11041997 -~ -----.._--~ ---. ~.--~,...---. ----. ~- --~ ---- 822 MINUTES HARNElT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS November 4, 1997 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in a special called meeting with the . Harnett County Airport Committee, beginning at 4 p.m. in the Harnett County Administration Building Assembly Room, on November 4, 1997. Harnett County Board ofCornmissioner members in attendance were: (5) Chairman Dan Andrews, Vice Chair Beatrice B. Hill, Joe Bowden, Teddy Byrd, and Walt Titchener, Airport Committee members in attendance were: (6) Ron Craven, David Cooper, Cecil Edgerton, Earl Jones, Walt Titchener, and Tony Wilder. Airport members unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts were: (3) Chairman Boyd Byrd, Danny Honeycutt, and John Shaw. Others in attendance were: Clerk to the Board of Commissioners Kay S. Blanchard, Airport Manager Stanley Bass, Randy Dickens, Planning Director George Jackson, Economic Developer Jerry Hartgrove, and W. Stephen Bright, PE, of Talbert & Bright, Inc. Harnett County Board of Commissioners Chairman Dan Andrews opened the meeting and asked Assistant County Manager Tony Wilder to introduce guest speaker W. Stephen Bright. Mr. Wilder noted the purpose of the meeting was to give an overview of the Harnett County Airport for members and to talk about the airport's future plans. Me. Wilder also presented a letter from NCDOT - Division of Aviation, Interim Director Bruce Matthews providing an update on the slurry problem at the Harnett County Airport. Mr. Bright gave a brief history of the airport, and noted its current facilities. Mr. . Bright stated the current runway is 3,700' x 75'. According to today's standards for federal and state funding, airports are not built with less than a 5,000' x 100' runway. This is to allow access, by air, for corporate aircraft thereby creating a favorable environment for economic development. The military's role in expanding the airport was also discussed. Mr. Bright stated that one of the purposes of the meeting was to discuss the importance ofland acquisition in relation to the airport's future plans for expansion. All Commissioners, along with the Airport Committee, agreed that the County should proceed with acquisition. They instructed Mr. Wilder to request County Attorney Dwight Snow conduct title searches on the adjoining property. Once title is determined, Mr. Wilder and Mr. Edgerton will discuss acquisition with the land owners. Mr. Wilder presented the hangar proposal from CD Ent~1 pi ~ses, Inc. Representing the company was Randy Dickens, Mr. Wilder presented the estimated cost and revenue projections for the ten (10) unit hangar. Due to the uncertainty of state funds in the near future for reimbursement for the county, Mr. Wilder will discuss the county's up-front funds with County Manager Neil Emory, and Finance Director Vanessa Young, and report to the Board at its next meeting. With no further business, Commissioner Hill motioned that the meeting be adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Commissioner Titchener seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The . Airport Committee adjourned also. file: air1197b f)~ 11~~ Dan B. Andrews, Chairman ~ J. ~~d Kay S. Blanchard, Clerk to the Board ~~~~~-----'.~~-_.~-~---_._-- ._~~ -"-_. -.-.-