2010/11/01 RESOLUTION ADOPTION & ESTABLISHING AMENDMENT TO THE SECT 8 HOUSING CHOICE VOUCHER ADM PLAN FOR THE HARNETT CTY HOUSING AUTHORITYr �Janford. Housing Authority RESOLUTION 11 -2010 RESOLUTION ADOPTION AND ESTABLISHING ADMENDMENT TO THE SECTION 8 HOUSING CHOICE VOUCHER ADMINISTRATIVE PLAN FOR THE HARNETT COUNTY HOUSING AUTHORITY 1000 CeB7HA GC sTRIW R 0, Bo= 636 SANFORD. NC 87331 919 776.7655 FAX: 919 7767657 WHERAS, the Harnett County Housing Authority, through Annual Contribution Contract NCO35 Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program. WHEREAS, the Authority has adopted regulations and policies to manage this and any other projects it might own or operate; WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Authority to change and update policies and procedures to meet the guidelines of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development to include all new HUD Guidelines. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF OF THE AUTHOIRTY THAT: The Harnett County Housing Authority Hereby adopts the regulation and policy changes outlined and others pertaining to these policies as they may arise. Said Amendment will address HUD Funding short falls by cutting assistants to the highest HAP contracts as needed. The above resolution was introduced by Chairman Tim McNeill read in full and considered: Commissioner Jim Burgin moved the forgoing Resolution be adopted as introduced and read, which motion was seconded by Vice Chairman Hill and upon call the "Ayes" and "Nays" were as follows: "YES NAYES Al None Regular Meeting, November 1, 2010 71 1mothy B. cN ill, Chairman BUHAJ7YG STRONGER FAMILIES THROUGH COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS