April 2013 Financial Statements02�, Harnett 0U Ty ,.. C , %, xis A Revenues: Ad valorem taxes Other taxes and licenses Unrestricted intergovernmental Restricted intergovernmental Permits and fees Sales and services Investment earnings Other general revenues Total revenues Expenditures: Current: General government Public safety Environmental protection Transportation Economic and physical development Human services Cultural and recreational Education Debt service: Principal Interest and fees Total expenditures Excess(deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures Other financing sources (uses): Capital Lease Sources Residual Equity Transfers in Transfers out Appropriated Fund Balance Capital Reserve Contingency Total other financing sources (uses) Y -T -D Fund Balance Increase (Decrease) County of Harnett Financial Summary Report April 30, 2013 General Fund Current Budget Y -T -D % Annual Budget (10 months) Actual to Date Collected $ 53,720,461 44,767,051 $ 52,697,969 98.10 % 14,133,123 11,777,603 8,067,635 57.08% 40,044 33,370 32,541 81.26% 19,871,242 16,559,368 12,967,103 65.26% 2,453,709 2,044,758 2,435,934 99.28% 9,900,326 8,250,272 5,297,387 53.51% 4,856 4,047 3,269 67.31% 2,663,441 2,219,534 2,358,950 88.57% $ 102,787,202 85,656,002 $ 83,860,786 81.59% Actual to Date Current Budget Including Y -T -D % Annual Budget (10 months) Encumbrances Expended $ 12,107,449 10,089,541 $ 10,501,034 86.73% 27,495,381 22,912,818 22,203,170 80.75% 136,066 113,388 98,106 72.10% 186,568 155,473 173,148 92.81% 5,395,792 4,496,493 4,586,524 85.00% 28,420,163 23,683,469 21,793,492 76.68% 1,442,370 1,201,975 1,014,234 70.32% 20,950,818 17,459,015 19,149,682 91.40% 6,578,594 5,482,162 4,230,965 64.31% 4,608,881 3,840,734 2,324,326 50.43% $ 107,322,082 89,435,068 $ 86,074,681 80.20% $ (4,534,880) (3,779,067) $ (2,213,894) $ 1,165,000 $ 970,833.33 $ - 1,037,351 $ 864,459.17 790,328 440,116 $ 366,763.33 - (510,491) $ (425,409.17) (7,070) 2,426,311 $ 2,021,925.83 - (23,407) $ (19,505.83) - $ 4,534,880 $ 3,779,066.67 $ 783,258 $ - $ - $ (1,430,636) Current Year Encumbrances - General Fund $ 3,955,888 BALANCE 1 April F 2013 General Fund Assets: Cash and investments $25,237,626 Taxes receivable, net 3,082,352 Accounts receivable, net 5,126,249 Due from other funds 23,103 Inventories 168,830 Prepaid Items 752,173 Restricted assets: Cash and cash equivalents 654,482 Accounts receivable 557,500 Capital assets: Land and construction in progress 12,482,230 Other capital assets, net 30,006,064 School debt /assets 113,329,894 Total assets $191,420,502 Liabilities: Current liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $231,108 Due to other funds 429,646 Unearned revenues 243,703 Deferred revenues 8,503,522 Current portion of long term debt 2,388,644 Total current liabilities 11,796,622 Non - current liabilities: Non - current portion of long term debt Other post - employment benefits Non - current portion of compensated absences Total non - current liabilities Total Liabilities Fund Balances: Reserved for Encumbrances Reserved for Debt Service Fund Balance Total Fund Balances Total liabilities and fund balance 145,224,319 5,164,299 3,021,505 153,410,122 $165,206,745 3,955,888 574,024 21,683,846 26,213,758 $191,420,502 Harnett County of Harnett r 0 p N T Y Financial Summary Report April 30, 2013 Public Utilities Fund Current Budget Y -T -D % Annual Budget (10 months) Actual to Date Collected Revenues: Charges for services $ 22,107,000 18,422,500 $ 18,933,147 85.64% Water and sewer taps 345,000 287,500 255,908 74.18% Investment earnings 5,000 4,167 2,835 56.70% Johnston County 3,600 3,000 3,703 102.86% Other operating revenues 2,258,812 1,882,343 2,246,130 99.44% Sale of Other Assets 1,000 833 17,102 0.00% Capital Outlay Offset - 0 373,440 0.00% Fund Balance Appropriated 885,097 737,581 - 0.00% Total revenues $ 25,605,509 21,337,924 $ 21,832,265 85.26% Actual to Date Current Budget Including Y -T -D % Annual Budget (10 months) Encumbrances Expended Expenditures: Operating Expenses $ 19,011,328 15,842,773 $ 13,515,964 71.09% Capital Lease Districts 2,792,620 2,327,183 137,442 4.92% Depreciation Expense - 0 - 0.00% Debt Service: 0 Principal 2,216,099 1,846,749 1,969,198 88.86% Interest 1,080,365 900,304 798,625 73.92% Total expenditures $ 25,100,412 20,917,010 $ 16,421,229 65.42% Revenue over(under) expenditures $ 505,097 $ 420,914 $ 5,411,036 Other financing sources (uses): Transfers in - - - Transfers out (505,097) (420,914.17) - Total other financing sources (uses) $ (505,097) (420,914) $ - Excess of revenues and other financing sources (uses) over (under) expenditures and other financing sources (uses) $ 5,411,036 Current Year Encumbrances - Public Utilities $ 2,213,864 Harnett County of Harnett C 0 U N T Y Financial Summary Report p10 C ,, R, j L J N A April 30, 2013 Solid Waste Fund Current Budget Y-T-D % Annual Budget (10 months) Actual to Date Collected Revenues: Solid Waste User Fees $ 5,014,623 4,178,853 $ 4,272,279 85.20% Other operating revenues 400 333 379 94.75% Investment Earnings 200 167 180 90.25% Solid Waste state taxes 259,000 215,833 109,453 42.26% Capital Outlay Offset - - - 0.00% Sale of Other Assets 2,000 1,667 36,920 1846.00% Fund Balance Appropriated - - - 0.00% Total revenues $ 5,276,223 4,396,853 $ 4,419,211 83.76% Actual to Date Current Budget Including Y-T-D % Annual Budget (10 months) Encumbrances Expended Expenditures: Operating Expenses $ 4,924,915 4,104,096 $ 4,082,942 82.90% Depreciation Expense - - - 0.00% Debt Service: - - - 0.00% Principal 65,518 54,598 65,518 100.00% Interest 85,790 71,492 29,902 34.85% Total expenditures $ 5,076,223 4,230,186 $ 4,178,361 82.31% Revenue over(under) expenditures $ 200,000 166,667 $ 240,850 Other financing sources (uses): Bonds and capital lease issuance - - - Bond Premium - - Revenue Bonds - - Payment to Escrow Agent - - Residual Equity Transfer - - Transfers in - - Transfers out (200,000) (166,667) Total other financing sources (uses) $ (200,000) (166,667) $ Excess of revenues and other financing sources (uses) over (under) expenditures and other financing sources (uses) 240,850 Current Year Encumbrances-Solid Waste $ 1,059,111 IM • 4 k" , M ..;�.. April 1 2 1 Water & Sewer Fund Solid Waste Fund Assets: Current assets: Cash and cash investments $16,642,930 $1,445,314 Accounts receivable, net 2,362,679 217,976 Due from other funds 4,325,953 0 Inventory 513,713 0 Prepaid 0 0 Restricted assets: 0 0 Cash and cash investments, restricted 310,066 20 Amounts to be provided /debt 77,526,912 1,885,057 Total current assets 101,682,253 3,548,367 Non - current assets: Land 1,827,526 912,287 Other capital assets, net 177,652,280 2,429,593 Bond issuance cost, net 722,803 39,148 Total non - current assets 180,202,609 3,381,028 Total assets $281,884,862 $6,929,395 Liabilities: Current liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued liabilities $4,696 $0 Due to other funds 0 0 Unearned revenues 107,655 0 Customer Deposits 1,676,673 0 Deferred Revenues 222,340 241,227 Current portion of long term debt 2,216,097 65,517 Total current liabilities 4,227,462 306,744 Non- current liabilities: Non - current portion of long term debt 75,000,815 1,819,540 Post Closure Liabilities 1,570,845 Other post - employment benefits 740,420 78,910 Non - current portion of compensated absences 540,442 48,850 Total non - current liabilities 76,281,677 3,518,145 Total Liabilities $80,509,139 $3,824,889 Fund Balances: Reserved Encumbrances 2,213,864 1,059,111 Reserved for Debt Service 309,837 0 GAAP Adjustments 1,536,473 0 Fund Balance 197,315,549 2,045,395 Total Fund Balances 201,375,723 3,104,506 Total liabilities and fund balance $281,884,862 $6,929,395