06052000HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Minutes of Regular Meeting June 5, 2000 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on Monday June 5, 2000 in the County Administration Building, 102 East Front Street, Lillington, North Carolina. Members present: Dan B. Andrews, Chairman Beatrice Bailey Hill, Vice Chair Joseph T. Bowden Teddy J. Byrd Walt Titchener Staff present: Neil Emory, County Manager Wm. A. (Tony) Wilder, Assistant County Manager Dwight W. Snow, County Attorney Vanessa W. Young, Finance Officer Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board Chairman Andrews called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. and Commissioner Byrd led the pledge of allegiance and prayer. Commissioner Titchener moved to approve the agenda as published with the changes listed below. Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Add to consent agenda: Resolution for depository authorization Discuss request from Averasboro Battlefield Commission Delete from consent agenda: Request from the Town of Lillington for water purchase credit. Upon motion by Commissioner Byrd ank seconded by Commissioner Hill, the Board unanimously approved the following items on the consent agenda: 1. Minutes: Board Retreat, May 11, 2000 Regular Meeting, May 15, 2000 Reconvened Meeting (Budget Workshop), May 17, 2000 Special Meeting (Budget Workshop), May 30, 2000 2. Budget Amendments: 322 Northwest Phase II Capital Proiect (Fund 546-"NWII" Code 546-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax Refund 18,000. decrease 546-0000-361.10-00 Interest 10,000. decrease 546-0000-370.50-00 General Obligation Bonds 995,000. decrease 546-0000-389.50-00 Interfund Transfers-PU 113,850. decrease 546-9105-431.12-00 Salaries & Wages-p.t. 4,000. decrease 546-9105-431.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 320. decrease 546-9105-431.45-01 Construction 878,000. decrease 546-9105-431.45-20 Legal & Administrative 20,000. decrease 546-9105-431.45-30 Technical 107,000. decrease 546-9105-431.45-40 Land & Right -of Way 2,500. decrease 546-9105-431.45-61 Meters 10,000. decrease 546-9105-431.45-70 Interest during construction 87,892. decrease 546-9105-431.45-80 Contingency 27,138. decrease 324 Harnett County Bldg. Renovations Cap Project (Fund 346 `BLDG R") Code 346-0000-389.20-71 H.C. Capital Project 100,000. decrease 346-0000-389.30-74 Cap. Projects/Govt. Complex 100,000. decrease 346-8346-410.45-01 Construction 200,000. decrease • • s0.s 325 Governmental Complex Capital Project (Fund 374"GOVTCO" Code 374-0000-314.30-00 Sales Tax Refunds 178,195. decrease 374-0000-334.30-74 Ind. Bldg. Renovation 250,000. decrease 374-0000-334.74-00 Dept. of Commerce 230,000. decrease 374-0000-353.74-00 Town of Lillington 175,000. decrease 374-0000-361.10-00 Interest 695,876. decrease 374-0000-370.74-00 Loan Proceeds - 94 COPS 8,782,882. decrease 374-0000-389.41-00 From Courthouse 225,000. decrease 374-0000-389.50-00 Interfund Transfer-PU 250,000. decrease 374-0000-389.71-00 From Capital Project Reserve 1,000,000. decrease 374-8374-410.45-01 Construction 350,069. decrease 374-8374-410.45-02 Construction -Contract 2 5,144,811. decrease 374-8374-410.45-11 Plumbing Contractor • 441,086. decrease 374-8374-410.45-12 Electric Contractor 1,840,087. decrease 374-8374-410.45-20 Legal & Administrative 117,606. decrease 374-8374-410.45-21 Architect Fees 393,957. decrease 374-8374-410.45-22 Railroad Crossing 169,075. decrease 374-8374-410.45-24 Water Tank 606,571. decrease 374-8374-410.45-25 Sewer 274,253. decrease 374-8374-410.45-26 Water 346,589. decrease 374-8374-410.45-30 Technical 180,082. decrease 374-8374-410.45-33 Materials & Supplies 146,743. decrease 374-8374-410.45-40 Land & Right -of -Way 24,768. decrease 374-8374410.45-60 Surveys 20,798. decrease 374-8374-410.45-73 Other Improvements 9,243. decrease 374-8374-410.45-80 Contingency 39. decrease 374-8374-410.74-74 Capital Outlay -Equipment 246,176. decrease 374-8374-410.90-01 Capital Projects 700,000. decrease 374-8374-410.90-41 Masterplan Courthouse 375,000. decrease 374-8374-410.90-46 HC Bldg. Renovations 100,000. decrease 374-8374-410.90-75 School Construction 150,000. decrease 374-8374-410.90-76 Water Plant Expansion 150,000. decrease • 326 NCHFA-SINGLE FAMILY (Fund 362"NCHFA) Code 362-0000-334.30-62 NCHFA Grant 200,000. decrease 362-0000-361.10-00 Interest 2,800. decrease 362-0000-389.30-61 Shawtown 30,000. decrease 362-8362-465.85-01 Rehab of Privately Owned 116,889. decrease 362-8362-465.85-10 Program Support Costs 10,340. decrease 362-8362-465.85-20 Housing Projects/Admin. 5,571. decrease 362-8362-465.90-61 Shawtown 100,000. decrease 330 Sheriff -Concealed Weapon Fund (Fund 243-Concealed Weapon Fund) Code 243-5100-420.32-53 Handgun Assessed Fees 6,850. increase 243-0000-322.43-00 Concealed Gun Permits 6,850. increase 331 General Services (Fund 110-General,) Code 110-0000-356.30-00 Reimbursement -Ins. Claim 198. increase 110-4600-410.43-21 Repair & Maintenance -Auto 198. increase 332 Airport T-Hangar Capital Project (Fund 360- `T-HANG) Code 360-0000-389.10-00 Interfund Transfer-GF 111,000. increase 360-8360-465.45-01 Construction -Contract 1 73,948. increase • 360-8360-465.45-04 Professional 32,284. increase 360-8360-465.45-80 Contingency 4,768. increase 333 Airport Above Ground Jet A Fuel Capital Proiect (Fund 360-"ABOVEG" Code 360-0000-353.60-00 Warren Oil Company 33,000. decrease 3 60-0000-3 89. 10-00 Interfund Transfer-GF 67,000. decrease 360-8360-465.45-01 Construction -Contract 1 77,109. decrease 360-8360-465.45-02 Construction -Contract 2 15,000. decrease 360-8360-465.45-04 Professional 7,891. decrease 334 Airport Rotating Beacon Capital Project Fund 360"BEACON") Code 360-0000-389.10-00 Interfund Transfer-GF 40,000. increase 360-8360-465.45-01 Construction -Contract 1 29,630. increase 360-8360-465.45-04 Professional 10,370. increase 338 Human Resources-JTPA (Fund 110-General,) Code 110-7400-465.11-00 Salaries & Wages 2,320. decrease 110-7400-465.12-00 Salaries & Wages-p.t. 2,182. decrease 110-7400-465.2 1 -00 Group Insurance 2,333. decrease 110-7400-465.22-00 FICA Expense 1,089. decrease 110-7400-465.23-00 Retirement Expense 780. decrease 110-7400-465.23-01 Supplemental Retirement 438. decrease 110-7400-465.26-08 Worker's Comp. 808. decrease 110-7400-465.32-72 Support Services 110. decrease 110-7400-465.33-45 Contracted Services 5,662. decrease 110-7400-465.41-11 Telephone & Postage 637. decrease 110-7400-465.41-13 Utilities 1,155. decrease 110-7400-465.43-16 Maintenance & Repair Equip. 256. decrease 110-7400-465.44-21 Bldg. & Equipment Rent 300. decrease 110-7400-465.55-12 Printing & Binding 500. decrease 110-7400-465.58-01 Training/Meetings 170. decrease 110-7400-465.58-14 Travel/Admin. 1,777. decrease 110-7400-465.60-31 Gas, Oil & Auto Supplies 249. decrease 110-7400-465.60-33 Materials & Supplies 239. decrease 110-7400-465.60-53 Dues & Subscriptions 82. decrease 110-7400-465.60-59 Participant Information 18. decrease 110-0000-331.74-01 JTPA 21,105. decrease 340 South Harnett Elementary Plavfield Capital Proiect (Fund 345"SH ELE" Code 345-0000-389.10-00 Interfund Transfer-GF 43,000. decrease 345-8345-410.45-04 Professional 3,000. decrease 345-8345-410.45-20 Legal & Administrative 1,000. decrease 345-8345-410.45-33 Materials & Supplies 39,000. decrease 341 Harnett Production Enterorise Cat) Proiect (Fund 319-"HPE Code 319-0000-314.30-00 Sales Tax Refund 10,000. decrease 319-0000-334.19-01 State Capital Grant 200,000. decrease 319-0000-353.19-02 Lee Harnett Mental Health 16,223. decrease 319-0000-353.19-03 Harnett County ARC 48,984. decrease 3 19-0000-3 6 1. 10-00 Interest 23,512. decrease 319-0000-370.00-00 Loan Proceeds 1,400,000. decrease 3 19-0000-3 89. 10-00 Interfund Transfers/GF 198,135. decrease 319-0000-389.20-71 HC Capital Project 100,000. decrease 319-8319-410.45-10 Building Contractor 1,128,681. decrease 319-8319-410.45-11 Plumbing Contractor 150,969. decrease 319-8319-410.45-12 Electric Contractor 149,745'. decrease 319-8319-410.45-13 GMH Electrical 188,001. decrease 319-8319-410.45-14 HVAC 3,303. decrease 319-8319-410.45-15 Utilities 107,140. decrease 319-8319-410.45-20 Legal 7 Administrative 13,775. decrease 319-8319-410.45-21 Architect Fees 37,743. decrease 319-8319-410.45-22 Railroad Crossing 110,000. decrease 319-8319-410.45-30 Technical 22,000. decrease 319-8319-410.45-33 Materials & Supplies 11,697. decrease 319-8319-410.45-60 Surveys 1,500. decrease 319-8319-410.45-73 Other Improvements 27,000. decrease 319-8319-410.90-10 General 45,300. decrease 343 Riverside Capital proiect (Fund 542-"RIVERS" Code 542-9101-431.45-01 Construction 1,530,606. increase 542-9101-431.45-30 Technical 80,000. increase 542-9101-431.45-70 Interest During Construction 100,000. increase 542-9101-431.45-61 Meters 10,000. increase 542-9101-431.45-80 Contingency 180,000. increase 542-9101-431.45-20 Legal & Administrative 10,000. increase 542-0000-389.50-00 Interfand Trans. from P.U. 30,000. increase 542-0000-370.50-00 GO Bonds 1,194,606. increase 542-0000-331.87-00 USDA Grant 686,000. increase • E • 344 Public Utilities (Fund 531-Public Utilities) Code 531-9000-431.90-57 Trans. to Riverside Project 30,000. increase 531-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 30,000. increase 345 Transportation (Fund 110-General,) Code 110-0000-368.00-00 Transportation Fees 110-4650-410.33-45 Contracted Services 346 Governing Body (Fund 110-General) Code 110-0000-331.41-08 JCPC Grant -PAL 110-4100-410.31-74 PAL 347 Administration (Fund 110-General) Code 110-4100-410.31-78 Occupancy Tax 110-0000-318.70-00 Occupancy Tax • 350 Interfund Transfers (Fund I I0-General_) Code 110-8701-490.90-63 Interfund Transfers 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 352 Administration (Fund 110-General Code 110-4150-410.12-00 Salaries & Wages-p.t. 110-4150-410.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 110-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 353 Health Fund 110-General Code 110-7600-441.58-14 Travel & Meetings 110-0000-353.02-00 Donations -Health 354 Planning & Inspections (Fund 110-General,) Code 110-7200-465.12-00 Salaries & Wages-p.t. 110-7200-465.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 110-7200-465.33-45 Contracted Services 8*17 26,000. increase 26,000. increase 23,321. increase 23,321. increase 15,500. increase 15,500. increase 300. decrease 300. decrease 654. increase 50. increase 704. increase 250. increase 250. increase 1,400. increase 105. increase 1,505. decrease 357 Harnett -Wake Transmission Capital Project (Fund 542 "WAKETR" ) Code 542-9101-431.45-20 Legal & Administrative • 542-9101-431.45-30 Technical 13,800. increase 240,000. increase 542-9101-431.45-40 Land & Right of Way 90,000. increase 542-9101-431.45-01 Contract 1-Hobby Const. 5,962,946. increase 542-9101-431.45-02 Contract 2-TA Loving 2,800,000. increase 542-9101-431.45-03 Contract 3-Southern Industrial 201,000. increase 542-9101-431.45-80 Contingency 731,797. increase 542-0000-334.42-00 NC Clean Water Grant 3,000,000. increase 542-0000-370.73-00 NC Clean Water Bond 864,047. increase 542-9101-431.45-70 Interest During Construction 105,000. increase 542-0000-353.79-00 Town of Holly Springs 4,126,691. increase 542-0000-353.78-00 Town of Fuquay-Varina 2,153,805. increase 358 Wellons Acquisition & A.C. Sewer Extension (Fund 542-"WELLON" ) Code 542-9101-431.45-70 Interest During Construction 101,588. increase 542-9101-431.45-20 Legal & Administrative 8,000. increase 542-9101-431.45-80 Contingency 678,884. decrease 542-9101-431.45-03 Contract 3-Sewer Extension 719,296. increase 542-0000-353.42-00 Contribution-Bd. of Ed. 150,000. increase 359 Social Services (Fund 110-General) Code 110-7710-441.80-85 CP&L Project Share • 110-0000-330.77-01 Social Services Admin. 110-7710-441.88-15 Special Needs Adoption 110-0000-334.77-03 Special Needs Adoption 110-0000-353.06-00 Donations 110-7710-441.89-20 Central Electric Donations 110-7710-441.89-30 Fuel Fund Donations 110-7710.441.89-40 General Agency Donations 110-7710-441.89-50 Elderly Assistance Donations 110-7710-441.89-60 Foster Care Donations 360 Human Resources (Fund 110-General) 11,685. increase 11,685. increase 48,000. increase 48,000. increase 3,200. increase 1,850. increase 446. increase 238. increase 276. increase 390. increase Code 110-7404-465.12-00 Salaries & Wages-p.t. 110-7404-465.22-00 FICA Tax Expense 110-7404-465.26-08 Worker's Comp. 110-0000-331.74-04 WIA Funds 10,840. increase 829. increase 160. increase 11,829. increase 363 Public Utilities (Fund 531-Public Utilities) Code 531-9000-431.90-56 Interfund Trans. to SW Regional 9,158. increase 531-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 9,158. increase 364 SW Regional Transmission Cap. Project (Fund 547"SW REG" Code 547-9106-431.45-70 Interest During Construction 19,958. increase 547-0000-361.00-00 Interest 6,405. increase 547-0000-314.50-00 Sales Tax Refunds 4,395. increase 547-0000-389.50-00 Interfund Trans. from PU 9,158. increase 365 Water Treatment Plant Pilot Cap. Proaect(Fund 542"PILOT") Code 542-9101-431.45-30 Technical 18,000. increase • 542-0000-389.50-00 Interfund Trans. from PU 18,000. increase 366 Public Utilities (Fund 531-Public Utilities) Code 531-9000-431.90-54 Interfund Transfer to Pilot 18,000. increase 531-0000-399.00-00 Fund Balance Appropriated 18,000. increase 3. Tax refunds and releases (Attachment 1) VEHICLE LEASE 4. Lease agreement with North Harnett Rescue for use of ambulance vehicle NORTH HARNETT RES. EAGLE SCOUT 5. Resolution recognizing an Eagle Scout, Andrew Wallace Crane (Attachment 2) 6. Resolution to add road to state system (Attachment 3) SPEED LIMIT ON 7. Request for endorsement of efforts to lower the speed limit on a segment of SR 2021 SR 2021 HARNETT/WAKE 8. Addendum to Harnett/Wake Water Transmission Project Agreement WATER AGREE. (Attachment 4) ADDENDUM EMERGENCY WATERSHED 9. Project agreement for Emergency Watershed Protection Program (Attachment 5) PROTECTION PROG. 10. Resolution for Depository Authorization (Attachment 6) BANK DEPOSITORY Rev. Joe Smith, Sr., Riverside, expressed concerns with standing water in the community. APPOINTMENTS Commissioner Titchener moved for the appointments listed below. Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Johnston -Lee Community Action Board Teddy Byrd for a two-year term to expire 06/30/02 Harnett County Emergency Services Council Diane Raynor to replace Bill Klobcar. She is the Telecommunications Supervisor/EMD Manager for Harnett County Mid -Carolina Emergency Medical Services Council Gary Whitman for a 3-year term to expire 06/30/03 r� Mid -Carolina Workforce Development Board Nelson Rose for a 2-year term to expire 06/30/02 Chairman Andrews called to order a public hearing on the Rural Operating Assistance* RURAL OPERATING Program. Ralph Thurman, Transportation Manager, explained that the public hearing ASSISTANCE PROGRAM was a requirement in order to receive funding for funds ($90,277.00) that are utilized for programs such as EDTAP, Work First and RGP. The meeting was opened for comments from the public. No comments were offered and Chairman Andrews closed the public hearing. HART TRANSIT SY S . Jerry Blanchard, General Services Manager, reported that for the third time in five AWARD years, Harnett Area Transit System received a state safety award, competing with 67 other rural transportation systems. Harnett County transportation drivers traveled over 487,000 miles without a chargeable accident. The Board praised this achievement as it reflects the quality of the program and our employees' commitment to the safety of the citizens we serve. Riverside W & s Chairman Andrews noted that the Board would consider certain items sitting in its capacity as governing body of the Riverside Water & Sewer District. Barbara Beard - Hinton, U.S. Department of Agriculture -Rural Development, presented a Letter of Conditions regarding the Riverside Water and Sewer District proposed Water Distribution System amended Letter of Conditions. Commissioner Hill moved to adopt a resolution to approve the Letter of Conditions and related documents. Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 7) • Hiram Marziano, Marziano and Minier, presented the Discussion of Bids for the Wake County 36 in. Water Line Harnett /Wake County 36-inch Water Line Project. Al Bain, Public Utilities Attorney, presented for the Board's consideration a Resolution Awarding Contracts for the project. Commissioner Byrd moved to adopt the resolution. Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 8) Creek Hiram Marziano, Marziano and Minier, presented the Discussion of Bids for Contract Contract ate'No. 1 Wastewater Collection, Pump Station & Forcemain Project that will provide Anderson Creek wastewater service to a proposed development in the Anderson Creek area and the new Area One School in Anderson Creek. Al Bain, Public Utilities Attorney, presented for the Board's consideration a Resolution Awarding Contract for Anderson Creek Wastewater Facilities. Commissioner Bowden moved to adopt the resolution. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 9) Chairman Andrews called to order a public hearing on a proposed amendment to the Zoning Ord. text of the Harnett County Zoning Ordinance making multi -section manufactured Proposed Amend, homes, built to the H.U.D. Code, a permitted use in the RA-30 Zoning District provided specified appearance criteria are met. Neil Emory, County Manager, presented the proposed amendment. Chairman Andrews opened the meeting for comments from the public. Comments were provided by Tim McNeil, Ponderosa Rd., • and Brian Blinson, Angier. 'There being no further comments, Chairman Andrews closed the public hearing. Commissioner Byrd moved to adopt the amendment as presented. Commissioner Titchener seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 10) Neil Emory, County Manager, presented the staff s recommendations regarding the Zoning south implementation of zoning south of the Cape Fear River. Mr. Emory thanked staff as o f River well as citizens for involvement in the process. A proposed official zoning map of each township showing the proposed zoning was reviewed. Following review of the maps the Board voted on zoning for each township. Commissioner Hill moved for Stewart's Creek Township to remain unzoned. Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Bowden moved to approved the map zoning Anderson Creek Township. Commissioner Byrd seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Bowden moved to approve the map zoning Johnsonville Township. Commissioner Byrd seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Titchener moved to approve the map zoning Lillington Township. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. • Commissioner Hill moved to approve the map zoning Barbecue Township. P Commissioner Titchener seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Titchener moved to approve the map zoning Upper Little River Township. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Zoning Maps Commissioner Byrd moved to adopt-mf Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of Harnett County Which Adopts Official Zoning Maps Adding Certain Townships to the Territorial Coverage of the Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 11 of these minutes and copied into Harnett County Ordinance Book 2, Pages 125-126) Chairman Andrews called to order a public hearing on the proposed FY 2000-2001 FY 2000-2001 Harnett County Budget. Neil Emory, Budget Officer, provided an overview of the Budget proposed Budget and stated that the Board would consider adoption of the Budget at a special meeting June 28, 2000 at 9 a.m. Chairman Andrews opened the meeting for comments from the public. Comments were received from Mahlon McCoy, Anderson Creek regarding Anderson Creek fire district tax, and Tim McNeil, Ponderosa Road regarding economic development. There being no further comments, Chairman Andrews closed the public hearing. Wm. A. (Tony) Wilder, Assistant County Manager, presented a recommendation for Cleaning Contract award of a cleaning contract for the Department of Social Services and Health . DSS & Health Bldgs. buildings at the Governmental Complex. Commissioner Titchener moved to award the cleaning contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Jefferson's Cleaning Service, Inc. of Benson, NC. Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The total contract amount is $100,000. Neil Emory, County Manager, presented for the Board's consideration a resolution Averasboro Battle- regarding applications for funding Averasboro Battlefield projects. Commissioner field Projects Titchener moved to adopt the resolution agreeing for Harnett County to serve as governmental sponsor as well as Cumberland County, contingent upon a set of conditions which are spelled out regarding liability and responsibilities. Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. (Attachment 12) Departmental reports were filed with the Board from Veteran's Affairs, Sheriff s Department, Fire Marshal and Emergency Services, and Department of Social Services, and Infra -departmental Budget Amendments (Attachment 13). Closed Session Commissioner Hill moved that the Board of Commissioners go into closed session for the following purpose: 1) To consider and discuss a personnel matter. This motion is made pursuant to N.C. General Statute sectionl43-318.11(a)(6). • Commissioner Titchener seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Hill moved for the Board to come out of closed session. Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Byrd made a motion to cancel the regular mid -month meeting in June Meetings Cancelled and the first meeting in July. Commissioner Bowden seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Commissioners will meet in special session on June 28, 2000 at 9 a.m. to consider the FY 2000-2001 Budget and various other items of County business. There being no further business, Commissioner Hill moved for adjournment. Commissioner Byrd seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Harnett County Board of Commissioners meeting, June 5, 2000 duly adjourned at 12:15 p.m. A, Dan B. Andrews, Chairman Kay SU Blanchard, Clerk to the Board • 831 Attachment 1. MONTHL Y REFUND REPORT 31 May-00 BILL NUMBER NAME REASON AMOUNT 1999532536 BISHOP, MARGARET B VEHI Approved by the Harnett County Board of CommiasW"m Data Q.- •. f_LIAkt> *" 60-11d 1 YEAR MONTH TOWN 11099 HWY 210 S CLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 690 X .73 - 5.03 1999 06100 SPRING LAKE NC 28390 FLAT BRANCH FIRE - 690 X. 12 - .82 • TOTAL - 5.85 1999575691 CHUBB, JR PAUL H VEHICLE SOLD 16 ROPING DRIVE COUNTYWIDE-12,520 X - 91.40 - CAMERON, NC 28326 .73 1999 06100 CRAINS CREEK FIRE -12,520 X. 10 - 12.52 TOTAL-103.92 1999516439 CRANDALL, HUNTER MILITARY EJMTTON JUSTIN COUNTYWIDE - 24290 X -165.17 .681999 06/00 • SPRINGS 1577CCLOER WATER FIRE - 2.4290 X .09 - 21.86 SANFORD, NC 27330 BBNHAVEN RESCUE - 24290 X .025 - 6.07 TOTAL-193.10 1999515137 J'U ANDALL, HUNTER MILITARY EXEMPTION COUNTYWIDE - 3150 X - 21.42 157 CLEAR WATER .68 SPOUT SPRINGS FIRE - 3150 X .09 - 2.84 1999 06/00 HARBOR BENHAVEN RESCUE - 3150 X ,025 - .79 SANFORD, NC 27330 TOTAL - 25.05 1999541564 DON LANGDON DRYWALL CO VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 6617 X - 48,31 P.O. BOX 1348 .73 CITY OF DUNN - 6617 X.46 - 30.44 1999 06/00 DUNN ANGIER, NC 27501 BLACK RIVER FIRE - 6617 X .07 - 4.64 TOTAL - 93.39 1999510990 DORMAN, TERESA S 700 S. SAMPSON AVE VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE -119 X.68 - .81 1999 06/00 DUNN, NC 28334 CITY OF DUNN -119 X.46 - .55 DUNN AVERAS. RESCUE -119 X.05 - .06 AVERAS. SCHOOL -119 X .02 - .03 TOTAL - 1.45 1999572125 3HAMI,,;TOMECO NA D VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 907 X .73 - 5.90 1999 06/00 LILLINGTON, NC 27W BOONE TRAIL EME - 907 X .07 - .57 TOTAL - 6.47 1999536068 JACKSONKIMBERL JERKY D & BOOK VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 10,057 X - 73.41 1999 800 800 BROCCWOOD .73 CITY OF DUNN-10,037 X.46 - 4126 06/00 DUNN DRIVE AVERAS. RESCUE-10,057 X .02 - 2.01 DUNK, NC 28334 TOTAL-121.68 1999543540 KELLY, JR C;ARLES STEWART PERSONAL VALUE COUNTYWIDE -1,950 X - 14.23 5482 U.S. N CORRECTION .73 BOONE TRAIL FIRE -1,950 X .07 - 1.36 1999 06/00 LILi1NGTON, NC 27346 TOTAL -15.59 1999542449 MCNEILLDAVID , LOIS AND VEHICLE TOTALED, TAG TURNED IN COUNTYWIDE - 51620 X .73 - 41.02 19" 06/00 3226 BUNNLEVEL BUNNI-EVEL FIRE - 5,620 X .11- 6.18 ERWIN ROAD TOTAL - 47.20 ERWIN, NC 28339 1999526510 MOSS, LEONARD P.O. BOX MOVED OUT OF STATE, COUNTYWIDE - 4615 X .73 - 33.68 1999 AUGUSTA GA 30919 , GA TURNED IN TAG SPOUT SPRINGS FIRE - 4615 X .09 - 4.15 TOTAL - 37.83 1999560298 PEERY, RICHARD MARS VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 2199 X .73 - 15.98 1999 10760 NC 210 N BLACC RIM FIRE - 2198 X .07 - 1.54 ANGIER, NC 27501 TOTAL -17.52 1999560376 ROBINSON, JAMBS E 141 KAY LANE VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 2,467 X .73 -18.01 1999 ANGIER, NC 27501.9277 TOWN OF ANGIER - 2,467 X.46 - 11.35 1993506477 STEPHENSON, PHILIP NOT IN TOWN AND ANGELA 1187 N RALEIGH STREET ANGIER, NC 27501 1996502309 SSTEEPHENN, PHILIPNOT IN TOWN AND ANG 1197 N RALEIGH STREET ANGIER, NC 27501 1993553400 STEPHENSON, PHILIP NOT IN TOWN AND ANGELA 1187 N RALEIGH STREET ANGIER, NC 27501 1996553703 STEPHENSON, PHILIP NOT IN TOWN AND 1197 N RALEIGH STREET ANGIER, NC 27501 1995553325 STEPHENSON, PHILIP NOT IN TOWN AND ANGELA 1197 N RALEIGH STREET ANGIER, NC 27501 1995500454 STEPHENSON, PHILIP NOT IN TOWN AND ANGELA 1187 N RALEIGH STREET ANGIER, NC 27501 BI-ACK RIVER FIRE - 2,467 X .07 -1.73 TOTAL - 31.09 TOWN OF ANGIER - 9180 X .77 - 70.69 1993 TOWN STICKER - 5.00 TOTAL - 75.69 TOWN OF ANGIER - 7940 X .68 - 53.99 1996 TOWN STICKER. 5.00 TOTAL - 58.99 TOWN OF ANGIER - 7370 X .75 - 55.28 1993 INTEREST-.83 TOWN STICKER - 5.00 TOTAL - 61.11 TOWN OF ANGIER - 5620 X .67 - 37.65 1996 TOWN STICKER - 3.00 TOTAL - 42.65 TOWN OF ANGIER- 5920 X .68 - 39.93 1995 INTEREST -.30 TOWN STICKER - 5.00 TOTAL - 45.23 06/00 06100 06100 ANGIER 06/00 ANGIER 06/00 ANGIER 06/00 ANGIER 06/00 ANGIER 06/00 ANGIER TOWN OF ANGIER - 7940 X .71- 5S,91 1995 06/00 ANGIER TOWN STICKER - 5.00 INTEREST -.42 TOTAL - 61.33 33Z 1997611314 �PHILIP NOT IN TOWN TOWN OELAF ANGLER- 5893 X 33.88 1997 1187 N RALEIGH .61= TOWN STICKER - 4.17 06/00 ANGLER STREET TOTAL -40.05 ANGLER, NC 27501 1998933860 $TEPHENSON, PHILIP NOT IN TOWN AND ANGELA TOWN OF ANGIER - 6132 X = 28.82 1998 N RALEIGH .47 TOWN STICKER - 5.00 06/00 ANGIER STREET TR TOTAL - 33.82 ANGLER, NC 27501 1997603491 STEPHENSON, PHILIP NOT IN TOWN TOWN OF ANGLER- 458 X .61- 2.80 1997 06/00 ANGIER AND ANGELA TOWN STICKER- 4.58 1187 N RALEIGH TOTAL - 7.39 STREET ANGER, NC 27501 1993506475 STEPHENSON, PHILIP NOT IN TOWN TOWN OF ANGIER -1500 X .77 -11.55 1993 06/00 ANGIER AND ANGELA TOWN STICKER - 5.00 1187 N RAIZIGH TOTAL -16.55 STREET ANGER, NC 27501 1997513517 STEPHENSON, PHILIP NOT IN TOWN TOWN OF ANGIER - 300 X .67 - 3.35 1997 06/00 ANGIER AND ANGELA TOWN STICKER - 5.00 1187 N RALEIGH TOTAL - 8.35 STREET ANGLER, NC 27501 1996500236 STEPHENSON, PHILIP NOT IN TOWN TOWN OF ANGIER -1500 X .68 -10.20 1996 06/00 ANGIER AND ANGEL A TOWN STICKER- 5.00 1197 N RALEIGH TOTAL -15.20 STREET ANGER, NC 27501 1994500287 STEPHENSON, PHILIP NOT IN TOWN AND ANGELA TOWN OF ANGIER -1500 X .75 - 11.25 1994 06/00 ANGIER TOWN STICKER - 5.00 1187 N RALEIGH TOTAL -16.25 STREET ANGLER, NC 27501 1995500074 STTi MNSON, PHILIP NOT IN TOWN TOWN OF ANGIER -1500 X .71-10.65 1995 06/00 ANGIER AND ANGELA TOWN STTCKEFL - 5.00 1197 N RALEIGH STREET TOTAL -15.65 ANGLER, NC 27501 1994543634 STEPHENSON, PHILIP NOT IN TOWN TOWN OF ANGIER- 6880 X .71- 48.45 1994 06/00 ANGLER AND ANGELA INTEREST - .4I 1187 N RALEIGH TOWN STICKER- 5.00 STREET TOTAL - 53.86 ANGIEit, NC 27501 1997513519 STEPHENSON, PHILIP NOT IN TOWN TOWN OF ANGLER - 7430 X .67 - 49.92 1997 06M ANGLER AND ANGELA TOWN STICKER - 5.00 1187 N RALEIGH TOTAL - $4.92 STREET ANGLER, NC 27501 1994501064 STEPHENSON, PHILIP R NOT IN TOWN TOWN OF ANGER - 2860 X .75 - 21.45 1994 06/00 ANGIER 1187 N RALEIGH ST TOWN STICKER - 5.00 ANGLER, NC 27501 TOTAL - 26.45 1998933224 STEPHENSON, PHILIP R NOT IN TOWN TOWN OF ANGIER- 458 X .47 - 2.15 1993 06/00 ANGLER 1187 N RALEIGH ST TOWN STICKER- 5.00 ANGER, NC 27501 TOTAL - 7.13 1997513518 STEPHENSON. PHILIP R NOT IN TOWN TOWN OF ANGIER- 2540 X .67 -17.02 1997 06/00 ANGLER 1187 N RALEIGH TOWN STICKER - 5.00 STREET TOTAL - 22.02 ANGIER, NC 27501 1996500897 STEPHENSON, PHILIP R NOT IN TOWN TOWN OF ANGIER - 2700 X .68 - 19.36 1996 06100 ANGIER 1187 N RALEIGH TOWN STICKER - 5.00 STREET TOTAL - 23.36 ANGLER, NC 27501 1995500249 STEPHENSON, PHILIP R NOT IN TOWN TOWN OP ANGLER - 2700 X .71- 19.01 1995 06/00 ANGER 1197 N RALEIGH TOWN STICKER - 5.00 STREET INTEREST-.14 ANGLER, NC 27501 TOTAL - 24.15 1999931239 STEPUNSON, PHILIP R NOT IN TOWN TOWN OF ANGER -1596 X .47 - 7.45 1998 06/00 ANGER 1187 N RALEIGH TOWN STICKER - 5.00 STREET TOTAL -12.45 ANGLER, NC 27501 1997607921 STEPHENSON, PHILIP R NOT IN TOWN TOWN OF ANGLER -1767 X .61-10.77 1997 06/00 ANGIER 1187 N RALEIGH TOWN STICKER - 4.17 STREET TOTAL -14.94 ANGLER, NC 27501 1997610815 STEPHENSON, PHILIP R NOT IN TOWN TOWN OF ANGER -1992 X .61-12.15 1997 06/00 ANGIER 1187 N RALEIGH TOWN STICKER- 4.17 STREET TOTAL -16.32 ANGLER, NC 27501 1999576017 STEVENS, KYLE E VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE -1,127 X .73 - 8.23 1"9 06/00 215 SANDCLAY DRIVE AND. CRK FIRE -1,127 X. I I -1.24 SPRING LAKE, NC 28390 TOTAL - 9.47 1999541039 STEVENS, KYLE SOLD VEHICLE COUNTYWIDE -1,008 X .73 - 7.36 1999 06/00 EDWARD AND CRK FIRE -1,008 X .11- 1.11 215 SANDCLAY DRIVE TOTAL - &.47 SPRING LAKE, NC 28390 1999590199 TAYLOR. CHARLES D VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE -1,308 X .73 - 9.55 1999 06/00 DUNN 105 BASIN STREET CITY OF DUNN -1,308 X .46 - 6.02 DUNN, NC 28334 AVERAS. SCHOOL -1,308 X .02 - .27 TOTAL -15.84 l� u • • 833 1999535360 TURNAOE, RAY A VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE -1717 X.73 - 12.54 19" 06/00 DUNN 101 WADE AVE TOWN OF DUNN -1717 X .46 - 7.90 DUNN, NC 29334 AVERAS. SCHOOL -1717 X .02 - .35 TOTAL - 20.79 1999587969 WADE, HOBART L VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 9280 X .73 - 60.45 1999 06/00 ERWIN 405 EAST I STREET TOWN OF ERWIN - 8280 X .48 - 39.75 ERWIN, NC 23339 ERWIN FIRE - 9280 X .05 - 4,14 TOTAL-104.34 1990533332 WALKER, Wrr.t-m M VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE -1007 X .73 - 7.35 1999 06/00 772 NUTORASS ROAD BUNNLEVEL FIRE -1007 X .11- 1.10 BUNNLEVEL, NC 28323 TOTAL - 8.45 1999506572 WHEELS, INC VEHICLE SOLD COUNTYWIDE - 2977 X .68 - 20.25 1999 06/00 666 GARLAND PLACE AVERAS. FIRE - 2977 X .04 -1.19 DES PLAINES, II. 60016 AVERAS. RESC - 2977 X .05 - 1.49 AVERAS. SCHOOL - 2977 X .02 - .60 • TOTAL - 23.53 Attachment 2. ;OARD OF COMMISSIONERS iCA COUNTYMANAGER DAN B. Ammms, JR, Chainmm� NRR. EMORY Bavw® B. HRs.,19ce-Chairman W- A. (Torre) WUMER, AssistantJOSEPH T.BOWDON To mr BYRD CLERK TO THE BOARD WALT Ttrts� IGY S. BLANcHARD COUNTY OF HARNETT P.O. BOX 759 - LHIMOTON, N.C. 27546 (910) 893-7555 - FAX (910) 814-2662 RESOLUTION Andrew WaUace Crane THAT, WHEREAS, the Boy Scouts is an organization which has long helped shape the • lives of young people across America; and WHEREAS, this organization is dedicated to developing the future leaders of our communities and our nation; and WHEREAS, the Boy Scouts recognize their highest achievers by recognizing them as an Eagle Scout; and WHEREAS, this award is only presented to those individuals that demonstrate a commitment to self-improvement as well as service to their community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners does hereby recognize Andrew Wallace Crane and congratulate him for attaining Eagle Scout. Duly adopted this 5s' day of June, 2000. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Dan B. Andrews, Chairman 834- Attachment 3. RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners does hereby, by proper execution of this document, request that the North Carolina Department of Transportation add to the State's Secondary Road System the below listed streets. Sierra Villa Subdivision California Lane Montana Lane Sierra Trail Adopted this 5s' day of June, 2000. HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: Dan B. Andrews, Chairman — AMS"'. d . /3d'Ar dbiiBlanchard Clerk to the Board . Attachment 4. NORTH CAROLINA, HARNETT COUNTY ADDENDUM TO THE 3 AUGUST 1999 AGREEMENT THIS ADDENDUM to the 3 August 1999 Agreement is made and entered into this the 30th day of May, 2000, by and between the County of Hamett, a body politic, organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina (hereinafter referred to as "County'); the Town of Fuquay-Varina, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina (hereinafter referred to as 'Tuquay-Varna'); and the Town of Holly Springs, a municipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina (hereinafter referred to as "Holly Springs'). LVIINESSETLI: THAT WHEREAS, the parties have previously entered an Agreement dated 3 August 1999 which set forth terms for the payment of preliminary costs for the construction of a thirty -six-inch (36') waterline and related structures for delivery of water to the Harnett County/Wake County line (hereinafter referred to as the'Troject'); and WHEREAS, the 3 August 1999 Agreement also set forth allocation of capacity in the facilities of the Project; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 160A, Article 20, Part I of the North Carolina General Statutes, the parties now desire to enter into this Agreement to provide for the construction of the waterline and the payment for the allotted capacity; • • • 83S NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree, each with the other, as follows: 1. PPru pose. The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the understandings and agreements of the parties regarding construction of the Project and the payment for the allocated capacity. 2. County is to Contract for Construction of The aWect The County shall be the • party to construct the Project, and as such, it shall submit the Project to bid and enter contracts pursuant to the North Carolina General Statutes for the construction. The County shall pay the costs of construction pursuant to the contracts. The Town of Holly Springs and the Town of Fuquay-Varna shall receive copies of all change orders and supporting documents within seven (7) days of submittal. I. Allocation of Capacity. Pursuant to the 3 August 1999 Agreement, the capacity in the thirty -six-inch (36') waterline is allocated as follows: a. Harnett County shall have 8.42 million gallons per day (8.42 mgd) capacity in said line. ` b. Fuquay-Varina shall have 5 million gallons per day (5 mgd) capacity in said line. C. Holly Springs shall have 9.58 million gallons per day (9.58 mgd) capacity in said line. 4. Payment for Cap city. Fuquay-Varina's cost for capacity shall be 5/23 of the costs of the construction of the Project. (Fuquay-Varina shall also pay 5/23 of the preliminary costs as • set forth in Paragraph 4 of the 3 August 1999 Agreement.) Holly Springs cost for capacity shall be 9.58/23 of the costs of the construction of the Project. (Holly Springs shall also pay 9.58/23 of the preliminary costs as set forth in Paragraph 4 of the 3 August 1999 Agreement.) Upon award of the construction contracts, Fuquay-Varina and Holly Springs shall each pay the County twenty-five per cent (25%) of its portion of the costs of capacity within thirty (30) days of the award. Thereafter, the County, through its engineer, shall notify the Towns when the construction is twenty-five per cent (25%) complete, when the construction is fifty per cent (50%) complete, and when the construction is seventy-five per cent (75%) complete. The Towns shall then pay to the County an additional payment of twenty-five per cent of the costs of capacity within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice from the County, such that the Town shall pay twenty-five per cent (25%) of the cost for capacity within thirty (30) days of notice that construction is twenty-five per cent completed; twenty-five per cent (25%) of the cost for capacity with thirty (30) days of notice • that construction is fifty per cent (50%) completed, and twenty-five per cent (25%) of the costs for capacity within thirty (30) days of notice that construction is seventy-five per cent (75%) completed. The County shall make adjustments for any overpayment or underpayment of the actual costs after final completion of construction and shall refund monies due any party or send notice of final payment to any party depending upon the circumstances. Any final payment due the County following completion of the construction of the Project shall be due and payable to the County within twenty (20) days of notice sent by the County. S. Terms of 3 Auei�t 1999 Agreement Stilt in Force and Affect. The terms of the 3 August 1999 Agreement shall remain in full force and affect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, acting under authority of their respective governing bodies, have caused this Addendum to the 3 August 1999 Agreement to be duly executed in three (3) counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original. Executed by Harnett County, this the 14day of June, 2000. COUNTY OF HARNETT By: 8 �� Dan B. Andrews, Chairman Harnett County Board of Commissioners Attest: Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board Executed by the Town of Fuquay-Varina, this day of June, 2000. TOWN OF FUQUAY-VARINA By: John W. Ellis, III, Mayor Attest: Rachel B. Turner, Clerk Executed by Town of Holly Springs, this day of June, 2000. Attest: TOWN OF HOLLY SPRINGS By: Richard B. Self, Town Manager Debbie Whitaker, Deputy Clerk Attachment 5. STATE North Carolina COUNTY Harnett PROJECT Emergency Watershed Protection UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE PROJECT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of .201 by and between Harnett County Board of Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as the Sponsors; and the Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture, hereinafter referred to as NRCS. WTTNESSETH THAT: WHEREAS, under the provisions of Section 216 of Public Law 81-516, Emergency Watershed Protection Program, and Title IV of the Agricultural Credit Act of 1978, Public Law 95-334, NRCS is authorized to assist the Sponsors in relieving hazards created by natural disasters that cause a sudden impairment of a watershed, and WHEREAS, NRCS and the Sponsors agree to install emergency watershed protection measures to relieve hazards and damages created by Hurricane Floyd on September 16, 1999. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the several promises to be faithfully performed by the parties hereto as set forth, the Sponsors and NRCS do hereby agree as follows: A. It is agreed that the work described in Attachment B is to be constructed at an estimated cost of S163,800.00. See Attachment B for the list of Damage Survey Reports covered by this Project Agreement, for Stream Debris Removal and Disposal, and Stream Bank Stabilization work in various waterways within Harnett County, in the Cape Fear River Watershed. • • E 1�• B. The Sponsors will: 1. Provide 2S percent of the cost of the emergency watershed protection measures described in Section A. This cost to the Sponsors is estimated to be S40-950.00 2. Provide certification that real property rights have been obtained for installation of emergency watershed protection measures. Certification will be provided on Form SCS-ADS-78, Assurances Relating to Real Property Acquisition, as amended. (No attorney's opinion is required on EWP work.) 3. Accept all financial and other responsibility for excess costs resulting from their failure to obtain, or their delay in obtaining, adequate land and water rights, permits, and licenses needed for the emergency watershed protection measures described in Section A. • 4. Review and approve plans for constructing the emergency watershed protection measures described in Section A. 5. The following individual is ;77; liaison between the Sponsors and NRCS: e Neil Emory County Manager c Title J' P. 0. Box 759 Address Lillington, NC 27546 Address (910) 893-7555 Telephone 6. Reimburse NRCS its share of the cost for installing the emergency watershed protection measures as hereinafter provided: a. Make payments to NRCS upon receipt of Form SCS-FNM-15, Bill. Billings will be submitted to the Sponsors on a monthly basis, or as progress payments are made to Contractors. • b. Payments must be received within 30 calendar days from the date of billing. Payments received after the due date will be considered late payments. For such late payments, interest will accrue on the unpaid amount at a percentage rate based on the current value of funds to the U.S. Treasury for each 30-day period, or portion thereof, that payment is.delayed. 7. Upon acceptance of work from the contractor(s), assume responsibility for operation and maintenance of the completed emergency watershed protection measures. 8. Comply with the requirements of the Special Provisions which are included in Attachment A to this agreement. If applicable, complete the "Clean Air and Water Certification," included in Attachment A. C. NRCS will: 1. Provide 75percent of the cost of emergency watershed protection measures described in Section A. This cost to NRCS is estimated to be S122,$50.00. 2. Provide authorized assistance including, but not limited to, obtaining basic information; preparation of contract drawings, designs, and specifications; performance of layout; inspection services; contract administration; and quality assurance during installation of the works of improvement. 3. Contract for emergency watershed protection measures described in Section A. in accordance with Federal contracting procedures. 4. Make changes in the work described in Section A. as mutually agreed upon with the Sponsors, and modify the contract (s) accordingly. 5. Make payment(s) to the Contractor(s) in accordance with contractual • 6. requirements. Submit Form SCS-FNM-15, Bill, to the Sponsors for reimbursement to NRCS of the Sponsor's share of the cost of constructing the emergency watershed protection measures described in Section A. 7. Arrange for and conduct final inspection of the completed emergency watershed protection measures with the Sponsors to determine whether all work has been performed in accordance with the contractual requirements. Accept work from the Contractor(s) and notify the Sponsors of acceptance. D. It is mutually agreed that: This agreement is effective the day it is fully executed by all parties to the agreement. It may be renegotiated, amended, extended, or modified by written amendment as agreed to by the parties hereto. Amendments become a part of the agreement when signed by the Sponsors and NRCS. The furnishing of financial or other assistance by NRCS is contingent upon the availability of funds appropriated by Congress from which payment may be made and shall not obligate NRCS upon failure of the Congress to so appropriate. 01 V � I 3. NRCS may terminate this agreement in whole or in part when it is determined by NRCS that the Sponsors have failed to comply with any of the conditions of this agreement. NRCS shall promptly notify the Sponsors in writing of the determination and reasons for the termination, together with the effective date. Payments made by or recoveries made by NRCS under this termination shall be in accord with the legal rights and liabilities of NRCS and the Sponsors. 4. This agreement may be temporarily suspended by NRCS if NRCS determines that corrective action by the Sponsors is needed to meet the provisions of this agreement. Further, NRCS may suspend this agreement when it is evident that a termination is pending. 5. In the event of default, additional funds required to ensure completion of the work will be provided in the same ratio as construction funds are contributed by the parties under the terms of this agreement. Any excess costs collected from the defaulting Contractor or their surety are to be prorated between the Sponsor and NRCS under the same ratio as construction funds are contributed under the terms of this agreement. 6. No member of or delegate to Congress or Resident Commissioner shall be admitted to any share or part of this agreement or to any benefit that may arise therefrom; but this provision shall not be construed to extend to this agreement if made with a corporation for its general benefit. 7. The program or activities conducted under this agreement will be in compliance with the nondiscrimination provisions contained in the Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987 (Public Law 100-259); and other nondiscrimination statutes: namely, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. They will also be in accordance with regulations of the Secretary of Agriculture (7 CFR-15, Subparts A & B), which provide that no person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, marital status, or handicap be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture or any agency thereof. 1u1u1 1��; A, ' 14—hCLiVY1tAb Date: (o - 5- 0 D This action authorized at an official meeting Of it-1-4t Co . Ad, hf tawm on the da of X..� at — - State of North Carolina. gsignature) Cluk 4 U, 610a4J (Title) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE By: Title: Asst. State Conservationist (Oos) Date: • ATTACHMENT A - SPECIAL PROVISIONS I. DRUG -FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION H. CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBYING III. CERTIFICATION REGARDING DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, AND OTHER RESPONSIBILITY MATTERS - PRIMARY COVERED TRANSACTIONS IV. CLEAN AIR AND WATER CERTIFICATION V. ASSURANCES AND COMPLIANCE VI. EXAMINATION OF RECORDS • ATTACHMENT A - SPECIAL PROVISIONS The signatories agree to comply with the following special provisions which are hereby attached to this agreement. I. Drug -Free Workplace By signing this agreement, the sponsors are providing the certification set out below. If it is later determined that the sponsors knowingly rendered a false certification, or otherwise violates the requirements of the Drug -Free Workplace Act, the Service, in addition to any other remedies available to the Federal Government, may take action authorized under the Drug -Free Workplace Act. V • • Controlled substance means a controlled substance in Schedules I through V of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812) and as further defined by regulations (21 CFR 1308.11 through 1308.15); Conviction means a finding of (including a plea of nolo contenders) or imposition of sentence, or both, by any judicial body charged with the responsibility to determine violations of the Federal or State criminal drug statues; Criminal drug statute means a Federal or non -Federal criminal statute involving the manufacturing, distribution, dispensing, use, or possession of any controlled substance; • Employee means the employee of a grantee directly engaged in the performance of work under a grant, including: (1) All direct charge employees; (ii) All indirect charge employees unless their impact or involvement is insignificant to the performance of the grant; and, (iii) Temporary personnel and consultants who are directly engaged in the performance of work under the grant and who are on the grantee's payroll. This definition does not include workers not on the payroll of the grantee (e.g., volunteers, even if used to meet a matching requirements; consultants or independent contractors not on the grantees' payroll; or employees of subrecipients or subcontracts in covered workplaces). CERTIFICATION: A. The sponsors certify that it will or will continue to provide a drug -free workplace by: (A) Publishing a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's worklplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; (B) Establishing an ongoing drug -free awareness program to inform employees about-- (1) The danger of drug abuse in the workplace; (2) The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace; • (3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and (4) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; (C) Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph (a); (D) Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph (a) that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will -- (1) Abide by the terms of the statement; and (2) Notifying the employer in writing of his or her conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such a conviction; (E) Notifying the Service in writing, within ten calendar days after receiving notice under paragraph (d) (2) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Employers of convicted employees must provide.notice, including position title, to every grant officer or other designee on whose grant activity the convicted employee was working, unless the Federal agency has designated a central point for the receipt of such notices. Notice shall include the identification number (s) of each affected grant; (F) Taking one of the following actions; within 30 calendar days of receiving notice under paragraph (d) (2), with respect to any employee who is so convicted =- • (1) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination, consistent with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; or (2) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency; (G) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug -free workplace through implementation of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f). (H) Agencies shall keep the original of all disclosure reports in the official files of the agency. B. The sponsors may provide a list of the site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with a specific project or other agreement. H. Certification Regarding Lobbying (7 CFR 3018) (Applicable if this agreement exceeds $100,000) - The sponsors certify to the best of their knowledge and belief, that: (1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the sponsors, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employer of Congress, or a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. (2) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress, in connection with this Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall compete and submit Standard Form -LLL., "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying, " in accordance with its instructions. (3) The sponsors shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, Title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. M. Certification Regarding DEBARMENT, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters - Primary covered Transactions, (7 CFR 3017) (1) The sponsors certify to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its principals: (a) Are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any Federal department or agency; (b) Have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (Federal, state or local) transaction or contract under public transaction; violation of Federal or State antitrust statutes or commission embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; (c) Are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1) (b) of this certification; and (d) Have not within a three-year period preceding this application/proposal has one or more public transactions (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause of default. (2) Where the primary sponsor is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this agreement. IV. Clean Air and Water Certification (Applicable if this agreement exceed $100,000, or a facility to be used has been the subject of a conviction under the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 1857c-8 (c) (1) or the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1319 (c)) and is listed by EPA, or is not otherwise exempt.) The project sponsoring organization(s) signatory to this agreement certifies as follows: (a) Any facility to be utilized in the performance of this proposed agreement is , is not Fisted on the Environmental Protection Agency List of Violating Facilities. (b) To promptly notify the State Administrative Officer prior to the signing of this agreement by NRCS, of the receipt of any communication from the Director, Office of Federal Activities, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, indicating that any facility which he proposes to use for the performance of the agreement is under consideration to be listed on the Environmental Protection Agency List of Violating Facilities. (c) To include substantially this certification, including this subparagraph is • • (c), in every nonexempt subagreement. 84-1 CLEAN AIR AND WATER CLAUSE (Applicable only if the agreement exceeds $100,000, or a facility to be used has been the subject of a conviction under the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 1857-8(c) (1) or the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. (I319(c)) and is listed by EPA or the agreement is not otherwise exempt.) A. The project sponsoring organization(s) signatory to this agreement agrees as follows: (1) To comply with all the requirements of section 114 of the Clean Air Act as amended (42 U.S.C. 1857, et seq., as amended by Public Law 91-604) and section 308 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et. seq., as amended by Public Law 92-500), respectively, relating to • inspection, monitoring, entry, reports, and information, as well as other requirements specified in section 114 and section 308 of the Air Act and the Water Act, respectively, and all regulations and guidelines issued thereunder before the signing of this agreement by NRCS. (2) That no portion of the work required by this agreement will be performed in a facility listed on the Environmental Protection Agency List of Violating facilities on the date when this agreement was signed by NRCS unless and until the EPA eliminates the name of such facility or facilities from such listing. (3) To use.their best efforts to comply with clean air standards and clean water standards at the facilities in which the agreement is being performed. (4) To insert the substance of the provisions of this clause in any nonexempt subagreement, including this subparagraph A. (4). B. The terms used in this clause have the following meanings: (1) The term "Air Act' means the Clean Air Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 1857 et seq., as amended by Public Law 91-604). (2) The term "Water Act' means Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq., as amended by Public Law 92-500). (3) The term `clean air standards" means any enforceable rules, regulations, guidelines, standards, limitations, orders, controls, prohibitions, or other • requirements which are contained in, issued under, or otherwise adopted pursuant to the Air Act or Executive Order 11738, an applicable implementation plan as described in section 110 (d) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 1857c-5(d)), and approved implementation procedure or plan under section 111 (c) or section I I I (d), respectively, of the Air Act (42 U.S.C. 1857c-6(c) or (d)), or an approved implementation procedure or plan under section 112 (d) or the Air Act (42 U.S.C. 1857c-7(d)). (4) The term "Clean water standards" means any enforceable limitation, control, condition, prohibition, standards, or other requirement which is promulgated pursuant to the Water Act or contained in a permit issued to a discharge by the Environmental Protection Agency or by a State under an approved program, as authorized by section 402 of the Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1342), or by a local government regulations as required by section 307 of the Water Act (3 U.S.C. 1317). (5) The term `compliance' means compliance with clean air or water standards. compliance with clean air or water standards. Compliance shall also mean compliance with the scheduled or plan ordered or approved by a court of competent jurisdiction, the Environmental Protection Agency or any air or water pollution control issued pursuant thereto. (6) The term "facility" means any building, plant, installation, structure, mine, vessel or other floating craft, location or site of operations, owned leased, or supervised by a sponsor, to be utilized in the performance of an agreement or subagreement. Where a location or site of operations contains or includes more than one building, plant, installation, or structure, the entire location shall be deemed to be a facility except where the Director, Office of Federal • Activities, Environmental facilities are collocated in one geographical area. V. Assurance and Compliance As a condition of the grant or cooperative agreement, the recipient assures and certifies that it is in compliance with and will comply in the course of the agreement with all applicable laws, regulations, Executive Orders and other generally applicable requirements, including those set out in 7 CFR 3015, 3016, 3017 and 3018 which hereby are incorporated in this agreement by reference, and such other statutory provisions as are specifically set forth herein. VI. Examination of Records Give the Service or the Comptroller General, through any authorized representative, access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to this agreement. Retain all records related to this agreement for a period of three years after completion of the terms of this agreement in accordance with the applicable OMB Circular. 842. Attachment B: LIST OF DSR'S FOR HARNETT COUNTY 91 Stream Debris River TribW= Removal & Disposal, Black $ 10,200.00 Cape Fear Watershed Q� Stream Debris . wa , Cane Removal & Disposal, Minga $ 38,100.00 Fear Watershed 9 Stream Debris C ape Fear Watershed Removal & Disposal. Da Creek. $ 11,400.00 DA Stream Debris Creek Cape Fear Removal & Disposal. Rump= $ 25,200.00 Watershed Stream Debris Creek, CiVe Removal & Disposal. Neill's $ 1,200.00 Fear River Watershed Q¢ Stream Debris River,Clpe Fear Removal gad Disposal. Black $ 5,700.00 Watershed QZ Stream Debris BLies Creek, Removal and Disposal. West $ 3,300.00 Cane Fear Watershed Q$ Stream Debris 111pper Little River, Removal & Disposal. $ 10,200.00 Cape Fear Watershed 42 Stream Debris Strewn Bank Stabilization Cape Fear Watershed Removal and Disposal, and.. $ 15,000.00 Black River Canal. IQ Stream Debris Creek.. CiWe Fear Removal and DiVosal, Thornton'c $ 9,000.00 Watershed .0 Stream Debris of Black River, Removal and Disposal, Trib A $ 9,600.00 Cape Fear Watershed 12 Stream Debris SwaW Canal. Removal and Disposal, Beavprdam__ $ 24,900.00 in the Capes Fear Watershed Attachment 6. DSR TOTALS: $ 163,800.00 Certified Resolution for Depository Authorization Non-Profit Organizations ,. (oq;-) lG1-- (AoowN NWro.r) I, the undersigned, hereby certify to First Union National Bank of NC , that I am Vanessa W. Yount (BOB) (Fur N—) Finance Officer of County of Harnett (OM- or Autlw ft) (Fur Name of Church or Nan -Pratt Oryeniwbn) a church/non-profit organization duly organized and existing under the laws of State of.,., -,North Carolina (suet) that the following is a true copy of Resolutions duly adopted by the Board of:'Qomm#ssioners of said church/non-profit organization at its meeting duly held on the June 5. 2000 , at which a quorum was present and acted throughout and that such Resolutions are in full force and effect, have not been amended or rescinded, and that there Is no provision in the Charter or By -Laws of said church/non-profit organization limiting the power of the Board of Commissioners . (eovemYp � of said church/non-profit organization to pass the following Resolutions, which are in full conformity with the provisions of said Charter and By -Laws: (1) RESOLVED, the First Union National Bank of(SIM(emu) ) th Carolina (hereinafter the TANK") Is herewith designated as an authorized depository of this church/non-profit organization, and that one or more checking, savings, and/or other deposit accounts be opened and maintained with said Bank; that ❑, (only If checked here) any two - otherwise, each: of the present holders of the following offices and/or positions of this church/non-proftt organization and his (their) successors In office or position, to wit: Vanessa W. Young Finance Officer (Nana) - (TWO) (soak-) (Name) (TtM) (Mona-) (Name) (Tee) (SOM") • • • Ll 1 C7 E (N. ) fray Isanwnq Is/are authorized on behalf of this church/non-profit organization, and in its name: To sign checks, drafts, instruments, bills of exchange, acceptances and/or other orders for the payment of money from said cMarch✓non-pro it organization account(s); to endorse checks, Instruments, evidences of indebtedness, and orders payable, owned or hell by this churoWnon-profit organization; to drafts, acceptances, Instruments and/or other evidences of indebtedness payable at or through said Bank; to waive presentment demand, protest and notice of protest or dishonor of any check(s), instnsnents(s), draff(s), acceptance(*), or other evidences of indebtedness made, drawn or endorsed by this church/non-profit organization; and otherwise to deal with said Bank in connection with the foregoing activities. RESOLVED FURTHER, that in the opening and maintaining of the above church/non-profit organization accounts and all transactions in connection therewith shall be governed by the provisions of the agreements pertaining to such account(s), as amended from time to time by the Bank, and by such rubs and regulations as the Bank shell, from time to time, promulgate and establish. This church/non- profit organization is also authorized to obtain other related services from the Bank, such as the rental of safe deposit boxes from the Bank, obtaining of the night depository services, and the life. The rendering of Such services by the Bank shall be governed by night depository agreement(s), safe deposit box base agreement, and any other such agreements) contained on the application or signature cards pertaining to any such services offered to this chumWnon-profit organization by the Bank, as amended from time to time. Each of the above identified or described officers or representatives of the churcFVnon-profit organization is herewith authorized to sign and execute such signature cards, 4pplicatlons and forms as the Bank shall deem appropriate, from time to time, in connection with the opening and maintaining of such account(s) and/or paying of such additional related services. Each is also authorized on behalf of this church/non-profit organization, and in Its name to execute applications for the Issuance of any such savings Instrument in the name of this church/non-profit organization. (RESOLUTIONS CONTINUED ON REVERSE SIDE HEREOF) I, finally, certify that the above described phirsons are the persons who now hold offices and/or positions referred to in the first of the above Resolutions and that their bona fide signatures are set forth above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed if applicable the seal of this church/non-profit organization. ADDITIONAL RESOLUTIONS (Continued from reverse eke hereof) FURTHER, the foregoing authority shall not be limited to the above Identified or described officers or other representatives of this church/non-profit organization, but shall extend to such additional or different individuals) as are named as being so authorized in any letter, form, or other written or oral notice by any officer or other representative of this church/non-profit organization identified or described above. (2) RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Bank be and R hereby is authorized to honor, receive, certify or pay all checks, drafts and other evidences of indebtedness enumerated or described in the foregoing Resolution bearing or purporting to bear the facsimile signature of any person or persons authorized to sign, when the signature .resembles the facsimile signature designated regardless of who affixed the actual or purported facskMle signature thereon, or by what means the facsimile signature thereon may have been affixed thereto, If such facsimile signature resembles the facsinlb specimen from time to time filed with the Bank (3) RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Bank be and hereby Is authorized to honor, receive, certify, or pay all of their instruments or evidences of Indebtedness, checks, drafts, and other items enumerated or described in the foregoing Resolutions, even though drawn or endorsed to bearer or to the order of any individual, or any officer, representative, or employee of this church/non-profit organization, signing his name or tendered by him for cash, or for payment of the individual obligation(s) of such officer, representable, or employee, or for deposit to his personal account; and saki Bank shall not be expected, required or under any obligation to Inquire as to the circumstances of the Issuance or use of any document or Rem signed or endorsed in accordance with the foregoing Resolutions, or the application or disposition of such document(s) or "s) or the prooseds thereof. (4) RESOLVED FURTHER, that an authorized officer or representative of this church/nonprofit organization, shall furnish said Bank a certified copy of these Resolutions and the Bank Is hereby authorized to deal with the above named or described persons, officers, representatives, and/or employees under the authority of these Resdutkms, unless and until R shall be expressly notified In writing to the contrary by this churchhnon-profit organization. (5) RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers or representatives of this church/nonprofit organization shall, from time to time hereafter, as changes in the personnel of said offices, positions, officers, representatives, and/or employees, of this church/non-profit organization named .or described in the foregoing Resolutions made immediately certify such changes to said Bank Said Bank shall be fully protected in relying upon such caddIcatlors resulting from, or growing out of, honoring the signature of any officer(s), representative(s), agent(s), or employee(*) so certified, or refusing to honor any signature not so certified which is not described or stated in the foregoing Resolutions. (6) RESOLVED FURTHER, that the above designated authorized party of this churl✓non-profit organization is authorized and directed to certify to said Bank that the foregoing Resolutions were duly adopted and that the provisions thereof are In full conformity with the Charter and By -Laws of the churrhhon-profit organization. (7) RESOLVED FURTHER, that all transactions by any officers, representadvag, employees or agents of this church✓non-profit organization, on Its behalf and in Its name with the Bank prior to the delivery of a certified copy of the foregoing Resolutions, are, in all respects, hereby rallied, confirmed, and adopted, nunc pro tune. (8) RESOLVED FURTHER, said Bank shall at all times be protected in recognizing as an authorized representative or agent coming within the purview of these Resolutions any person named In a letter, form or other written or oral notice by any officer or other representative of this church/non-profit organization identified or described above. (9) RESOLVED FURTHER, this church/non-profit organization certifies to the Bank that should the church/non-profit organization open or convert an existing account to an (Merest -bearing account of any kind with the Bank, the church/non-profit organization is and shall be eligible under Regulation D of the Federal Reserve Board to maintain an account that Sams interest. Attachment 7. USDAUnited States 7_„t� Department of 09 Agriculture June 5, 2000 Rural 1027 Hwy. 70W Development Suite 219 Garner, NC 27529 (919) 779-7164 (919) 779-9068 FAX Mr. Dan B. Andrews, Chairman Riverside Water and Sewer District P. O. Box 759 Lillington, NC 27546 Re: Riverside Water and Sewer District Proposed Water Distribution System Amended Letter of Conditions Dear Mr. Andrews: This letter establishes the conditions, which must be understood and agreed to by you before further consideration may be given to the application. The State and Area staff of USDA Rural Development will administer this loan and grant on behalf of the Rural Utilities Service (RUS). Any changes in project costs, sources of funds, scope of services, or any other significant changes in the project or applicant must be reported to and approved by USDA Rural Development by written amendment to this letter. Any changes not approved by Rural Development shall be cause for discontinuing processing of the application. This letter is not to be considered a loan and grant approval letter or as a representation as to the availability of funds. The docket may be completed on the basis of an initial loan and grant of $940,000 and $686,000, and a subsequent loan of $254,000, respectively. If Rural Utilities Service makes the loan, the interest rate will be the lower of the rate in effect at the time of loan approval or the rate in effect at the time of loan closing. If you choose otherwise, your written request should be submitted to this office as soon as practical, but not later than sixty (60) calendar days prior to loan closing. The loan and grant will be considered approved on the date a signed copy of Form RD 1940-1, Request for Obligation of funds, is mailed to you. Please complete and return the attached Form RD 1946-46, Letter of Intent to Meet Conditions, if you desire that further consideration be given your application. If conditions set forth in this letter are not meet within twelve (12) months from the date hereof, Rural Development reserves the right to discontinue processing of the application. REPAYMENT SCHEDULE The loan will be scheduled for repayment over a period not exceeding forty (40) years. The first two installments will be for interest only. Each installment will be due and payable June 1, with the first installment due the first June 1 following the date of the loan closing or delivery of the bond. PREAUTHORIZED DEBIT PAYMENT (PAD) Prior to loan closing the applicant must complete U.S. Department of Treasury Form SF 5510, Authorized Agreement for Preauthorized Payments. This form will authorize the government to electronically debit your Rural Utilities Service loan payment(s) from your bank account on a predetermined date (date the payment is due). Preauthorized Debit is accomplished through the Automated Clearing House process method; thus, eliminating the need to write a check for each payment, the expense of mailing the payment, and allows you the certainty of when your payment will be applied. This service is provided for only qualified borrowers. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS Security for the loan will consist of a $1,194,000 General Obligation Bond authorized and prepared in accordance with RUS Instruction 1780, Paragraph 1780.14 and the Local Government Bond Act. Rural Development will negotiate the purchase of the bonds with the District and the North Carolina Local Government Commission. The Commission reserves the right to require a public offering of the bonds. INTERIM FINANCING The District will obtain interim construction financing in accordance with RUS Instruction 1780, paragraph 1780.39(d) and the Local Government Bond Act. Interim financing will be obtained through the sale of Bond Anticipation Notes with the assistance of the Local Government Commission. These funds will be deposited into an appropriate construction account. DISBURSEMENT OF FUNDS Interim financing funds obtained through the sale of Bond Anticipation Notes and placed into the above mentioned construction account will not be disbursed for any purpose until written approval is obtained from Rural Development. Rural Development loan funds will be delivered to the District at the time of loan closing. These loan funds will be used to pay-off the Bond Anticipation Notes, or interim financing. The district funds, $10,606 shall be expended first, followed by loan, then grant funds. ORGANIZATION The District must provide a certification concerning its organization, authority to issue bonds, and compliance with special laws and regulations in accordance with RUS Instruction 1780, paragraph 1780.7(e) • • r� 81f5_ AUDITS, MANAGEMENT REPORTS AND ACCOUNTING METHODS The District's accounting methods, audits and management reports will be established and maintained as required by North Carolina General Statutes, RUS Instruction 1780, paragraph 1780.47 and OMB Circular A- 133. The initial audit will be prepared in accordance with OMB Circular A-133 and a copy furnished to Rural Development. Subsequent audits and management reports will be performed and furnished in accordance with the above instruction. The District must provide Rural Development a copy of its current contract for auditing and evidence from the North Carolina Local Government Commission that its auditing and accounting procedures are in compliance with North Carolina General Statutes. INSURANCE AND BONDING • Insurance and fidelity bond coverage must be obtained as required by North Carolina General Statutes and RUS Instruction 1780, paragraph 1780.39(g). The District must provide evidence of required coverage to Rural Development prior to loan closing or start of construction, whichever occurs first. Evidence that the above -mentioned coverage is being maintained must be provided to Rural Development annually thereafter. The District must provide evidence of Fidelity Bond coverage for the positions of officials entrusted with the receipt and disbursement of its funds and the custody of valuable property. The amount of the bond must be at least equal to the total annual debt service on all loans owed to Rural Utilities Service. LOAN RESOLUTION, EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND ASSURANCE AGREEMENTS The District must formerly adopt Form RD 1942-27, Loan Resolution (Public Body), Form RD 400-1, Equal Opportunity Agreement, and Form RD 400-4, Assurance Agreement, at a properly called meeting of the governing body. Adoption of this document should be made a part of the official minutes of the above meeting. A certified copy of the said minutes should be attached to the resolution and be provided to Rural Development. OPERATING BUDGET AND PLATER RATE SCHEDULE The District must formerly adopt Form RD 442-7, Operating Budget, at and a Water Rate Schedule at a properly called meeting of the governing body. The Water Rate Schedule must provide sufficient revenue to meet the requirements of the Operating Budget. Adoption of isthese documents should be made a part of the official minutes of the above meeting. A certified copy of the said minutes should be attached to the resolution and be provided to Rural Development. RULES AND REGULATIONS Rules and Regulations for the District's water system must be submitted to Rural Development for approval and must be formerly adopted by the District, prior to loan closing. A certified copy of ordinance establishing the Rules and Regulations must be provided to Rural Development. GRANT AGREEMENT The District must adopt BUD Form 1780-12, Water and Waste System Grant Agreement, at a proper meeting of the governing body. Adoption of this document should be made a part of the official minutes of the District. You will be required to execute a completed form at the time of grant closing. DEBARMENT CERTIFICATION Prior to loan approval, the District must certify that they are not debarred or suspended from Federal Nonprocurement Program by use of Form AD-1047, Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters - Primary Covered Transactions. Also, Form AD-1048, Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility, and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions, must be executed by lower tier parties (builders, contractors, dealers, suppliers, manufacturers, and others) involved in transactions exceeding $25,000. • DEBT COLLECTION POLICIES - Prior to loan closing, the District will acknowledge receipt of debt collection policies by executing Form RD 1910 11, Applicant Certification, and Federal Collection Policies for Consumer or Commercial Debts. FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS The project described in the final plans and specifications must conform essentially in scope and concept with the project as described in the most recent version of the Preliminary Engineering Report. If any significant change in the project should develop (i.e. major change in service area, change in type or source of treatment, source of supply, capacity of system, etc.), after Rural Utilities Service funding has been approved, the applicant will take immediate action, to stop incurring, to the extent practicable, any additional project costs or expenses. A supplement or addendum to the Preliminary Engineering Report will be prepared, which shall include a revised project costs summary and operating budget, if necessary, and submitted to Rural Development for review and concurrence. Final plans and specifications shall be submitted to Rural Development and other appropriate agencies for review and approval within thirteen (13) months from the date of this letter. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The construction contract documents must be completed in accordance• with RUS Bulletin 1780, Subpart C, paragraph 1780.61 and 1780.75 for projects funded, in whole or part, with Rural Utilities Service funds. This includes projects jointly funded by Rural Utilities Service and other Federal, State, or local agencies. Contract documents shall be the latest version of Rural Development documents in effect at the time the project is bid. Alternative methods of preparing contract documents or alternative contract documents for jointly funded projects may be considered and approved by Rural • Development on a case -by -case basis, but only under extenuating circumstances. The contract documents must take into consideration and allow the use of all materials and equipment normally used for the application(s) described in the plans and specifications, unless prior concurrence is received from Rural Development to delete a particular type of material, brand or model of equipment, etc. Specifications must not contain unfair clauses, performance requirements, construction requirements, etc. designed to prevent or eliminate the use of any particular material or piece of equipment. PROCUREMENT OF CONSTRUCTION SERVICES & SUPPLIES / EQUIPMENT The project shall be formally advertised for bids in accordance with RUS Instruction 1780, paragraph 1780.72(b) and state and local laws and regulations applicable to this type of procurement. Procurement by other than formal advertising may be used upon written concurrence by Rural Development in accordance with RUS Instruction 1780, paragraph 1780.70 and 1780.72. Formal advertising may be used for any procurement, however, at the option of the applicant. Contracts shall be awarded on the basis of the lowest bid of acceptable materials and equipment and in accordance with 1780.70(g) and 1780.70(h). If contract award is proposed to other than the lowest bidder, documentation for such must ,be provided to Rural Development. The Rural Development State Engineer must provide written concurrence prior to the awarding of any contract by the District. BUY AMERICA In accordance with the intent of Congress as expressed in the FY 1998 • Appropriations Act, recipients of Water and Waste assistance provided by the Rural Utilities Service are encouraged, in expending the assistance, to purchase only American -made equipment and products. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AND CONTRACTS Contracts or other forms of agreement between the District and its professional and technical representatives are required and are subject to Rural Development review and concurrence. Rural Development forms and/or guides are available for use by the District, when appropriate. GRADUATION The District will refinance the unpaid balance, in whole or in part, of its Rural Utilities Service debt upon request of the Government, if at any time it should appear to the Government that the District is able to refinance its indebtedness by obtaining a loan for such purposes from cooperative or private sources at reasonable rates and terms. MITIGATION MEASURES The District must formerly adopt and agree to enforce the attached mitigation measure(s) as identified in the Environmental Assessment for this project. EXCESS FUNDS • If there is a significant reduction in project coats as a result of redesign or bids received, funding needs for the project will be reassessed prior to loan closing. CLOSING INSTRUCTIONS The loan will be closed in accordance with instructions issued by the Office of General Counsel and applicable RUS Instructions issued by the Rural Development National and/or State Office. OTHER CONDITIONS All applicable items set out in Form RD 442-13, Processing Checklist (Public Body), apply to this project and become a part of this Letter of Conditions. All requirements of the following must be met: Sq-7 • • • a. Compliance with all -Federal, State, and local laws and Regulations in accordance with RUS Instruction 1780, Paragraph 1780.15 b. Compliance with State Pollution Control and/or Environmental Protection Agency standards. C. Compliance with other development plans. d. Compliance with State agency regulating water rights. e. Compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964. f. Compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Of 1973. g. Compliance with the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. h. Compliance with the American with Disabilities Act of 1990. Sincerely, . /"j/"'i ,,,Jackie E. McLamb -T'Rural Development Manager Enclosures RIVERSIDE WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT Resolution 12 BE IT RESOLVED That the Board of Commissioners of the Riverside Water and Sewer District accepts the conditions set forth in the Letter of Conditions dated June 5, 2000, and RUS Bulletin 1780-27, Loan Resolution; That the Board of Commissioners approves as shown on Form RD 442-7, operating Budget, the (revised) proposed budget; That the Chairman and Clerk be authorized to execute all forms necessary to obtain a loan and grant from the Rural Utility Service (RUS), including, but not limited to the following forms: RUS Bulletin 1780-27 RUS Bulletin 1780-12 Form RD 442-46 Form RD 442-7 Form RD 400-1 Form RD 400-4 Form RD 1940-1 Form RD 1910-11 Form AD-1047 Loan Resolution Water or Waste System Grant Agreement Letter of Intent to Meet Conditions Operating Budget Equal Opportunity Agreement Assurance Agreement Request for Obligations of Funds Applicant Certification Federal Collection Policies Certification Regarding Debarment That if the interest rate charged by USDA Rural Development should change between this date and the date of actual loan approval, the Chairman and Clerk be authorized to execute new forms reflecting the current interest rate and revised payments as required by USDA Rural Development; The proposed rate schedule for residential water use is as follows: Minimum $19.00 per 2,000 gallons of water usage All over 1,000 gallons - $3.20 per 1,000 gallons That the resolution is to become a part of the official minutes of the Board of Commissioners of the Riverside Water and Sewer District held June 5, 2000. Motion made by _ n, i c. A. and seconded by C'Mn2..r... 3e2& j& Kpk7 that the Resolution be approved. Motion pas d ' _5- for and e_ against. ATTEST /�[�n ,O . A,(.,,1.LQ a/rcf CLERK A;, a . Cha rman, Board of �MAf/Jt,,mexs Riverside Water and Sewer District 148 rosmon RUS BULLETIN 1780-27 FORM APPROVED (Automated 8-97) OMB. No. 0575-0015 LOAN RESOLUTION (Public Bodies) A RESOLUTION OF THE Board of Commissioners OF THE Riverside Water and Sewer District AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE INCURRENCE OF INDEBTEDNESS FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING A PORTION OF THE COST OF ACQUIRING, CONSTRUCTING, ENLARGING, IMPROVING, AND/OR EXTENDING ITS Water Distribution System FACILITY TO SERVE AN AREA LAWFULLY WITHIN ITS JURISDICTION TO SERVE. WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Riverside Water and Sewer District PWIkBody) (herein after called Association) to raise a portion of the cost of such undertaking by issuance of its bonds in the principal amount of ONE MILLION ONE HUNDRED NINETY-FOUR THOUSAND AND XX 1100 pursuant to the provisions of North Carolina Local Govemment Bond Act ; and • WHEREAS, the Association intends to obtain assistance from the United States Department of Agriculture, (herein called the Government) acting under the provisions of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Ad (7 U.S.C. 1921 et seq.) in the planning. financing, and supervision of such undertaking and the purchasing of bonds lawfully issued, in the event that no other acceptable purchaser for such bonds is found by the Association: NOW THEREFORE, in consideration ofthe premises the Association hereby resolves: 1. To have prepared on its behalf and to adopt an ordinance or resolution for the issuance of its bonds containing such items and in such fomhs as are required by State statutes and as are agreeable and acceptable to the Government 2. To refinance the unpaid balance, in whole or in part, of its bonds upon the request of the Government if at any time it shall appear to the Government that the Association is able to refinance its bonds by obtaining a khan for such purposes from responsible cooperative or private sources at reasonable rates and terms for bans for similar purposes and periods of time as required by section 333(c) of said Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act (7 U.S.C. 1983(c)). 3. To provide for, execute, and comply with Form RD 400-4, "Assurance Agreement," and Form RD 400-1. "Equal Opportunity Agreement," including en "Equal Opportunity Clause," which clause is to be incorporated in, or attached as a rider to, each construction contract and subcontract involving in excess of SI0,000. 4.. To indemnity the Government for any payments made or losses suffered by the Government on behalf of the Association. Such indemnification shall be payable from the same source of funds pledged to pay the bonds or any other legally permissible source. 5. That upon default in the payments of any principal and accrued interest on the bonds or in the performance of any covenant or agreement contained herein or in the instruments incident to making or insuring the loan, the Government at its option may (a) declare the entire principal amount then outstanding and accrued interest immediately due and payable. (b) for the account of the Association (payable from the son = of fimds pledged to pay the bonds or any other legally permissible source), incur and pay reasonable expanses for repair, maintenance, and operation of the facility and such other reasonable expenses as may be necessary to are the cause of default, and/or (c) take possession of the facility, repair, maintain, and operate or rent it Default under the provisions of this resolution or any instrument incident to the making or insuring of the loan may be construed by the Government to constitute default under any other instrument held by the Government and executed or assumed by the Association, and default under any such instrument may be construed by the Government to constidrte default hereunder. 6. Not to sell, transfer, lease; or otherwise encumber the facility or any portion thereof, or interest therein, or permit others to do so, without the prior written consent of the Government 7. Not to defense the bonds, or to borrow money, enter into any contractor agreement, or otherwise incur any liabilities for any purpose in connection with the facility (exclusive of normal maintenance) without the prior written consent of the Government if such undertaking would involve the source of funds pledged to pay the bonds. 8. To place the proceeds of the bonds on deposit in an account and in a manner approved by the Government. Funds may be deposited in institutions insured by the State or Federal Government or invested in readily marketable securities backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. Any income from these accounts will be considered as revenues of the system. 9. To comply with all applicable State and Federal laws and regulations and to continually operate and maintain the facility • in good condition. 10. To provide for the receipt of adequate revenues to meet the requirements of debt service, operation and maintenance, and the establishment of adequate rescues. Revenue accumulated over and above diet needed to pay operating and mainte- nance, debt service and reserves may only be retained or used to make prepayments on the barn. Revenue cannot be used to pay any expenses which are not directly incurred for the facility financed by USDA. No free service or use of the facility will be permitted. It. To acquire and maintain such insurance and fidelity bond coverage as may be required by the Government 12. To establish and maintain such books and records relating to the operation of the facility and its firhencial affairs and to provide forrequired audit thereof as required by the Government, to provide the Government a copy of each such audit without its request, and to forward to the Government such additional information and reports as it may from time to time require. 13. To provide the Government at all reasonable times access to all books and records relating to the facility and access to the property of the system so that the Government may ascertain that the Association is complying with the provision hereof and of the instruments incident to the making or insuring of the bat 14. That if the Government requires that a reserve account be established, disbursements from that account(s) may be used when necessary for payments due on the bond if sutEcient funds we rot otherwise available and prior approval of the government is obtained Also, with the prior written approval of the Government, funds may be withdrawn and used for such things as emergency maintenance, extension to facilities, and replacement of short lived assets. 15. To provide adequate service to all person within the service area who can feasibly and legally be served and to obtain USDA's concurrence prior to refusing new or aequate services to such person. Upon failure to provide services which are feasible and legal, such person shall have a direct right of action against the Association or public body. 16. To comply with the measures identified in the Govemmenfs environmental impact analysis for this facility for the pur- pose of avoiding or reducing the adverse enviiomnental impacts of the facility's construction or operation. 17. To accept a grant in an amount not to exceed S $ 686,000.00 under the terms offered by the Government; that the Chairman and Clerk of the Association are hereby authorized and empowered to take all action necessary or appropriate in the execution of at written instruments ss may be required in regard to or as evidence of such grant; and to operate the facility under the terms offered in said grant agreament(s). The provision hereof and the provisions of all instruments incident to the making or the insuring of the loan, unless otherwise specifically provided by the terms of such instrument, shall be binding upon the Association as king as the bonds we held or insured by the Government or assignor The provision of section 6 through 17 hereof may be provided for in more specific • detail in the bond resolution or ordinance•, to the extent that the provision contained in such bond resolution or ordinance should be found to be inconsistent with the provisions hereof, these provision shall be construed as controlling between the Association and the Government or assig<hee. The vote was: Ycas -5--- Nays [) Absent Z) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Board of Commissioners of the Riverside Water and Sewer District has duly adopted this resolution and caused it to be executed by the officers below in duplicate on this (SEAL) Attest: ��p/,� cud j Title U.Llk ft.,r_ 141041,d 5-K day of , Riverside Water and Sewer District EY 8. gjm..v Van a. Andrews, Chairman Title CERTIFICATION TO BE EXECUTED AT LOAN CLOSING 1, the undersigned, as hereby certify that the of the Riverside Water and Sewer District Board of Commissioners of such Association is composed of members, of whom constituting a quorum, were present at a meeting thereof duly called and held on the day of ; and that the foregoing resolution was adopted at such meeting by the vote shown above, I Auther certify that as of the date of closing of the loan from the United States Department of Agriculture, said resolution remains in effect and has not been rescinded or amended in any way. Dated, this day of Title RUS Bulletin 1780-12 (Automated 11-97) WATER OR WASTE SYSTEM GRANT AGREEMENT UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RURAL UTILITIES SERVICE THIS AGREEMENT dated June 5, 2000 between Riverside Water and Sewer District a public corporation organized and operating under (Authorising Statute) herein called "Grantee," and the United States of America acting through the Rural Utilities Service, Department of Agriculture, herein called "Grantor," WITNESSETH: WHEREAS Grantee has determined to undertake a project of acquisition, construction, enlargement, or capital improvement of a (water) (sewer) system to serve the area under jurisdiction at an estimated cost of $ 2,030,606.00 and has duly authorized the undertaking of such project. Grantee is able to finance not more than $ 1,344,606.00 of the development cost through revenues, • charges, taxes or assessments, or funds otherwise available to Grantee resulting in a reasonable user charge. Said sum of $ 1,344,606.00 has been committed to and by Grantee for such project development costs. Grantor has agreed to grant the Grantee a sum not to exceed $ 686,000.00 or 45% percent of said development costs, whichever is the lesser, subject to the terms and conditions established by the Grantor. Provided, however, that the proportionate share of any grant finds actually advanced and not needed for grant purposes shall be returned immediately to the Grantor. The Grantor may terminate the grant in whole, or in part at any time before the date of completion, whenever it is determined that the Grantee has failed to comply with the conditions of the grant. As a condition of this grant agreement, the Grantee assures and certifies that it is in compliance with and will comply in the course of the agreement with all applicable laws, regulations, Executive orders and other generally applicable requirements, including those set out in 7 CFR 3015.205(b) which hereby are incorporated into this agreement by reference, and such other statutory provisions as are specifically set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of said grant by Grantor to Grantee, to be made Pursuant to Section 306 (a) of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act the purpose only of defraying apart not to exceed 33.8% percent of the development costs, as defined by applicable Rural Utilities Service Instructions. GRANTEE AGREES THAT GRANTEE WILL: A. Cause said project to be constructed within the total sums available to it, including said grant, in accordance with the project plans and specifications and any modifications thereof prepared by Grantee and approved by Grantor. B. Permit periodic inspection of the construction by a representative of Grantor during construction C. Manage, operate and maintain the system, including this project if less than the whole of said system, continuously in an efficient and economical manner. • D. Make the services of said system available within its capacity to all persons in Grantee's service area without discrimination as to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, or physical or mental handicap (possess capacity to enter into legal contract for services) at reasonable charges, including assessments, taxes, or fees in accordance with a schedule of such charges, whether for one or more classes of service, adopted by resolution dated June 5, 2000 , as may be modified from time to time by Grantee. The initial rate schedule must be approved by Grantor. Thereafter, Grantee may make such modifications to the rate system as long as the rate schedule remains reasonable and nondiscriminatory. E. Adjust its operating costs and service charges from time to time to provide for adequate operation and maintenance, emergency repair reserves, obsolescence reserves, debt service and debt service reserves. F. Expand its system from time to time to meet reasonably anticipated growth or service requirements in the area within its jurisdiction. G. Provide Grantor with such periodic reports as it may require and permit periodic inspection of its operations by a representative of the Grantor. H. To execute any agreements required by Grantor which Grantee is legally authorized to execute. If any such agreement has been executed by Grantee as a result of a loan being made to Grantee by Grantor contemporaneously with the making of this grant, another agreement of the same type need not be executed in connection with this grant. ?.1VO I. Upon any default under its representations or agreements set forth in this instrument, Grantee, at the option and demand of Grantor, will repay to Grantor forthwith the original principal amount of the grant stated herein above with the interest at the rate of 5 percentum per annum from the date of the default. Default by the Grantee will constitute termination of the grant thereby cawing cancellation of Federal assistance under the grant. The provisions of this Grant Agreement may be enforced by Grantor, at its option and without regard to prior waivers by it previous defaults of Grantee, by judicial proceedings to require specific performance of the terms of this Grant Agreement or by such other proceedings in law or equity, in either Federal or State courts, as may be deemed necessary by Grantor to assure compliance with the provisions of this Grant Agreement and the laws and regulations under winch this grant is made. J. Return immediately to Grantor, as required by the regulations of Grantor, any grant funds actually advanced and not needed by Grantee for approved purposes. K Use the real property including land, land improvements, structures, and appurtenances thereto, for authorized purposes of the grant as long as needed 1. Title to real property shall vest in the recipient subject to the condition that the Grantee shall use the • real property for the authorized purpose of the original grant as long as needed 2. The Grantee shall obtain approval by the Grantor agency for the use of the real property in other projects when the Grantee determines that the property is no longer needed for the original grant purposes. Use in other projects shall be limited to those under other Federal grant programs or programs that have purposes consistent with those authorized for support by the Grantor. 3. When the real property is no longer needed as provided in 1 and 2 above, the Grantee shall request disposition instructions from the Grantor agency or its successor Federal agency. The Grantor agency shall observe the following rules in the disposition instructions: (a) The Grantee may be permitted to retain title after it compensates the Federal Government in an amount computed by applying the Federal percentage of participation in the cost of the original project to the fair market value of the property. (b) The Grantee may be directed to sell the property under guidelines provided by the Grantor agency. When the Grantee is authorized or required to sell the property, proper sales procedures shall be established that provide for competition to the extent practicable and result in the highest possible return. [Revision 1, 04/17/19981 (c) The Grantee may be directed to transfer title to the property to the Federal Government provided that in such cases the Grantee shall be entitled to compensation computed by applying the Grantee's percentage of participation in the cost of the program or project to the current fair market value of the property. This Grant Agreement covers the following described real property (use continuation sheets as necessary). Any rights -of -way and/or easements that may be obtained by the Riverside Water and Sewer District either by negotiations, condemnations or by existing systems. • L. Abide by the following conditions pertaining to equipment which is furnished by the Grantor or acquired wholly or in part with grant funds. Equipment means tangible, non -expendable personal property having a useful life of more than one year and an acquisition cost of $5,000 or more per unit. A Grantee may use its own definition of equipment provided that such definition would at least include all equipment defined above. [Revision 1, 04/17/1998] 1. Use of equipment. (a) The Grantee shall use the equipment in the project for which it was acquired as long as needed. When no longer needed for the original project, the Grantee shall use the equipment in connection with its other Federally sponsored activities, if any, in the following order of priority (1) Activities sponsored by the Grantor. (2) Activities sponsored by other Federal agencies. (b) During the time that equipment is held for use on the project for which it was acquired, the Grantee shall make it available for use on other projects if such other use will not interfere with the work on the project for which the equipment was originally acquired. First preference for such other use shall be given to Grantor sponsored projects. Second preference will be given to other Federally sponsored projects. 2. Disposition of equipment. When the Grantee no longer needs the equipment as provided in paragraph (a) above, the equipment may be used for other activities in accordance with the following standards: (a) Equipment with a current per unit fair market value of less than $5,000. The Grantee may use the equipment for other activities without reimbursement to the Federal Government or sell the equipment and retain the proceeds. (b) Equipment with a current per unit fair market value of $5,000 or more. The Grantee may retain the equipment for other uses provided that compensation is made to the original Grantor agency or • its successor. The amount of compensation shall be computed by applying the percentage of Federal participation in the cost of the original project or program to the current fair market value or proceeds from sale of the equipment. If the Grantee has no need for the equipment and the equipment has further use value, the Grantee shall request disposition instructions from the original Grantor agency. The Grantor agency shall determine whether the equipment can be used to meet the agency's requirements. If no requirement wrists within that agency, the availability of the equipment shall be reported, in accordance with the guidelines of the Federal Property Management Regulations (FPMR), to the General Services Administration by the Grantor agency to determine whether a requirement for the equipment exists in other Federal agencies. The Grantor agency shall issue instructions to the Grantee no later than 120 days after the Grantee requests and the following procedures shall govern: (1) If so instructed or if disposition instructions are not issued within 120 calendar days after the Grantee's request, the Grantee shall sell the equipment and reimburse the Grantor agency an amount computed by applying to the sales proceeds the percentage of Federal participation in the cost of the original project or program. However, the Grantee shall be permitted to deduct and retain from the Federal share ten percent of the proceeds, for Grantee's selling and handling expenses. ?,571 (2) If the Grantee is instructed to ship the equipment elsewhere the Grantee shall be reimbursed by the benefiting Federal agency with an amount which is computed by applying the percentage of the Grantee participation in the cost of the original grant project or program to the current fair market value of the equipment, plus any reasonable shipping or interim storage costs incurred. (3) If the Grantee is instructed to otherwise dispose of the equipment, the Grantee shall be reimbursed by the Grantor agency for such costs incurred in its disposition. 3. The Grantee's property management standards for equipment shall also include: (a) Records which accurately provide for: a description of the equipment; manufacturer's serial number or other identification number; acquisition date and cost; source of the equipment; percentage (at the end of budget year) of Federal participation in the cost of the project for which the equipment was acquired; location, use and condition of the equipment and the date the information was reported; and ultimate disposition data including sales price or the method used to determine current fair market value if the Grantee reimburses the Grantor for its share. isrecords A physical inventory of equipment shall he taken and the results reconciled with the equipment records at least once every two years to verify the existence, current utilization, and continued need need for the equipment. (c) A control system shall be in effect to insure adequate safeguards to prevent loss, damage, or theft of the equipment. Any loss, damage, or theft of equipment shall be investigated an fully documented (d) Adequate maintenance procedures shall be implemented to keep the equipment in good condition. (e) Proper sales procedures shall be established for unneeded equipment which would provide for competition to the extent practicable and result in the highest possible return. This Grant Agreement covers the following described equipment (use continuation sheets as necessary). M. Provide Financial Management Systems which will include: 1. Accurate, current, and complete disclosure of the financial results of each grant. Financial reporting will be on an accrual basis. 2. Records which identify adequately the source and application of funds for grant -supported activities. Those records shall contain information pertaining to grant awards and authorizations, obligations, unobligated balances, assets, liabilities, outlays, and income. 3. Effective control over and accountability for all funds, property and other assets. Grantees shall adequately safeguard all such assets and shall assure that they are used solely for authorized purposes. 4. Accounting records supported by source documentation. • N. Retain financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and all other records pertinent to the grant for a period of at least three years after grant closing except that the records shall be retained beyond the three-year period if audit findings have not bow resolved. Microfilm or photo copies or similar methods may be substituted in lieu of original records. The Grantor and the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, shall have access to any books, documents, papers, and records of the Grantee's government which are pertinent to the specific grant program for the purpose of making audits, examinations, excerpts and transcripts. O. Provide information as requested by the Grantor to determine the need for and complete any necessary Environmental Impact Statements. P. Provide an audit report prepared in accordance with Grantor regulations to allow the Grantor to determine that funds have been used in compliance with the proposal, any applicable laws and regulations and this Agreement. Q. Agree to account for and to return to Grantor interest earned on grant funds pending their disbursement for program purposes when the Grantee is a unit of local government. States and agencies or instrumentality's of states shall not be held accountable for interest earned on grant funds pending their disbursement. R. Not encumber, transfer or dispose of the property or any part thereof, furnished by the Grantor or acquired wholly or in part with Grantor funds without the written consent of the Grantor except as provided in item K above. S. To include in all contracts for construction or repair a provision for compliance with the Copeland "Anti - Kick Bade" Act (18 U.S.C. 874) as supplemented in Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR, Part 3). The Grantee shall report all suspected or reported violations to the Grantor. T. To include in all contracts in excess of $100,000 a provision that the contractor agrees to comply with all the requirements of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. §7414) and Section 308 of the Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. §1318) relating to inspection, monitoring, entry, reports, and information, as well as all other requirements specified in Section 114 of the Clean Air Act and Section 308 of the Water Pollution Control Act and all regulations and guidelines issued thereunder after the award of the contract. In so doing the Contractor further agrees: [Revision 1,11/20/19971 • 1. As a condition for the award of contract, to notify the Owner of the receipt of any communication from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indicating that a facility to be utilized in the performance of the contract is under consideration to be listed on the EPA list of Violating Facilities. Prompt notification is required prior to contract award 2. To certify that any facility to be utilized in the performance of any nonexempt contractor subcontract is not listed on the EPA list of Violating Facilities pursuant to 40 CFR Part 32 as of the date of contract award. [Revision 1, 11/20/971 3. To include or cause to be included the above criteria and the requirements in every nonexempt subcontract and that the Contractor will take such action as the Government may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions. As used in these paragraphs the term "facility" means any building, plan, installation, structure, mine, vessel or other floating craft, location, or site of operations, owned, leased, or supervised by a Grantee, cooperator, contractor, or subcontractor, to be utilized in the performance of a grant, agreement, contract, subgrant, or subcontract. Where a location or site of operation contains or includes more than one building, plant, installation, or structure, the entire location shall be deemed to be a facility except where the Director, Office of Federal Activities, Environmental Protection Agency, determines that independent facilities are co -located in one geographical area UZ Grantor Agrees That It: A. Will make available to Grantee for the purpose of this Agreement not to exceed $ 686,000.00 which it will advance to Grantee to meet not to exceed 33.8% percent of the project development costs of the project in accordance with the actual needs of Grantee as determined by Grantor. B. Will assist Grantee, within available appropriations, with such technical assistance as Grantor deems appropriate in planning the project and coordinating the plan with local official comprehensive plans for sewer and water and with any State or area plans for the area in which the project is located. C. At its sole discretion and at any time may give any consent, deferment, subordination, release, satisfaction, or termination of any or all of Grantee's grant obligations, with or without valuable consideration, upon such terms and conditions as Grantor may determine to be (1) advisable to further the purpose of the grant or to protect Grantor's financial interest therein and (2) consistent with both the statutory purposes of the grant and the limitations of the statutory authority under which it is made. • Termination of This Agreement This Agreement may be terminated for cause in the event of default on the part of the Grantee as provided in paragraph I above or for convenience of the Grantor and Grantee prior to the date of complexion of the grant purpose. Termination for convenience will occur when both the Grantee and Grantor agree that the continuation of the project will not produce beneficial results commensurate with the further expenditure of funds. In witness whereof Grantee on the date first above written has caused these presence to be executed by its duly authorized and attested and its corporate seal affixed by its duly authorized UNITED STATES OF AMERICA RURAL UTILITIES SERVICE By Form RD 1942-46 (Automated 8-97) (Title) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RURAL DEVELOPMENT LETTER OF INTENT TO MEET CONDITIONS Date June 5, 2000 TO: Rural Development United States Department of Agriculture 1027 Hwy. 70 W., Suite 219 Garner, N. C. 27529 tAurai development Uutce A(taress) We have reviewed and understand the conditions set forth in your letter dated June 5, 2000 It is our intent to meet all of them not later than June 5, 2001 FORM APPROVED OMB NO.0575.0015 We are also requesting that we be given the interest rate in effectat the time of loan approval or at the time of loan closing, whichever is lower. In otherwords, we want the lowest interest rate possible Riverside Water and Sewer District (Name Or Association) BY �� e z Dan B. Andrews, Chairman • USDA-RD Form RD 442-7 (Automated 8-97) Name Riverside Water and Sewer District Applicant is CarTo June 30 From July 1 Position 3 OPERATING BUDGET FORM APPROVED OMB NO.0575-0015 ?Y3 Schedule 1 P. O. Box 1119 , Lillington pun a nc a mg Harnett NC 275461119 139,990 I. Water Sales 84,000 125,900 2. 3. 4. 5. Miscellaneous ( ) 6.Less: Allowances and ( ) ( ) ) ( Deductions :84000 $125,900 $139,990 • 7. Total Operating Income , (Add Lines 1 through 6) OPERATING EXPENSES 19,800 8. Labor 11,900 19,800 1,000 9, Office Supplies 1,000 1,000 35,000 10.Bulk Water Purchase 21,000 31,500 3,500 11.Maintenance 1,500 1'500 5,000 12.Utilities 3,000 4,500 4,000 13.013erating Expenses 2,400 3,600 14. 52,110 57,670 15. Interest (USDA) 40,610 16. Depreciation 24,370 37,230 166,580 17. Total Operating Expense 65,170 151,240 (Add Lines 8 through 16) (25,340) (26,590) 18. NET OPERATING INCOME 18,830 (LOSS) (Line 7 less 17) NONOPERATING INCOME 19. 20. 21. Total Nonoperating Income (Add 19 and 20) 22. NET INCOME (LOSS) 18,830 (25,340) (26,590) (Add Lines 18 and 21) (transfer to line A Schedule 2) • Budget and Projected Cash Flow Approved by Governing Body to ^-oaf Attest: acr e Q. - 2 0-0 ppropna a ct 13afie PROJECTED CASH FLOW its 2000 2001 Full Year 18,830 (25,340 (26,590) Line 22 from Schedule 1 Income (loss) Add �t Renu�riea Cash: 37,230 40,610 1. Depreciation (line 16 Schedule 1) --- 2. Others: L24,,370 Cash Provided From: I. Proceeds from USDA loan/grant 2. Proceeds from others 3. Increase (Decrease) in Accounts Payable, Accruals and other Current Liabilities 4. Decrease (Increase) in Accounts Receivable, Inventories and Other Current Assets fY .h, hl 5. Other: BAN 6. F3,2677,806 11,890 14,020 Total all A, B, and C Items ml�- Qch FY ed for: 1. All Construction, Equipment and New Capital Items 1,726,015 304,591 (Loan and Grant funds) • 2. Replacanent and Additions to Existing Property, Plant and Equipment 3. Principal Payment USDA Loan 4. Principal Payment Other Loans 5. Other: Re pas BAN , 6. Total E 1 through 5 ' ' Add 298,041 Beginning Cash Balances 2,490 Ending Cash Balances (Total of D Minus E 6 Plus F) 298,041 5,340 Item G Cash Balances Composed of: Construction Account Revenue Account Debt Payment Account O&M Account Reserve Account Funded Depreciation Account Others: otal - Agrees with Item G 8 5i1- Form RD 400-1 FORM APPROVED (Rev. 9-96) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE OMB No. 0575-0019 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AGREEMENT This agreement, dated June 5, 2000 between Riverside Water and Sewer District (herein called "Recipient" whether one or more) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Secretary of Labor (herein called the 'Secretary') :issued under the authority of Executive Order 11246, as amended, witnesseth: In consideration of financial assistance (whether by a loan, grant, posh guarmty, or other form of financial assistance) made or to be made by the USDA to Recipient, Recipient hereby agrees, if the cash cost of construction work performed by Recipient or a construction . contract financed with such financial assistance exceeds $ 10,000--unless exempted by rules, regulations or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965. 1. To incorporate or cause to be incorporated into any contract for construction work, or modification tha eory subject to the relevant rules, regulations, and orders of the Secretary or of any prior authority that remain in effect, which is paid for in whole or in part with the aid of such financial assistance, the following "Equal Opportunity Clause": During the performance of the contract, the contractor agrees as follows: (a) The contractor will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The contractor will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited, to the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer, recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the USDA setting forth the provisions ofthis nondiscrimination clause. (b) The contractor will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employers placed by or on behiffof the contractor, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, rd igion,sax or national origin. (c) The contractor will said to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding, a notice, to be provided by the USDA, advising the said labor union or workers' representative of the contractor's commitments under this agreement as required pursuant to section 202(3)- of Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. (d) The contractor will comply with all provisions of Executive Omer 11246 of September 24, 1965, and all rules,regulations and relevant orders of the Secretary of Labor and of any prior authority which remain in efface (e) The contractor will famish all information and reports required by Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965, rules, regulations, and orders, or pursuant therdo, and will permit access to his books, reeds, and accounts by the USDA Civil Rights Office of Director, and the Secretary of Labor for purposes of investigation to ascertain compliance with such rules, regulations, and orders. (f) In the event of the contractor's noncompliance with the Equal Opportunity (Federally Assisted Construction) clause or with any of the said rules, regulations, or orders, this contract may be cancelled, terminated, or suspended in whole or in part and the contractor may be declared ineligible for fwdxr Government Contracts of Federally Assisted construction contracts in accordance with procedures authorized in Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, and such other sanctions may be imposed and remedies invoked as provided in Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, or by rule, regulation or order of the Secretary of Labor or as provided by ]Law. (g) The contractor will include the provisions of this Equal Opportunity Federally Assisted construction) clause in every subcontract • or purchase order, unless exempted by the rules, regulations, or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant to Section 204 of Executive Order No. 11246 of September 24, 1965, so that such provisions will be binding upon each such subcontractor or vendor. The contractor will take such action with respect to any subcontract or purchase order as the USDA may direct as a means of enforcing such provisions, including sanctions for noncompliance: Provided, however, that in the event the contractor becomes involved in, or is threatened with, litigation with a sulmnuraetor or vector as a result of such direction by the USDA, the contractor may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interest of the United States. 2. To be bound by the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Cheese in censtmotian work performed by Recipient and paid for in whole or in part with the aid of such financial assistance. 3. To notify all prospective contractors to file the required 'Compliance State ant. Form RD:40D 6, with their bids. 4. Form AD-425, Instructions to Contractors, will accompany the notice ofawardof tlhe exnsbut. Sid conditions for all nonexempt Federal and Federally assisted construction contractit require inclusion o€the appropriate "Hometown" or "Imposed" plan affirmative action and equal employment opportunity requirements. All bidders must comply with the bid conditions contained in the invitation to be considered responsible bidders and hence eligible for the award. 5. To assist and cooperate actively with USDA and the Secretary in obtaining the compliance of contractors and subcontractors with the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Clause and the said rules, regulations, and orders, to obtain and furnish to USDA and the Secretary, Form AD-560, Certification of Nonsegregated Facilities, to submit the Monthly Employment Utilization Report, Form CC-257, as required and such other information as they may require the supervision of such compliance, and to otherwise assist USDA in the discharge of its primary responsibility for securing compliance. 6. To refrain from entering into any contract or extension or other modification of a contract, subject to such Executive Order with a contractor debarred from government contracts or federally assisted construction contracts pursuant to Part II, Subpart D, of such Executive Order or to prior authority; and to carry out such sanctions and penalties for violation of the provisions of the Equal Opportunity Clause as may be imposed upon contractors and subcontractors by USDA or the Secretary pursuant to such Subpart D. 7. That if Recipient fails or refuses to comply with these undertakings, USDA may take any and all of the following actions: (a) cancel, terminate, or suspend said financial assistance in whole or in part; (b) refrain from extending any further assistance under the program involved until satisfactory assurance of future compliance has been received from Recipient; and (c) refer the case to the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program, U.S. Department of Labor. Signed by the Recipient on the date frost written above. Riverside Water and Sewer District • CORPORATE SEAL) Name ot CorporateRecipient West: en" &.? By �� 4. C beecretary 1' a rr , Chairman FosUton J FORM APPROVED USDA-RD Form RD 4004 ASSURANCE AGREEMENT OMB. No. 0575-0018 (Rev. 3-97) (Under Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964) The Riverside Water and Sewer District (Wane ofrecipient) P.O. Box 1119 Lillington, NC 275461119 (address) ('Recipient' herein) hereby assures the U. S. Department of Agriculture that Recipient is in compliance with and will continue to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000d et. seq.), 7 CFR Part 15, and Rural Housing Service, Rural Business -Cooperative Service, Rural Utilities Service, or the Farm Service Agency, (hereafter ]mown as the "Agency") regulations promulgated thereunder, 7 C.F.R. § 1901.202. In accordance with that Act and the regulations referred to above, Recipient agrees that in connection with any program or activity for which Recipient receives Federal financial assistance (as such term is defined i 7 C.F.R. § 14.2) no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in,be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination. 1. Recipient agrees that any transfer of any aided facility, other than personal property, by sale, lease or other conveyance of • contract, shall be, and shall be made expressly, subject to the obligations of this agreement and transferees assumption thereof. 2. Recipient shall: (a) Keep such records and submit to the Goverment such timely, complete, and accurate information as the Government may determine to be necessary to ascertain our/my compliance with this agreement and the regulations. (b) Permit access by authorized employees of the Agency or the U.S. Department of Agriculture during normal business hours to such books, records, accounts and other sources of information and its facilitics as may be pertinent to ascertaining such compliance. (c) Make available to users, participants, beneficiaries and other interested persons such information regarding the provisions of this agreement and the regulations, and in such manner as the Agency or the U.S. Department of Agriculture finds necessary to inform such persons of the protection assured them against discrimination. 3. The obligations of this agreement shall continue: • (a) As to any real property, including any structuM aoquired or improved with the aid of the Federal financial assistance, so long as such real property is used for the purpose for which the Federal financial assistance is made or for another purpose which affords similar, services or benefits, or for as long as the Recipient retains ownership or possession of the property, whichever is longer. (b) As to any personal property acquired, or improved with the aid of the Federal financial assistance, 30 long as Recipient retains ownership or possession of the property. (c) As to any other aided facility or activity, until the last advance of funds under the loan or grant has been made. Upon any breach or violation of this agreement the Government may at its option: (a) Terminate or refuse to render or continue financial assistance for the aid of the property, facility, project, service Or activity. (b) Enforce this agreement by suit for specific performance or by any other available remedy under the laws of the United States or the State in which the breach or violation occurs. Rights and remedies provided for under this agreement shall be cumulative. In witness whereof, Riverside Water and Sewer District on this (name ofrectpiem) date has caused this agreement to be executed by its duly authorized officers and its seal affixed hereto, or, if a natural person, has hereunto executed this agreement. Dan B. Andrews, Chairman Recipient (S EA L) June 5, 2000 Date Attest: litie � � fwc Da�L� Iiilc USDA-RD Fort RD 1940-1 REQUEST FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS (Automated 8-97) INSTRUCTIONS -TYPE IN CAPITALIZED ELITE TYPE IN SPACES MARKED Complete Items 1 through 30 and applicable Items 31 through 43. See FML 1. CASE NUMBER LOAN NUMBER FISCAL YEAR ST CO BORROWER 38 1043 1 0562031526 2. BORROWER NAME 3. NUMBER NAME FIELDS 2 1 (1, Z, or 3 from item 2) RIIIVIEIRISIIIDIEI IWIAITIEIRIA D 4. STATE NAME SIEIWIEIRI IDIIISITIRIIICITIN TI ICIAIRIOILIIINIAI NAME 5. H A R N E T T GENERAL BORR INFORMATION 6. RACE/ETHNIC 7. TYPE OF 4.p=cBoD 8. COLLATERAL CODE 9. EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION APPLICANT s-Assoc or RELATIONSMP CODE PAR4®Ra 1. REAL ESTATE 4-MACIa4ERY OK 1-WmTE 4-HISPANIC 6.ORG. OF SECURED 3-LIVESTOCK ONL 1-EMPLOYES 2-BLACK 5•AMI 1-INDIVIDUAL FARM 2-REAL ESTATE 6-CROPS ONLY 2-MEMBER OF FAMILY 3-AVAN 2-PARTNERSHIP WORKERS AND CHATTEL7-SECURED BY 3-CLOSE RELATIVE 3•CORPORATION 7-OT"aR 3-N0TE0NLY0R BONDS 4-ASSOC. 4 7 CNATTE,ONLY 10. SEX CODE 3. FAMm.Y UNIT 11. MARITAL STATUS 12. VETERAN CODE 13. CREDIT REPORT 4-ORGAN. MALE OWN® I -MARRED. 3-UNMARRaDM4CLUD&S 1.MALE 5- ORGAN. FEMALE OWNED 2. SEPARATED WIDOWEDIDIVORCE)) 1. YES I 1•YES 6 2-P6aULE 6-PUBLICBODY 2-NO 2 3-No 14. DIRECT PAYMENT 15. TYPE OF PAYMENT 16. FEE INSPECTION 17. INTEREST CREDIT I - NONraY 3 • SEAQANNUALLY 1 • YES I • YE (PRO SFII ONLY) (SwPMQ 2 2•ANNOALLY 4•QUARTBRLY 2 2-No 3-No 18. COMMUNITY SIZE 19. DWELLING TYPEIUSE OF FUNDS CODE 1- IO,000 OR LESS (FOR SFH AND 2.OVEt 10,000 IVG ONLY) (See PAID COMPLETE FOR OBLIGATION OF FUNDS 20. TYPE OF 21. PURPOSE CODE 22. SOURCE OF FUNDS 23. TYPE OF ACTION ASSISTANCE I - GBUGATION ONLY 061 2 2. OBLJGAT[O W'CHBC L RBQUEST 1 1 (s4. FMQ 3 • CORRECTION OF OBUGATION 24. TYPE OF SUBMISSION 25. AMOUNT OF LOAN 26. AMOUNT OF GRANT 2 1 i-sI�BQDEr S 254,000.00 $0.00 27. AMOUNT OF IMMEDIATE 28. DATE OF 29. INTEREST RATE 30. REPAYMENT TERMS ADVANCE APPROVAL MIDI-IDPI-I i l 40 COMPLETE FOR SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING ONLY 31. INCOME CATEGORY CODES 32. LOW INCOME 33. ADJUSTED FAMILY INCOME LIMIT -MAX. I•VERY LOW 3-MODERATE 3 •!AW 4-ABOVE MODERATE �4.RE.INSURANCE 35. R.E.TAXES 36. R.E. TAXES 37. NOTE INSTALLMENT INELIGIBLE 1st year 2nd year 33T 38. TYPE OF UNIT . 1-FARM TRACT 39. PROFIT TYPE _ UMTMD PROFIT 1-FUIL PROFIT 3-NO ..m COMPLETE FOR EM LOANS ONLY COMPLETE 40. DISASTER DESIGNATION NUMBER 41. TYPE OF SALE I I 1- COW SALE ONLY 42.OBLIGATION DATE 143. BEGINNING MO DA YR 1 You you may requat a review in lieu oia Nearing. Praise ass the form we have inchAd for Aft pwpast CERTIFICATION APPROVAL For All Farmer Programs 2-ASSUMPTION ONLY 4-ASSUMPTION WITH 3. cRaurr sAI.B wITN SUB LOAN SUBSBQUE4T LOAN ,TE FOR FP LOANS ONLY ;R/RANCHER ppeai this decision and hers a /oaring or EM, OL, FO, and SW Loans This loan is approved subject to the availablity of fads. If this loan does not close for any reason within 90 days from the date of approval on this document, the approval official will request updated eligibility information The undersigned ben applicant agrees that the approval official will have 14 working days to review any'updated information prior to submitting this document for obligation of funds. If there have been significant changes that may affect eligibility, a decision as to eligibility and feasibility will be made within 30 days from the time the applicant provides the necessary information If this is a loan aproval for which a lien and/or title search is necessary, the undersigned applicant agrees diet the 15-working-day loan closing requirement may be exceeded for the purposes of the rpplica es legal representatives completing title work and completing ban closing. 44. COMMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS OF CERTIFYING OFFICAL Loan is subject to the conditions noted in the amended "Letter of Conditions" dated June 5, 2000, loan closing instructions prepared by Rural Development, Rural Development Instructions and the availability of funds. 5. I HEREBY CERTIFY that I am unable to obtain sufficient credit elsewhere to finance my actual needs at reasonable rates and tarns, taking into consideration prevailing private and cooperative rates and tams in or near my community for loans for similar purposes and periods of time. I agree to use the sum specified herein, subject to and in accordance with regulations applicable to the type of assistance indicated above, and requested payment of such sum I agree to report to USDA any material adverse dmngas, fmmcnal or otherwise, that occur prior to ban dosing. I ratify that no part of the sum specified herein has been received I have reviewed the loan approval requirements and comments associated with this loan request and agree to comply with these provisions. (For SFH & FP bans at eligible terms only) If this ban is approved, I elect the interest rate to be Barged on my ban to be the Iowa of the interest rate in effect at the tiara of approval or ban closing. If I check "NO", the interest rate charged on my loan will be the rate specified in Item 29 of this form YES NO WARNING: Whoever, in any matter within the jurisdication ofany department or agency ofthe United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals or coven up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact, or makes any false, fictitious or fraudulent statements or representations, or makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any false, fictitious or fraudulent statement or entry, shall be fined under this title or Imprisoned not more five yeah, or both." Date t0�t , i5`2�b0-0 Riverside Water and Sewer District Data— —`s f By: s ZZY. 611Dan B. Andrews, Chairman 46.. 1 HEREBY CERTIFY drat all of the committee and administrative determinations and ratifications required by regulations prerequisite to providing assistance of the type indicated above have been made and that evidence thereof is in the docket, and duet all requirements of pertinent regulations have been complied with. I hereby approve the above -described assistance in the amount set forth above, and by this document, subject to the availability of funds, the Government agrees to advance such amount to the applicant for the purpose of and subject to the availability prescribed by regulations applicable to this type of assistance (signature o pproving ciao) Date Approved: Title 47. TO THE APPLICANT: As of this date J this is notice that your application for financial assistance from the USDA has been approved, as indicated above, subject to the availability of funds and other conditions required by the USDA. If you have any questions contact the County Supervisor or District Director. Position 3 SDA-RD orm RD 1910-11 FORM APPROVED OMB. No. 0575-0127 Autornated 8-97) APPLICANT CERTIFICATION FEDERAL COLLECTION POLICIES FOR CONSUMER OR COMMERCIAL DEBTS The Federal Government is authorized by law to take any or all of the following actions in the event your loan payments become delinquent or you default on your loan: Report your name and account information to a credit reporting agency. Assess interest and penalty charges for the period of time that payment is not made. Assess charges to cover additional administrative costs incurred by the government to service your aceolmt Offset amounts to be paid to you under other Federal Programs. Refer your account to a private collection agency to collect the amount due. Foreclosure on any security you have given for the loan Pursue legal action to collect through the courts. Report any written off debt to the Internal Revenue Service as taxable income. If you are a current or retired Federal employee, take action to offset your salary, or civil service retirement benefits. Debar or suspend you from doing business with the Federal Government either as a participant or principal throughout the executive branch of the Federal Government for the period of debarment or suspension. • Any or all of these actions may be used to recover any debts owed when it is determined to be in the interest of the Government to do so. 9:577 CERTIFICATION: Uwe have read and 1/we understand the actions the Federal Governmentay etiahet�vent that I/we the abovethe e �� not 1 l to meet my/our scheduled payments in accordance with the terms and conditions of my/our agreement Uwe un inclusive and that the Federal Government may deem additional actions necessary to collect should Uwe become delinquent. — s e- s Riverside Water and Sewer District (SEAL) ame o Appliam swD (Si gnarwe of,. rc ATTEST: gnttture ofAautmg O,�cral) (Title ofAllestL(g Off%rcud) Dan B. Andrews, Chairman t o a P. O. Box 1119 (Address) LWington NC 275461119 (City sloe, and zip code) Public reporting burden for Otis collection of infomution is estimated to avetage 5 minutes per response, including the time for revimia{ instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data use" and completing and reviewing d w collection of infomation. Send commends regarding this burden estimate a any other aspect of this collection of information, including m=ntiom for nducing the bnrden, to Department of Avkulnue, Ck2m Officer, O[RM, Room 404-W, Washington, DC 20250; and to One Office of Management and Budge4 pa __& RcdcenOn pm3ect (OMB No. 0575.0127), Wabington, DC.20503. - RD 1910-11 (Automated 8-97) ,U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, and Other Responsibility Matters - Primary Covered Transactions This certification is required by the regulations implementing Eaaeutive order 12549, Debarment and Suspension, 7 CM part 3017, Section 3017.510, Participants, responsibilities. The regulations were published as part ry of the January 30, 1909, redaral Register (pages 4722-4733). Copies of the regulations may be obtained by contacting the Department of • Agriculture agency offering the proposed covered transaction. (BEFORE COtOLETING CERTIFICATION, READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE) (2) The prospective primary participant certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief, that it and its principals: (a) are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any rederal department or agency; (b) have not within a three-year period preceding this proposal been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against them for commission of fraud or A criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (rederal, State or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction; violation of rectorial or State antitrust statutes or commission of smbssslwnt, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property; (c) are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (Federal, State or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph (1)(b) of this certification; and (d) have not within a thrum -year period preceding this application/proposal had one or more public transactions (Federal, State or local) terminated for cause or default. (2) where the prospective primary participant is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, such prospective participant shall attach an explanation to this • Proposal. Riverside Water and Sewer District Organisation Name Dan B. Andrews, Chairman Nats� and Title of Authoris representative PR/Award Number or project Name June 5, 2000 Form AD-1047 (Automated 8-97) O•S APPROVAL NO. 9000 - 0101 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CERTIFICATION REGARDING DRUG -FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS (GRANTS) ALTERNATIVE I - FOR GRANTEES OTHER THAN INDIVIDUAIS This certification is required by the regulations implementing Sections 5151-5160 of the Drug - Free Workplace Act of 1988 (Pub. L. 100-690, Title V, Subtitle D; 41 V.B.C. 701 at seq.), 7 CPA Part 3017, Subpart F, Section 3017.600, Purpose. The regulations were published as Part II of the January 31,1989 Federal Register (pages 4947-4952). Copies of the regulations may be obtained by contacting the Department of Agriculture agency offering the grant. (BEFORE COMPLETING CERTIFICATION, REM INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE) Alternative I (A) The grantee certifies that it will provide a drug -free workplace by: (a) Publishing a statement notifying employess that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantes's workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; (b) Establishing a drug free awareness program to inform employees about -- (1) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; 12) The grantes's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace; (3) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance progress; and (4) The penalties that say be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; (c) Waking it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph (a); (d) Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph (a) that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will -- (1) Abide by the terms of the statement; and (2) Notify the employer of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace no later thin five days after such conviction; (a) Notifying the agency within ten days after receiving notice under subparagraph (d)(2) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction; (f) Taking one of the following actions, wiMLn 30 days of receiving notice under subparagraph (d)12), with respect to any employee who is so convicted -- (1) Taking appropriate personnel action against such an employee, up to and including termination; or (2) Requiring such employee to participate satisfactorily in A drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a Federal, State, or local health, law enforcement, or other appropriate agency; (g) Making a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug -free workplace through implementation of paragraphs (a), (b), (a), (d), (s) and (f). B. The grantee shall insert in the space provided. below the site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with the specific grant. Place of Performance (Street address, city, county, State, sip code) C7 • Riverside Water and Sewer District Grgsais Lion Name PR/Award Number or Project Name Dan B. Andrews, Chairman • Name and Title of Authorised Representative June 5, 2000 Signature Date INSTRUCTIONS FOR CERTIFICATION 1. By signing and submitting this form, the grantee is providing the certification set out on pages 1 and 2. 2. The certification not out on pages 1 and 2 is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when the agency determined to award the grant. If it is later determined that the grantee knowingly rendered a false certification, or otherwise violates the requirements of the Drug -Free Workplace Act, the agency, in addition to any other remedies available to the Federal Government, may take action authorised under the Drug -Free Workplace Act. 2 RD Instruction 1940-Q Exhibit A-1 CERTIFICATION FOR CONTRACTS, GRANTS AND LOANS The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: 1. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant or Federal • loan, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant or loan. 2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract, grant or loan, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form - LLL, "Disclosure of Lobbying Activities," in accordance with its instructions. 3. The undersigned shall require that the language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including contracts, subcontractors, and subgrants under grants and loans) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transaction was made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisite for making or entering into this transaction imposed by section 1352, title 31, U.S. Code. Any person who fails to file the required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not more than $100,000 for each such failure. • Riverside Water and Sewer District by: Dan B. Andrews, Chairman June 5, 2000 Date P. O. Box 1119 Lillington, NC 275461119 (Automated 8-97) RURAL DEVELOPMENT MANAGER RURAL DEVELOPMENT, USDA 1027 Hwy. 70 W., Suite 219 Garner, N. C. 27529 Dear Sir: This is to certify that the Riverside Water and Sewer District is in compliance with Federal, State, and Local requirements include the following: a. Compliance with special laws and regulations. b. Compliance with State Pollution Control or Environmental Protection Agency standards. • c. Consistency with other development plans of the area. d. Compliance with State agency regulating water rights. e. Compliance with Civil Rights Act of 1964. f. Compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. g. Compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. h. Compliance with Age Discrimination Act of 1975. i. Compliance with A-133 audit requirements. BY: �CL� ,t� /�� oan 13. An r-d ews, aCfi-Tr`ma June 5, 2000 Attachment 8. RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACTS HARNETT/WAKE COUNTY 36-INCH WATERLINE THAT WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of'the County of Harnett, (the 'Board'), has heretofore provided for implementation a project providing for the construction and installation of a 36-inch water transmission line from Lillington, North • Carolina, to the Harnett County/Wake County line together with necessary pumping station and ground storage tanks (the "Project'); and WHEREAS, the Project was advertised in accordance with the General Statutes of North Carolina, and formal bids were received and read aloud on May 18, 2000; and WHEREAS, twelve (12) bids were submitted for Contract No. 1 of the Project, four (4) bids were submitted for Contract No. 2 of the Project, and four (4) bids were submitted for Contract No. 3 of the Project; and WHEREAS, the Board has received from the Project's Consulting Engineers a Certified Tabulation of Bids Received, together with a Discussion of those bids; and WHEREAS, the Engineers' Discussion of Bids has recommended award of the referenced contracts to the lowest responsible bidder, which has presented legally sufficient bids based on acceptance of the proposals that will result in the best pricing available with respect to the Project; and • WHEREAS, the Board considers it in the best interest of Harnett County to proceed with acceptance of the lowest contract proposals recommended by the Consulting Engineers, subject to approval of the Addendum to the 3 August 1999 Agreement by the Town of Fuquay-Varina, the Town of Holly Springs, and the County of Harnett and subject to approval by the North Carolina Local Government Commission of additional financing relating to the Project for the parties to the Addendum to the 3 August 1999 Agreement ; and WHEREAS, the County desires to make provisions for the execution of contract documents and other related matters with respect thereto. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett that: 1. Subject to the conditions herein below set forth, Contract No. 1 for the construction of the 36-inch waterline with appurtenances shall be and the same hereby is awarded to: • Hobby Construction Co. PO Box 457 Newberry, SC 29108 for the Unit Price Amount of $5,962,94-5.35, based upon acceptance of the base proposal and subject to adjustment as provided by the contract documents. 2. Subject to the conditions herein below set forth, Contract No. 2 for construction of the pump station and ground storage tanks on the Project shall be and the same is hereby awarded to: _ 861 T. A. Loving Company PO Box 919 Goldsboro, NC 27533 for the Lump Sum Price for Contract No. 2 of $2,800,000.00, based upon acceptance of the base proposal with alternate No. 3 for the pre -stressed concrete tanks, subject to adjustment as provided by the contract documents. 3. Subject to the conditions herein below set forth, Contract No. 3 for electrical work on the Project shall be and the same is hereby awarded to: Southern Industrial Company 6101 Triangle Dr. Raleigh, NC 27613 for the Lump Sum Price for Contract No. 3 of $201,000.00 based upon acceptance of the base proposal, subject to adjustment as provided by the contract documents. 4. The awards herein above made are subject to approval of the Addendum to the 3 August 1999 Agreement by the Town of Fuquay-Varina, the Town of Holly Springs, and the County of Harnett and subject to approval by the North Carolina Local Government Commission of additional financing relating to the Project for the parties to the Addendum to the 3 August 1999 Agreement. 5. The appropriate representatives of the County of Harnett are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the preparation of the necessary contract documents associated with the project. 6. After the contract documents are complete and in an acceptable form, and • after the conditions set forth in Paragraph 4 above have been satisfied, the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County and the Clerk to the Board are hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract documents pertaining to the herein made contract award. 7. Upon completion of the proper execution of said contract documents, the County Manager is hereby authorized to issue notices to proceed so as to cause the construction of the Project to commence. 8. The County Manager is hereby authorized to execute such other documents and take such actions as are necessary to implement the directions of the Resolution. Duly adopted this 5th of June, 2000, upon motion made by Commissioner Byrd seconded by Commissioner Bowden and adopted by the following vote: Ayes 5 Noes 0 Absent 0 • Boa rd of Commissioners of the County of Harnett By: A.. B Dan B. Andrews, Chairman of the Board Attest: A'. , M AA Kay SUBlanchard, Clerk to the Board I� DISCUSSION OF BIDS County of Harnett M&M Project 99050 Harnett/Wake County 36-inch Water Line May 25, 2000 Contract Nos. 1, 2, and 3 GENERAL Formal bids were received and read aloud at 3:00 p.m., May 18, 2000 in the Commissioner's meeting room of the Harnett County Administration Building in Lillington, North Carolina. The project was advertised according to State Statutes in a Newspaper having statewide circulation at least seven days prior to the bid opening. The project was also advertised in bulletins of the Associated General Contractors of America and The F. W. Dodge Corporation at various offices in North Carolina. Basically, this work involved three (3) contracts: Contract No. 1- 36-inch Water Line included about is linear feet of 36-inch ductile iron water line with all appurtenances. This contract had two (2) alternates requested relative to completion time. Contract I was based upon unit prices for the line work quantities as estimated; Contract No. 2 - pump station and ground storage tanks was a lump sum price with alternate nos. 1 and 2 for early completion and alternate no. 3 for pre -stressed concrete tanks in lieu of steel tanks; Contract no. 3 - Electrical was a lump sum bid with (2) alternates for early completion. When completed, this project will provide a potable water supply to Northern Harnett County and Southern Wake County. Specifically, about 10.0 mgd of potable water will be available to the Towns of Fuquay- Varina and Holly Springs. PROPOSALS The contracts had the following number of bid documents requested by contractors with the indicated responses: Contract Plans Requested Bids Submitted Contract No. 1 19 12 Contract No. 2 10 4 Contract No. 3 5 4 One addenda was issued for this work and all contractor's submitting a bid indicated that they had received the Addenda. A copy of the Certified Tabulation of Bids Received is appended to this Discussion of Bids. This Discussion along with the Tabulation should remain in the permanent files of this project. The low proposal for Contract No. I was submitted by Hobby Const. Co. of Newberry, SC for a total unit price amount of $5,962,945.35. The second low proposal was submitted by R.H.Moore Company of Murrells Inlet, SC for a total unit price amount of $5,987,109.00. The low proposal for Contract No. 2 was submitted by T. A. Loving Company of Goldsboro, NC for a lump sum price of $2,800,000.00. The second low proposal was submitted by R. H. Moore Company of - Murrells Inlet, SC for a lump sum price of $3,282,000. The low proposal for Contract No. 3 was submitted by Southern Industrial of Raleigh, NC for a lump sum price of $201,000.00. The second low proposal was submitted by Barnes & Powell Electrical Const. Co. of Elm City, NC for a lump sum price of $240,000.00. The Engineers feel that the project was well advertised to the construction industry and that the proposals received are the best that can be expected at this time:. FINANCING The original budget was prepared by the Engineer in the Spring of 1999 and is listed as follows: Construction $8,754,000.00 Technical Fees $ 800,000.00 Land/ROW $ 50,000.00 Legal/Admin $ 75,000.00 Capitalized Interest $ 0.00 Contingency $ 873,000.00 Total Opinion of Cost $10,552,500.00 Modified budget is as follows after bids received Construction $8,963,945.35 Engineering $ 800,000.00 Land/ROW $ 125,000.00 LegaUAdmin $ 50,000.00 Total $9,938,945.35 Balance for Contingency $ 613,554.65 The project funds are available from grants/loans received from State Revolving Funds for Holly Springs • and Harnett County. Additionally, General Obligation Bonds from Holly Springs and other budgeted funds from Harnett County and Fuquay-Varina are available. The project budget is recommended as follows: Contract No. 1 $5,962,945.35 Contract No. 2 $2,800,000.00 Contract No. 3 $ 201,000.00 Sub -Total Const.: $8,963,945.35 Technical Fees: $ 800,000.00 Land & R-O-W $ 125,000.00 Legal/Admin. Serv: $ 50,000.00 Contingencies: $ 613,554.65 Total $10,552,500.00 RECOMMENDATION The engineers are pleased that the recommended project budget is well within the funds available and hereby recommend contract award for this work as follows. CONTRACT NO. l — Water Line Hobby Construction Co. P. O. Box 457 Newberry, SC 29108 Unit Price -Amount - $5,962,945.35 Based upon acceptance of the base proposal • CONTRACT NO.2 -- Pump Station and Ground Storage Tanks T. A. Loving Company P. O. Box 919 Goldsboro, NC 27533 Lump Sum Price - $2,800,000.00 Based upon acceptance of the base proposal w/alternate no. 3 for the prestressed concrete tanks CONTRACT NO.3 — Electrical Southern Industrial Company 6101 Triangle Drive Raleigh, NC 27613 Lump Sum Price - $201,000.00 Based upon acceptance of the base proposal SUMMARY The Engineers are pleased to have assisted the County of Harnett in acquiring bonafide construction proposals for this work. We stand ready to assist you with the award and construction management of this project. Submitted this 25th day of May, 2000. •�''��� CAR°�"' • =0 ; •oFEssio • •��y? `�SEAL9' z 'S 7707 j O 36-inch water line County of Harnett/Wake MARZIANO & MINIER, PA yvuym c�v By H. J. Marztano, P.E. Page 3of 3 Marziano & Minier, PA `; '; Consulting Engineers ,rot. Co. x 500 Be, NC 27560 VIT -a rnrei Bears Cart. Co. Mcaun 6 Associates Sar/ord Corot. Co. 175 &rnynol Ct. 1642 Holy Trtrity Chvd) Rd. 628 Rocky Fork Ch. Rd VMrtomStilem, NC 27106 U81e MoL4airk SC 29075 Ssriard, NC 27330 5% 5% 5% UNIT UNIT UNIT oovc rnrei ooirc rnre. Slings 8 GsrreB J. F. VNlkarsan Bryon! Sectrtc Co., ho P.O.Sox 58340 P.O.Box 183 P. O. Box 4819 Re141d1, NC S6340 MordwAle, NC 27560 Ard)dsle, NC 27263 5% 5% 5% UNIT UNIT UNIT 71.71 9 702,399.45 $ 84.W S 822,780.00 i 73.65 6 721.401.75 S 79.29 $ 776.6,15.55 i 94.W S 920,?W.W $ 73.20 S 716.*4.00 $ 89.50 $ $78,652.50 101.77 $ 129,247.90 $ 126.W $ 180,020.W S 111.50 It 141,605.00 i 119.62 $ '151,917.40 $ 133.W It 168,910.W $ 106.10 S 134,747.W $ 119.50 9 151,765.W 67.02 $ 3,635,835.00 i 69.55 i 3,773,087.50 6 68.50 S 3,716,125.W $ 74.05 S 4,017,212.50 8 78.W i 4,231,5W.W i 70.2o i 3,808,350.W S 84.50 S 4,584,125.W 97.00 It 193,127.W $ 123.W : 244,893.W It 112.50 $ 223.987.50 -S 120.71 S 240,333.61 $ 140.110 $ 276,740.W i 96.80 i 198,710.80 S 124.50 $ 247,879.50 37.86 S 6.928.38 S 52.W i 91516.W i 47.00 It 8,601.W i 47.51 $ 5,694.33 It 53.W $ 9,699.W $ 46.30 $ 6,838.90 i 70.W It 12,810.W 55.77 $ 9,480.90 $ 64.W i 10,880.W i 67.W S 11,390.W S $3.26 $ 10,754.20 S 69.W i 11,730.W $ 125.W i 21,250.W S 1W.W It 17,000.00 35.01 $ 9,172.62 S 54.W S 14,146.W $ 56.W S 14,672.W S 52AS It 13,683.30 S SOM $ 15,196.W S 142.20 S 37.256.40 i 75.W $ 19,650.W AC10.00 i 750.000.W $ 5W,000.W i 500,OW.W i 724,500.W $ 724,5W.00 S 589,000.00 $ !4p,000.W $ 620,0W.W i 620,000.W S 988,000.00 S 968.000.00 6 500,000.00 $ 500,000.00 ,,350.91 $ 121.561.83 S 10,000.00 S 130,000.00 $ 10,000.W i 130,000.00 S 9.128.75 i 118,673.75 S 10,9W.W i 141.7W.W $ 11,720.W It 152,380.00 i 10,0W.W i 130,000.W ;,596.80 $ 3,596.80 $ 5,000.W S S,Wom $ 5.000.00 i 5,000.00 S 3,804.10 $ 3,804.10 $ 4,7W.00 S 4,7W.00 $ 4,025.00 S 4,025.00 i 4,5110.00 It 4,5W.00 ,842.64 $ 22.111.66 $ 2.000.00 i 24,000.00, $ 2050.00 S 24.600.00 i 2.327.15 i 27,925.W S 2.650.00 $ 31,800.00 $ 2,300.00 S 27.600.00 S 2,000.00 i 24,000.00 096.11 $ 26,353.32 $ 2,000.00 S 24,000.00 S 1,860.00 6 22,320.00 S 2,081.W It 24,982.80 S 1.500.00 S 18,0110.00 $ 1.200.00 $ 15,411CIM S 2,000.W i 24.000.00 !,131.67 i 25,580.04 $ 850.W i 10,200.00 $ 1,700.W S 20,4W.00 $ 1,024,60 It 12.295.20 $ 1,550.00 S 18,600.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 25,200.00 It 2.000.00 S 24,000.00 !,900.89 $ 84.125.61 i 3.500.00 $ 101,5W.00 S 3,000.00 t 87,0W.00 i 2,703.20 S 78,392.80 i 2,920.00 S 84,SW.W i 2,800.00 i $1,200.00 : 3.000.00 $ 87,000.W 491.63 $ 100,292.52 i 700.00 It 142,800.00 S 4W.00 It 93,840.00 S 430.55 $ 87,832.20 i 430.00 S 87,720.00 $ 510.00 i 104.040.00 i 800.00 It 122,400.00 556.06 i 55.606.00 It 700.00 S 70.000.W i 510.00 S 51,W6.00 S 479.60 $ 47,960.W S 480.W S 48,000.W S 580.W $ 56.000.00 It6W.W S 65,000.W 122.70 $ 37.300.80 $ 120.W i 36,480.W i 179.W 9 54,418.W S 174.40 $ 53,01t.60 $ 1W.W i 30,400.110 S 16o.W i 46,640.W S 150.W i 45,900.W 2.44 $ 219,BW.W S 3.00 $ 270,000.W S 2.90 $ 261,000.W i 3.49 S 314,1111.00 i 3.W S 270,000.00 $ 3.55 S 319,500.00 S 2.25 •S 202.50O.W 1,354.W i 3,354.W 6 10,0W.W S 10,000.W i 8,250.W $ 8,250.W $ 9,158.W S 9,158.W $ 3,400.00 8 3,400.W B.SW.W 6- 6,8W.W i 5,000.00 S S,OW.W 36.46 i 32,814.W i 35.W $ 31,5W.W $ 09.00 $ 62,1W.W i 1W28 S 90,252.W li 90.W i 81,000.00 i 44.09 S 39.800.00 $ 145.W i 130,500.00 6.90 $ 1,392.W $ 5.W 6 1,0W.W i B.W i 1,200.W $ 8.72 S 1,744.W S 4.W S 800.W i 4.W S 5W.W $ 3.W It 6W.W 34.66 $ 121,310.W It 20.00 S 70,000.W i 41.W S 143,500.W 6 34.88 S 122,080.W S 33.W i 115,500.00 i 35.W S 122,5W.W $ 15.W S 52,500.00 37.79 i 9.447.50 i 20.W S 51000.W 6 18.W i 4,5W.W S 21.80 S 5,450.W S 17.W S 4,250.W S 12.W S 3,000.W $ 19.00--5••--.- 4,750.09 34.66 i 10,398.W $ 50.W It 151000.W $ 31.W i 9,300.W $ 29.43 $ 8,829.W S 25.W i 7.500.W It 17.35 S 5,205.W It 21.W S 8,300M 42.48 6 42,490.W $ 70.W S 70,000M S 42.W $ 42,000M S 37.06 $ :17,060.00 9 30.W i 30,000,W S 21.W S . 21,900.W S 35.W i 35,000M 45.28 It 9,056.W $ 90.W i 18,000.00 S 90.W S 18,000.W $ 49.05 S 9,810•00 i SO.W $ 12,000M S 36.W i 7,200.W $ 32.W It 6,400.W 12.30 $ 24,600.W i 15.W $ 30,000.W It 12.W S 24,0W.W S 6.54 $ '13,080.W It 4.00 S 8,000.W $ 8.W $ 12,000M It 4.W It 8,000.W 2.063.27 $ 18,569.43 i 2,5W.W S 22.500.00 S 6.750.00 $ 60,750.W S 4,360.W S 39,240.W It 830.00 It 7.470.00 $ 2,500.00 It 22,500.00 $ 3.500.00 $ 31,5W.00 30.99 $ 774.75 S 25.00 S 625.00 S 38.00 $ 950.00 $ 38.15 i 953.75 i 50.00 i 1,5W.00 S 50.00 $ 1.250.00 $ 20.00 It 500.00 33.81 $ 845.25 $ 50.00 $ 1,250.00 S 62.00 6 1.550.00 S 43.60 $ 1,090.00 S 60.00 S 1.500.00 S 50.00 S 1,250.00 $ 50.00 S 1,250.00 217.21 $ 6.516.30 $ 150.00 $ 4,5W.00 S 150.00 $ 4,5W.00 S 119.W 5 3.597.00 S 150.W S 4,500.W S 150.00 s 4,500.W S MOD $ 3.000.00 19.40 $ 19,4W.W $ 15.00 S 12.00 It 15.50 $. 15,5W.00 : 19.62 $ 19.620.00 $ 18.0D $ 18,0W.00 $ 20.00 $ 20,000.00 i 18.00 $ 18,000.00 7,500.00 9 47,500.00 S 125.000.W S 125,000.00 S 116,400.00 $ 116.400.00 S 119,682.00 S 119,68ZOO $ 45,000.00 S 45,000.00 It 326,000.00 $ 326.000.00 6 112.000.00 It 112,000.00 6,126.12 $ 198,126.12 i 215,000.00 i 215.000.00 $ 204,000.00 S 204,000.00 S 200,000.00 S 2(a,0W.00 S 175,0W.00 S 75,000.00 S 210.000.00 $ 210,OW.00 $ 200,000.00 S 200,000.00 S 6.678.903.40 $ 6,968,691.50 S 7.026.358.25 S 7,218,848.89 S 7,407,585.00 S 7,529,797.10 S 7,754,182.00 $ 6,678,903.40 NO BID S 7.528.358.25 NO BID NO BID It 7.559,797.10 $ 7.784,182.00 $ 6.678,903.40 NO BID $ 8,028,358.25 NO BIC) NO BID $ 7,589,797.10 $ 7.714.182.00 Marziano Minier, PA Consulting Engineers • • (QUANTITYVAE DESCRIPTION 1 9,795 If 36' DI Pipe (PC 200) 2 1,270 if 36' DI Pipe. (PC200) Restrained Joint 3 54,250 If 3r DI Pipe. (PC 150) 4 1,991 If 36' DI PiPe,(PC 150) Restrained Joint 5 133 If 20' DI Pipe, (PC 200) 6 170 if 20' DI Pipe (PC 200) Restrained Joint7 262 if 16' D.I. Pipe (PC 200) Restratrad Jelrt g 1 as Cape Few River Crossing (Ind. sti materials 8labor to complete water III* kutaletion from ft. 34+00 to $to. 39+00 indudrg Partadam type of site dewatrkg 8164ndh bow -off 9 13 ea 3r BFV w/Grolndog operator 8 Cl Box 10 1 as 20' BFV w/exterdonbamet 8 mruel hard wed activolr 8 valve position Indicator 11 12 as 16' BFV w/ya+dro9 operator g Cl Box 12 12 as, 16' Welded on Raged OLMot 13 12 as I Rep Valves 14 29 as FH AssamMes Ord. r welded on MJ CLAW, Boling, pipe, valve. Cl box, cone. protector ring, hyd. el as raq. for complete Installation 15 204 It 54' Steel casing BBJ utiyavay 16 100 If 54' Steel casing BBJ tsRIR 17 304 6 36' 01 Pipe PC 150 RJ In askp 18 9WW tiss Filings (Poy wel{%t to be ANSVAW WA C110/A21.10 MJ Fillings w1secessartes for 3r-2506 DI and etas than 3V to be 250CI W419M 1 as Craactiontoexist. 20 water Oro • p8r Plot goo If Hwy. 401-be".Psvamrtrepair 8 removal of ire dt material, Sle. 425+15+ to Us 434+15+ 21 200 H Pdye6piwa wKase rent for DI Pipe to Sts. 852+50+ vAl' flat Un widtih 22 35N If Exist. Core. Ditch Removal 8 Replacement 23 250 If Exld A*wk Ditch Removal 8 Ragaeernrt (r wide wW Type -H- 24 300 ff Asphalt Driveway RepairswMAZ. 1-2 Pavement 8 6' ABC Base 25 1000 If Asphalt State Road Repairs w/Y. 1-2 PsVt 610' ABC Bass 26 200 If Conc. Driveway Repairs Wain 6'thdross 27 2000 If Gravel cMve repairs w/ABC stone, or as needed to match existing stone 28 9 as Concrete headwela for 16' biowoffs Indtdrg rip rap 29 25 as Precast concrete protection ring for Cl Valve Box 30 25 as Valve Mwka w0top 6' painted w/cdr to be determined 31 30 cy Misc. concrete In Trench 32 1000 tra Stone for shaldr stabilization 33 1 as Grossing. MLJd*V 8 Erosion Control 34 1 as Mobllzdon, Bord 8 travence (rat to exceed 3% of total bid) UNIT UNIT Thale Coratrucion Co. he Slate Utility Ccrtadom T.A. LcMrv, trhe 204 West Clay St. P. O. Box 5019 P.O.Box 919 Mebne, NC 27302 Mdrroe, NC 25111 Goldsboro, NC 27530 5% 5% 5% Yes UNIT UNIT UNIT ooirc TnTu PRICE s 67.50 f 86/,162.50 S 65.00 8 2.00 S 705,240.00 $ se.so S SK306.00 f 70.00 S 685 , . , $ $4.00 i 119,390.00 $ 99.00 S 125,730.00 S 115.00 S 146,050.00 S 111.00 s 140,970.00 S 106.00 $ 133 S 63.30 S 3,434.025.00 $ 61.00 S 3.309,250.00 i 67.00 $ 3,634,750.00 s 84.00 i 3,472.000.00 S 67.00 S 3,634,7 , S 89.85 S 178,891.35 S 95.00 S 159,145.00 $ 112.00 $ 222,992.00 $ 106.00 i 211.046.00 $ 100.00 $ 199.1 f 47.40 $ 8,674.20 S 44.00 S 8,052.00 S 87.00 S 15,921.00 $ 45.00 i 8,235.00 S 50.00 f . 9,15{, $ 68.95 S 11,721.50 S 122.00 i 20,740.00 S 98.00 6 16.M.00 $ 76.00 S 12,920.00 S 130.00 $ 22,1 $ $5.70 S 15,379.40 $ 90.00 S 23.580.00 S 114.00 $ 29,868.00 S 75.00 i 19,650.00 $ 100.00 $ 26;201 $ 385,500.00 s 3e5,8W.00 i 438,500.00 $ 436.500.00 i 500,000.00 S 500.000.00 $ 615.000.00 i 815,000.00 S 600-000.00 $ 600,000 it S 7,980.00 $ 103,740.00 S 9.150.00 $ 11800.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 104,000.00 $ 8,500.00 i 110,500.00 f 8.500.00 $ 110,500; $ 2,545.00 S 2,645.00 S 3.500.00 i 3,500.00 $ 3.000.00 S 3.000.00 $ 3.500.00 $ 3,500.00 S 3.000.00 $ 3,000.0 $ 1,695.00 f 20.340.00 S 1,850.00 i 22.200.00 S 1,500.00 t 18,000.00 i 1.950.00 $ 23,400.00 $ 1,500.00 S 18,9W.0 i 1,520.00 S 18,240.00 $ 9W.00 $ 10,800.00 i 2.000.00 s 24,000.W $ 2.575.00 $ 30,900.00 $ 2,000.00 S 24,000.0, i 1,450.00 S 17,400.00 $ 850.00 i 10,320.00 i 500.00 $ 6,000.00 $ 1.800.00 $ 21,600.00 S 1,200.00 $ 14,400.4 $ 2,950.00 i 65.550.00 $ 2,900.00 i $4,100.00 S 3,000.00 i 87,000.00 S 2.860.00 $ 52,940.00 i 2.200.00 $ 63,00(l4i S 445.00 i 90,780.00 i �439.00 i 59,556.00 $ 350.00 S 71,400.00 S 470,00 i 9500.00 S 500.00 S 1o2.OQ0 8000 S 495.00 $ 49,500.00 S 483.00 $ 48,300.00 $ 350.00 $ 35,000.00 i 520.00 i 52,000.00 i 600.00 i S 45,BB1 i 111.60 S 33,926.40 i 100.00 $ 33,136.00 $ 90.00 S 27,380.00 $ 120.00 i 30,480.00 S 150.00 i 2.25 $ 202,500.00 i 2.25 i 202.500.00 t 2.00 S 180.000.00 i 2.00 S 180.000.00 $ 2.50 i 225, S 4,500.00 S 4.500.00 S 3,500.00 i 3,500.00 S 20,000.00 i 20.000.00 S 15,000.00 i 15,000.00 S 10,000.00 f 10, i 46.00 S 41,400.00 $ 64.00 S 57.600.00 $ 39.00 S 35,100.00 S 56.00 $ 50,400.00 S 50.00 S A S 4.20 i $ 0.00 $ 5.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1.00 $ 200.00 S 10.00 $ 2.000.00 s 5.00 S 1, s $ 15.00 $ 52,500.00 i 20.00 f 70,000.00 i 15.00 $ 52,500.00 i 30.20 S 105,700.00 S 15.00 $ $ 20.00 $ 5.000.00 i 17.00 $ 4,250.00 6 37.00 S 9,250.00 i 35.00 i 8,750.00 S 15.00 t S 30.00 i 9,0W.00 S 34.00 $ 10,200.00 $ 20.00 t 6,000.00 $ 22.00 i 6,800.00 $ 20.00 S 6 $ 40.00 i 40,000.00 It 39.0o i 39.000.00 S 27.00 $ 27,000.00 i 28.50 f 28,500.00 S 25.00 i 25, S 45.00 S 9,000.00 f 60.00 t 12,000.00 S 27.00 i 5,400.00 $ 70.00 $ 14,000.00 S 400 f 6, i 10.00 $ 20,000.00 S 13.00 $ 26.000.00 i 5.00 i 10.000.00 f 7.00 $ 14,000.00 t 5.00 f 10, f 700.00 S 6,300.00 f 2.500.00 i 22,500.00 S 2,000.00 $ 18.000.00 S 1,050.00 $ 9.450.00 $ 3,000.00 f 27, $ 55.00 $ 1,375.00 f 41.00 f 1,025.00 f 20.00 S 500.00 f 16.00 $ 400.00 It 30.00 $ $ 55.00 i 1.375.00 i 100.00 S 2,500.00 f 20.00 f 500.00 f 36.00 f 950.00 f S 200.00 S 6.000.00 f 250.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 120.00 S 3,600.00 $ 265.00 $ 7,950.00 S 150.0o S 4.a f ' 1.00 f 1,000.00 f 15.00 S 15,000.00 $ 20.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 12.80 s 12,800.00 $ 15.00 f 15,, . f 150,000.00 S 150,000.00 f 165.000.00 6 165,000.00 i 1oo,000.00 $ 100,000.00 t 160,000.01) f 160,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 109,.. $ 175,000.00 f 175,000.00 S 175.000.00 $ 175,000.00 i 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 20 OW-00 $ 200,000.00 $ 190,00g.00 $ 190, , TOAL-BASE BID $ 5,962,945.35 S 5,987,109.00 S 6,265,291.00 f 6,407,827.00 S 6.474 (FOR COMPLETION IN 270 CALENDAR DAYS) ALTERNATE NO. 1 - CHANGE IN COST NO BID NO BID f NO BID NO 510 TO COMPLETE CONTRACT NO. 1 IN 240 CALENDAR DAYS ALTERNATE NO.2 - CHANGE IN COST NO 810 NO BID - S 6.285,291.00 NO BID NO BID TO COMPLETE CONTRACT NO. 1 IN • 210 CALENDAR DAYS Tab by: J. Poole Checked by: H.J. Marziano • E S • CERTIFIED TABULATION OF BIDS WATER FACILITIES TO WAKE COUNTY COUNTY OF HARNETT MAY 18, 2000 CONTRACT NO. 2 — BOOSTER PUMP STATION & GROUND STORAGE TANKS T. A. Loving. Co. R. H. Moore Co. Bryant Electric Co. Beers Const. Co. P. 0. Box 919 P. 0. Box 830 P. 0. Box 4819 175 Sunnynoll Ct. Goldsboro, NC 27530 Murrells Inlet, SC 29576 Archdale, NC 27263 Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Addendums Acknowledged YES YES YES YES Bid Security YES YES YES YES Base Proposal 3,450,000.00 3,532,000.00 3,797,000.00 4,034,699.00 Alternate No. 1(240 days) no bid no bid no bid no bid Alternate No. 2(210 days) no bid no bid no bid no bid Alternate No. 3 using prestressed concrete tank 2,800,000.00 3,282,000.00 3,297,000.00 3,434,879 CONTRACT NO. 3 — ELECTRICAL Southern Industrial Barnes & Powell Bryant Electric Co. Hogue Electric Co. 6101 Triangle Dr. P.O. Box 849 P.O.Box 4819 2951 McDougald Rd. Raleigh, NC Elm City, NC 27822 Archdale, NC 27263 Lillington, NC 27546 Addendums Acknowledged YES YES YES YES Bid Security YES YES YES YES Base Proposal 201,000.00 240,000.00 248,806.00 311,065.00 Alt. No. 1 (240 days) 0.00 240,500.00 0.00 0.00 Alt. No. 2 (210 days) 0.00 .. �. 42,000.00 ,\A CA y ", ,,, 0.00 316,065.00 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IS APs.�.tWbf BIDS RECEIVED MAY 18, . 2000 FOR THE HARNETTNVAKE CO. WATER FACILITIES PROJECT. a 7 i _ SEAL7707 = �; NcrNF�.;:'•P�� 00 Hiram ar2E o, •',�''�Pei nM,Page 2 of • • is Attachment 9. RESOLUTION AWARDING CONTRACT ANDERSON CREEK WASTEWATER FACILITIES THAT WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett, (the "Board'), has heretofore implemented a project providing for the construction and installation of gravity sewer line and a sanitary sewage pumping station with all appurtenances to provide wastewater service to a proposed development and the new Area One School in the Anderson Creek area of Harnett County; and WHEREAS, the project was advertised in accordance with the General Statutes of North Carolina, and formal bids were received and read aloud on May 18, 2000; and WHEREAS, five (5) bids were submitted for Contract No. 1-Wastewater Collection, Pump Station and Forcemain; and WHEREAS, the Board has received from the Project's Consulting Engineer, a Certified Tabulation of Bids Received, together with a discussion of those bids; and WHEREAS, the Engineers' discussion of bids has recommended award of the referenced contract to the lowest responsible bidder, which has presented legally sufficient bids based on acceptance of the proposals that will result in the best pricing available with respect to the Project; and WHEREAS, the Board considers it in the best interest of Harnett County to proceed with acceptance of the lowest contract proposal recommended by the Consulting Engineers and desires to make provisions for the execution of contract documents and other related matters with respect thereto. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of Harnett that: 1. Subject to the conditions herein below set forth, Contract No. 1 for the construction of wastewater collection lines, sanitary sewage pumping station and appurtenances shall be and the same hereby is awarded to: Billings & Garrett, Inc. PO Box 58340 Raleigh, NC for the Unit Price Amount of $719,655.19, subject to adjustment as provided by the contract documents. 2. The appropriate representatives of the County of Harnett are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the preparation of the necessary contract documents associated with the project. 3. After the contract documents are complete and m an acceptable form, the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Harnett County and the Clerk to the Board are hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract documents pertaining to the herein made contract award. 4. Upon completion of the proper execution of said contract documents, the County Manager is hereby authorized to issue notices to proceed so as to cause the construction of the Project to commence. 5. The County Manager is hereby authorized to execute such other documents and take such actions as are necessary to implement the directions of the Resolution. 262 Duly adopted this 5th of June, 2000, upon motion made by Commissioner Bowden , seconded by Commissioner Hill and adopted by the following vote: Ayes 5 Noes 0 Attest: 2yyk�Ianchard. lerk to the Board DISCUSSION OF BIDS County of Harnett Anderson Creek Wastewater Facilities Contract No. 1-Wastewater Collection, Pump Station & Forcemain GENERAL Absent 0 Board of.Commissioners of the County of Harnett By: A, /L i Dan B. Andrews, Chairman of the Board M&M Project 99050 May 25, 2000 Formal bids were received and read aloud at 2:00 p.m., May 18, 2000 in the Commissioner's meeting room of the Hamett County Administration Building in Lillington, North Carolina. The project was advertised according to State Statutes in a Newspaper having statewide circulation at least seven days prior to the bid opening. The project was also advertised in bulletins of the Associated General Contractors of America and The F. W. Dodge Corporation at various offices in North Carolina. Basically, this work involved one (1) contract that included about 1,910 linear feet of 12-inch gravity sewer, 7,215 linear feet of 8-inch gravity sewer and a 325 gpm sanitary sewage pumping station with all appurtenances. This project will provide wastewater service to a proposed development in the Anderson Creek area and the new Area One School in Anderson Creek. No Alternates were requested and contract 1 was based upon unit prices for the line work quantities as estimated in the Proposal Forms. PROPOSALS The contracts had the following number of bid documents requested by contractors with the indicated responses: Contract Contract No. 1 Plans Requested 21 Bids Submitted One addenda were issued for this work and all contractor's submitting a bid indicated that they had received the Addenda. A copy of the Certified Tabulation of Bids received is appended to this Discussion of Bids. This Discussion along with the Tabulation should remain in the permanent files of this project. The low proposal for Contract No. 1 was submitted by Billings & Garrett, Inc. of Raleigh, NC for a total unit price amount of $719,655.19. The second low proposal was submitted by Sandhills Grading & Pipe of Sanford, NC for a total unit price amount of $749,783.77. The Engineers feel that the project was well advertisedto the construction industry and that the proposals received are the best that can be expected at this time. FINANCING The project will be funded from funds budgeted by the County of Harnett. The project budget is recommended as follows: Construction: $719,655.19 Technical Fees: $ 85,000.00 Land & R-O-W $ 0.00 Legal/Admin. $ 5,000.00 Contingencies: $ 44,635.01 Total $854,290.20 • • • The original Opinion of Cost for this project was prepared by the Engineers in the Fall of 1999 as follows: • • Construction: $786,850.00 Fees & Contingencies $158,150.00 Land/ROW $ 20,000.00 Total $965,000.00 Therefore, the original Opinion of Cost exceeds the recommended project budget by $110,709.80. RECOMMENDATION The engineers are pleased that the funds available exceed the budget requirements and recommend contract award for this work as follows: CONTRACT NO. 1 Billings & Garrett, Inc. P. O. Box 58340 Raleigh, NC Unit Price Amount- $719,655.19 SUMMARY The Engineers are pleased to have assisted the County of Harnett in acquiring bonafide construction proposals for this work. We stand ready to assist you with the award and construction management of this project. Submitted this 25th day of May, 2000. •��,N��CAR,�` 00 ..oFEssia . ,y 4�SEAL9` � 7707 O MARZIANO & MINIER, PA CERTIFIED TABULATION OF BIDS ANDERSON CREEK WASTEWATER FACILITIES HARNEP>: COUNTY, N. C. CONTRACT NO. 1 WASTEWATER COLLECTION, PUMP STATION & FOMC MAIN Name & Address of Bidder. Bergs & Garrett P. O. Box 58340 Raleigh, NC 27659 Addendum Admowledged: YES Bid Security: YES rrFM QUANT. DESCRIPTION 1 2,932 If 8" PVC Gravity Sewer (0-9 Depth 2 1,833 If 8" PVC Gravity Sewer (6-V Depth 3 632 If 8" PVC Gravity Sewer (8-10' Depth 4 43 S If 8" PVC Gravity Sews (10-12' Depth 5 44 If 8" PVC Gravity Sewer (12.14' Depth 6 100 If 8" PVC Gravity Sewer (14-16' Depth 7 37 If 8" PVC Gravity Sewer (16-18' Depth 8 640 I 8"DI CL 3S0 Gravity Sewer 0.6' Depth 9 402 If 12" PVC Gravity Sewer 0-6" Depth 10 460 I 12- PVC Gravity Sews 6-8' Depth 11 104 If 12" PVC Gravity Sews 10-12' Depth 12 314 If 12" PVC Gravity Sewer 10-12' Depth 13 108 I 12" PVC Gravity Sews 12-14" Depth 14 419 If 12' DI Gravity Sewer 0-6' Depth 15 6 ea V Dia MH 0-6' Depth 16 14 m 4' Dia. MH 6.8' Depth 17 4 ea 4' Dia. MH 8-10' Depth 18 4 ea 4" Dia. MH 10-12' Depth 19 4 ea. 4' Dia. MH (12.14' Depth) 20 1 ea V Dia. MH (14-1& Depth UNIT PRICE $25.50 $26.60 528.80 $33.20 $38.90 545.60 S 54.60 $29.40 $31.80 $33.00 S3S.20 $39.70 $45.30 $36.10 51,100.00 $1,380.00 S 1,700.00 $2,010.00 $2,340.00 $2,640.00 TOTAL $48,757.80 $18,201.60 $14,442.00 $1.711.60 54,560.00 $2,020.20 $18,816.00 $12,783.60 SI 5,180.00 $3,660.80 $12,465.00 $4,892.40 S 15,12 5.90 $6,600.00 $19,320.00 56,800.00 $8,040.00 $9,360.00 $2,640.00 << W), a >.. Sendhills Grading & Pipe Corp. P. 0. Box 2250 Sanford, NC 27330 YES YES UNIT PRICE $17.09 $19.09 $21.09 $23.09 S2 5.09 527.09 $29.09 $22.13 $20.59 SUM 524.59 526.59 528.59 527.27 $797.50 $977.70 51,161.10 $1,338.10 S1,S23.60 $1,703.80 TOTAL $50,107.81 534,991.9J 113,328.88 $10,044.1 S 51,103.96 $2,709.00 $1,076.33 $14.163.20 $8,277.18 $10.391.40 S2,S57.36 $8,349.26 S 3,087.72 $11,426.13 54,785.00 $13.687.80 54,644.40 S 5,352.40 56,094.40 51,703.80 21 1 ea 12"MHDrop $1,320.00 $1,320.00 $259.00 S259.00 22 8,265 If 8" PVC (MR 21) FM $10.70 $88,435.50 $14.66 S 121,) 64.90 23 275 If 8" DI CL So FM $14.80 $4,070.00 S) 7.95 S4,936.2 S 24 2 ea V Dia. Air Release MH $1,570.00 $3,140.00 S524.00 $1,048.00 25 3,200 ms DI Fittings $3.00 $9,600.00 $1.48 $4,736.00 26 100 If IS- Steel Casing B&)u/Hwy $135.00 $13,500.00 S133.S0 S13,3S0.00 27 106 If 24- Steel Casing B&j»/Hwy. $150.00 S1S,900.00 $126.00 $13,3S6.00 28 100 If 8"aPipe CL50InCasing S25.00 $2,500.00 $7.95 $795.00 29 106 If 12"ClPipe CLsoinCasing $32.00 $3,392.00 $12.88 S1,36S.28 30 100 to Stone for Trench Stab. $20.00 $2,000.00 $15.00 $1,500.00 31 100 to Stone for Shoulder Stab. $19.00 $1,900.00 S 1 S.00 $1,500.00 32 90 If 1-1/2" Asphalt Pavement Cut S20.00 $1,800.00 $19.00 S 1,710.00 Repairs (S' Wide area) 33 90 If 8' Stone Base for Pavement S4.S0 $405.00 $8.50 $765.00 Cut Repairs (S' Wide Area) 34 10 cy Misc. Concrete SIS11.00 $1,500.04 S75.00 f750.00 35 50 If 1-1/2"Asphalt Drive Repair $18.00 $900.00' $22.00 $1,100.00 36 150 If 8"Stone Driveway Repairs $3.00 $450.00 $12.00 $1,800.00 37 LS LS Pump Stationw/elec. Controls $147,800.00 $147,000.00 S119,4)4.20 $119,414.20 at..", l- inn If..."... .. CERTIFIED TABULATION OF BIDS ANDERSON CREEK WASTEWATER FACILM HARNEIT COUNTY, N. C. CONTRACT NO. 1 WASTEWATER COLLECTION, PUMP ST Name a Address of Bidder. Addendum Acknowledged: Bid Security: ITEM MANE DESCRIPTION 1 2,932 if 8" PVC Gravity Sewer (0-6' Depth) 2 1,833 If 8' PVC Gravity Sewer (6.8' Depth 3 632 If 8" PVC Gravity Sewer (8.30' Depth 4 435 If 8" PVC Gravity Sewer (10-12' Depth 5 44 If 8" PVC Gravity Sewer (12-14' Depth 6 100 If 8" PVC Gravity Sewer (14-16' Depth) 7 37 If 8" PVC Gravity Sewer (16-18' Depth) 8 640 If 8"DI CL 3S0 Gravity Sewer 0.6 Depth 9 402 if 12" PVC Gravity Sewer 0-W Depth 10 460 If 12" PVC Gravity Sewer 6-V Depth 11 104 if 12" PVC Gravity Sewer 10-12' Depth 12 314 If 12' PVC Gravity Sewer 10.12' Depth 13 108 If 12' PVC Gravity Sewer 12-14" Depth 14 419 If 12' DI Gravity Sewer 0.6' Depth 15 6 ea 4' Dia MH 0.6" Depth 16 14 ea 4' Dia. MH 6-8' Depth 17 4 ea C Dla. MH 8-10' Depth 18 4 ea 4" Die. MH 10.12' Depth 19 - 4 ea 4'Dia. MH (12-IV Depth) 20 1 as V Dia. MH (14-IV Depth 21 1 ea 12' MH Drop 22 8,265 If 8" PVC (SDR 21) FM 23 275 If 8" DI CL So FM 24 2 ea V Dia. Air Release MH 2S 3,200 lbs DI Fittings 26 100 If IS- Steel Casing B8J u/Hwy 27 106 If 24" Steel Casing Bed u/Hwy. 28 100 if 8" CI Pipe CL 50 in Casing 29 106 If 12" CI Pipe CL So in Casing 30 100 tax Stone for Trench Stab. 31 100 to Stone for Shoulder Stab. 32 90 If 1.1/2" Asphalt Pavement Cut Repairs (S' Wlde area) 33 90 If 8". Stone Base for Pavement Cut Repairs (5' Wide Area) 34 10 cy Misc. Concrete 35 50 If 1-1/2" Asphalt Drive Repair 36 150 If 8" Stone Driveway Repairs 37 LS LS Pump Stationw/elec. Controls site work, 700 If new access rd, incL cone. & Install of SA 38 LS IS 850 new am= rd., SW, stone grassing, etc. 39 S00 tas Stone for rep. Of Woods rd. grading & blading I" thick 40 LS LS Stated Allowances 41 LS LS Erosion Control 42 1 Is Mobilization, Bond, Insurance (not to exceed 3% of total bid) TOTAL CONTRACT NO. 1 Temple Grading & Cont. P. 0. Box 1475 Lillingtom NC 27546 YES YES uwr PRICE TOTAL Odell Smith & Son, Inc. 400 Odell Road Spring Lake, NC 28390 YES YES UNIT PRICE TOTAL S21.S0 $63,038.00 S17.50 SS1,310.00 $23.00 S42,159.00 S19.S0 S35,743.S0 SUM S 1 S,484.00 $22.00 $13.904.00 S26.S0 S11,527.S0 $27.50 $11,962.S0 1Z9.00 $1,276.00 $30.50 S1,342.00 140.00 $4.000.00 SS0.00 S5,000.00 $90.00 $3,330.00 S53.00 $1,961.00 $28.00 $17,920.00 S40.00 $2S.600.O0 $26.00 $10,452.00 $27.7S $11.1S5.S0 $28.00 $12,880.00 S29.75 $13,685.00 $30.00 $3,120.00 $32.75 $3.406.00 S33.50 SI0,519.00 S47.00 $14,7S8.00 S•44.50 $4,806.00 SS8.00 S6,264.00 $3S.00 $14,66S.00 S42.00• $17,598.00 S1,400.00 $8,400.00 $1,110.00 S6,660.00 S1,S50.00 S21,700.00 S1,490.00 S20,860.00 $1,81)0.00 $7,200.00 S1,860.00 S7,440.00 S2,300.00 $9,200.00 S2,350.00 $9,400.00 S2,SSO.00 $10,200.00 S3,000.00 $12,000.00 $3,6oO.00 $3,600.00 S4,100.00 S4,100.00 S2,0110.00 $2,000.00 $1,450.00 $1.450.00 59.25 $76,4S1.25 SIMS S114,470.25 S24.00 $6,600.00 $22.00 S6,050.00 S2,200.00 $4,400.00 S2,100.00 $4,200.00 $3.50 $11,200.00 $3.00 S9,600.00 S1SO.Oo $15,000.00 S160.00 S16,000.00 5185.00 $19,610.00 $18S.00 $19,610.00 $20.00 S2,000.00 S5S.00 S5,500.00 $25.00 S216S0.00 $78.00 S8,268.00 $20.00 S2,000.00 S22.00 $2.200.00 $14.00 $1.400.00 $16.00 S1,600.00 $29.00 $2,610.00 S22.00 $1.980.00 $14.00 $1,260.00 $17.00 S1,530.00 $100.00 S 1,000.00 $96.00 S 960.00 $29.00 $1,450.00 S18.00 $900.00 $14.00 $2,100.00 $12.80 $1,920.00 $13S,000.00 S13S,000.00 $136,000.00 $136,000.00 S20,000.00 S20,000.00 S181S00.00 $18,500.00 $14.00 $7,000.00 $21.00 $10.500.00 $60,00.0.00 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $60,000.00 $80,000.00 $80,000.00 S40,250.00 $40,250.00 S21,792.2S $21,792.25 $19,000.00 S19,000.00 $751,000.00 $754,637.75 0 • Tabulated By: J. Poole Checked By. H. Marziano (sage 2 of 3 MARZIANO MINIER, PA • • • CERTIFIED TABULATION OF BIDS ANDERSON CREEK WASTEWATER FACILM HARNEIT COUNTY, N. C. CONTRACT NO. 1 WASTEWATER COLLECTION, PUMP Sr Name & Address of Bidder T.A. loving Company PO Baal 919 Goldsboro, NC 27533 Addetdums Acknowledged: YES Bid Security : YES ITEM QUANT. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE 1 2,932 If 8" PVC Gravity Sewer $23.00 (0-6' Depth) 2 1,833 If 8" PVC Gravity Sewer $27.00 (6-8' Depth) 3 632 if 8" PVC Gravity Sewer S30.00 (8-10' Depth) 4 435 if 8" PVC Gravity Sewer $36.00 (10-12' Depth) 5 44 if 8" PVC Gravity Sewer S44A0 (12-14' Depth) 6 100 If 8" PVC Gravity Sewer $58.00 (14-16' Depth) 7 37 If 8" PVC Gravity Sewer $70.00 (16.18' Depth) a 640 If 8-DI CL 350 Gravity Sewer $30.00 O-6' Depth 9 402 If 12" PVC Gravity Sewer $32.00 0-6- Depth 10 460 If 12" PVC Gravity Sewer $36.00 6-8' Depth 11 104 If 12" PVC Gravity Server $39.00 10-12-Depth 12 314 If 12" PVC Gravity Sewer $45.00 10.12' Depth 13 108 If 12- PVC Gravity Sewer $53.00 12-14' Depth 14 419 If 12- DI Gravity Sewer $40.00 0-6' Depth 15 6 ea 4' Dia MH 04i Depth $1,500.00 16 14 ea 4' D(a. MH 6-V Depth $2,000.00 17 4 ea V Dia. MH 8-10' Depth $2,500.00 18 4 ea 4" Dia. MH 10.12' Depth $3.000.00 19 4 ea. 4' Dla. MH (12-14' Depth) $3,500.00 20 1 ea 4' Din MH (14-16' Depth) $4,000.00 21 1 ea 12" MH Drop $1,000.00 22 8,265 If 8' PVC (SDR 21) FM $10.00 23 275 If B' DI CL 50 FM $18.00 24 2 ea 4' Din Air Release MH $2,000.00 25 3,200 lbs DI Fittings $2.50 26 100 If 18' Steel Casing B&j u/Hwy $110.00 27 106 If 24" Steel Casing B8,) u/Hwy. $145.00 28 100 If 8" Cl Pipe CL SO in Casing $18.00 29 ) 06 If 12" Q Pipe CL SO in Casing $22.00 30 100 teas Stone for Trench Stab. $18,00 31 100 tns Stone for Shoulder Stab. $15.00 32 90 If 1-1/2" Asphalt Pavement Cut S20.00 Repairs (S' Wide area 33 90 If 8" Stone Base for Pavement $10.00 Cut Repairs (5' Wide Area 34 10 cy Misr Concrete S150.00 35 SO If 1-1/2"Asphalt Drive Repair 520.00 36 ISO If 8" Stone Driveway Repairs 510.00 37 LS LS Pump Statlonw/elec. Controls $190,000.00 f site work, 700 If new access rd. Incl. conn. & install of SA 38 LS IS 850 new access rd., SW, stone $25,000.00 greasing, etc 39 500 tns Stone for rep. Of Woods rd. $20.00 grading &blading 1" thick 40 LS LS Stated Allowances $60,000.00 41 LS LS Erosion Control $20.000.00 42 1 Is Mobilization, Bond, $23,925.00 Insurance (not to exceed 3% of total bid) TOTAL CONTRACT NO.1 f Tabulated By: J. Poole Checked By: H. Marziano Pamaw , TOTAL $67,436.00 $49,491.00 S 18,960.00 S 1 S,660.00 $1,936.00 SS,800.00 f2,S90.00 $19,200.00 $12.864.00 $16,560.00 S4,OS6.00 $14,130.00 SS,724.00 $16,760.00 $9,000.00 $28,000.00 $10,000.00 $12,000.00 $14.000.00 $4,000.00 $1,000.00 $82,650.00 $4,950.00 $4,000.00 $8,000.00 $11,000.00 S1 S,370.00 $1,800.00 S;,332.00 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE $1 soo.00 TABULATION OF BIDS RECEIVED FOR $1,S00.00 + ANDERSON CREEK WASTEWATER $1,800.00 FACILITIES FOR THE COUNTY OF HARNETT ON MAY 18, 2000. $900.00 v S1,500.08 S1,SO0.00 Hiram J. Marti o, P. 190,000.00 $2S,000.00 SIO'OOO.00 ti ;.aoEss,O�., 2y S60,000.00 = 4 SEAL9� S20,000.00 $23,925.00 �y 7707 J 798,194.00 s as- w MARZIANCI MINER, PA 27Z Attachment 10. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF HARNETT AN AMENDMENT TO THE TEXT OF THE HARNETT COUNTY ZONING MULTI -SECTION MANUFACTURED HOMES BUILT TO THE H.U.D. COI IN THE RA-30 ZONING DISTRICT PROVIDED SPECIFIED APPEARANCE WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners for Harnett County adopted a zoning c wide jurisdiction and zoning maps having jurisdiction for the area north of the C. 1988; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners for H:amett County adopted zoning me the area south of the Cape Fear River on April 3, 1989; and WHEREAS, a lawsuit was Sled challenging the validity of the zoning ordinance area south of the Cape Fear River; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Court of Appeals ruled on May 19, 1992 that the heretofore adopted by the County is invalid as it applies to the area south of the C WHEREAS, on September 7, 1999 the Board of Commissioners for Hamett Cow the county's Land Use Plan which recommended zoning for the unzoned section WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners for Harnett County directed the Count develop proposed zoning maps for each township south of the Cape Fear River ar meetings within each township to review the proposed zoning maps and receive ;1 the Fall of 1999; and WHEREAS, the public meeting various numerous speakers expressed support fo multi -section manufactured homes on large lots provided certain appearance crite homes were at a density low enough to not resemble a typical manufactured home conditional use permit from the Board of Adjustment; and WHEREAS, in response to public concern and comments concerning this issue th Commissioners instructed the County Manager, Planning Department staff and PI this issue and develop recommendations for them to consider, and WHEREAS, the Planning Board discussed this issue at their regular meeting on b hearing the staff recommendations concerning the seven (7) standards designed to aesthetics but not construction and safety issues for multi -section manufactured he WHEREAS, following discussion and deliberation the Planning Board voted 6-11 appearance standards listed below forward with at favorable recommendation. 1. The structure must be a multi -section unit built to the H.U.D. code for ma 2. When located on the site, the longest axis of the unit must be parallel to t 3. The structure must have a pitched roof which is covered with shingles. 4. The structure must have masonry underpinning that is continuous, perms except for ventilation and access. 5. The exterior siding must be horizontal laip siding consisting predominant] wood or hardboard. 6. The minimum lot size must be one (1) acre excluding any street right -of frontage must be 150 feet as measured at the right-of-way line or along au applies. 7.. The tongue or towing device must be removed. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners have duly considered this proposal and have met all statutory requirements regulating zoning ordinance text amendments; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED that the Harnett County Board of Commissioners do hereby amend Section 5.0 Residential Agricultural District — RA-30, Subsection 5.1 Permitted Uses by adding the following as Item L.: Multi -Section Manufactured Homes meeting the following appearance standards: 1. The structure must be a multi -section unit built to the H.U.D. code for manufactured homes. 2. When located on the site, the longest axis of the unit must be parallel to the lot frontage. 3. The structure must have a pitched roof which is covered with shingles. 4. The structure must have masonry underpinning that is continuous, permanent and unpierced except for ventilation and access. S. The exterior siding must be horizontal lap siding consisting predominantly of vinyl, aluminum, wood or hardboard. 6. The minimum lot size must be one (1) acre excluding any street right-of-way and the minimum lot frontage must be 150 feet as measured W: the right-of-way line or along an easement whichever applies. 7. The tongue or towing device must be removed. Duly adopted this M day of June, 2000 and effective upon adoption. ATTEST: AMeAAAd Kay S chard, Clerk WI Dwight Snow County Attorney /0" &Q_ Dan B. Andrews, Jr. Chairman, Harnett County Board of Commissioners A 973 • HWETT COUNTY NC Attachment 11. Book 1421 Pages 0214-0217 PILED 4 PAGE(S) 06/05/2000 1:05 PN EIMEERLY S. HARGROVE Register Of Deeds AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF HARNETT COUNTY WHICH ADOPTS OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS ADDING CERTAIN TOWNSHIPS TO THE TERRITORIAL COVERAGE OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AS ADOPTED BY THE HARNETT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ON JUNE 5, 2000 AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF HARNETT COUNTY WHICH ADOPTS OFFICIAL ZONING MAPS ADDING CERTAIN TOWNSHIPS TO THE TERRITORIAL COVERAGE OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE THAT WHEREAS, on July 18, 1988, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners . adopted the Hamett County Zoning Ordinance which currently covers all unincorporated and non municipal extra territorial jurisdiction land areas located north of the Cape Fear River in Harnett County, N.C.; that on September 7, 1999, after a public hearing, said County Commissioners adopted a 1999 Update to the Hamett County Land Use Plan; that a conclusion and goal of said comprehensive land use plan was the establishment of land zoning in all areas of Hamett County including those current unzoned County townships located south of the Cape Fear River; and WHEREAS, on September 7, 1999, and February 21, 2000, the County Commissioners adopted a Development Moratorium Ordinance for those unzoned areas of the County; during this moratorium period the County Commissioners, County Planning Board and County Planning Department staff had an opportunity to gather information and to obtain public input regarding various zoning options in the unzoned areas of the County; and • WHEREAS, since the initial adoption of the Moratorium Ordinance on September 7, 1999, the Board of Commissioners has participated in public meetings in each of the six townships in Harnett County that are either totally unzoned or have unzoned areas in order to receive public input concerning proposed zoning. In addition, the Board received numerous petitions, letters and communications from citizens regarding zoning; that the County Planning Department has researched and mapped current land uses in the unzoned portions of Harnett County in conjunction with the findings of the 1999 Update to the Harnett County Land Use Plan, and as a result thereof various drafts of proposed zoning maps were prepared and issued for public inspection and review. On February 17, 2000, after proper legal notice publication, a public hearing on proposed zoning was held at the Western Harnett Middle School auditorium which was attended by approximately 450 citizens where 38 individuals spoke and asked questions on the record; that all individuals attending said hearing had a fair opportunity to present their respective views concerning zoning and the proposed zoning maps; and WHEREAS, as a result of the public input and other research and data compiled by the County Planning Department staff, the County Planning Board discussed the zoning issues and maps at its regular meeting on March 7, 2000, and adopted a recommendation to the County Commissioners which would a)initially establish zoning for all townships located south of the Cape Fear River and b) adopt as Official Zoning Maps the second draft maps for Upper Little River, Barbecue, Anderson Creek, Johnsonville and Lillington townships and the first draft map for Stewart's Creek Township; and. WHEREAS, in consideration of the County Planning Board's recommendation, the 1999 Update to the Harnett County Land Use Plan, land planning research and information compiled by the County Planning Department staff and the Institute of Government, those purposes in • view set forth in N.C. Gen. Stat. §153A-341, and public iat received through various communications including open meetings and public hearings and pursuant to that zoning grant of power issued to the Counties in N.C. Gen. Stat. § 153A-340 et. seq., the Harnett County Board of Commissioners have determined that zoning should be established for all land areas (except incorporated municipalities or their extra territorial jurisdictions) located in Hamett County south of the Cape Fear River with the exception of land located in Stewart's Creek Township with zoning districts as shown on certain township Official Zoning Maps as hereinafter described, and the Commissioners intend through this Ordinance Amendment to do so. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners as follows: 11 That the Zoning Ordinance of Harnett County is hereby amended to add the following townships located south of the Cape Fear River to the territorial and jurisdictional coverage of the 1988 Harnett County Ordinance and all amendments thereto: Upper Little River, Barbecue, Anderson Creek, Johnsonville and Lillington townships. 27+ 2) That the applicable zoning district classifications to apply to said initially zoned townships are shown on the following described maps which are hereby adopted as Official Zoning Maps: a) Official Zoning Map for Upper Little River Township dated June 5, 2000 b) Official Zoning Map for Barbecue Township dated June 5, 2000 c) Official Zoning Map for Anderson Creek Township dated June 5, 2000 d) Official Zoning Map for Johnsonville Township dated June 5, 2000 e) Official Zoning Map for Lillington Township dated June 5, 2000 3) That this Amendment to Ordinance shall be effective on June 5, 2000, at 8:30 am. adopted by the unanimous vote of the Harnett County Board of Fegplar meeting on June 5, 2000. :. t 't1�: d0RT11 CA Kay ]Mancli ,-c jei�"k NORTH CAROLINA HARNETT COUNTY TTCOUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS B. Andrews, Chairman I, a Notary Public of the County and State aforesaid, certify that Dan B. Andrews personally came before me this day who being by me duly sworn, deposes and says: that he is the Chairman of the Harnett County Board of Commissioners and Kay Blanchard is the Clerk of said Board, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the official seal of Harnett County, that said instrument was signed by him, attested by said Clerk and the County's seal affixed thereto, all by authority of the Board of Commissioners of said County, and the said Dan G. Andrews acknowledged said instrument to the act and deed of Harnett County. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this day of June, 2000. Notary blic���4a��' My Commissioner Expires: *B coo - 'OUBOr' Noah Carefire . MwM# ft#*67 / / 4 a h e j-% f , C v Th, , e fo+ 09 oarx ! :t-- Notary Pub (Notaries pubMG) fe_ i ted to be oorrea ThtelnstrumeM "a present to ega-iatration and in this o at [3f page day of / This J d n 0 z0 l O Re er of Deeds-.. et. V;4g4e7 • C� 875 Attachment 12. RESOLUTION OF THE HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners endorses and has agreed to sponsor the application of Averasboro Battlefield Commission, Incorporated ("ABCI") for TEA-21 Transportation Enhancement Funds to enhance and improve the Averasboro Civil War Battlefield; and • WHEREAS the Averasboro battlefield straddles the Cumberland and Harnett County line and is a significant remaining Civil War battlefield in need of preservation; and WHEREAS, ABCI has prepared and will submit to the North Carolina Department of Transportation ("NCDOT") a detailed application for TEA-21 funding setting forth the enhancements and improvements proposed for the Averasboro battlefield; and WHEREAS, such enhancements and improvements will preserve a significant element of the County's history and heritage, make the Averasboro battlefield more accessible to citizens, educate visitors about an important and interesting element of our community's history and heritage, and promote tourism in our region; and WHEREAS, such enhancements and improvements will be consistent with, and further, plans for an historic transportation byway in our community; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Harnett County Board of Commissioners that it approves the proposed Memorandum between the County and ABCI as presented to the Board at its June 5, 2000 meeting, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Board approves sponsoring ABCI's TEA-21 application to NCDOT for TEA 21 funding to provide enhancements and improvements to the Averasboro Civil War battlefield, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Board authorizes the County Manager and any other appropriate County • officers to sign on behalf of the County such application for TEA-21 funding and any other documents necessary or desirable to implement the contemplated project or to effectuate the intent of this resolution. • This the 51 day of June, 2000. DAN B. ANDREWS Chairman, Board of Commissioners ATTEST: KA .BLANCHARD Clerk to the Board Attachment 13. INTRA-DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET AMENDMENTS FOR THE PERIOD MAY 6, 2000 - MAY 26, 2000 May 10, 2000 320 Cooperative Extension 110-7300-465.41-11 Telephone & Postage ($136) 110-7300-465.43-16 Maintenance & Repair $136 May 15, 2000 323 Governing Body 110-4100-410.31-55 Special Appropriations ($400) 110-4100-410.41-11 Utilities $400 May 16, 2000 327 EMS 110-5400-420.60-46 Medical Supplies & Drugs ($300) 110-5400-420.58-01 Training & Meetings $300 May 16, 2000 328 Human Resources Welfare to Work 110-7402-465.11-00 Salaries & Wages ($3,500) 110-7402-465.12-00 Salaries & Wage Part-time $4,620 110-7402-465.21-00 Group Insurance ($600) 110-7402.465.22-00 FICA Expense $175 110-7402-465.23-00 Retirement Expense ($245) 110-7402-465.26-08 Worker's Comp. $100 110-7402-465.32-72 Support Services $1,000 110-7402-465.33-45 Contracted Services $1,000 110-7402-465.41-11 Telephone & Postage ($1,000) 110-7402-465.41-13 Utilities $150 110-7402-465.43-16 Maintenance & Repair - Equipment ($500) 110-7402-465.58-14 ITravel ($1,000) 1 i0-7'402-465.60-57 IMiscellaneous Expense ($200) May 17, 2000 336 Human Resources - Animal Control 110-7401-420.21-00 Group Insurance ($1,000) 110-7401-420.41-11 Telephone & Postage ($1,200) 110-7401-420.41-13 Utilities $500 110-7401-420.60-46 Medical Supplies & Drugs $1,000 110-7401-420.60-47 Food & Provisions $600 110-7401-420.60-53 Dues & Subscriptions $100 May 17, 2000 337 Human Resources - WIA 110-7404-465.41-11 Telephone & Postage ($2,000) 110-7404465.3345 Contracted Services $2,000 May 19, 2000 339 MIS 1104900-410.3345 Contracted Services ($750) 1104900-410.30-04 Professional Services ($1,500) 1104900-410.60-32 Computer Services $1,500 1104900-410.60-33 Materials & Supplies $750 May 19, 2000 342 Public Utilities 531-9000-431.41-13 531-9000-431.3345 Utilities Contracted Services $90,000 ($59,000) 531-9000431.21-00 Group Insurance Expense ($8,000) 531-9000-431.23-01 Supplemental Retirement ($5,000) 531-9000-431.43-20 Maintenance & Repair - Spray field ($3,500) 531-9000-431.60-52 Safety Equipment ($4,500) 531-9000.431.30-23 Capital Reserve ($10,000) May 25, 2000 348 Planning 110-7200.465.33-45 110-7200.465.60-33 Contracted Services Materials & Supplies ($500) $500 May 26, 2000 351 Wellon 542-9101- 431.45-01 542-9101-431.45-33 Construction - Contract 1 Materials & Supplies ($200,000) $18,000 542-9101- 431.45-61 Meters $2,000 May 26, 2000 355 Cooperative Extension - CCR&R 110-7301-465.74-74 110-7301.465.58-01 Capital Outlay Training & Meetings ($1,995) ($1,146) 110-7301-465.30-04 Professional Services ($1,100) 110-7301465.60-33 Materials & Supplies $4,494 110-7301-465.60-53 Dues & Subscriptions ($253) May 26, 2000 356 Veterans 110-7800-441.58-14 110-7800-441.60-33 Travel Materials & Supplies $300 ($300) • •