,400.00 3,500.00 See Assistant Director 11 11 11 2 Harnett C O U N T Y TYPE OF FEE Deposits, Owner, Water Deposits, Owner, Water (if credit is denied due to unpaid utilities) Deposits, Owner, Sewer Deposits, Owner, Sewer (if credit is denied due to unpaid utilities) Deposits, Rental, Water Deposits, Rental, Water (if credit is denied due to unpaid utilities) Deposits, Rental, Sewer Deposits, Rental, Sewer (if credit is denied due to unpaid utilities) Setup Fees After Hours Call Out Transfer Fee Water Samples Reconnect Fees Damaged Fees - as allowed by the State Meters: 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" HARNETT COUNTY PUBLIC UTILITIES FEE SCHEDULE 2007 - 2008 25.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 15.00 45.00 15.00 30 & up 30.00 100 & up 70.00 195.00 400.00 1,500.00 2008-2009 25.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 2009 - 2010 2009 - 2010 REQUESTED APPROVED 25.00 50.00 25.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 1 50.00 100.00 15.00 45.00 15.00 30 & up 30.00 100 & up 70.00 195.00 400.00 1,500.00 100.00 15.00 45.00 15.00 30 & up 30.00 100 & up 70.00 195.00 400.00 1,500.00 3 Harnett C O U N T Y HARNETT COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FEE SCHEDULE 2009 - 2010 2009 - 2010 TYPE OF FEE 2007 - 2008 2008 - 2009 REQUESTED APPROVED Furniture /Toys /Electronics (indoor or outdoor), per ton $ Collection /hauler permits (annual) Household solid waste fee (annual) Landfill tipping fee Construction & Demolition, per ton Landfill tipping fee Land Clearing/ Inert Debris and yard waste, per ton Landfill tipping fee all Other Non - household /recycling items, per ton Landfill tipping fee Uncertified tires, per ton Landfill tipping fee Illegal Waste, per ton 30.00 $ 30.00 37.50 30.00 34.00 $ 34.00 $ 40.00 34.00 34.00 40.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 34.00 34.00 40.00 20.00 22.00 22.00 28.00 30.00 34.00 34.00 40.00 65.00 70.00 70.00 76.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 106.00 1 Harnett C O U N T Y Grade Classification 51 EMT -Basic Attachment B HARNETT COUNTY SALARY GRADE AND CLASSIFICATION TABLE FISCAL YEAR 2009 -2010 FLSA Status Frequency Minimum Job Rate Maximum NE Annual $18,035 $21,642 $27,954 Monthly $1,503 $1,804 $2,330 Hourly $8.67 $10.40 $13.44 52 Not used Annual $18,811 $22,573 $29,157 53 Not used Annual $19,618 $23,542 $30,408 54 4 -H Program Assistant NE Annual $20,463 $24,556 $31,718 Community Health Assistant* NE Monthly $1,705 $2,046 $2,643 Community Social Services Assistant* NE Hourly $9.84 $11.81 $15.25 Custodian NE EMT - Intermediate NE Family Resources Program Assistant NE 55 Cook *' NE Annual $21,343 $25,612 $33,082 Monthly $1 ,779 $2,134 $2,757 Hourly** $9.33 $11.19 $14.46 56 Community Health Technician* NE Annual $22,260 $26,712 $34,503 Monthly $1,855 $2,226 $2,875 Hourly $10.70 $12.84 $16.59 57 Animal Shelter Attendant NE Annual $23,218 $27,862 $35,988 Data Entry Operator II* NE Monthly $1,935 $2,322 $2,999 Data Entry Specialist NE Hourly $11.16 $13.40 $17.30 Landfill Maintenance Worker NE Library Assistant NE Medical Office Assistant* NE Office Assistant III' NE Processing Assistant III* NE 58 EMT - Paramedic NE Annual $24,216 $29,059 $37,535 Maintenance Worker NE Monthly $2,018 $2,422 $3,128 Office Assistant NE Hourly $11.64 $13.97 $18.05 Security Screening Technicians NE 59 Accounting Clerk NE Annual $25,258 $30,310 $39,150 Accounting Clerk IV* NE Monthly $2,105 $2,526 $3,262 Deputy Fire Marshal NE Hourly $12.14 $14.57 $18.82 Meter Reader NE Office Assistant II NE Office Assistant IV' NE Patient Relations Representative IV* NE Processing Assistant IV* NE Senior EMT - Paramedic NE Transportation Services Assistant NE 60 Administrative Support Specialist NE Annual $26,344 $31,613 $40,833 Deputy Register of Deeds NE Monthly $2,195 $2,634 $3,403 Senior Maintenance Worker NE Hourly $12.67 $15.20 $19.63 Senior Meter Reader NE Transportation Dispatcher NE Effective July 1, 2009 1 Harnett C O U N T Y HARNETT COUNTY SALARY GRADE AND CLASSIFICATION TABLE FISCAL YEAR 2009 -2010 FLSA Grade Classification Status Frequency Minimum Job Rate Maximum 64 Administrative Assistant NE Annual $31,177 $37,412 $48,324 Evidence Technician NE Monthly $2,598 $3,118 $4,027 Family Resource Program Specialist NE Hourly $14.99 $17.99 $23.23 Human Resources Technician NE Hourly ** $13.63 $16.35 $21.12 Juvenile Restitution Coordinator NE Land Records Technician NE Medical Laboratory Technician II' NE Meter Services Specialist NE One -on -One Coordinator NE Records Supervisor NE Recreation Program Supervisor NE Senior Center Administrator NE Senior Detention Officer NE Senior Workforce Development Specialist NE Telecommunicator - EMD" NE Treatment Plant Operator NE Utility Inventory Technician NE Veterans Services Specialist NE 65 Accounting Technician IV* NE Annual $32,518 $39,022 $50,403 Administrative Assistant II" NE Monthly $0 $0 $0 Administrative Service Technician NE Hourly $15.63 $18.76 $24.23 E -911 Database Coordinator NE Facility Maintenance Supervisor NE Income Maintenance Caseworker III' NE Income Maintenance Investigator II" NE Nutrition Project Coordinator II* NE Planning Technician NE Plant Maintenance Technician NE Public Health Education Specialist` NE Senior Facility Maintenance Technician NE Senior Fleet Maintenance Mechanic NE Solid Waste Operations Crew Leader NE 66 Assistant to the County Manager NE Annual $33,916 $40,699 $52,570 Detention Shift Supervisor"" NE Monthly $2,826 $3,392 $4,381 Deputy Sheriff "` NE Hourly $16.31 $19.57 $25.27 EMS Operations Assistant NE Hourly" $14.82 $17.79 $22.98 Family Resource Program Manager NE Hourly*** $15.26 $18.31 $23.65 Fleet Maintenance Supervisor NE Nutritionist II' NE Paralegal NE Purchasing Specialist NE Volunteer Services Director* NE Senior Central Permitting Technician NE Tax Customer Service Supervisor NE Telecommunications Shift Supervisor ** NE Utilities Collections Officer NE Effective July 1, 2009 3 Harnett COUNTY Grade 67 HARNETT COUNTY SALARY GRADE AND CLASSIFICATION TABLE FISCAL YEAR 2009 -2010 Classification Communications Administrative Officer Environmental Health Specialist* GIS Technician Human Resources Specialist Income Maintenance Supervisor II* Laboratory Analyst Payroll Specialist Property Appraiser Public Health Educator II* Social Worker II* Transit Services Manager Zoning Inspector FLSA Status Frequency Minimum Job Rate Maximum NE Annual $35,374 $42,449 $54,830 NE Monthly $2,948 $3,537 $4,569 NE Hourly $17.01 $20.41 $26.36 NE Hourly * "* $15.91 $19.10 $24.66 NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE 68 Animal Control Program Manager NE Annual $36,896 $44,275 $57,189 Business Property Auditor NE Monthly $3,075 $3,690 $4,766 Code Enforcement Officer Trainee NE Hourly $17.74 $21.29 $27.49 Criminal Justice Partnership Program Administrator NE Librarian E` Medical Laboratory Technologist 1* NE Meter Services Supervisor NE Pre -Trial Release Administrator NE Senior Plant Maintenance Technician NE Senior Treatment Plant Operator NE Senior Treatment Plant/Pre - Treatment Operator NE Solid Waste Operations Manager NE Utility System Crew Leader NE Veterans Services Director NE 69 Deputy Sheriff - Corporal * ** NE Annual $38,482 $46,178 $59,647 Deputy Sheriff- Detective * ** NE Monthly $3,207 $3,848 $4,971 Engineering Technician NE Hourly $18.50 $22.20 $28.68 Environmental Health Program Specialist* NE Hourly * *" $17.31 $20.77 $26.83 Finance & Accounting Specialist E ** Latent Print Examiner* ** NE Right of Way Agent NE SCADA Technician NE Senior Utility System Crew Leader NE Senior Zoning Inspector NE Social Worker Ill* NE Utilities Customer Services Supervisor NE Utility Construction Coordinator NE Utility Construction Inspector NE Effective July 1, 2009 4 Harnett C O U N T Y HARNETT COUNTY SALARY GRADE AND CLASSIFICATION TABLE FISCAL YEAR 2009 -2010 FLSA Grade Classification Status Frequency Minimum Job Rate Maximum 70 Assistant Detention Center Administrator * ** E Annual $40,137 $48,164 $62,212 Assistant Emergency Management Coordinator NE Monthly $3,345 $4,014 $5,184 Assistant Facilities Maintenance Director NE Hourly $19.30 $23.16 $29.91 CAP /DA Supervisor E Hourly * ** $18.06 $21.67 $27.99 Clerk to the Board of Commissioners NE Code Enforcement Officer 1 NE Detective Corporal * ** NE Elections Director NE Environmental Health Supervisor I* E Information Systems Technician E Nutrition Program Director I* E Planners E* Public Health Nurse I* E Social Work Supervisor II* E Soil Scientist* NE Social Worker Investigative, Assessment & Treatment NE Tax Collections Supervisor NE 71 Deputy Sheriff - Sergeant * ** NE Annual $41,863 $50,236 $64,888 Distribution and Collections System Supervisor NE Month /y $3,489 $4,186 $5,407 District Resource Conservationist E Hourly $20.13 $24.15 $31.20 Human Resources Development Coordinator E Hourly * ** $18.83 $22.60 $29.19 Public Health Educator III* E Senior Engineering Technician NE 72 Chief Deputy Fire Marshal NE Annual $43,662 $52,394 $67,676 Code Enforcement Officer II NE Monthly $3,639 $4,366 $5,640 Communications Manager E Hourly $20.99 $25.19 $32.54 Emergency Management Coordinator NE Income Maintenance Administrator* E Information Systems Specialist NE Planner II NE Property Revaluation Coordinator E Public Health Nurse 1I* E Registered Nurse E Tax Database Administrator NE 73 Accounting Services Supervisor E ** Annual $45,539 $54,647 $70,585 Central Permitting/Community Dev Administrator E Monthly $3,795 $4,554 $5,882 E -911 Operations Administrator NE Hourly $21.89 $26.27 $33.94 Economic Development Program Coordinator NE Electrical Supervisor NE Finance & Budget Analyst E ** GIS Supervisor NE Local Public Health Administrator E Public Health Nurse III" E Risk Management and Safety Coordinator E Senior Planner E* Social Work Supervisor III* E Water Treatment Plant Supervisor E Effective July 1, 2009 5 Harnett C O U N T Y HARNETT COUNTY SALARY GRADE AND CLASSIFICATION TABLE FISCAL YEAR 2009 -2010 FLSA Grade Classification Status Frequency Minimum Job Rate Maximum 74 Administrative and Budget Officer E Annual $47,498 $56,998 $73,622 Chief Tax Appraiser E Monthly $3,958 $4,750 $6,135 Code Enforcement Officer ill NE Hourly $22.84 $27.40 $35.40 Database Administrator E Deputy Sheriff - Lieutenant * ** E Detention Center Administrator * ** E Director of Aging Programs E Director Workforce Deveiopment/JobLink E EMS Training Officer NE Facility Maintenance Director E Network Administrator E Public Health Nursing Supervisor I* E Social Work Program Manager* E Sr Information Systems Specialist E 75 Assistant Building Codes Administrator NE Annual $49,541 $59,449 $76,789 Deputy Sheriff - Captain E Monthly $4,128 $4,954 $6,399 Fire Marshal NE Hourly $23.82 $28.58 $36.92 Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor E 76 Applications Analyst E Annual $51,671 $62,005 $80,090 Building Codes Administrator E Monthly $4,306 $5,167 $6,674 General Services Director E GIS Administrator E Parks and Recreation Director E Public Health Nursing Supervisor 11* E Register of Deeds E 77 Detective Captain E Annual $53,893 $64,672 $83,534 Library Director E Monthly $4,491 $5,389 $6,961 Manager of Planning Services E 78 EMS Program Manager E Annual $56,210 $67,452 $87,126 Deputy Sheriff - Major E Monthly $4,684 $5,621 $7,260 Economic Development Planner E 79 Distribution /Coliections System Superintendent E Annual $58,628 $70,354 $90,873 Information Systems Administrator E Monthly $4,886 $5,863 $7,573 Public Health Nursing Director 11 E Water Resources Manager E 80 Not Used Annual $61,149 $73,379 $94,781 Effective July 1, 2009 6 Grade 81 Harnett C O U N T Y HARNETT COUNTY SALARY GRADE AND CLASSIFICATION TABLE FISCAL YEAR 2009 -2010 Classification Attorney 11 Economic Development Director Human Resources Director Physician Extender II FLSA Status Frequency Minimum Job Rate Maximum E Annual $63,779 $76,535 $98,857 E Monthly $5,315 $6,378 $8,238 E $30.66 E 82 Assistant Public Utilities Director E Annual $66,522 $79,826 $103,109 Emergency Services Director E Monthly $5,544 $6,652 $8,592 83 Civil Engineer Annual $69,381 $83,257 $107,541 84 Deputy County Manager/Tax Administrator E Annual $72,365 $86,838 $112,166 Information Technology Director E Monthly $6,030 $7,237 $9,347 Local Health Director* E Planning & Development Services Director E Sheriff E Social Services Director* E Staff Attorney E 85 Finance Director E Annual $75,476 $90,571 $116,988 Senior Staff Attorney E Monthly $6,290 $7,548 $9,749 86 Not Used Annual $78,722 $94,466 $122,019 87 Not Used Annual $82,106 $98,527 $127,264 88 Not Used Annual $85,637 $102,764 $132,737 89 Not Used Annual $89,321 $107,185 $138,448 90 Public Utilities Director E Annual $93,191 $111 ,829 $144,446 Monthly $7,766 $9,319 $12,037 E = Exempt from the Wage and Hour Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act = FLSA status determined by the Office of State Personnel E* = Exempt when position filled by employee with MA/MS in area of profession (ie planning, library science, etc.) E "" = Exempt when position filled by employee with BA/BS in area of profession (ie accounting, business, etc.) Hourly rate is based on a 40 hour work week. **Hourly rate is based on 2288 annual hours. " "Hourly rate is based on 2223 annual hours. Effective July 1, 2009 7