10091992 I SPECIAL MEETING CALLED TO CONSIDER RESOLUTION RE: COUNTY'S PURCHASE OF NORTHEAST !,IETRO SYSTEM EXECUTIVE SESSION MOTION TO NEGOTIATE WITH J. LEE PEELER & CO. FOR BETTER FEE FOR SERVICES ADJOURNHENT 787 HARNETT COUNTY BOARD OF Cm~lISSIONERS SPECIAL MEETING, OCTOBER 9, 1992 The Harnett County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Friday, October 9, 1992, in the Library Conference Room, Harnett County Library, 611 Main Street, Lillington, North Carolina, with the following members present: Beatrice Bailey Hill, Walt Titchener, Bill Shaw, Mack Reid Hudson, and Chairman Lloyd G. Stewart presiding. Others present were Dallas H. Pope, County Manager; Vanessa W. Young, Finance Officer and Clerk to the Board; and Kay S. Blanchard, Recording Secretary. Chairman Stewart called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. and Commissioner Walt Titchener offered the invocation. Dallas H. Pope, County Manager, briefed the group that the purpose of the special meeting was to consider a proposed resolution authorizing the execution of documents associated with the County's purchase of the Northeast Metro System. John M. Phelps, II, Public Utilities Attorney, briefed the Board on a summary of recommendations made and actions taken by the Northeast Metro Water District Board of Directors at their meeting on October 5, 1992. After discussion, Commissioner Hudson moved that the Board go into executive session. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous vote. Commissioner Hill moved that the Board come out of executive session. Commissioner Titchener seconded the motion and it passed with a unanimous vote. Commissioner Hudson made a motion that the County Manager, County Public Utilities Attorney, and the County Finance Officer negotiate with J. Lee Peeler and Company, Inc. for consideration of a better fee for proposed services. There being no further business, the Harnett County Board of Commissioners special meeting, October 9, 1992, duly adjourned at 11:30 a.m. ~' ~. LffaMf~aAd Ka S. Blanchard, Secretary